The locket

Time's Melody


[Nara’s POV]

2 February 2012?

The date seemed like a fresh imprint, a warning of whatever was happening.

But it can’t be happening…


The pencil slipped from my hands as I gaped soundlessly at his words. I saw or rather felt Seunghyun jump a little when the pencil hit the ground, sending off another sound reverberating in the silent classroom. I immediately dug through my bag and pulled out one of the worksheets that I had done in school before…

On it, it clearly stated ’31 January 2000’.

I stared at the paper for a very long time before I felt something slipping out of my pocket. Natural reaction, of course was to grab it. My fingers closed around a cold, thin metal chain and when I pulled it up I saw the smooth, glassy surface of a pocket watch.

Or whatever it’s called in this year.

I stared at it for a moment, then I realized something.

Why were the clock hands moving backward?

For one moment, I glanced at it. Then, the pocket watch was abruptly pulled off my hands.

“What are you looking at?” Seunghyun taunted the students sitting around him, eyes wide. A few guys immediately turned back but the girls just continued gaping at him.

“B-but that thing was floating in mid-air!” One girl claimed, her face full of disbelief. Seunghyun stared at her for a full three seconds, and I thought he was going to punch her when a smile suddenly plastered itself onto his face.

“I guess I’m just good at magic,” he smirked. Suddenly I felt something cold being into my hands again and I really didn’t know why I did it but I raised that stupid thing.

The girl looked like she was going to faint.

And teachers, who were born blissfully unaware of situations of classes happening behind their backs, continued with the weird lesson.

Seunghyun slowly turned around in his chair to face me and gave me a ‘they’re all idiots look’.

The teacher subsequently finished her nagging and getting some audible response from the class, finally left the class.

Seunghyun stared at me with a weird expression on his face.

He reached out one long finger.

And poked me.

“Yah, what!” I glared at him. “I don’t know why I’m here and why you’re the only one that can see me, alright! I’ll rather be gone—”

Why the hell did he keep staring at me with those irritating puppy eyes?

“Just checking if you were real,” he mumbled. Then, with one final, long sigh, he stood up and walked off.

“Yah, where are you going?” In my haste to not let the only other person that can see me get out of my sights, I pulled out the chair way too fast and managed to trip on Seunghyun’s chair.

How odd it must look, two chairs falling over each other.

My thoughts were double confirmed when another girl screamed and pointed at the fallen chairs.


[Seunghyun’s POV]

And I thought I was dreaming...

I mean, you suddenly get this pretty girl that turns up from nowhere and you’re the only one that can see her.

I mean, you know?

You don’t know?

Forget it.


Oh .

“Zelo at your service!” the most annoying 15 year old boy anyone can find in South Korea liked to annoy me the most. And yes, only me.

“Choi Junhong, get out of my way.” I muttered irritably at him.

Trust me, he may be cute but he’s really annoying. Like really.

“Is this what you say to most of your dongsaengs?” Junhong half-whined. “I need to know something…”

I gave a low sigh, closed my eyes and faced The-Most-Irritating-15-year-old-ever-in-South-Korea. “My sister doesn’t like you, okay! So get lost!”

“Hyungggggggg!” Choi Junhong put on his saddest puppy face and latched onto me. “Hyung, just listen to me, okay!”

“Get lost. Choi Junhong. Seriously.” I tried to push the boy off me but boy, he’s strong.

“Hyung, I know it’s difficult to accept me but please!”

“It’s not my problem! It’s yours! Let go of me, people are watching!”

And then out of the corner of my eye I saw the Kwon Nara girl staring at this awesome show. With one final shove I pulled Junhong off me and he fell pitifully onto the ground.


I ignored him. It’s best to.

“There’s no need to be so harsh on the boy,” Kwon Nara teased, a sense of amusement in her voice when I passed by her.

I ignored her.

“You know, gay guys are perfectly fine, that Junhong guy’s pretty cute —”

“Look,” I suddenly spun around, glaring at her. “I. Am. Not. Gay.”

Nara burst out laughing.

“And Junhong is not gay either, alright! I do not talk to gay people.”

She continued laughing, her hair falling all over her face.

“It’s not funny!” I complained, and twisted the doorknob handle so hard that I almost twisted my own hand.

She stared back at me, the amusement in her face still there like a living ghost.

“Stop following me, like seriously.” I muttered, a little annoyed. Okay. She may be pretty and I may be the only one that can see her, but please, I need my privacy sometimes.

“No.” The Kwon Nara replied stubbornly. “Where are you going anyway?”

Should I tell her?

It wouldn’t hurt, anyway.

“Piano lessons,” I replied simply.

A/N: This was so rushed that it was so freaking bad and the story is so freaking lousy omgosh I feel so bad afrhxgd poopie unnie sorreh but I gotta go now so much that I don't even have time to write a proper author's note -TAKES DEEP BREATH- anyways enjoy! xD

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Chapter 6: :O
Oooh congrats~ <3
Iminthezone #3
16D-Puppy #4
Chapter 1: Oh GOD Song Seunghyun here ~ Nice story.. I keep thinking what'll be going at the next chap~ ^^
D3stinyx #5
Chapter 6: Thank lord for a sequel.
It was tragic, but I still have a lot of questions and it has not exactly ended, so I will spare your life for now. >8D

... On the train. Can't type properly. I will read the sequel~
D3stinyx #6
Chapter 1: I screamed at Jaejin's name.
If only Jaejin was in my class. /swoons
D3stinyx #7
Because you have always been reading MY ugly works, I decided I should read more of yours, too.


Like, seriously, why are you wasting time on my works?

I bet I'd love your works more. ;D

OHOH, the story poster is really nice. ;_____;
Chapter 1: Nice story! But I feel sad. I just think that it would be more beautiful if it is longer. Maybe 10 chapters? LOL. I can't get enough. >__< It's just that, I was ____ with your story. Too bad that i has to stop. And Seunghyunnnnnnnn~~ Aw! That hurts! :(
beautiful... awesome! haha.. i like sad and tragic love stories. they really give impact... but then, i also feel sad. haha^^