

A/N: Hello everyone! The first chapter is up :) Enjoy and let me know how you think! Have a great week and see you all again in the next update~


Children, students, adults and even the elderly love this drink. Do you know what is the first step to brewing a good cup of hot coffee? It is to keep the temperature of the hot water between 90°C and 96°C. Jisoo, the owner of 93°C, insists on using this temperature range to brew coffee. Why? Keeping the temperature to within 93°C would produce the best taste: crisp, sharp and pleasant. Even a decent cup of coffee can be made with mediocre beans, using this guide.

93°C is located downtown, a strategic location where office workers and tourists would flock by, for a drink or somewhere to sit and rest. There are times where the cafe is really busy or slow, depending on the time of the day and the month, but the crowd size is large enough to make sufficient profit.

It is currently early in the afternoon and a usual day for everyone at the cafe. Though the business is rather slow, this allows the staff to take a short breather before they welcome the wave of customers during tea time. Jisoo is busy cleaning the coffee station and maintaining the espresso machine. Though she has been cleaning it here and there during the pockets of free time, maintaining the machine in tip-top condition would allow her to make the perfect coffee, with the best taste. What can she say, she is an honest businesswoman and swears by it. She would rather make a loss than to serve someone a bad cup of coffee. While cleaning, she hears the occasional ringing of the bell which signals the flow of customers in and out of the quaint cafe.

"Welcome to 93°C! What would you like to get?"

Her part-time staff, Jaemin, greets the customer with his boisterous voice and cheery personality. He is the longest part-time staff she has and she appreciates how dedicated he is to his job. She has given him a raise but he always declines it by saying that he is just here for the experience rather than the money. Instead of forcing it, she rewards him with great work ethic through other means, such as gifts and granting him time off whenever he needs it. She then looks up at the order screen that is mounted on the wall in front of her. Cafe latte. An easy order. She proceeds to make the drink and within minutes, it is ready to be served.

"Boss, I need to use the washroom, I will be back quickly," the boy quickly informs his boss after taking the orders at the counter. He really needs the washroom and runs to it as fast as he can. Jisoo nods in response but with that speed of his, she shakes her head and internally reminds herself to talk to him. She remembers the countless reminders she has given and maybe she ought to do something different since he always forgets the cafe's number 1 rule when it comes to nature's calls.

She then turns her head around, taking a look at the ordering counter to make sure that there isn't any customer before making herself busy at her favourite work station, wiping off the stains from the stainless steel machine until a feminine husky voice calls out from the counter, "Erm hello!"

Not wanting to leave the customer untended for long, she quickly wipes her hands on the cloth and sanitises them before making her way to the ordering counter. Though she tends to avoid the counter job whenever she can because she dislikes customer interaction, however, in such a situation, chipping in is the best option.

"What would you like to get?" Jisoo asks as she looks at the customer.

The customer has her hand on her chin, thinking really hard while looking at the menu. She can't make up her mind and asks, "Any recommendations?" Her cat-like eyes are now staring at the barista/boss, hoping to free herself from making a difficult choice for a coffee lover.

"93°C coffee is our speciality. We only serve it hot," the other replies in her monotonous voice. Sometimes she wonders if including the huge word, 'signature' was in vain. She hears this question way too often and maybe it is time to have the menu redesigned. Anyways, she wouldn't go wrong with recommending 93°C coffee as it has always been the classic drink for her customers. Hand drip coffee served hot without any condiments. The customer nods and is ready to make the payment.

"What's your name?" Jisoo asked while taking the disposable cup and marker next to her, ready to write the customer's name down. Instead, she receives a sceptical look and internally giggles, concluding that the person in front of her is definitely a new customer and probably doesn't know how most cafes operate. "It's for the drink," she continues and waves the cup and marker in front of her.

The customer's cheeks turn red and she smiles sheepishly before revealing her name, "it's Jennie."

After taking the order of the new customer and subsequent customers after her, she goes back to her beloved station before handing over the counter back to Jaemin. She looks at the screen, 93°C, cappuccino, long black. All the orders are manageable for a long time barista like her. Without much thought, she goes on to prepare 93°C first since it is hand drip and it will take some time with all the intricate and detailed process to producing the signature drink. The first step is to make sure that the boiling water cools to about 93°C and that the grinds are not too fine. She also wets the filter to remove any paper taste. All these steps are never a chore to her. She puts in her heart and soul to make tasty drinks. While the coffee is dripping, she goes on to prepare the other 2 espresso-based coffee, but not for long as she makes her way back to the hand drip coffee, making sure that the correct amount has been collected and sends out her perfect craft.

After she is done with the other orders, she sends them all out too and swiftly turns her back to cleaning and putting all the apparatus back to where they belong.

"Hey, it's not the taste that I am used to," she hears a customer calling out to her. Judging from the person's voice, it is the new customer who ordered 93°C. She ponders a while and mumbles to herself before turning around to face the customer, "I guess you don't know how to appreciate coffee."

Jennie winced at what she hears but her calm and collected composure surfaces again and says, "that hurts but still, your coffee is good. You have a new customer. See you!" With that, the young customer takes a sip and gives the barista a sweet smile before walking out of the cafe with a cup of coffee in her hand.

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Chapter 12: Nice story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 12: This is cute and sad story with beautiful ending. I never thought that Jennie will be a part of chaeyoung death. I am really shocked. And when Jisoo lose her memories. Wow author nim, you have a great plot. And the way you describe the coffee make me want drink one. Hehehe. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM
Chapter 12: So beautiful *chugs down a gallon of coffee*
Jinriin #4
Chapter 12: I like this story. Nice work authornim.
Chapter 12: Aaaah its done! And it’s beautiful and sweet ❤️
rookiex5 #6
Chapter 12: Jensoo married...periyat
rookiex5 #7
Chapter 11: I bet the person at the end is jisoo. So now there’s rosie and jennie...jisoo please get your memories back and choose one lol
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhh......... that's all I got to say
574 streak #9
Chapter 10: Noooo
Chapter 10: Omg this is devastating:((