It's okay if you forget me

The night

It's okay if you forget me - Astrid S



From everything to nothing at all              from every day to never at all

It's almost been a year since that night that we last met. And no, we didn't got back together. Days that turned into months, from cold nights to warm afternoons, and from everything to nothing. We parted ways without anything to hold on to except those conversations we had.

Before, i was so afraid that the day would come where I will forget the sound of your voice or the image of your smile in my head or the feelings that only you made me feel. But of course I didn't forget about you. How can I? 
When you were once the love of my life. But our memories were already kept in the deepest part of my mind and heart now. A good portion of my life, locked away, never to be opened again.  Pain, sadness, and longing was the only feelings I knew that time.  I made you into an eternal art, a poem written with my blood and tears as an ink, For me you were my entire universe and our meeting that night made me realize that you just hurt me. And nothing more. You weren't the universe, all those poems i've written for you with my blood, dried up and just left a mess. It's like recovering from a sickness that chokes you to death, and when you're finally able to breathe you see clearly. You see that she was just a part of the past, and never the future. And that night was the last chapter of our story. 

I don't feel empty now that you're gone  does that mean it didn't mean nothing at all  but I'll tell you what the worst is                   It's the way it doesn't hurt like I wish it did. 

I've heard that you're in a relationship again and honestly, I think you're going to last long with him. Do I feel hurt? Or I'm genuinely happy for you? 

And everyone says that I should be sad. Is it normal that I don't feel sorry for myself? Care if your hands touch somebody else. Wouldn't get jealous if you are happy. It's okay if you forget me.


"Your ending is really sad, you should make it realistic and bearable for the readers." I said to my friend and co editor Junghwa. We were proofreading his book that is to be released next month. "You see, in reality there's no happy ending. If it's going to end badly, it is going to end like it. You cannot make it bearable. The least you can do is to accept it." That, I agree. In reality it's not always rainbows and sunshines, you don't get to change the ending but you can always change how you perceive the ending. Is it another beginning? Or the ending of everything? 

"Stop daydreaming Taeyeon! we have lots of work to do!" I sighed.

"Yes boss!" 


Heechul handed me a cup of coffee as I was busy typing away on my computer. I still have deadlines to comply, and the proofreading for Junghwa's book was not yet done. 
"You're gonna need this." I muttered a small thank you to him without putting my eyes off on the screen. After a minute of silenced I noticed that Heechul was still standing there looking at me. 
"What are you still doing here creep?" 
"Your eyes are getting darker, you should get another skin routine."  I finally shot him a look and rolled my eyes at him. He laughed and walked away still laughing. What a weird guy. 

Finally after hours of working, I've finally submitted my work to my boss who goes by the name Yunho. He's also my professor in SNU and the one who gave me the opportunity to work here. I knocked on his office, and after hearing a faint come in, I opened the door and went inside. Yunho was busy reading a manuscript that I'm not familliar with. Sensing that I'm here, he smiled at me. He's too young to be a professor actually and I've always wonder if he already have his own family. 
"Ahh my favorite student what brings you here?" 
"Boss, here's Junghwa's final manuscript." 
"Good, I hope you also edited the ending. My eyes got swollen crying over it." 
I giggled quietly. Mr. Yunho was a funny guy, I remember when I was in college, all his reading materials for us were either dark humor or straight up comedy. 
"No boss, Junghwa really wanted the readers to cry." He faked wiped the non existent tears on his eyes. Which earned him a roll of eyes from me. God, i'm starting to get dizzy from rolling my eyes all the time. If you are all curious on what Junghwa's book is all about let me tell you some of it. It was a story similar to love rosie. But the end was quite tragic, the boy died and never got the chance to proclaim his love for the girl. He only left a compilation of his love letters throughout the years. For me it is sad, but you only live once if you love someone you should tell them and if you got rejected then that's it, move on. You don't have to waste your life wallowing on a love that never happened. I know, coming from someone like me but that's what I've learned. If you are waiting for the right time, everything can happen and certainly the right time is now. Not tomorrow or the other day. Why wait for your heartbreak? Make it happen now. So you can  move on tomorrow. Too bitter? I guess. 

"Hey Taeyeon, is daydreaming became part of your specialty now?" I shaked my head distracting me from my thoughts 
"No boss I'm sorry. I guess i'm just little tired?" He smiled at me and gave me a knowing look. 
"I know you are Taeyeon, but when are you going to write again? You know a full length book this time?" 


Life is like an entropy. Random, spontaneous and unpredictable. Full of surprises and uncertainties. Life throws you challenges and uncomfortable situations and it's up to you whether you catch it or dodge it. As long as I can dodged those challenges I will. 
But then like I said life is truly unpredictable and surprising, I still didn't get the chance to control my emotions when one day a message popped up on my notifications

"Hello Taeyeon, I know it's been so long but I've only noticed your messages just now. I hope you are doing well."

Just like life, Tiffany was still unpredictable.

And this time, I decided to catch this challenge life has thrown me.

"Hey, that messages was long ago? But anyways what's up." 


Hello readers! I know you guys wanted a sequel so I'm going to post at least three chapters. But I can't guarantee a happy ending  because in reality life happens. P.S. pardon for any grammatical errors, and AFF editor .


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Chapter 5: Thanks for making it a happy ending

And I hope you will find your happy fill too someday
Chapter 5: Ah, thanks for giving this a happy ending... I needed a good read today...
I hope you're doing good! :)
Chapter 4: Aaaahh please don't tell me it's the last chapter :'(

I stumble upon your story and I love it at the first sight

You write it very beautifully. I think your story deserves more readers >.<

PS. I noticed the time stamp and you just came back after years of hiatus. Glad you're back here. It's been a while since I read a beautifully written Taeny story <3
Chapter 3: It hurts... so much...
Chapter 1: Oh my... This is beautiful...
BeMOO1 #6
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1444265/4'>Wedding Dress</a></span>
Author-nim don’t be like Junghwa. It is beautifully written but feels like holding a bouquet of roses full of thorns.
slaytan #7
Chapter 3: Update pls😭
Ziana_zayne #8
Chapter 3: Next??? Please?
Chapter 3: This is so heartbreaking 😭 Why ? I guess sometimes you can't get everything in life . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 2: It's really sad but beautifully written as always . Thank you for the hard work author shi .