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Five days after starting the investigation into the case of Doctors Kim, Woo Hyun feels frustrated and somewhat desperate. And not only because he doesn't have much information to draw on, but because the pressure from his superiors to solve bank robberies makes it increasingly difficult for him to work on it. But he doesn't plan to put it off for later, especially since, so far, he hasn't been able to mention anything about the situation to Sung Kyu.

The alpha sighs in front of the desk and seconds later he raises his face when he notices the scent of Sung Yeol nearby. Lieutenant Lee peeks through the opening in the door and his friendly eyes lock onto Woo Hyun's before entering.
"Have you already had lunch?" Lee asks as he walks a little closer.
"Not yet. Do you want us to eat together?"
"I have come to invite you."
Nam smiles and stands up, walking out of the building followed by Sung Yeol to a restaurant a couple of blocks from the headquarters.
"You look angry". Lee mentions after they settle into one of the back tables.
"I am. I've never been pressured so much to solve a case”, Woo Hyun answers dryly.
"I don't think it's just because of that. "I'm sure that you can work very well under pressure”, says the Lieutenant, hiding his face behind the letter.
Woo Hyun exhales loudly and call the waiter to order some meat and vegetables. Sung Yeol orders the special and a huge glass of iced tea.
"You're right. It is not only of the robberies that I feel this way, but because, until now, I have nothing to say to Sung Kyu about the death of his parents.
"Didn't he give you a list of names? Maybe you can talk to one of them."
"Yes. But they are all senior congressional officials. With what excuse can I go to question them? None of the information we have links them to the case”. Nam squeezes his eyes for a few seconds and throws his body back heavily". Also, I have the feeling that I am not on the right track".
"Are you going to be guided by your instincts again?" Lee asks wryly.
"They have never failed me."
Sung Yeol squints his eyes and starts to shake his head from side to side.
"Agree. What are your instincts telling you in this case?" Lee asks, interested. He has always found Woo Hyun's 'sixth sense' fascinating.
"That the pureblood alphas we're looking for are in jail."
"What? In jail?"
"Think about it! We've already searched all the records, we've already questioned the ones we found suspicious, even the few who left town”, Nam mentions with annoyance. "Sung Yeol, isn't it logical to think that the last place we would look for them is in jail?" He points with a voice loaded with conviction as he rests his elbows on the table.
"But, Woo Hyun, if your theory is correct, how is it possible that those banks were robbed? Those alphas couldn't do it if they're prisoners! They would need to have served their time to go out and carry out the robberies; furthermore, according to the records, none of those pure-blood alphas has been released from jail for at least ten years.
"Exactly, Sung Yeol. Coincidentally, the pure-blood alphas who were about to serve their sentences in the last decade, contracted a strange disease and were transferred to the BRC¹, where, supposedly, they died.
"Supposedly?" Lee asks with a raised eyebrow as he crosses his arms.
"I think those pure-blood alphas are still alive."
Sung Yeol's jaw nearly dropped, and for a short time, his friend's theory didn't sounds all that far-fetched.
"Even if it was true, Woo Hyun, everything about the BRC is classified. So there is no way we can access that kind of information to corroborate your assumptions. Not even if we talk to our superiors. I'm sure they'll pull us out of the investigation if we mention something like this.
"I know. I've also thought about it, but there is someone who can help us review that information without them noticing”. mentions Woo Hyun with a confident smile.
"Really? Who?"
And the agent looks at his partner smugly as he takes out his phone and the waiter arrives with his orders.

"Wait a second", Woo Hyun says before dialing a number.
Barely two rings ring and someone answers.
"Woo Hyun, to what do I owe the honor of your call?" The deep voice on the other end of the line asks.
"Myung Soo, how have you been?" Nam greets, causing Sung Yeol to tense up.
"A bit stressed. Work is on the rise. And you? How about your new job?
"Well, I must say that I share your feelings. Right now I'm in a bind", the agent confesses with a half smile.
"Ah, that's it. So, you just called me to help you out".
"To tell the truth... yes."
And, for a second, Woo Hyun thinks that Myung Soo will cut the call because he's silent for a while.
"It's okay. What is it about?" Finally asks dryly.
"Well, it's too important a matter, so

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I hope you enjoy the story, because my mother tongue is not English and there will be a lot of mistakes. Please try to understand me.
I invite you to read my other stories. Thank you!!


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699 streak #1
Chapter 1: just started reading this… i’ll jump to wattpad for the continuation of this 😊
author-nim please update huhuhu i miss this story
Chapter 20: I re read this again. This is such a beautiful story. ❤️
Chapter 20: Please update author-nim i miss this ㅠㅠ
I miss this author-nim ㅠㅠ
What happen for this one too
Chapter 20: We have myungyeol or myungyeoljong
Chapter 20: That was unexpected. I hope Gyu will heal mentally in all this ordeal. And I want Hyun to stay by his side to give him the strength he need to overcome all thses. Thanks for the update
Simran20 #9
Chapter 20: Hope sungyu will be able to heal better and have a chance to give birth. Hope yeol and myungsoo will spare jong and will continue their activity.
Thank you so much for the update author nim ❤️. Hope you are doing well. God bless.
Chapter 20: You’re back author-nim~ thank youuuuu.

I’m so sad that Woogyu lost their baby :((