

A/N: Hello! Chapter 9 is up~ Enjoy!


"Oh no!" exclaimed the taxi driver. The last thing Jisoo knew was that her head hit the back of the seat and there was an excruciating pain radiating from her head down to her shoulders. With another jerk, her forehead hit against the seat in front of her. Before she passed out, the person that was on her mind was Jennie.

"I don't want to die."


- 4 months later-

"Rosie, we need your help." says the senior medical social worker, who hands the said file to the blonde Korean-Australian. The blondie takes the file from her team leader and reads it.

"Oh, she is Korean. Wow, she just came out of a long coma, 4 months... The injuries must be very severe," she comments and continues reading the medical history, "oh my, post-traumatic brain injury and suspected retrograde amnesia."

The team leader sighs and tells her junior staff, "it is going to be a difficult case. Her English is limited. She is also a foreigner and she isn't covered with any insurance. We really need your help."

The Korean-Aussie understands the situation but continues to smile, hoping that this would give her and her team leader strength and says, "my Korean isn't that good but I will try my best to help her."

Noting the patient's schedule, it seems that she doesn't have any therapies or check-ups scheduled. She decides to head to the patient's room soon.

As the medical social worker enters the room, she sees that the patient is laying on her bed, looking at the plain white wall above her. Even from the patient's side view, she can see the hint of confusion. It must be really frightening for an amnesic patient to be at a foreign land. She takes a deep breath, making sure that she turns on her professional mode and greets the patient, "hello Miss Kim, how are you?"

The patient turns around, glad that she can hear a familiar language and responds almost too eagerly, "why am I in a hospital?" It seems as though the patient wants to ask more questions but she can tell that the other is holding back.

She calms the patient down and answers her question, "you got into a road traffic accident 4 months ago and sustained upper-body injuries. Don't worry, your neck, shoulder and chest injuries are healing well during your state of unconsciousness."

The patient processes what she just said and replies, "where is this place?"


Jisoo is so confused, she can't remember how she ended up in Australia. The last event she remembers is that she was on her way home from her part-time job at the cafe and the only thing on her mind is an important assignment that is due pretty soon. However, she is hospitalised and even so, in a foreign country. She thinks that everything is a joke. However, with how the other hospital staff tried to probe information out of her with the English language and with a totally unusual accent earlier in the morning, nothing is a joke and it is all real. Even though her head is still hurting a little, she continues to talk to the medical social worker in front of her, seeking comfort that the other is also Korean, just like her.

"To be honest, I don't know why I am here," Jisoo confesses. She is afraid, really afraid.

Rosie seems to understand her worries and continues to calm her down before asking, "Miss Kim, I want you to relax. Maybe tell me something about yourself."

Jisoo recomposes and subsequently introduces herself, "Kim Jisoo, 18 years old. A student and I have no idea why I am here. I was just coming back from my part-time cafe job." However, she can't help but panic. She wants to go home.

The Korean-Aussie seems to be thinking really hard, with her furrowed brows visible, and she asks, "what year is this?"



"So, how is your patient?" asks Rosie's team leader and Rosie can only sigh and respond, "she lost at least 5 years worth of memories."

The team leader can only conclude as such, "the brain is an amazing organ. She definitely didn't want to remember all that and with a of 'luck', her brain had locked those memories away."


After the long chat with the medical social worker, Jisoo seems to be taking in all the information rather calmly. With many memories lost, she begins to wonder what has happened to her these 5 years. She tries her best to think really hard, but nothing comes out of it. She is rather dejected at her multiple failed attempts but decides that maybe, she can just fill the old memories with new ones.

For the next few months, there are so many treatments scheduled for her, physiotherapies, psychotherapies on top fo the usual check-ups. She just wants to get well soon so that she can go back home and maybe, hopefully, find some clues that can help her regain some memories of the past.

-2 months later-

"Thanks for everything, you've really helped me a lot," Jisoo thanks Rosie. The medical social worker has just accompanied her to the Korean embassy to get her own particulars after she has been discharged from the hospital. At the embassy, she manages to get information about her residential area and occupation back home. With the second information being a shock to her. She can't believe that she is capable of running a cafe. 

The medical social worker replies, "no worries. At least I get to visit Korea during my leave. So, let me thank you in advance for being my tour guide."

"You are better off getting a professional tour guide, but if you want to trust a 24-year-old with an 18-year-old mind, sure thing." Jisoo gives a dry laughter. She is slightly getting used to the fact that she has amnesia and is taking things in her stride such that she can laugh about it.

However, sometimes, with how the Korean girl is taking things too lightly has made the blondie worry about her and she asks in a caring tone, "to be honest, how do you feel?"

Jisoo takes a deep breath and her true feelings wash over her and she responds, "I don't know. Every day I am learning how to grow up. It's like trying to be an adult overnight."

She is worried about many things which revolve around the memories that she has lost. For the past 2 months, she has tried very hard to recall something but she could only bang her head on the wall lightly and reprimand herself for being incompetent. Unknown to her, her medical social worker/ a new friend that she has made in this foreign land has witnessed how she had beaten herself up during her hospitalisation.

The Korean-Aussie puts a hand on Jisoo's shoulder and says, "don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Soon, they are already at Rosie's apartment and Jisoo settles in fine.

"Since you've got discharged, rest well before rummaging your belongings to get a sense of your recent life. Thankfully the police were able to recover all your belongings from the accident and they are all intact."

As Rosie leaves her room, Jisoo's curiosity gets the better of her and she pulls out her phone, trying to scroll through all the data. Even the functions of the phone seem foreign to her, but after a while, she gets the hang of it and manages to navigate through the different apps.

She first goes through the photo album. A particular picture catches her eye. A picture of her and another girl, with paintings of fishes on their bodies. She examines the picture and maybe she and the girl are really close. She continues to scroll through her pictures and sees a few pictures of coffee art, her coffee shop and another person catches her attention. It is someone that looks exactly like her social worker, but the other is a brunette and that the person seemed to exude a different vibe. Furthermore, from how she interacts with her social worker for the past 2 months, it didn't seem as though the other knows her personally.

She stops looking through her phone and decides to change out of her clothes. As she opens the luggage, she notices a letter and opens it, hoping this would be an important key to her past.

Dear Jisoo,

It is addressed to her. She continues reading the first few lines.

By the time you read this, I am sure that you know that I was the cause of Chaeyoung's accident. I am sorry, I am very sorry. No matter how many times I apologise, there is no way that I can bring Chaeyoung back to you. I don't wish to hide it from you anymore and I don't think I have the courage to tell you all this in person.

Jisoo doesn't know why but her heart goes out to the person who wrote it. That person must be in pain and that even though she doesn't know anything. She wants to forgive the person.

I am sorry for causing you to lose Chaeyoung, the person that you love, I am sorry for hiding this from you, because I was selfish and I wanted to have your love and affection for as long as I can and I am sorry for loving you, knowing that I was the cause of your previous loss.

Her heartaches and that triggers a blurred memory. She can see herself kneeling on the ground, with a blurry vision of someone walking away from her.

One thing for sure is that my love for you is true and I love you. I enjoyed every moment with you. I don't expect you to forgive me but don't lose that bight smile that Chaeyoung and I love, and I hope that one day, I can call you Jisoo again, with much affection and love.

She fights the pain and continues to read the letter. Another memory flashed by and this time, she could feel soft lips that tasted like almond milk and coffee.



She wonders who Jennie is but soon, her throbbing head has pulled her away from any intention of digging information of her recent past. She lies down on the floor, breathing deeply, hoping that the pain would go away soon and she reminds herself to continue the hunt once she feels better.


It has been 6 months since Jisoo left and Jennie has already completed her last semester of college. She decides to work as a freelance copywriter while working at the cafe. She has been working there part-time since Jisoo left. This is the only thing she can do since the cafe is Jisoo's baby. Every day, rain or shine, she would walk past the park that she and Jisoo would always frequent when they were together.

It is a beautiful spring day and cherry blossom have started to bloom. She walks along the path, admiring the blooming cherry blossom trees. However, everything feels different. She remembers the time when she first saw Jisoo, it was at this park. The beautiful image of Jisoo, sitting under the cherry blossoms.

She takes a seat at where Jisoo sat previously and begins to reminisce her time with her former lover.


It was after their cafe date that they stopped by the park upon the request of Jennie. As they were walking along the path, Jennie pulled out her phone and showed the older a picture of her and explained that she first saw her at the park and this was the picture that she took secretly.

Jisoo laughed at the college girl's recount and silently admired the innocence of the college girl, "I didn't expect you to take a picture of a stranger."

The other, with visibly red cheeks, could only clarify herself, not wanting to be seemed like a stalker and said, "You are charming. Look, you even stole the spotlight from the cherry blossom trees around you."

Jisoo stopped at her track and held the younger's hands, pulling them close to her, "you've noticed me under the cherry blossom on a fine spring day. I want to hold your hand and walk down this path on the next spring. I promise to make time for you and find you, to enjoy the season of love, renewal and rebirth with you."

It might be a very mushy line from the unexpected Boss Kim but to Jisoo, it was a promise that she will keep and Jennie, would wait and anticipate for the next spring. The older's right hand held onto the younger's left hand with a firm grip, interlacing them as they continued to walk down the path, admiring the beautiful scenery.


"Will I meet you again?" Jennie wonders as she remembers the promise that Jisoo had made. However, she knows that it won't happen but she still holds onto some hope that it may happen and that their love would be renewed and rebirthed again.

Noticing that she is going to be late for her shift at the cafe, she quickly heads to the next location.


"Hey Jaemin, sorry for being late. Go and have your lunch," says Jennie as she comes out of the storeroom while putting on her apron.

The boy beams, indirectly telling her that it's fine and hands over his counter duties to the other and heads off for lunch, not forgetting to ask her and the others if they wanted snacks from the shopping mall a street away.

With many customers pouring in to get their coffee fix to tackle the rest of the day, she starts to take orders as soon as Jaemin has handed over his duties to her.

"Hi, what would you recommend?"


A/N pt 2: Oh... who is that at the end? O.o Hope that you have enjoyed the update and I hope that the story isn't too confusing with the time skips and flashbacks. See you in the next one! 

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Chapter 12: Nice story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 12: This is cute and sad story with beautiful ending. I never thought that Jennie will be a part of chaeyoung death. I am really shocked. And when Jisoo lose her memories. Wow author nim, you have a great plot. And the way you describe the coffee make me want drink one. Hehehe. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM
Chapter 12: So beautiful *chugs down a gallon of coffee*
Jinriin #4
Chapter 12: I like this story. Nice work authornim.
Chapter 12: Aaaah its done! And it’s beautiful and sweet ❤️
rookiex5 #6
Chapter 12: Jensoo married...periyat
rookiex5 #7
Chapter 11: I bet the person at the end is jisoo. So now there’s rosie and jennie...jisoo please get your memories back and choose one lol
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhh......... that's all I got to say
565 streak #9
Chapter 10: Noooo
Chapter 10: Omg this is devastating:((