Work Pressure

Fluffy Life
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Joohyun had enough. She had enough of working that much, of going home late, of taking care of her co-workers’ poor done work, of the never-ending business meetings. She needed something new. She had been working there for the past three years. She wanted to quit. But as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t. Even though she and Seulgi had saved up some money, even with Seulgi’s job, they wouldn’t last long.

Today again, she was home late after a long meeting with their French collaborators. They were so stubborn, they had drained all her energy and her strength. When she got back, Seulgi was already sleeping. It was the third time this week, and it was Thursday.

Joohyun changed her clothes, making herself comfortable. She slipped under the sheets next to her girlfriend. She didn’t want to wake the bear up, but she couldn’t help it and hugged her gently.

“Hyun?” Seulgi mumbled, lazily turning around. “Welcome home.”

“I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“It’s okay. I’m glad you did.” The younger woman gave a light kiss on Joohyun’s lips. She put herself on her back and pulled the raven closer to her body. Joohyun buried her face on the crook of Seulgi’s neck, an arm wrapping her waist. “What time is it?”

“Almost midnight.”

 “I’m getting old.” Seulgi chuckled. “I had a hard day. Not as hard as yours, but it tired me.”

“Let’s sleep then.” Joohyun put her lips against her girl’s cheek, and they quickly dozed off after.


Even If Joohyun started working early, Seulgi always woke up at the same time. They had breakfast together, it wasn’t that long, but it made them happy. Sometimes, Seulgi wasn’t able to wake up, so Joohyun let her sleep more. It happened she felt guilty to make her bear woke up at such a time. But Seulgi always told her she wanted it too.

Today was a day when Seulgi couldn’t wake up. Joohyun remembered her telling she had had a harsh day. She kissed her girlfriend’s forehead and went to prepare breakfast.


When Seulgi finally opened her eyes, Joohyun was gone. She hated when she felt the empty place next to her. Mainly because she knew that if she were a bit less lazy, she would have seen Joohyun before the raven left their home. Seulgi ate her breakfast and went to her workplace. She took care to send a quick text to her girlfriend, wishing her a good day. She knew Joohyun was already busy at this hour, so she didn’t expect an immediate answer. But Seulgi didn’t get anything the whole day. Joohyun hadn’t texted her for lunch.


The end of the day came quickly. And still no news from Joohyun. Seulgi went home, she would be lying if she said she wasn’t upset. She knew it was not Joohyun’s fault, but she missed her so much these days. The raven’s work was insane.

The door was opened slowly. Seulgi stood up to greet her girlfriend. But she remained frozen a few meters away from Joohyun. The latter looked not sad but drained. Exhausted. Joohyun’s eyes were almost lifeless.

“Hyun…?” The raven opened the answer, but nothing went out. “What’s wrong? Hyun? Talk to me.”

Joohyun let herself sink into Seulgi’s arms. She wanted to hold the tears, but it was too much. She had to let it go. She felt her lips trembling, and she finally sobbed in Seulgi’s shoulders while the blonde her back.

Joohyun broke down in front of Seulgi because her body couldn't handle the tiredness that she experienced in her job. Her body felt numb, her limbs were sore. She was frustrated. She was about to burnout. She was destructed and sleep-deprived because of the work she had. She didn’t tell Seulgi about insomnia she was having lately.

“Hyun, I’m worried.” Seulgi spoke, still hugging her girlfriend.

The bear waited for the raven to calm down and to talk. They stayed standing in the middle of the living room in each other’s arms. When Joohyun pulled away, she immediately felt the blonde’s hands cupping her face to chase the tears.

“I can’t do it anymore. I’m tired, Seulgi. This job is killing me.” Joohyun admitted, sniffing lightly.

“I understand. It’s okay. We will find a way.” Seulgi kissed her girlfriend’s forehead. “I’ll call your boss. You need to rest.” She spoke, taking Joohyun’s phone. “Have you eaten?”

“Yeah. I had a dinner business.”  

“Let’s get you to bed.” Joohyun nodded, and Seulgi dragged her in the bedroom.

The tattoo artist helped her girlfriend to change into her pyjamas. Joohyun immediately dozed off when she laid down. It was around twenty past ten. Seulgi took her girl’s phone and decided to call her boss. It rang a few times.

‘Miss Bae? Why are you calling me?’

“It’s Kang Seulgi, her girlfriend.” Mister Ahn paused a few seconds.

‘Miss Kang, it’s been a while. What can I do for you?’ He politely asked.

“Joohyun is not feeling well. She won’t be able to come tomorrow.” Seulgi answered, determined to let Joohyun rest for the entire weekend.

‘I’m sorry, Miss Kang, but I’m not Miss Bae’s boss anymore. I retired a few weeks ago.’

Seulgi went silent. Had she forgotten? Did Joohyun tell her? She gaped and shook her head to focus on the phone talk.

“I’m really sorry, Mister Ahn. I didn’t know. I’m sorry for bothering you. Good night.”

And she hanged up after he bid his goodbyes. Seulgi needed to find the new boss’ name, but she had no idea about it. Joohyun’s phone was full of work contacts. She scrolled down, again and again. A bunch of light footsteps stopped the younger woman.

“Hyun?” Seulgi stood up from the couch. “You should be sleeping.”

“I can’t.” Joohyun walked to Seulgi and made her sat down before sitting on her laps.

She passed her arms around the bear neck, burying her face in the crook. Seulgi held her tightly, a hand supporting her back and the other with the phone.

“What’s your boss’ name?” She asked, and Joohyun mumbled in a sleepy tone.


The blonde girl looked for that Choi. She found it. Mr Choi (Boss). She pressed the calling button. The man answered almost immediately.

‘I hope you have an excellent reason to call me at such an hour, Miss Bae.’ He snapped with a cold voice.

Seulgi’s brain froze for some seconds. That was Joohyun’s current boss. He was far from being friendly like Mister Ahn.

“I’m Joohyun’s girlfriend, Kang Seulgi. I’m calling to let you know she is sick. She will not be able to attend work tomorrow.” She blurted it straight as if she was scared of hearing the man’s voice more.

‘What am I paying her for?’ He grumbled and it was enough for Seulgi to hear.

She clenched her teeth. She wasn’t going to make a scene right now with her sleeping girlfriend in her arms.

“Have a nice evening, Mister Choi.” She hung up without waiting for him to say anything.

She sighed and put the phone down, carefully not to wake Joohyun up. Seulgi knew that Joohyun’s work tired her, but it went only worse with her new boss.

“Why didn’t you tell me, hm?” Seulgi whispered to the sleeping woman putting one of Joohyun’s lock behind her hair. “I don’t like to see you in that state. It hurts me, it makes me so worried, Hyun.” She felt the grip around her neck tightened. “I’m not going anywhere, Hyun.” She chuckled.

Seulgi stood up, still holding Joohyun. She carried her in a bride style towards their bed. Seulgi had a hard time putting Joohyun back to bed. The raven was asleep but so clingy. She didn’t want to let her bear go. Seulgi gave up and just laid down, still fully clothed, her girlfriend’s arms and one of her legs around her body. Seulgi smiled. She wanted this never to stop.


When the morning came, Seulgi was dealing in her mind. How important the decision was. Should she get up and make Joohyun’s breakfast? Knowing that her cooking skill wasn’t as good as the raven but still. Or should she stay with Joohyun until the latter wake up?

Seulgi decided. She was going to make breakfast. She started moving her arms to get out of Joohyun’s grip.

“Don’t even think you will go away like this.” Joohyun mumbled with a husky voice.

Seulgi pouted and let go of the raven’s hand. Joohyun cuddled even closer, kissing her girl’s cheeks in the process.

“Hey, you.” Joohyun moved away from the younger girl after greeting her. She frowned when she noticed Seulgi’s clothes. “Why are you dressed like that?”

Seulgi chuckled and turned around to look into Joohyun’s eyes.

“Someone was determined to hug me.” Joohyun’s cheeks flushed at the statement.

The older woman touched the other’s nose with her finger, a smirk on her lips. She brought her body closer, their faces an inch apart. She let her lips brush against Seulgi’s.

“Maybe I should help you to wear more comfortable clothes for today. What do you think?” Joohyun whispered, capturing the soft flesh in front of her.

“The idea is very appealing.” Seulgi answered, a tint of hunger in her voice.

She rolled on the top of the raven, their lips attached. Joohyun parted her lips slightly, letting Seulgi’s tongue explore and taste every inch of . Strawberry. The older woman brought her hands to Seulgi’s t-shirt and started removing it.


It was past noon when they finally got up from their bed. Seulgi decided not to work on her drawings today, she wanted to relax with Joohyun. After a late lunch, they put themselves in front of the TV, cuddling. They were watching ‘The Notebook’. It was Joohyun’s favourite movie. She knew the story like the back of her hand. Well, Seulgi had seen it a couple of times too. The blonde girl was more into action genre movies, but she came to like ‘The Notebook’. Watching it with her raven made her happy.

“Baby?” Joohyun called when the movie was over.

“Hm?” She looked at Seulgi, her lips close to the latter’s cheeks.

“I love you.” Seulgi grinned at the sentence.

“I love y-” The raven pressed against her girlfriend’s. They shared a soft kiss.

They both missed these moments for the past weeks. Joohyun wished she could have more time like that with her bear.

“I love you, Hyun.” Seulgi pecked her lips. “I love you so damn much.” She cupped Joohyun’s face, pulling her closer. “You should have told me about that stupid new boss of yours.”

“It’s not his fault. I just need to do my job right.” Joohyun mumbled, but it only made Seulgi frown.

“What did he say?”

“I wasn’t doing enough.”

Joohyun wasn’t doing enough? It was a joke, right? Seulgi knew her girlfriend. She knew how Mister Ahn had always thought she was a significant element in their company, how he praised her work. Who was this head to speak like that about her girlfriend?

They both pulled away, breaking the hug. Seulgi turned he

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Thank you everyone for reading this fis <3 All those comments are heartwarming <3
(Thanks for the 1000+ subs ahah)
See you soon (?) :P <3


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 12: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
2187 streak #2
Chapter 1: really enjoyed how this story was written! rereading again<3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 2: lovely ❤
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 2: cute ❤
Aejoo_ #5
Chapter 1: Wow first chapter is looking really interesting
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 3: Oh gosh… seulgi sitting on the floor while looking up at Irene, waiting for her to share the news? That mental image? So cuteeeeeeeeee imma dieeeeee
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 2: Ngl, i thought Seul was gonna propose hahahaha but still… loved it!
Chapter 3: This fic never fails to make me smile 😊
SRtrash #9
Chapter 12: Thank you author-nim 😊😊
Chapter 12: Gotta Reading this again and I did!