2.3: The Rescue

Of Demons & Blades
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“By the way, I’ve been wanting to ask you something.” Joohyun said as she tried to change the topic.


“What is it, Hyun?”


“Do you know how to summon black chains like Jeongyeon?” Joohyun asked as she recalled seeing Jeongyeon summoning pitch black chains that pierced Hanbin.


“Black chains? As in pitch black chains with spear end tips that come out from magic circles?” Joohyun was surprised to see Seungwan's eyes wide filled with shock.


“Well that was some very specific details but yes, exactly what you said Seungwan.” Joohyun did not believe Seungwan’s eye could open even wider but it did and to be honest, she did not know if she should be surprised or not.


“Joohyun, that’s magic and we don’t do magic!” 


“Right, we don’t and shouldn’t so why is Jeongyeon... oh .” Suddenly things started to make sense for both Joohyun and Seungwan. 


District A had massive gathering of sins and dark energy and Jeongyeon used magic the last time Joohyun was with her. What more, her apartment was located in district A and Yerim and Saeron are heading to her apartment.


“! You call Saeron and I call Yerim!” Joohyun told Seungwan as she pulled out her phone to call Yerim but five tries later, the both of them still did not pick up the call.


‘Seulgi! Yerim and Saeron are in trouble!’ Joohyun mentally told Seulgi as she panicked. 


‘Hang on a sec, I’m in the mid of something.’ 


‘What something are you on! This is an emergency!’ 


“Joohyun, calm down!” Seungwan shouted and put both her hands on Joohyun's shoulders to put her in place. 


“Relax, okay? I got this.” Reassured Seungwan as Joohyun was mentally trying to contact Seulgi but Seulgi was not answering her.


“Listen, I didn’t really want to say this but I actually marked all of you.” Seungwan confessed as she looked down to her feet.


“What? Marked? Us?” Joohyun asked, baffled by Seungwan's sudden confession.


“Well, not everyone I guess. I can’t mark Seulgi.”


“Son Seungwan, we don’t have time to waste.”


“Okay, okay! I marked everyone with a prayer this morning so that if anything happens,” she put her fingers up air quoting the word ‘happens' before she continued, “I can at least track you guys down.” 


“Well, what you did might just save two lives right now.” 


“I know right! I’m a genius, Hyun!” Seungwan cheered for herself while Joohyun gave her a deadpanned look.


“What are we waiting for! Let’s go! Lead the way!” Joohyun pulled Seungwan as they made their exit from the park. Seungwan closed her eyes as she tried to form a link with her markings and when the link was formed, she opened her eyes and held Joohyun’s hands. 


“Follow me, Hyun!” 












“I believed it has been around two hundred years, Sooyoung. How have you been?” Seulgi asked with a deadpanned look.


To say she had been surprised to see Sooyoung here would be an overstatement even when they have not met each other for more than a century. After all, when there was a lot sins and dark energy concentrated in one place, the possibility of demons and mages gathering in one place is high. What does this mean for the likes of Sooyoung? A feast, a huge feast.


“It’s been fine, I guess. I’ve even got myself new toys!” Sooyoung exclaimed she held up her mallet and wave it around.


“What do you think? Isn’t this beautiful?” Wearing a eating grin on her face, Sooyoung asked Seulgi of her mallet. 


“Sigh, it looks okay but don’t you think that’s a bit too much?” Seulgi sighed as she facepalmed herself before giving her opinion on Sooyoung’s huge mallet. To be honest, the rubies embedded around the circumference of the mallet’s head was a bit too ‘Sooyoung’ for her. So red and so shiny, exactly how Sooyoung likes it.


“I got this baby a few days after the war, they were giving out relics and no one wanted this. You don’t know how much easier my life has been since I picked this baby up!” Sooyoung ignored Seulgi as she continued on her babble about how wonderful her mallet was.


‘Sigh, this is why I avoid you as much as I can.’ She mentally complained to herself.


‘Don’t lie to yourself, Seulgi. I know you like me!’ , she forgot Sooyoung could also read minds.


“So, care to tell me why you’re here, Sooyoung?” She asked trying to stir the topic away from Sooyoung’s mallet and her ability to read minds.


“Don’t bull with me Seulgi, you know exactly why I’m here.” It was a mystery how Sooyoung was always able to keep a smile on her face no matter how serious the situation was.


“Well, considering you’re here right now. Might as well help out an old friend with your magnificent nose then.” Seulgi replied sarcastically.


“You sure you want this? You’ve always despised these rituals right?” Okay, maybe Sooyoung does not always smile after all. Her sudden serious look kind of surprised Seulgi.


“Joohyun needs my help, Sooyoung.” 


“Alright, I’ll help you out. I’m going there myself anyways.” Sooyoung responded as she decided that having someone to chat on the way to the center of all that dark energy might not be a bad deal.


‘So you’ve already met her huh.’











As it turned out, the location emitting all that dark energy was a huge church. 


“This does not give me good vibes, Hyun.” The both of them stood right outside the church gate, gulping their saliva as they felt the density of the dark energy. 


“Did you bring a spiritual container?” Joohyun asked as she turned to look at Seungwan beside her. Seungwan nodded her head as she brought out a few miniature spiritual containers from the pocket of her jacket. 


“Let’s set them up before we enter the church.” 


After the both of them had finally finished setting up the containers to cover the large area of the church, they prayed for invisibility so they can invade the church stealthily. With the sheath of their swords glowing in shades of blue, they charged into the church. 


‘I’m coming Joo Joo, don’t do anything stupid alright?’ Seulgi's voice suddenly appearing inside her head calmed her down as they reach the large hallway of the church.


‘Where are you? Come here quickly! We're at the church!’ 


‘I know! I’m coming!’ Seulgi wanted to just teleport to where Joohyun and Seungwan was but Sooyoung was blocking her from doing so, saying something about needing company for her journey.


“God damn you and your anti-magi

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Sorry for the late update, live's been busy lately :(


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1055 streak #1
Chapter 30: read it in one go! great story! hope you come back authornim!🤧
Chapter 30: It gets more and more exciting the more I read this story. So many questions and Im at the edge of my seat.

Like, what will happen to Yeri in the succeeding chapters? Why are they after Irene's reincarnation every time like Ahreum and Joohyun? Why was Joohyun made into a slayer when she didn't enter the academy? Etc.

Really hope yoy update this.
ttblub #3
Chapter 30: Glad to have you back otorshhi!
I hope you’re doing well
Chapter 30: GOSHHH IT IS SO FREAKING GREAT!!! I LOVE IT AUTHOR-NIM.... i hope you are doing well fighting!
Chapter 30: omg this is getting intense, so glad to have you back author!!
AlexD24 #6
Chapter 30: It's so good to see you again... hope you can find your groove and manage whatever you are facing!
Omg!! thank you for the update author! welcome back and have a nice day
Chapter 30: I'm so glad you updated! I really missed reading this story hehe so welcome back?? Whenever you're ready :) you be good hehe take care and have a nice day!
Sutoroberihime #9
Chapter 30: omg you've updated TT
thank youuuu! so good as always :))
Chapter 30: Oooohhhh... Im curious as to how taeyeon made seulgi in a contract ??? Thats why when joohyun approach her apartment , she said it right??