

A/N: Hello, chapter 7 is ready!


Jennie is in her room, trying to sleep but the only thing in her mind is what's going to happen the next day. Over the past month, Jisoo has changed a lot. A gentler, softer Jisoo, a goofier Jisoo and a more charismatic Jisoo. She loves the older, but sometimes every spending moment felt really hard for her because her conscious is always telling her how she was the cause of Chaeyoung's death- the reason for Jisoo's pain. She knows that no matter what she does, she will not be able to fully redeem herself, especially when she sees the older's bright smile. However, the effort to open the older up is still worth it. But who knows, after tomorrow, things will definitely change and yet, she is not prepared for it.

Her eyes started to tear, thinking about all the memories that they have forged recently. Those small little moments at the cafe, going on dates and just being next to Jisoo are some of the best moments of her life, even though they are going to be short-lived. Her mind wanders and begins to reminisce those times. Her favourite moments replaying in her mind like a broken record.


"Caffe mandorla, your personal brew."

Upon hearing it, Jennie was touched that she has her own personal brew and that was what makes the drink even tastier. She decided to tease the older a little, "plus points for barista Kim, it is really good and it is a pity that you don't like coffee."

Before Jennie could take another sip, Jisoo held onto her hand that was holding the cup, before taking a sip from where she drank from and said, "I like coffee, I like caffe mandorla."


The time when she stood outside the cafe, with Jisoo walking ahead of her, because she didn't know whether to hide her relationship with Jisoo from their co-workers. It was only until the older could not hear footsteps behind her that she turned around to find the other stood rooted to the ground. She walked to Jennie and asked, "what's with you?"

"So, how should we approach this?" Jennie replied, her words did not make any sense to Jisoo especially when it was too early in the morning. The older clarified and asked again, " what do you mean?"

Jennie almost whispered, as if she was afraid of someone listening to their conversation, "do we pretend that we are not together or tell them that we are together?" It was her first time dating someone outside of school and this someone was also her superior at work, which made their relationship even more complex. Jisoo understood what the other was trying to get at and thought for a while before responding, "whatever makes you comfortable. I am game for it."

That was not the answer that Jennie was hoping to hear and she sighed, before whining a little and hitting the older on her arm and complained, "you are not helping at all."

As her mind started to make a decision, Jisoo caressed the younger's hair, the older's soft hands holding onto the other's full cheeks such that their eyes meet. Soon, those hazel brown eyes of Jisoo started to flash a mischievous glint and teased, "you sound like this is your first relationship."

The older grabbed onto her left hand, interlacing it together, holding onto it tightly, before pulling her into the cafe. Jennie, who was following right behind, had an obvious pinkish hue on her cheeks, as she looked at their interlaced fingers.


"I will pick you up later, at 5pm," she read Jisoo's message. It was her day off and Jisoo has decided to close the store early so that she could bring them out on a proper date.

While waiting, she was thinking of what to wear but with how much the older was trying not to reveal the location of their date, she decided to dress really casually, in a white tee and black jeans. An outfit that would look good for any outing but minus fancy occasions. Anyways, she just hoped that she would have a chance to change when Jisoo arrives in something rather formal. She must have spent more than 20 minutes thinking about her outfit that she heard the doorbell ring and scurried over quickly to open the door.

"Hey," greeted Jisoo, with a bouquet of flowers on hand, presenting it to Jennie.

"Thank you," the younger beamed, with her smile almost reaching her eyes as she received the flowers and smelt the mild earthly scent from the bouquet of daisies. She invited the other in and realised that the older was wearing almost exactly just like her, a white tee and black jeans, minus the cap that Jisoo had on her head.

Jisoo already noticed it and chuckled, "we didn't plan for it but we are matching."

In response to that, she giggled and replied, "we are getting more telepathic."

She always loved riding on Jisoo's bike. The years of experience riding it made Jisoo a really safe motorist and she also loved how she could just hold onto the other while enjoying the warmth emitted from the person she loves. Still unknown to where they were heading to, all she could do was to make intelligent guesses based on locations they passed and the direction they were heading towards. It was only after a while more when she saw the sign, 'Coex Aquarium', that she knew where they are going and wrapped her arms even tighter around Jisoo's waist and snuggled even closer on her back.

"So what are we doing today?" teased the younger, as she got off the bike and was overly thrilled that she was going to the aquarium after hearing Jaemin's recount of his recent trip that he shared a few days ago.

The older's attentiveness paid off but she was getting a little shyer when she could sense that Jennie was complimenting how attentive she was under the teasing tone and shrugged it off, trying to respond cooly, "you know, you looked like you wanted to go to the aquarium when Jaemin was talking about it and yea, we are here to look at fishes."

To prevent herself from looking any less cooler than she expected to be, she got her cap from the case storage and put it on, before grabbing onto Jennie's hand, heading towards the direction of the entrance.

-In the Aquarium-

"Look at the crabs," Jennie tugged onto Jisoo's hands as they saw boxer crabs floating in the tank, with the underside facing them, showing the two anemones on either side, looking like poms poms, that amused the younger.

"You know, these crabs remind me of cheerleaders. Cheerleaders of the marine world," and with that, the older was doing some pretty bad imitations of cheerleaders' dance routine, which made the younger laugh really hard. After admiring the smaller marine wildlife, they were looking around, marvelling at the other marine animals, be it big or small.

With how much Jisoo had been opening up to her, the goofy Jisoo started to surface and that meant a few lame jokes but they were at least funny to her.

"Let's find Nemo. We have been here for a while and we haven't find Nemo yet."

"You know, if you continue with this lame joke, we might end up finding all the marine animals that have appeared in the Nemo series."

With Jennie's comment, they were off finding Nemo and friends, looking like children at the aquarium, enjoying their time. After tough luck of finding most of the obvious characters from the Nemo series, they were now heading to another section of the exhibition. Realising that they will be looking at sharks, Jisoo cheekily points to a particular marine animal behind Jennie and said, "Jen, it's your relative."

With that cue, Jennie turned around, expecting to see an actual relative but to her horror, it was only a majestic shark that swam by and that earned the older a reddened handprint on her left arm.

Horrified at how Jisoo had referred a shark as a relative, she cutely stomped a foot and turned away, almost exclaiming, "yah! What do you mean?"

The older could only laugh at the cute sight and explained, "you look strong and fearless, like a shark, but deep down, you just protect what you matters to you. I like that about you."

Was it a sudden confession in the middle of the aquarium with many visitors around them, the younger was satisfied with the answer but could only drag the other to a more secluded area before hooking her arms around the older's shoulders and replied, "smooth with your words, you are safe. Who knows how many customers you have charmed, boss Kim?"

The older pulled her even closer by the waist, with her soft and plump lips threateningly close to Jennie's soft and full lips, before saying, "only you."

"Omo," a child exclaimed and their moment was ruined by a little boy and that made Jennie pull the other to the body painting booth that she had set her eyes on almost immediately.

-Body painting booth-

"I want to get one on my forearm," said Jennie, as she looked at the pictures displayed at the booth, pointing to a particular picture. Jisoo nodded and told the artist, and with that, the artist was already skillfully painting on Jennie's forearm. With every , the two of them were continually amazed at how the painting came out of the skin. After the artist was done, they complimented her how good it was. The artist then looked at Jisoo and said, "you have a really beautiful face, having one on your face would look really good."

With that, her proud girlfriend held on her hand and asked, "please, do one on your face?" A request that she couldn't decline with that puppy eyes flashed at her, and she sat on the chair, willingly had her face painted.


As the clock ticks every second, Jennie just can't fall asleep. She isn't ready for tomorrow and she wishes that the clock ticks slowly. After a few tosses and turns, she gets up and goes to her study table, taking out a piece of paper and a pen, ready to write a letter.

She clicks on the pen and takes a deep breath, tears forming as she begins writing the letter. The tears are threatening to fall with every character she writes but she tries to hold them in, just for a while.

Dear Jisoo,

By the time you read this, I am sure that you know that I was the cause of Chaeyoung's accident. I am sorry, I am very sorry. No matter how many times I apologise, there is no way that I can bring Chaeyoung back to you. I don't wish to hide it from you anymore and I don't think I have the courage to tell you all this in person.

I am sorry for causing you to lose Chaeyoung, the person that you love, I am sorry for hiding this from you, because I was selfish and I wanted to have your love and affection for as long as I can and I am sorry for loving you, knowing that I was the cause of your previous loss.

One thing for sure is that my love for you is true and I love you. I enjoyed every moment with you. I don't expect you to forgive me but don't lose that bight smile that Chaeyoung and I love, and I hope that one day, I can call you Jisoo again, with much affection and love.



Hot tears roll down her as she signs off the letter. Memories with Jisoo flood her mind, as she recalls every spending moment, savouring all the emotions and feelings she feels at the moment. As she calms down, the clock strikes 12:00am, signalling a new day, the death anniversary of Chaeyoung.


The next day, as Jisoo wakes up, she reads the text message that Jennie had sent her in the wee hours of the morning. She had decided to close the cafe for today so that she can pay her respects to Chaeyoung and hopefully to tell her late girlfriend about Jennie.

From: Jendeukie

Hey Jisoo, I know that you said that you will be busy today, but let's meet at the cross junction a street away from the cafe. I have something to tell you in person.

As she reads the message, she wonders the seriousness of the content that Jennie is going to tell her. From how the younger addressed her as Jisoo and not her nickname, furthermore, the need to tell her today. She looks at the time and decides that 11:00am would be good.

To: Jendeukie

How about 11am? I will meet you there.


A/N pt 2: A sad ending for this chapter. Fingers crossed with what is going to happen in the next chapter. Hope y'all have enjoyed the fic so far. Just a few more chapters left~ Seeya again in the next update!

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Chapter 12: Nice story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 12: This is cute and sad story with beautiful ending. I never thought that Jennie will be a part of chaeyoung death. I am really shocked. And when Jisoo lose her memories. Wow author nim, you have a great plot. And the way you describe the coffee make me want drink one. Hehehe. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM
Chapter 12: So beautiful *chugs down a gallon of coffee*
Jinriin #4
Chapter 12: I like this story. Nice work authornim.
Chapter 12: Aaaah its done! And it’s beautiful and sweet ❤️
rookiex5 #6
Chapter 12: Jensoo married...periyat
rookiex5 #7
Chapter 11: I bet the person at the end is jisoo. So now there’s rosie and jennie...jisoo please get your memories back and choose one lol
Chapter 10: ahhhhhhh......... that's all I got to say
575 streak #9
Chapter 10: Noooo
Chapter 10: Omg this is devastating:((