5.2: Flame and Scythe

Of Demons & Blades
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Seulgi had been wondering who exactly was the person in front of her doing for quite a while as she followed her. The longer she followed her, the more she realised they were walking into a restricted area that was only allowed for high level personnel entry. 


‘Who is she? And why she sneaking around like this?’ Seulgi thought to herself as she followed the white haired woman turninf into another hallway on the right. Only, the person she was following disappeared as soon as she turned the corner. 


“First off, if I’m sneaking around then why are you following me sneaking around?” She heard a woman's voice behind her, taking her by surprise as she turned around and jumped back with her eyes wide. 


“What? Never seen someone beautiful before?” It turned out to be the white haired woman that had surprised her. Well, she did look pretty when Seulgi finally had the chance to have a closer look at her but Irene still stood as the number one beauty in Seulgi's heart. 


“So Irene’s your type? I see.” The woman said as she stepped closer to Seulgi.


‘She can read my mind!’


‘Why yes indeed.’ She panicked when she realised the woman standing in front of her was talking to her through telepathy. She had wanted to run off but was immediately caught by the woman as she held a tight grip on Seulgi’s shoulder. 


“You’re not going anyway. Since you’re here already, might as well keep me company.” She said as she grabbed onto Seulgi’s wrist before they continued moving forward. 


“So, who are you?” Knowing that there was no way for her to escape, Seulgi decided to just give up and strike up a conversation. 


“I should be asking, never seen you around here before.” She gave Seulgi a look, her eyes squinting as if trying to remember seeing anyone similar like Seulgi. 


“Nope, don’t think I’ve seen you before.” She said after pondering for a while.


“I’m Seulgi.” Seulgi introduced herself, “I’m from the Prodigy House.” 


“Ah, you’re the new kid!” The woman exclaimed, her eyes turning crescent. “I’ve heard about you from the others.” 




“I’m also from the Prodigy House.” She said which surprised Seulgi because she did not look like a children at all. 


“Well Irene isn’t a child either, Seulgi.” She said which startled Seulgi. 


“Well, I supposed you’re right.”


“Anyways, I’m Sooyoung.” 












“So erm, where are we going?” Seulgi asked after a few minutes of walking further into the hallway which seemed to be never ending. 


“You see, there’s this one particular scythe in there that I’ve come to take a liking.” Sooyoung answered as she pointed to the metallic double door at the end of the hallway.


“A what? Scythe?” Seulgi questioned, befuddled as to why Sooyoung would want a scythe. 


“Yep.” Was Sooyoung's answer as they both arrived in front of the door. 


“Wait a second, can we even enter this place? Isn’t it for the higher ups only?” Seulgi asked which earned a groan from Sooyoung. 


“Ugh, why do you have so many questions Seulgi? It doesn’t matter if this place restricted! I’m the White Tiger, Seulgi! And that means I do whatever I want!” She said, annoyed with Seulgi and her many questions and proceeded to open the door anyways only to find out it was locked. 


“It’s locked, Sooyoung.” Seulgi pointed out the obvious and a deadpanned look from Sooyoung was what she got in return.


“You just have to point out the obvious don’t you, Seulgi?” She said as she stepped back to which Seulgi followed afterwards. 


“So, what are we gonna do?” Seulgi had asked another question yet again, “I suggest we get out of here, don’t wanna get caught doing something illegal.” 


“Move aside.”




“I said, move.” Sooyoung said as she pushed Seulgi to the side, her eyes glowing sapphire. She then held her hand out and clasped it into a fist as if trying to crumple the metallic door through telekinesis. Seulgi looked toward the metallic door and truthfully, the door indeed crumpled, leaving her flabbergasted. 


“How did you do that?” 


“I’m the Guardian of West, Seulgi. I manipulate all things metal.” Sooyoung explained, “Now, let’s get in there and get me my scythe!” She announced and grabbed onto Seulgi’s arm before marching into the room.












“So, we’re looking for a scythe but I don’t see anything that looks like it here.” Seulgi said after they had been searching for the said scythe Sooyoung was looking for. 


Inside the spacious dimly lit room were various types of equipment displayed, some were hung on the walls and some placed in clear transparent cases. 


“Eye of Purity. Huh, what's this?” Seulgi pondered as she stood in front a ring displayed in the dead center of the room. It didn’t look anything special, a silver ring band with a clear white stone as the center stone and head of the ring. 


She was about to take a closer look but stopped when she suddenly heard Sooyoung’s shout. 


“I found it!” She shouted and Seulgi immediately made her way to find her. When she did, she found herself standing beside Sooyoung facing a rather large silver scythe hung on the wall. The embedded red jewellery at the head of the scythe gleaming to her eyes as she stared.


‘Scythe of Ravenousness, huh? What a stupid name.’ She thought to herself as she read the name. 


“Why do you want this scythe?” She asked Sooyoung but did not get an answer as Sooyoung took a step closer to reach for the scythe. 


“Stop it, Sooyoung. You know it doesn’t like you.” Suddenly, a voice came from behind them, making both Seulgi and Sooyoung turned around to see who was behind them in surprise. 


“You can’t stop me, Taeyeon!” She shouted in frustration as she eyed Taeyeon. 


“Well, you can try but it wouldn’t work. Just like last time.” Taeyeon gave her a shrug before she turned to look at Seulgi. 


“And what brings you here, Seulgi? Did Sooyoung kidnap you?” She questioned to which Seulgi nodded quickly. The both of them then turned to look at Sooyoung who had took down the scythe. 


“Watch me, Taeyeon. I’m gonna prove to you I can use this thing.” But to no avail, Sooyoung was not able to activate the scythe. 


“Just give up, Sooyoung. The scythe doesn’t think you’re worthy.” Taeyeon sighed as she looked at Sooyoung who was not willing to give up. 


“It’s not fair at all! Even you have a sacred relic, why can’t I use one!” Sooyoung threw a tantrum, frustrated at how there was no scared relic that deemed her worthy. It just wasn’t fair at all, all the other four mystical guardians were at least once wielders of the sacred relics except for her. There was no way all seven of the relics would think she was unworthy, right? Maybe she could try the ring next.


“Sacred relic? What’s that?” Seulgi asked, curious as to what this sacred relic thing they were talking about. 


“Well Seulgi, that scythe you see Sooyoung holding right now is one of them.” Taeyeon explained calmly, “There are a total of seven sacred relics and they’re all the strongest weapons on Earth.” 




“Yup, practically the most powerful weapons one could use and we have six of them on our side.” Taeyeon said, proud that the humans have such strong weapons in their hands. 


“If we have six of them, then we can definitely win this war?” Seulgi questioned, uncertain whether what she said was right or wrong. 


“No, it isn’t definite unfortunately. As you can see, not everyone can use them. You have to be deemed worthy by the relics in order to wield them or else.” She stopped explaining, unsure whether to continue explaining or not.


“Or else what?” 


“Well, let’s just say, if you aren’t worthy but you still want to use it.” She stopped for a second to let Seulgi process her words, “You can use it.”


“I can still use it even if I’m not worthy?” She asked, curious as to why Taeyeon had said a person needed to be worthy yet could still use it even if they weren’t.


“Yup, you can but there’s a price to pay.” Taeyeon explained, “You see, all you have to do is make a deal with it.” 


“A deal?” 


“Yes, a deal. The relic gives you immeasurable power and in exchange, you give it your life force and sanity. Some would negotiate for something else though.” 


“Huh? Take away my life force?” Seulgi was confused by all the information Taeyeon had spewed. 


“Don’t think too much about it, let’s move along and get out of here.” Taeyeon said before she turned to look at Sooyoung, “Sooyoung, grab the box over there for me and let’s get out.” and grab the metallic box she did.


Before they left the room, Seulgi gave the scythe on the wall one last look and she swore it winked at her through the red jewellery on its head. 


‘I’m probably just seeing things.’ 












“Well, have you considered about what I said last time?” Taeyeon asked Sooyoung as the three

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Sorry for the late update, live's been busy lately :(


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1056 streak #1
Chapter 30: read it in one go! great story! hope you come back authornim!🤧
Chapter 30: It gets more and more exciting the more I read this story. So many questions and Im at the edge of my seat.

Like, what will happen to Yeri in the succeeding chapters? Why are they after Irene's reincarnation every time like Ahreum and Joohyun? Why was Joohyun made into a slayer when she didn't enter the academy? Etc.

Really hope yoy update this.
ttblub #3
Chapter 30: Glad to have you back otorshhi!
I hope you’re doing well
Chapter 30: GOSHHH IT IS SO FREAKING GREAT!!! I LOVE IT AUTHOR-NIM.... i hope you are doing well fighting!
Chapter 30: omg this is getting intense, so glad to have you back author!!
AlexD24 #6
Chapter 30: It's so good to see you again... hope you can find your groove and manage whatever you are facing!
Omg!! thank you for the update author! welcome back and have a nice day
Chapter 30: I'm so glad you updated! I really missed reading this story hehe so welcome back?? Whenever you're ready :) you be good hehe take care and have a nice day!
Sutoroberihime #9
Chapter 30: omg you've updated TT
thank youuuu! so good as always :))
Chapter 30: Oooohhhh... Im curious as to how taeyeon made seulgi in a contract ??? Thats why when joohyun approach her apartment , she said it right??