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"I want you to start packing the most essentials. There is a suitcase in the back of the closet. You can store several changes of clothes and other things. I'll be back as soon as possible, okay?" Woo Hyun says to Sung Kyu that morning, when again they have talked about moving to another place for the omega's safety. And Sung Kyu has not opposed the alpha's decision, although, that does not make him feel calmer, on the contrary, thanks to the decision to leave the department, the horrible feeling in his stomach seems to become more unbearable. And he doesn't know if it's because things have changed a lot since Woo Hyun marked him. He can now feel the alpha's anxiety, he can feel his worry and his fear. However, Sung Kyu believes that it is better to remain obedient, because, it depends on his own safety that he is okay to continue with the important work that his parents left him, so he only has to trust Woo Hyun, because he also knows that there is no one else who can protect him.
"Okay". Sung Kyu whispers as he slides his arms around Woo Hyun's waist. The alpha wraps his own around him and leaves several kisses on his soft copper hair. "Take care".
"I'll do it. I love you”. Nam says before lifting the omega's chin to kiss him on the lips.
"I love you too". Sung Kyu sighs in distress when Woo Hyun separates from him, sees him walk to the main entrance and Nam gives him one last look before opening the door to leave.


Woo Hyun heads to the house of a person he knows very well, a former cop who was friends with his biological parents: Lee Ho Won.
That man is an alpha noble. He served in the state police department until, in a horrible accident, he lost his left arm. Woo Hyun has known him since he was a child, long before he was adopted by those who are now his parents. He vaguely remembers that Ho Won and his biological father used to play cards on Friday nights. Ho Won always helped him in the most difficult moments, and it is a relief for Nam that Lee is precisely living in that same city, because he hopes that Ho Won will help him on that occasion as well and can protect Sung Kyu in his absence.
When he knocks on the door a couple of times, Woo Hyun sighs, fleetingly remembering the last time he visited Ho Won, and suddenly he is ashamed of himself thinking that only when he needs something is when he shows up at his house to see it.
The door opens slowly and then Nam's eyes land on the haggard alpha's face.
"Woo Hyun", the older man whispers before allowing him to pass. "We haven't seen each other for a long time”. Lee mentions before taking Woo Hyun by the shoulders to squeeze him into a tight hug. Ho Won pulls away and looks him straight in the eye. "You look great".
"Thank you. You too", and Ho Won lets out a laugh.
"I know that's not true, but thank you".
Woo Hyun smiles and then watches the alpha walk over to the old stove for a kettle of hot water. "I was about to make tea, do you want some?"
"Yes, thank you". Nam says, pursing his lips in embarrassment as he sits down. "Sorry I didn't come earlier. At least I should have come say hi".
Ho Woo hands him a cup of ginger tea and then settles down on the small sofa opposite Woo Hyun.
"Don't worry. I know you are very Bussy. Being an NASI agent must be tough, right?"
"I must say yes. It's a very demanding job", Nam adds before taking a small sip from the china bowl.
"I understand you perfectly", Lee continues. "It was the same when I was in my squad. That is why I never married. I didn't want my relationships to fail because of my job. But, tell me, how are your parents?"
"They are very well. My father will soon be retiring, and my mother bakes cakes in her spare time".
"Oh, I'd really like to try one". Both alphas laugh and Woo Hyun's face suddenly turns serious. "I'm afraid you didn't exactly come to talk, have you?"
Woo Hyun nods and carefully places the empty cup on the coffee table as his brow furrows a little more.
"I'm sorry about this, but I need your help", the agent confesses sadly.
"You know very well that you can count on me for anything".
"I know. That is why I have dared to come, although, after all that you have done for me, I am very ashamed to ask you this favor".
Woo Hyun sighs and begins to remember how Ho Won saved his life when his biological father went crazy and attacked his mother.
In those days, Woo Hyun was just a little four-year-old when he saw with his own eyes how his father, who had suddenly transformed into a wolf, ripped his mother's throat with his sharp fangs. Ho Won was there and he fought against his father to save Woo Hyun, ending with one of his legs injured, and unable to prevent his mother

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I hope you enjoy the story, because my mother tongue is not English and there will be a lot of mistakes. Please try to understand me.
I invite you to read my other stories. Thank you!!


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699 streak #1
Chapter 1: just started reading this… i’ll jump to wattpad for the continuation of this 😊
author-nim please update huhuhu i miss this story
Chapter 20: I re read this again. This is such a beautiful story. ❤️
Chapter 20: Please update author-nim i miss this ㅠㅠ
I miss this author-nim ㅠㅠ
What happen for this one too
Chapter 20: We have myungyeol or myungyeoljong
Chapter 20: That was unexpected. I hope Gyu will heal mentally in all this ordeal. And I want Hyun to stay by his side to give him the strength he need to overcome all thses. Thanks for the update
Simran20 #9
Chapter 20: Hope sungyu will be able to heal better and have a chance to give birth. Hope yeol and myungsoo will spare jong and will continue their activity.
Thank you so much for the update author nim ❤️. Hope you are doing well. God bless.
Chapter 20: You’re back author-nim~ thank youuuuu.

I’m so sad that Woogyu lost their baby :((