The Tattoo

Fluffy Life
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Joohyun drunk a sip of her girlfriend’s caramel tea. She was in her bedroom, sitting on the seat of Seulgi’s drawing desk. The younger woman was here as well. The floor was covered with drawings. The bed was in the same state with Seulgi in the middle. Joohyun didn’t dare to move, and she remained there with the hot cup in her hands.


Seulgi sighed and looked at the stack of drawings at her right. It was full of roses’ drawings. Joohyun had asked her to find all the rose’s tattoos the younger had drawn. It was for a friend, Joohyun said. Not that Seulgi wasn’t happy to help her girlfriend, but she ordered her drawings by style, not by pattern. She didn’t want to destroy all her hours of tidying of the past months. She checked twice every stack to be sure she didn’t forget a rose somewhere. 

“Well.” The tattoo artist finally talked after long minutes of silence. “I think I gathered everything there.” She put the stack on the bedside table.

“Thank you, baby.”

Seulgi smiled and pushed the stacks aside to make her way to Joohyun. She leaned her hands on the older’s tights before pressing their lips together. It tasted strawberry mixed with the tea’s flavour. Joohyun brought her free hand to the younger’s cheek and captured her lips again.

“What friend is it for? Does she want to get one?” Seulgi asked when they pulled away.

“It’s for a friend of Jennie. And yeah, she wants to get one.”

Joohyun never thought she would be able to lie so easily. It wasn’t for Jennie’s friend. It was for her. She didn’t want to tell Seulgi yet. She wanted to look through the tattoo artist’s drawings first.

“Why a rose?” Seulgi sat down on the edge of the bed.

Joohyun’s eyes narrowed, trying to understand her girlfriend’s question.

“I mean, a tattoo is something personal. She must have a reason to choose a rose and not something else.”

Seulgi’s word kind of surprised Joohyun. The younger was right. Why a rose? When Joohyun decided to get a tattoo, her first and only thought was a rose.

“I don’t know.” She finally said, but she was going to think of a real answer. Because when Seulgi would discover it, Joohyun wanted to give her a proper answer.

Seulgi chuckled, earning a frown from Joohyun. The younger stood up to tidy their room.

“You looked very serious about it, Hyun.” Joohyun drunk another sip of tea. “It looked like you were thinking about yours.” She choked on the drink and Seulgi hurried by her side. “Are you okay? Drink slowly, Hyun.”

“I-I’m fine. It’s just it was hotter than I thought.” The older woman cleared , and Seulgi took the cup.

“That’s supposed to be mine.”

Joohyun shrugged awkwardly. She wasn’t really fond of tea, she was more a hot chocolate person. Yet, she couldn’t help but stealing sips of Seulgi’s favourite caramel tea.


A mess. A big freaking mess. Joohyun thought her day couldn’t be worse, but here she was, nervously waiting for Seulgi to get home.

Joohyun was late at work, not that Mina minded a few minutes but the older woman didn’t like being late. Then, she met an annoying customer. The kind to ask for a sandwich but with their diet and allergy, they end with nothing but a leaf of salad. Well, the man was like that. He was lucky that the raven-haired woman was a very patient person because Mina was ready to suffocate him with noodles. Then, she got injured. She cut her finger when she was chopping a tomato. Nothing serious but it didn’t help her to spend a good day. And the last straw of her day was the visit from her flat’s owner. Miss Jo was a very kind woman. Especially because Joohyun and Seulgi were regular with the rent and everything. But Miss Jo was leaving the country, and she had decided to sell the flat. She didn’t come here to push Joohyun and Seulgi out. She wanted to talk to them first to know if they could be interested in buying the flat.

Joohyun loved that flat. They moved in there six months after being an official couple. They shared so many moments, it was their home. It wasn’t far from Seulgi’s tattoo parlour, around ten minutes by walking. But they maybe had to let it go. Joohyun wasn’t the kind of person to move out a lot. When she left her parents’ house, she got one single small flat before moving in that one. She liked her comfort. But what if Seulgi thought it was a good opportunity to move out? Seulgi said she would like to have their own home. But she never mentioned she wanted to stay there. What if she wanted a house? The thought of a house made Joohyun felt old. Her parents lived in a house, her grandparents lived in a house. It was far from the town. She didn’t want a house with a big garden and three bedrooms. She liked that flat. They didn’t have any spare room, but Joohyun didn’t care, she didn’t need one. She liked to have Seulgi drawing while she was reading on the bed.

Joohyun had no idea of what Seulgi would be thinking and that scared her. She waited for her girlfriend. It was close to half past six, Seulgi would be home soon.

“Hi, Hyun! How was your day?” Seulgi greeted loudly, pulling Joohyun from her thoughts. “Are you, are you okay?” The younger asked, sitting next to her girlfriend.

Joohyun rubbed her temples without looking at the bear, she sighed. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder. Joohyun dropped her arms and opened to talk.

“I had a horrible day.” The older woman playing with the ring on her middle finger. “Miss Jo came today.” She finally looked at Seulgi. “She will sell the flat.”

Seulgi remained quiet, processing what Joohyun had just told her.

“She asked me if we wanted to buy it.” The raven added, but Seulgi was still quiet. “Baby?”

“Do you remember when I said I wanted to have our own home?” Joohyun nodded. “I was thinking about a house with a garden and all that.” Seulgi made out the sadness in her girl’s eyes.

“Yeah, sure, alright, of course.” The blonde girl chuckled at Joohyun’s answer. She took her face in her hands, making the older look at her in the eyes.

“Hyun. This flat is full of our memories. I don’t want to leave.”

“I thought you wanted a house…?” Joohyun frowned at the loss of warmth after Seulgi removed her hands. 

“That’s what I thought. But I can’t leave. I mean, it’s just a flat… But it’s already our home, isn’t it?”

Joohyun smiled, embracing her bear. Seulgi immediately reciprocated the hug. After some seconds, the older moved back enough to see the blonde’s eyes.

“So?” She asked against Seulgi’s mouth.

“So, we can call Miss Jo.”

They didn’t kiss, but Joohyun’s lips teased the younger’s. The latter moved forward but only for Joohyun put her hands on Seulgi’s mouth.

“Look who’s craving for my kisses now.” Joohyun whispered in a teasing tone before removing her hand.

“You’re not fair.” Seulgi mumbled, her gaze unable to meet the raven’s. “Hyun…”

“Let’s call her.” Joohyun stood up suddenly, grabbing her phone.

Seulgi gaped, stunned by what just happened. However, her brain quickly processed everything. She followed Joohyun and wrapped her arms around her small waist from behind. She took the older’s phone and put it on the table.

“Baby, what-“ Joohyun’s sentence was interrupted by a bite on her neck.

Seulgi held the older woman tightly, giving small bites on her neck. Then, she the marks apologetically. She started leaving a trail of gentle kisses

“Seul, we need to call her.”

“I’m not letting you go without a kiss.”

Joohyun took Seulgi’s hands on her stomach. The younger released her grip and let go of the raven’s neck. The latter turned around enough her head to capture Seulgi’s lips with hers, a hand on her nape. The kiss was soft, they mouths playing together. Joohyun ended up facing the blonde fully, her body pressing against the other’s. Seulgi’s hands rested on Joohyun’s back. The older slightly opened when she felt Seulgi’s wet muscle poking against her lips.

“Is that enough?” Joohyun asked when they broke their kiss.

“It’s perfect.” The raven was about to call Miss Jo when Seulgi spoke again. “Hyun?” She raised her head to Seulgi. “I’m happy.” The blonde grinned. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.” 



Joohyun bit her lips, looking at the drawing in her hand. Her elbows leaned on the counter, she released a sigh. The sounded of the cup being put next to her made her look at the barista.

“Thank you, Sakura.” Joohyun mumbled before drinking her orange juice.

“Hi, Joohyun. What’s bringing you there?” Seungwan suddenly appeared next to her, her usual bright smile on her lips.

The older woman put the drawing down to focus on the café’s owner next to her. 

“Well, I’m trying to find a tattoo.” Joohyun admitted, and Seungwan raised an eyebrow.

“Why don’t you ask Seulgi?”

“I want to choose it myself, but it’s harder than I thought. I have an idea and none of Seulgi’s drawings are matching with what’s in my mind.”

Seungwan chuckled at the older woman’s slight pout. She noticed the ring on her right hand and smiled. These two were perfect, she thought. She was about to answer when her eyes diverted to Sakura. Seungwan frowned a bit, more worried than angry.

“Sakura?” The Canadian tried to take her employee's attention, but the young girl was frozen.

Joohyun tried to follow the Japanese’s gaze and stopped a tall girl who just stood there. She narrowed her eyes, she knew that girl. It was her ex-co-worker.

“Lee Chaeyeon?”

“Hello, Miss Bae.” The girl greeted her with a smile.

“Please, just call me Joohyun.” The raven spoke in a light tone.

“Hello, Joohyun.” Chaeyeon grinned, waving her hand.

Seungwan chuckled and gently patted Sakura’s shoulder. Joohyun gave her a wondering look.

“Take a break Sakura, your girlfriend is waiting for you.”

Joohyun smiled when she understood why Sakura was frozen there. The latter was blushing, unable to meet Chaeyeon’s eyes.

“S-She’s not my girlfriend!” The Japanese girl mumbled while Seungwan pushed her to her not-girlfriend.

“Not yet.” Chaeyeon added before giving a kiss on Sakura’s cheek, just next right to her lips.

Seungwan couldn't hide her smile at the younger lovers' behaviours.

“Come on. Take a break, okay? You have fifteen minutes.” Seungwan said, and Sakura pulled Chaeyeon toward the back of the café. “And no making out in the back!” That made the raven chuckle.

Seungwan took Sakura’s place behind the counter. She took out a cup and poured herself some coffee.

“You two know each other?” She finally asked Joohyun.

“We were co-workers.”

It was silent for some more seconds.

“What kind of tattoo do you have in mind?” The older woman frowned, wondering if Seungwan was going to tell her friend. “I’m just curious.”

“A realistic rose with leaves around. I was thinking about something in colour, maybe.”

“She doesn't have any realistic roses?” Seungwan asked in disbelief, but Joohyun shrugged.

There were realistic roses, but no one them caught her heart. Maybe she was too picky. She sighed.

“Maybe you’re right, I should

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Thank you everyone for reading this fis <3 All those comments are heartwarming <3
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See you soon (?) :P <3


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 12: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
2178 streak #2
Chapter 1: really enjoyed how this story was written! rereading again<3
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 2: lovely ❤
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 2: cute ❤
Aejoo_ #5
Chapter 1: Wow first chapter is looking really interesting
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 3: Oh gosh… seulgi sitting on the floor while looking up at Irene, waiting for her to share the news? That mental image? So cuteeeeeeeeee imma dieeeeee
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 2: Ngl, i thought Seul was gonna propose hahahaha but still… loved it!
Chapter 3: This fic never fails to make me smile 😊
SRtrash #9
Chapter 12: Thank you author-nim 😊😊
Chapter 12: Gotta Reading this again and I did!