Chapter two.

Secret Big Bang Part 2 ! (HIATUS)

TOP entered the conference room as Seungri had told him to.

GDragon and Taeyang and a couple of the other staff were already there, fidgeting as they waited for their superior.

'Nice of you to join us, Mr. Choi', Seungri eyed TOP.

'Sorry for the wait', announced TOP as he sat down.

'Now then, we can finally get started. I believe I have not properly introduced myself to all you nice people, so. I am Seungri, and I will be planning this month's Big Show.'

'Whoa, wait a minute. We've had 2NE1, our planning committee lead that since forever. You know.. Bom, Dara, CL, and Minzy?' interrupted a somewhat startled TOP.

'Yes, I am aware of that, but I have already talked to them, and to YG, and it is now under my control.' Seungri answered. 'It is my job to ensure this month's Big Show will be even more successful than ever before, and that the clothes we model will be more known worldwide.'

That's one cocky bastard, TOP thought to himself. After more discussions on preparations and photoshoot and the works, the team disbanded to their separate offices leaving TOP alone with Seungri.

'You will answer to me from now on 'til further notice. I hope we can get along during this time.' Seungri simply stated.

Narrowing his eyes at questionly at Seungri, TOP asked, 'Alright, what did you do to YG? You must've done something, because he is so strict on who plans the Big Shows', and even if you were some famous , I've never heard of you, so you're gonna have to do better. And what was this 'project' you had wanted me for, huh?'

'That is right. I almost forgot', smirked Seungri. 'I need you to fly over to Hokkaido, Japan to do a special shooting. You may bring one person - that's not from the company. Your plane leaves in four days, and you will be staying there for a week.'

'WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY? I have work to do, dude. I can't just up and pack my bags for a week in some foreign country. Besides, the only person I'm comfortable travelling with is Daesung. My maid!' he screamed. He didn't trust this guy one bit, and he was going to unleash all the attitude he had.

'That is alright - you can bring your maid. I will also be accompanying you to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. The other's are too busy with their work, and this has already been all planned out. No buts.'

And before he could talk back, Seungri had already exited the room like a bat.

Sneaky, fast, mysterious.

I guess I have no other choice, TOP thought. Not that I like it one bit, but I'll have to ask Daesung about this tonight.


Back at home, TOP was happily greeted by Daesung, his personal butler.

'Welcome home, TOP-sshi!' he bowed.

'Thank you. Daesung-ah, would you come with me to Japan for some shooting I have to do? I'd feel too uncomfortable going by myself with that new boss of mine. He's kind of creepy', he admitted.

'Ah, I would love to! When are we going, sir?' Daesung smiled.

'In four days, for one week. Pack our bags please? I'm tired. I want to rest.'

'Of course, sir!' Daesung replied happily. It's been a long time since he's left the house, and he was especially excited that he could go travelling with TOP. 'Shall I run you a bath first, sir?'

'Aish, what would I do without you, Daesung.' TOP gently smiled. It was rare, him smiling, and Daesung was very thankful he got to witness it, and he felt happy that TOP was smiling just for him.

'Right away, sir!' Daesung rushed upstairs, and TOP slowly followed behind, awaiting a good soaking.





When I asked my friend (who I'm writing this for) which location she'd like for TOP to go to, she suggested the Park in Seoul Korea, and I almost pissed my pants laughing.

You're a freakin' , Shirley.


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Is his boss YG? XD

Wah too short. :/
LMFAO this sounds boss. Good luck!