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As Woo Hyun drives on his way to the apartment that the agency has provided for his stay in that city, he cannot help but look at the back of Sung Kyu, who is next to him, in the passenger seat, watching carefully, how the other cars slide down the streets.
The alpha sighs slowly and again the incomprehensible sense of tranquility and at the same time nervousness that Sung Kyu provokes in him assails him. This is not the first time he has dealt with omegas. It's not like he's shy or insecure or doesn't know what to do in front of one. It is an undeniable truth that he has no siblings, and that at five years of age he was adopted by those who are his parents now: a beta manager who is dedicated to accounting and a kind omega housewife, yet Nam never had true friends in their childhood and adolescence, well, in their own words: Woo Hyun caused them a little fear.
Throughout his life he has always been characterized by having a firm countenance, an imposing presence, a strong appearance and to many other alphas he has made his superiority very clear, although not in a moralistic sense, but rather, biological. Because Woo Hyun has always been a bit different from the other alphas, he has always known that his senses and his body are much more developed than those of others, and that is why he does not understand the deconcentration that Sung Kyu makes him feel, nor Nor is the urgent need to know why.
"We're here", the alpha announces. Sung Kyu nods, observing the tall, elegant building meter by meter through the dark car window.
There aren't many residences around, and you don't see people on the street either. They've gone to a relatively remote part of town, and the omega feels good not having to deal with other betas and alphas around him.
Woo Hyun directs the car to the parking lot and parks it near the elevator. He then signals Sung Kyu to follow him and the omega obeys, positioning himself at his side at all times. Upon entering the house, Sung Kyu smells Woo Hyun all over the place, which makes him sigh serenely. It feels so good to him that his head doesn't seem to be in complete chaos or shrouded in sadness and vulnerability, how he felt before meeting Woo Hyun.
"I'll fix something to eat. You're surely starving”. Woo Hyun lets him know as he walks towards the kitchen. Sung Kyu watches him and goes after him.
"I can take a shower?" Asks the omega with a little regret.
"Of course. There is a full bathroom down the hall.
"Thank you".
Sung Kyu walks to where Woo Hyun indicates him and when he enters the toilet he notices how spacious it is. It is also pretty and light colored and that makes he feel comfortable. The omega approaches the shower and wants to turn on the hot water tap, but the bandage on his right hand prevents him from doing so. He thinks it will be a hindrance when he gets into the water and decides to remove it, exposing his wound. It still hurts and he doesn't maneuver quite well, so he ends up calling Woo Hyun to ask him to help him.
"What's going on?" Asks the alpha on the other side of the door after having listened to the omega.
"I'm ashamed to ask you, but could you help me? Due to my injury I cannot do it alone".
Nam partes his lips and doesn't know why this situation suddenly makes his heart race. However, there is no one else who can give Sung Kyu a hand.
"Okay". Woo Hyun says before slowly opening the door to enter.
And when he looks up, he almost chokes on his own saliva because Sung Kyu is completely . That has taken him by surprise and Woo Hyun just looks away immediately so that the image does not affect him, however, the scene has already been recorded in his memory and he can not do anything about it.
"Sorry to bother you, I can't open the shower tap", says the omega with apparent innocence.

Really, Sung Kyu hasn't done it on purpose. They are both men and he thinks that he need not be ashamed that Woo Hyun to see his body without a single garment. Although Nam is an imposing alpha and him is only a small omega. They both have the same thing hanging between their legs.
Nam moves closer to the shower and then opens the faucet. At one point, the water starts to heat up and Sung Kyu is immediately under the running water. Woo Hyun takes a step away, and can't help but watch the omega's hair get wet, and how the water begins to drain down his face, down his neck, his clavicles, his chest, his abdomen and his...
"I'll go get you a change of clothes. It might be too big for you, but I'll try to get you something else, okay?" The agent says as he takes a cou

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I hope you enjoy the story, because my mother tongue is not English and there will be a lot of mistakes. Please try to understand me.
I invite you to read my other stories. Thank you!!


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698 streak #1
Chapter 1: just started reading this… i’ll jump to wattpad for the continuation of this 😊
author-nim please update huhuhu i miss this story
Chapter 20: I re read this again. This is such a beautiful story. ❤️
Chapter 20: Please update author-nim i miss this ㅠㅠ
I miss this author-nim ㅠㅠ
What happen for this one too
Chapter 20: We have myungyeol or myungyeoljong
Chapter 20: That was unexpected. I hope Gyu will heal mentally in all this ordeal. And I want Hyun to stay by his side to give him the strength he need to overcome all thses. Thanks for the update
Simran20 #9
Chapter 20: Hope sungyu will be able to heal better and have a chance to give birth. Hope yeol and myungsoo will spare jong and will continue their activity.
Thank you so much for the update author nim ❤️. Hope you are doing well. God bless.
Chapter 20: You’re back author-nim~ thank youuuuu.

I’m so sad that Woogyu lost their baby :((