6.4: The Purple Flames

Of Demons & Blades
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“She’s slowly getting her humanity back.”


“Then we kill the girl, make sure the blame falls on the church.”


"You done packing up?" Seulgi asked Ahreum as she stepped into the room to which Ahreum nodded. Seeing as Seulgi has finally came back from scouting out the area, Ahreum knew it was time for them to make their leave. The both of them had been moving around different cities ever since the incident as they both agreed that it would be too dangerous to stay at the same place.


It was not just the demons chasing after them after all, the church also had their eyes on them because no human that helped any demon should be kept alive.


"I don't think you guys should stay here, you have to move around and make sure to not stay in one place for too long. They'll come looking for soon enough."  Sooyoung advice Seulgi before she left them for good.


"Alright then, let's get out of here now. They're close, I can sense them." Seulgi announced as she helped Ahreum picked up their bags. Her pupils turned vermillion as they stood in front of the door to their motel room. Her hand then held onto Ahreum's while her eyes scanned the area outside.


"No one's outside right now, let's go." and as she opened the door to step out, two men in suit suddenly appeared by their door side.


“Hi! Name’s Kang Dae and this is my partner, Kwang Sun. We’re both social workers going around doing a survey on welfare, mind answering a few questions for us?” The shorter and blond one of the two introduced as he held out a hand.


If this were any normal person, they would have been charmed by the dashing young man and he’s soothing yet convincing voice but Seulgi was no human. She was a goddamn pissed demon who was about to tear apart the two demons standing in front of her.


To her dismay, a tug from Ahreum made her stop her train of thoughts and reminded her of what they were supposed to do. “Too bad, I do mind so if you’ll excuse me, we have places to go to.” She answered as she ignored Kang Dae’s hand and stepped aside to walk away with Ahreum following behind.


However, Ahreum’s other hand was suddenly grabbed by the demon. “Hold on a second there, young lady. I didn’t think I made it clear enough.” The blond warned them, his hand holding firmly on Ahreum’s wrist not letting them move.


“And maybe it’s me who didn’t make it clear enough for you when I clearly asked you to off.” Seulgi turned back, her eyes turning vermillion as she released bits of her raw energy to frighten the two demons.


It would seem that both of the demons did not belong to Jiyoung’s legion of demons after all. Seulgi had heard of this two when she was walking around the city with Ahreum, she heard people spreading rumours about two demons roaming the city looking for innocent people to devour. Low and behold, they were standing right before them.


“Whoa, hold up. Sorry about that.” The blond apologised as he released his grip on Ahreum, taking a step back to back away from them but Seulgi knew better than this, she could sense the bloodlust and hunger of those two. So, she immediately pulled Ahreum behind her and spread out her upper left wing to cover themselves from the sudden fireball thrown at them by Kwang Sun. “Run!” Seulgi shouted to Ahreum before opening up her wing and throwing a fireball of her own towards them.


Seeing as they would be busy for a while in the corridor, she quickly left them behind to catch up to Ahreum with their bags in hand. “Hold on tight!” Seulgi said, deciding to carry Ahreum bridal style instead so they could get away faster.


They didn’t get much too far however, as the two demons were quick to dissipate the fire and caught up to them. “You two just wouldn’t learn to quit huh?”


“I can say the same about you.” The blond demon barked back, drawing out his sword and proceeded to slash out a sword wave of fire toward them. Seulgi immediately opened up her upper wings to block themselves when she sensed the sword wave coming. She then jumped high upwards onto the roof of buildings around them to try and get away from the two demons.


Kwang Sun, the other demon followed up quickly as he leaped up, landing right in front of them. “Nowhere to run now huh?” The blond said from behind as he and his partner cornered Seulgi and Ahreum from both sides, front and back.


The other demon then transformed into his true demonic form, a huge humanoid demon with one left arm way larger than the other. His wings spread out as he swung his left arm at them but Seulgi had good reflexes as she quickly dodged to the side.


Knowing that Seulgi was going to dodge Kwang Sun, Kang Dae quickly followed up with his blade in hand, ready to cut them up. Right when his blade came near them, Seulgi’s right wing opened up to reveal her vermillion eyes, staring deep into Kang Dae’s soul to instil fear in him.


The flames of Purgatorio may not have touch him physically but it sure as hell burnt his soul a good chunk.


“Argh!” He growled in pain as he dropped his blade while Seulgi looked to her other side to do the same toward his partner. Only to find that Kwang Sun was missing, but the ground where he stood was dented so that would only mean…


“Goddamn it!” Seulgi cussed out right after she dodged away from the Kwang Sun’s ground pound, “Have some manners wouldn’t ya!” She then proceeded to jumped away from them building by building to get as far away as she could.


“You okay, Ahreum?” Looking down, Seulgi asked if Ahreum was alright since the ‘fight’ just then might have been dizzy for her, after all she was being carried by Seulgi the whole time. However, the other two demons caught up with them right after Ahreum's nod. One damaged while the other still in perfect condition.


“What did you do with my body just now!” Kang Dae asked, his voice weaker than before as he pointed his blade at Seulgi.


“You see, unlike the hellfire you pathetic beings throw around, the flames of Purgatorio burns your goddamn soul. Now go back to hell!” Seulgi barked as she burnt the both of them again with her vermillion fire.


“Argh!” Both the demons grunted as Seulgi spread her pair of wings to fly but she could not because it took a toll on her when she burnt the both of them through eye contact.


So, she decided to resort to jumping to other buildings to get away from them. Except, it was too late as the demon slayers have finally arrived. “Looks like we got ourselves some business boys.” She said as the four demon slayers landed onto the rooftop where they stood.


“Take care of those two, we’ll deal with Seulgi.” The leader of the group commanded as he immediately made his way for Seulgi.


‘Wait a minute, I recognise them.’ Seulgi thought to herself as two of them came close while the other two dealt with the two demons. “Jongdae?” Seulgi said out loud as she dodged away from his naginata, “You’re a Knight?”


Jongdae did not answer her and proceeded to move aside for his partner to come in and slash his blade to which Seulgi, had no choice but to use her wings as a cover. It burnt her however as her wing lit up in white flames.


“Argh! What the was that!” She cussed, kneeling on the ground due to the pain yet, her grip on Ahreum still tight. Seeing as Ahreum gave her a worried look however, she decided steel herself and ignore the pain, “It’s okay, I’m fine but I need you to do something for me.”


Ahreum knew exactly what Seulgi was about to do and it was one thing she didn’t want to happen. She knew Seulgi was about to fight back and she didn’t like it one bit. While they were running and hiding the whole time, Ahreum would always persuade Seulgi to run away instead of fighting. She didn’t like fighting and violence so she did not want them to put themselves into such situations. Afterall, fighting meant Seulgi getting hurt and that would mean she’d lose Seulgi one day from fighting if the situation continues.


“I have to Ahreum, or else we’re both going to die here.” Seulgi said as she set her down. She then turned to the demon slayers and looked over to who she was fighting with.


However, she wasn’t given the time as the both of them started attacking her again but this time, she was able to fight back because her hands were free and no longer holding onto Ahreum anymore.


“Oh, I know you, you’re that from the Son household.” Seulgi said, holding onto both Jongdae and Dongwoon’s blades. A single glance toward the other end of the roof top helped her confirmed that one of the other

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Sorry for the late update, live's been busy lately :(


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1056 streak #1
Chapter 30: read it in one go! great story! hope you come back authornim!🤧
Chapter 30: It gets more and more exciting the more I read this story. So many questions and Im at the edge of my seat.

Like, what will happen to Yeri in the succeeding chapters? Why are they after Irene's reincarnation every time like Ahreum and Joohyun? Why was Joohyun made into a slayer when she didn't enter the academy? Etc.

Really hope yoy update this.
ttblub #3
Chapter 30: Glad to have you back otorshhi!
I hope you’re doing well
Chapter 30: GOSHHH IT IS SO FREAKING GREAT!!! I LOVE IT AUTHOR-NIM.... i hope you are doing well fighting!
Chapter 30: omg this is getting intense, so glad to have you back author!!
AlexD24 #6
Chapter 30: It's so good to see you again... hope you can find your groove and manage whatever you are facing!
Omg!! thank you for the update author! welcome back and have a nice day
Chapter 30: I'm so glad you updated! I really missed reading this story hehe so welcome back?? Whenever you're ready :) you be good hehe take care and have a nice day!
Sutoroberihime #9
Chapter 30: omg you've updated TT
thank youuuu! so good as always :))
Chapter 30: Oooohhhh... Im curious as to how taeyeon made seulgi in a contract ??? Thats why when joohyun approach her apartment , she said it right??