
where do we go from here?

A bead of sweat trickled down the side of Jimin’s face. She shifted on her seat, eyes darting from her chess pieces on the verge of going extinct, up to the woman sitting across, sideway to the door and back to the board game.


felt parched.


She reached for a glass of water.


“So, Jimin,”


Her hand froze halfway.


“Y-Yes ma’am?”


The woman’s piercing gaze and charismatic Busan accent, albeit extremely familiar, made her want to bolt away from that house. She remained seated, however, swallowing hard.


“How did you meet my daughter?”


Her hand dropped back to her side.


How did she get into this situation again?


Jagalchi Market.


Ah. Yes.


Minjeong had brought her there for late lunch, saying they could get all sorts of seafood and have it cooked. Jimin had been ecstatic, navigating through the market hunting for king crabs hand in hand with Minjeong who kept getting distracted by the street food.


Upon her insistence (and notorious pouts), they bought skewered fish cakes. Minjeong was in the middle of feeding Jimin, claiming that hers tasted different (it tasted the same) when it happened.


“Kim Minjeong?”


Jimin watched as the look in her eyes turned from bliss to panic. Biting the snack from Minjeong’s stick, Jimin turned to the owner of the voice before being petrified herself.


Not far from them stood a middle-aged woman whose features were exactly like Minjeong’s, eyes going from Minjeong to Jimin and down to their entwined hands.


Everything happened so fast after that, as though Jimin was into a raving hurricane and the next thing she knew, she was in the Kim family residence, meeting Minjeong’s entire family and now here she was, sitting on the platform deck at the backyard alone with Mrs. Kim herself--the great sirer of the best thing that came out of Busan.


As for Minjeong, well, she got dragged off to somewhere by her older brother who was briefly introduced to Jimin as Kim Kibum, leaving her to her own devices.




She flinched, remembering the unanswered question. “Oh! Um, sorry. Uh...we met on a plane to Paris, ma’am. Your daughter helped me with my flying anxiety. It was very sweet of her--no, wait, we actually met in London first. Well--technically--”




Jimin shut . “Y-Yes, ma’am?”


“It’s your turn.”


“Oh, right!” she scanned the board. “Um, sorry about that.” she decided to move her knight.


The woman steepled her fingers. “So what do you do for a living, Jimin?”


“I, um, film videos, ma’am. Among others, that is.”


“Videos? Like a film director?”


“Oh, no, no. I shoot travel vlogs. I used to travel a lot.”




“Vlog. Like...a blog but...like, in video form.” she explained. “But right now I’m going to be focusing on law school.” and your daughter.


Mrs. Kim’s brows lifted. “You attend law school? Where?”


“At Seoul National University, ma’am.”


The woman inclined her head. “Impressive.”


Jimin let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding.


Being a nerd paid off sometimes.


“So how’s our Minjeong doing in Seoul?”


“Well...um...she’s been doing well, I think. She’s really busy with work but that’s because your daughter’s very passionate about music and she’s really great in what she does. She’s surrounded by good friends and colleagues who take care of her as well so you don’t have anything to worry about, ma’am.”


When she dared look at her, Mrs. Kim was already staring at her with an unreadable look in her eyes. Jimin shifted uneasily. Did she say something wrong?


“What about you?” The woman asked, propping her cheek on her palm. “Can I trust that you’ll take care of her as well?”


Jimin blinked. “Um--”


The door swung open and Minjeong stepped out, looking disgruntled. The sight of her eased the rising tension in Jimin’s gut. “Mom, please stop terrorizing Jimin.”


“Terrorizing?” Mrs. Kim’s hand flew to her chest, scandalized, “We’re only enjoying a good game of chess. Right, Jimin?”


Jimin could only nod.


Minjeong plopped down beside her, arms brushing, knees knocking, and space non-existent. Jimin panicked, hyper aware of Minjeong’s mother sitting across them. Too close. Too close!


“Oh, hey, you’re winning.” Minjeong noticed, grinning at her.


“H-Huh?” Jimin stared at the board she was barely paying attention to. Sure enough, it looked like the odds were in her favor.


“You didn’t tell me you’re good at chess. Mom, looks like your winning streak’s about to be broken.”


Mrs. Kim was still watching them. “So it seems.”


“Move this piece here--do you mind?”


Jimin shook her head, letting Minjeong move her bishop, effectively checking her mother’s king.


“Sorry I left you alone.” Minjeong mumbled. “My brother’s just--”


“Minjeong-ah!” the man yelled from inside the house, “Come here for a sec!”


Minjeong sighed. “--a big pain in the .” she finished, moving to get up. “Sorry. I’ll be back.” she grabbed Jimin’s hand on top of the table and gave a gentle squeeze, smiling apologetically before rushing inside.


Jimin followed her with her gaze until she disappeared behind the door, chest b with affection.


Meeting Mrs. Kim’s eyes that were already on her, Jimin answered her previous question without stuttering.


“You can count on me, ma’am.”










“I’m sorry about all that.” Minjeong apologized for the nth time as they pulled their luggage through their house’s foyer. Her parents had insisted that they stay there instead of the hotel and while Minjeong had vehemently refused, nobody could really say no to Mrs. Kim.


Jimin didn’t really mind. Minjeong’s family was nice--even Mrs. Kim. Jimin was determined to prove herself to the girl’s mother, if she ever needed to. And it was a chance to know Minjeong better. It’s a win-win. Except that it gave her mild anxiety.


The interior of the house was spacious and well-furnished, and at the same time warm with the traces of life evident in the blaring television, the sound of utensils clinking in the kitchen, the delicious aroma of something cooking in the air, the unfinished cup of coffee on the coffee table, and the jackets on the coat rack.




“I didn’t think we’d run into mom.” Minjeong continued. “I hope she didn’t give you a hard time earlier.”


“Don’t worry about it.” Jimin gave her a reassuring smile but before she could say more, Kim Kibum was rushing down the stairs to meet them.


“Here, let me.” he offered, carrying their bags and together, they climbed upstairs in a single file. “We still haven’t cleared out the guest room since dad had turned it into a storage area. You don’t mind sharing Minjeong’s room, do you, Jimin?”


Jimin paused, causing Minjeong to bump into her. “Sorry.” she muttered.


They resumed their ascent, Minjeong beside her now with an arm around her waist, worried she might falter again. “You can take the bed, you know. I’ll sleep on the couch.”


Kibum overheard. “You can share the bed! It’s big enough.”


“Oppa, please.”


“No, he’s right.” Jimin placed a hand on top of Minjeong’s settled on her hip. “We can share. It’s not the first time.”


Kibum let out a sound like stifled laughter while Minjeong coughed. Jimin blinked. It was true though. They’ve shared beds in Paris.


Minjeong’s bedroom was...plain, to say the least. Jimin expected to see at least posters or pictures on the wall. Maybe some DIY decorations, since the girl had stayed there until during her teenage yearsl. But the place was barren. Clear ivory walls, hardwood floor, a double bed with white sheets pushed up to a corner beside the window with sheer white curtains, a bookshelf and a beige couch on one side, a desk and a closet on the other. The only item that hinted Minjeong’s existence was the acoustic guitar propped on the corner.


Jimin was about to ask if her parents had cleared her stuff out but then Minjeong says, “Wow, it’s still the same as I left it.”


“You mean...it’s always been like this?”


Minjeong sat on the bed, running her hands up and down the sheets. “Yeah. But a lot messier, of course.”


“It’s so…” Jimin looked around. “Simple.”


Minjeong shrugged. “I’m a simple girl.” she paused for a while and then said, “Hey, I’m sorry our trip for today got cancelled. My mom’s just very...well, she’s mom. You know what I mean?”


Jimin smiled. “Yeah. It’s okay. Today has been fun as well.” she slowly moved forward, trailing her hand on the surface of Minjeong’s desk. “I got to meet your family, got to visit your house, now I’m even staying over...it’s a great honor, Ms. Winter.”


Minjeong stretched out her arms and made grabby hands at her when she neared the bed. Chuckling, Jimin took them.


“Do they know?” She asked, remembering something, “About your preference?”


“Yeah. Since high school.” Minjeong brought up their joined hands and examined them. “Why? Did mom bully you earlier?”


Jimin smiled, amused. “No, she didn’t.”


Minjeong brought Jimin’s knuckles to her lips and hummed against her skin, the sensation setting flash bombs off Jimin’s stomach.


“Mom can be a little difficult. But I think she likes you. You beat her in chess. That’s impressive.”


Jimin shook her head. “She let me beat her in chess. Heaven knows I had no idea what I was doing.”


Minjeong paused at sniffing her hands to look up at her. “She let you win?”


“Yeah. What’s up with that?” Jimin chewed on her lip, “Was I too much of a chess loser that she took pity on me or something?”


“Hmm, I’m not sure.” Minjeong gently pulled, making her stumble between the girl’s knees. She stood so close to her now that her heart hammered wildly in her chest. “I still think she likes you though.”


Minjeong wrapped her arms around Jimin’s waist, pulling her even closer that her toes bumped against the side of the bed, and buried her face in Jimin’s stomach. Jimin inhaled sharply before settling on running her fingers through Minjeong’s hair, the short and smooth tresses feeling like silk against her skin.


“How can you be so sure?”


The sun’s already orange rays entered the bedroom window. Jimin squinted. She could see part of the neighborhood from here. Thinking that teenage Minjeong had been waking up to this exact same view every day, she committed the image to memory.


“She likes you...because I do.”


Jimin’s hand paused, halfway buried in Minjeong’s hair. Her heart had gone past hammering and entered the booming stage. Boom. Boom. Boom. Did she hear that right?


“So...” she started, wetting her lips. “The reason why you think your mom likes me...is because--”


Minjeong’s laughing, arms tightening around her torso. “I think we need to call 911.” she giggled, still pressed against Jimin’s stomach. “Your heart is beating so fast!”


She hit her head with a light pat, warmth rushing to her cheeks. “Oh, shut up.”


Minjeong’s still laughing until her chortles reduced to chuckles and then she’s quiet. Jimin resumed playing with her hair, intrigued with her silence.






“Can we stay like this for a while?”


Jimin smiled, leaning down to plant a kiss on the top of Minjeong’s head, inhaling flowers. Discovering this new side of Minjeong that she would never have guessed existed fascinated her. She’s glad the girl was comfortable enough to act like this around her.


“What’s up with you today?”


Minjeong said something but it was too garbled and muffled by the material of Jimin’s shirt to be coherent.


“What was that?” Jimin murmured against Minjeong’s hair.


“I said, I missed you.” Minjeong looked up and basically yelled the words at Jimin’s face. She blinked, surprised, before laughing.


“We were together for the past four days.” she cupped Minjeong’s soft cheeks, squishing her face.


The girl nuzzled back into her shirt. “You know what I mean.”


Jimin chuckled, “Yeah,” she pulled her closer, unable to stop smiling at this point. Minjeong’s just too adorable. “I missed you to--”


The door suddenly opened. They jumped away from each other. Jimin accidentally hit the desk and hissed under her breath. Minjeong fell back on the bed and pulled the covers over herself.


“Oops. Sorry.” Kibum said, though his wide smile was nowhere apologetic. “Did I interrupt anything?”


“Go away, oppa!” Minjeong yelled, head popping out from under the sheets. Jimin just gave him a smile that felt like a grimace, wondering why she felt like she wanted to hide in the drawers too. They were only caught hugging. Not doing--


Oh my god, stop thinking, Yoo Jimin.


Kibum’s laughing at his sister’s response, of course. “Okay! Okay!” he turned to Jimin, whose face felt like it’s on fire. “Just wanted to tell you that dinner’s ready. But it seems you’re planning on eating each--”


Minjeong threw a pillow at the man who instantly closed the door, effectively blocking the projectile. “Bon appetit!” He yelled from outside before they heard footsteps running and disappearing down the hall.


Jimin looked at Minjeong and smiled weakly. “Dinner?”


They entered the dining room hand in hand. Minjeong refused to let go, even as they sat. Their entwined hands were on her lap, and she only released her hold when she noticed Jimin fumbling with the utensils with her left hand. Her parents seemed to be oblivious but her brother who was sitting in Minjeong’s other side gave them teasing smiles.


Mrs. Kim had prepared a simple meal of galbi jjim, kimchi jjigae, and japchae with numerous side dishes and a steaming bowl of rice but the moment Jimin took a bite, she almost forgot her name.


Minjeong was a good cook. But her mother...her mother was excellent. It reminded her of her own mom. Especially her grandmother. Jimin’s throat constricted, chest tightening. She quickly shook the thought of home away before she could burst into tears.


“This is the best meal I’ve ever had here in Busan.” She remarked, voice coming out hoarse, nodding vigorously while giving a thumbs up.


Minjeong grabbed her hand under the table again, giving it a squeeze. You okay?


Jimin briefly smiled at her and squeezed back. Yeah.


Mr. Kim laughed boisterously, pleased. Jimin took note of his dimple. Just like Minjeong’s. “Girl has taste, hon.”


“I’m glad you like it, dear.” Mrs. Kim told her, her usually stoic face turning into sunshines as she smiled fondly at her. Just like Minjeong’s.


The girl beside her just quietly passed her a glass of water as though she’s aware of how close Jimin was to choking up. Maybe she was and if that wasn’t making her even more emotional. She gulped down the drink.


“You didn’t tell me you were actually Karina. I subscribe to your channel, you know?” Kibum said, his glinting eyes a mirror of Minjeong’s.


“Oh, I didn’t think it was important, oppa--can I call you that?”


Kibum waved a hand in a do-whatever-you-like gesture. “But it is important! Mom! Your daughter brought home an internet star!” he gushed. “Jimin here is, like, super big in YouTube and Instagram and she had been in magazines and commercials and--”


“Oppa, you’re getting spit all over the food.” Minjeong calmly interrupted just as Jimin was starting to squirm.


It effectively shut him up. “I’ll get your autograph later, okay?” He told Jimin before eating quietly.


“You didn’t tell me that.” Mrs. Kim said, almost sounding betrayed and was she pouting? It reminded her of…


Jimin slowly turned to Minjeong who was peacefully popping kimchi into .




“I didn’t think it was important, ma’am.” She replied, smiling at the lady.


“Well, tell us more about you and Minjeong then. I’m quite sure that’s important.” Mr. Kim winked. “How long have you been together?”




“We’re not together.” Minjeong denied before she could speak.


A pregnant pause fell on the table.


“Yet.” Jimin added. “We’re not yet together.” She clarified, smiling at Minjeong who looked up at her with an unreadable expression. “We met during the fall of last year. October, was it?”


Minjeong only nodded.


Jimin told them about how they first met at London, their second encounter at Primo, the third at the plane, and then finally at Pont des Art. Minjeong’s father couldn’t stop laughing when she exposed how Minjeong had tried so hard to avoid her and when she mentioned that Minjeong had been her videographer, Kibum broke his silence and went on about the Paris Bestie series, promising that they would watch it later in the living room TV. Minjeong kicked him under the table as soon as he said that.


Jimin sat back, watching them bicker with a melancholic smile. This must be how it’s like to be accepted.




It’s nice.


After dinner, she helped Minjeong wash the dishes, drying the plates despite the girl’s insistence that she would do it herself. They worked side by side in silence. Jimin stole glances at Minjeong. She seemed deep in thought. Mellow, even.


They went back to Minjeong’s room, the quiet girl only speaking to tell her where the bathroom was and that she could use the one down the hall and Minjeong would just wash up at the one downstairs.


Jimin took her time, wondering what caused the shift in Minjeong’s mood as she brushed her teeth, scowling at her reflection in the mirror. It alarmed her because this was almost like how Minjeong behaved in Yukon. But they were on the same page now, right?


They better clear this up.


She returned to Minjeong’s room, more determined than ever.


The girl was seated on the couch, clad in her usual oversized t-shirt and shorts, frowning at her phone. The room was dim, only illuminated by the lamp on the bedside table. A scented candle burned on the desk, adding to the light.


“Yizhuo says she sent you a message and you better check it out.” Minjeong told her. “Your phone’s on the desk, by the way. It was dying so I charged it for you.”


Jimin glanced at the device. “Thank you.” she said, making no move to get it. “But why are you still on the couch?”


Minjeong looked at her in confusion. “I told you I’ll take the couch and you can take the bed.”


“And I told you we can share.” she retorted, “Your bed’s big enough.”


“But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”


“Why would you make me uncomfortable?” Jimin asked, incredulous. She put her hands on her hips. “Okay, something’s wrong. Spill.”


They engage in a staring battle. Jimin’s eyes were dry. She would always win in staring battles. A second later, Minjeong averted her gaze.


“It’s stupid. It’s more of a me problem than a you problem.” She mumbled, staring at her feet.


Jimin approached her. “Well, what concerns you concerns me too,” she crouched in front of Minjeong, placing her hands on the girl’s knees, “So you can tell me about it.”


Minjeong looked at her before sighing. “Why are you so perfect?”


Jimin blinked.


Okay, she did not see that coming.


“You’ve done all this crazy stuff for us but here’s my insecure still unsure even after you told me that you see me in your future.” Minjeong went off, eyes trained on her knees. “I mean, I couldn’t be sure exactly what you meant by that because you’re someone who led me on only to say that we’re destined to be friends, after all. What if you meant you see me in your future just as a friend? That’s why I was quick to correct dad. But then you swooped in and just took all my worries away and I just--I just feel really crappy about myself right now.”


She breathed heavily, cheeks flushed and gaze directed to the side, away from Jimin who just stared at her, waiting to see if she was going to say more.


After making sure that she’s done, Jimin started, “Look--hey, look, Minjeong, look at me.” she reached up, gently cupping Minjeong’s cheeks. Their eyes finally met and Jimin marvelled at just how strongly she felt for this woman.


“I’m sorry for being vague, okay? Your doubts were valid. They were completely reasonable, alright? I should’ve been more specific with you. I apologize for making you--for making us wait but there’s just stuff I want to fix before anything else.” she traced patterns on the skin of Minjeong’s knees. “I...I want to become a better person for you.”


Minjeong frowned. “You’re enough as you are.”


Jimin smiled. “Thank you. You’re perfect too, you know.”


She laughed at the girl’s rolling eyes.


“I’m serious!” Jimin insisted even as she giggled. “You’re perfect. For me.”


Minjeong’s rolling her eyes again, though there’s a growing smile on her lips. “Sap.”


Jimin grinned, glad to see her favorite smile again. Taking Minjeong’s hands, she stood.


“Now, will you sleep on the bed with me?” She pulled and Minjeong let herself be dragged. “And do tell me more about that part where I supposedly led you on.” She got under the covers and scooched to the wall, immediately latching on Minjeong as soon as she settled next to her, throwing an arm around her waist and using her arm as a pillow.


“Ugh, can’t you just forget about that?”


“Nuh-uh. I won’t be able to sleep if you don’t tell me. I’ll be thinking about it all night. It would bother me so much that I won’t be able to eat--”


“Fine!” Minjeong relented and Jimin grinned in victory, loving how soft Minjeong felt in her arms, the scent of her shampoo, the feel of her smooth skin against Jimin’s--everything.


Checking out of the hotel to stay here was probably the best thing that happened in the entire trip.


“So remember when we ran into each other at Primo? You were being extremely flirty--”


“Excuse me, I was being friendly, not flirty.”


“You can defend yourself in court.”


Jimin laughed, “What?”


Minjeong slapped her arm for interrupting. “Anyway, you were sending all these signals my way and I, a girl who has never given anyone a chance for months actually considered asking you on a date--or saying yes if you asked, whichever came first--”


Jimin paused. “Really?”


“But neither happened! Because someone just wouldn’t give me her name and even said something about being destined to be friends.”


Jimin gasped. “The nerve! Who might that person be? I bet she’s hot.”


Minjeong pinched her hip. “She is, only if she stops being so annoying.”


“Ooh, so you think I’m hot?”


“Jimin, let’s just go to sleep.”


Jimin chuckled, burying her face in the crook of Minjeong’s neck. “But aren’t you glad things worked out the way it did?”


Minjeong shifted, putting an arm around her and pulled her closer. Beneath the sheets, their legs tangled messily. Minjeong stamped a kiss between Jimin’s brows.


“Yes. Yes I am.”














Jimin squirmed, half asleep, legs hitting another pair. She forced her eyes open.


Early morning sun spilled through the sheer white curtains. Somehow throughout the night, Jimin had been pushed back against the wall. Minjeong had squeezed herself into Jimin, face buried in the crook of her neck, using her arm as a pillow.


She blinked, feeling around for her phone before she realized it was on the desk. What time is it? She tried to stand but Minjeong wouldn’t let go.


“Minjeong-ah…” she carefully pried her off but the girl just tightened her hold.


“Five more minutes…” Minjeong muttered and Jimin could feel her soft, warm lips move against the sensitive skin of her neck.


Jimin clenched and unclenched her toes.


She’s wide awake now.


“I have to go get my phone.” She tried again but Minjeong just wouldn’t budge. “Minjeong-ah.”


“Ngh…” Minjeong groaned sleepily, stirring. She pulled back, squinted blearily at her, before returning to her previous position, shifting even closer. “It’s still too early…”


Jimin’s laugh came out chopped, flustered at the hot breath on her neck. “You’re extra clingy in the morning.” she observed, giving in to her fate and caressing Minjeong’s hair instead. “You know that?”


“Yeah…” Minjeong snuggled even closer, swinging a leg over Jimin’s hip and planting a kiss on her sternum. “I hate it.”


Gone. Jimin’s gone. She’s been reduced to a puddle of UWU.


Someone call 911.


Minjeong completely relaxed against her, drifting back to sleep. Jimin sighed and closed her eyes. She won’t be getting up anytime soon, anyway. Might as well go back to dreamland.


When she woke up the second time, it was no longer warm.


She squinted through her drowsy haze, blinking away the blurriness, and moving to lie on her back. The soft sunlight had turned searing hot and the brightness made her cover her eyes and groan. There’s a song playing quietly in the background, not too loud to be disruptive but enough to fill in the silence.


Sunflowers, daisies, and roses


It doesn’t matter the day


Your power’s taking me over


I just wanna stay awake


And lie right next to you


Lie right next to you




A finger poked her cheek.


“Wake up, sleepyhead.”


Lie right next to you


And lie right next to you




Lie right next to you


Jimin opened her eyes. A shade had fallen over her face. She turned and saw Minjeong lying on her side, head propped up by a knuckle while her other arm was stretched out over Jimin, hand shielding her from the glare of the sun. There’s a dazzling smile on her face and with her sun kissed skin and sweet caramel gaze, Jimin wonders if she’s still dreaming.


I see that time flies


In your brown eyes


And everytime you’re with me


I’m loving it


“You need to change your curtains.” Was the only thing Jimin managed to say.


Minjeong laughed and it’s the greatest chime of all. “I’ll do that.”


Jimin took the hand hovering over her face, bringing her palm against her cheek, inhaling the remnants of perfume on her wrist. “What time is it?”


“A little over 11.”


Jimin looked at her. “What time did you wake up then?”


“Hmm...around 10:45?”


That’s early, in Minjeong’s standards.


I light my cigarette, and I don’t regret


The time I spent with you


The warm weather makes it better


But you know I can take the cold


In a sweater, it’s always better, when we’re together


“Come on.” Minjeong patted her cheek. “I think mom cooked us lunch.”


And baby I’m not ready to go




Minjeong turned off the music and pocketed her phone. She offered her a hand, pulling her to her feet. They freshened up and headed downstairs where a delicious aroma greeted them a very good morning. Jimin’s stomach grumbled and she unconsciously gravitated towards the scent. Mrs. Kim noticed and beckoned her over.


“Jimin, dear, good thing you’re awake. Lend me a hand, will you?”


“Mom, she can’t--”


“Yes, maam.” Jimin cut Minjeong off, waving away her bewildered look and heading to the kitchen.


The tasks she was given were simple enough, thank God. Minjeong lingered around under the pretense of pestering her but everytime Jimin held a knife, Minjeong would suddenly be beside her, on the lookout for blood. Mrs. Kim just shook her head at them and occasionally yelled at her daughter because she was ruining her “quality time” with Jimin.


“How does it taste?” Mrs. Kim asked after giving Jimin a spoonful of seolleongtang.


Jimin’s eyes lit up. “It’s delicious, ma’am.”


There’s an ever slight quirk on Mrs. Kim’s lips before she’s reaching for the salt. “I think it needs more salt though.”


Making sure there was nothing that needed sharp objects anymore, Minjeong had gone to join her father at the living room after the man called her to watch a baseball game replay, leaving Jimin alone with Mrs. Kim.


The silence between them felt a little awkward--Jimin didn’t know how to act (she never knew how to move around the kitchen)--but it wasn’t as uncomfortable as their chess match.


Something must’ve shifted after that game because Minjeong’s mother seemed to be warmer towards her, calling her endearments and even giving occasional smiles. She reminded Jimin of the Minjeong she met in Europe. Stoic. Aloof. Yet gradually warming up like thawing ice.


“You mentioned you’ve never returned here in Korea until now.” Mrs. Kim broke the silence. “I’m sure you miss your family.”


There’s something in Mrs. Kim’s eyes. Something in that motherly gaze that opened Jimin up like a zipper, spilling the contents of her heart--worries, problems, issues, and all. She told her everything. Mrs. Kim lowered the stove’s heat and faced her, giving her utmost attention.


Jimin thought she did well holding back her tears but when she finished and Mrs. Kim gently pulled her into a hug, the waterworks broke and she quietly sobbed into the woman’s shoulder.


“I know it’s not quite the same but,” Mrs. Kim said, hand running up and down Jimin’s back in comfort. “I hope you know that you have a family in us too. And if everyone else shuns you out, you’re free to come here and we’ll accept you. Unless you’ve committed murder, that is.” she added as an afterthought.


Fresh batch of tears flowed down her cheeks and she’s sobbing harder yet at the same time laughing at the woman’s comment.


“We parents love our children no matter who they are or what they do.” Mrs. Kim continued, now caressing her hair. “I’m sure yours feel the same way too.”


Mrs. Kim was warm. So warm and soft, smelling like flowers and herbs, comfort and reassurance. A longing she hasn't felt in a long, long time resurfaced, squeezing her heart, twisting it into a bleeding, yearning pretzel. She tightened her hug.


“I’m--” she hiccuped, “I’m not going to c-commit murder.”


Mrs. Kim chuckled, pulling back and wiping her tears. “You better not.”


Jimin sniffed, nodding profusely and feeling like a child. “Th-Thank you, ma’am.”


Mrs. Kim frowned, tapping her reddened nose. “Call me ‘mom’.”


Jimin blinked and her vision’s getting blurred again. Fat tears spilled from her eyes. She aggressively wiped them away with the back of her hand. Gosh, she’s such a crybaby.


“Okay, m-mom.”


Mrs. Kim grinned--a splitting image of Minjeong. “That’s more like it.” she said. “Now, go clean yourself up. Or else my daughter wouldn’t shut up about how I dared to make you cry.”


Jimin laughed and went to the bathroom. When she returned, food was already set on the table and Minjeong curiously eyed her as she went to sit beside her.


Minjeong narrowed her eyes. “Did you cr--”


“Shh.” Jimin interrupted, picking up her chopsticks. “Let’s eat. I helped cook that, you know.”


Minjeong didn’t seem like she was going to let it go that easily so Jimin mouthed I’ll tell you later.


Jimin felt lighter, laughing at the lame jokes Minjeong’s dad threw on the table while Kibum groaned, telling her to stop encouraging their old man. Mrs. Kim refilled her bowl whenever she ran out of soup and offhandedly mentioned binging Jimin’s Paris Bestie series last night, which made her daughter choke and cough violently.


She half heartedly patted Minjeong’s back, bursting into laughter when the girl glared at her, and for the first time in years, between hopping from one country to another, Jimin felt like she belonged.


“Where are you going today?” Mr. Kim asked after Minjeong’s choking episode.


“I’m not telling you.” Minjeong retorted in a sing-song tone.


“Come on.” Kibum nudged his sister. “I might tag along.”


Minjeong made a face at him. “No way.” she turned to Jimin. “But I can give you a hint.”


Jimin knit her brows. “What’s that?”


Minjeong gave her a slow grin. “Say, do you have a swimsuit with you?”










White sand stretched as far as eyes can see, the sea’s rippling tide coming and going at a peaceful pace. It was a peaceful afternoon at Gwangalli Beach. At afar, a group of teenagers played beach volleyball. Jet Skis zipped across the waves. Rows of tourists lay on the sand to get sunned. Birds squawked and Jimin screamed.


“I-I can’t stand birds.” she admitted, hiding behind Minjeong which must’ve looked ridiculous, considering their size difference.


Minjeong laughed as Jimin yelped. Another seagull had just swooped down at them.


Why were there so many damned birds in this place?


“Those people over there are feeding them.” Minjeong answered and Jimin realized she had voiced her thoughts aloud.


“Why would they do that?”


“Because it’s fun? They’re just birds, Jimin.” Minjeong said, trying to get her off her back.


“Exactly. They’re birds.” a flock passed by and Jimin shrieked. “Get them away from me!”


Minjeong’s chortling away, doubling over and between Jimin’s yells and Minjeong’s loud laughter, people have started to look, wondering what the commotion was about.


“Minjeong!” Jimin slapped her arm when she still continued laughing.


“Okay, okay! Shoo! Go away, you malevolent poultry of darkness!”


They spent the afternoon enjoying water sports, riding the banana boat and renting jet skis. Minjeong spent the majority of the time scaring birds away, even swatting her paddle in their direction during their canoe ride and yelling threats such as ‘fly any closer and I’ll turn you into rotisserie!’


By nightfall, they were completely spent. Draping a blanket on the white sand, they sat side by side, watching the sun clock off and rest beyond the horizon, spilling red and orange on the rippling sea. As she wriggled her toes coated with sand, Jimin remembered something.


“You used to go to the beach a lot, right?” she asked, “With your ex.”


Minjeong frowned, staring at her, observing. “Yes.” she eventually answered.


“What did you guys do?”


“Why do I feel like our sleeping arrangement tonight would depend on what I would say at this crucial moment?”


Jimin laughed and bumped her with her shoulder. “Come on, you can tell me. I won’t kick you out to the sofa.” she said, meaning it. “I’m just curious.”


Minjeong shrugged. “We didn’t really do much.”




“Really. We just talked, most of the time.”




“School, I think? I don’t really remember.” Minjeong said, drawing something on the sand with her finger. “I never really thought about it much until you brought it up.”


Jimin smiled. “I see.”


“Just so you know…”




“I’m completely over my ex.” Minjeong said, looking into her eyes. “Just--for the record.”


“Well, what a coincidence. I’m completely over mine too. Does that mean we should date?” Jimin wriggled her brows.


Minjeong laughed. “We could.” she raised a brow suggestively. “Come on, we have one last itinerary for tonight.”


Jimin let herself be pulled up. “And that is?”


Minjeong grinned, eyes gleaming. “Moonlight cruise.”


Jimin did not expect Minjeong would rent an entire private yacht.


They sat at the front of the deck (because Minjeong got seasick inside the luxury boat, much to Jimin’s amusement), watching the seawater part as they cut through the waves while sipping on the cold beer provided by the staff. The refreshing sea breeze greeted them as they toured the glittering Busan waters, blowing back their hair and setting off chills on their skin, urging them to sit closer and snuggle to share warmth. Music flowed out from the onboard speakers, setting the mood just right.


Whenever it’s early twilight


I watch ‘til a star breaks through


Funny, it’s not a star I see


It’s always you


Minjeong pointed at various locations. They just passed Marine City and its looming skyscrapers. At their sides, Dongbaek island and Haeundae beach glittered with flickering lights.


“And that,” Minjeong pointed up. “That’s the moon. And the stars,” she turned to Jimin, grinning. “The stars are in your eyes.”


Jimin raised her brows, unimpressed. “Well that’s definitely a glow up from having ‘gunk’ in them."


Minjeong laughed. “You’re not forgetting that anytime soon, are you?”


“I’m going to bring it up every chance I get, smooth talker.”


They slowly approached the long Gwangan bridge. It stretched over the sea, twinkling in the dark and filling the night with colors.


Whenever I roam through roses


And lately I often do


Funny, it’s not a rose I touch


It’s always you


“What happened earlier?” Minjeong spoke up, fixing her with a concerned gaze. “Did my mom--”


“No, Minjeong, your mother didn’t bully me.” Jimin answered, laughing softly. “In fact...it’s the complete opposite.”


She told Minjeong about their little talk in the kitchen, how her mother had comforted her, told her sweet things, and even made her call her mom. Minjeong didn’t seem as surprised as Jimin was.


“She’s right,” Minjeong said, holding her hand. “And I’m sure my dad and brother will agree.”


“Thank you.” Jimin laid her head on Minjeong’s shoulder, nuzzling the crook of her neck. There’s a certain comfort in powder and vanilla. “I’m sorry if I’m taking too long it’s just--I can’t seem to make myself meet them again. I’m just so scared...”


Minjeong kissed the top of her head. “Take your time.” she whispered into her hair. “I’m with you every step of the way.”


A loud explosion startled Jimin. Minjeong just chuckled, tugging on her hand and pointing at the sky. Look.


Bursts of colorful lights filled the dark expanse of the night sky. Jimin stared in awe yet startled every time a firecracker went off until suddenly palms covered her ears. It did not completely block the noise, no, but the loud drumming of her heart did.


She turned.


Minjeong’s looking up at the spectacle, looking oh so beautiful with her bare face and tousled damp hair, bright eyes reflecting the fireworks in the sky.


Just like the night of the aurora.


With their proximity, Jimin could count each long eyelash, could smell the salt on her skin. Her eyes flickered down to her parted lips--soft, and pink, and tangible--and wondered if she could taste it on them too.


Wherever you are, you’re near me


You dare me to be untrue


Jimin wrenched her gaze away.


Funny, each time I fall in love


It’s always you










chapter 12 songs for context

Next 2 you - feyde

It's always you - chet baker

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wdwgfh got a smol star!! tysm yall! <3 <3 <3


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Chapter 14: This fic is cute. Thanks for that wonderful ride and informative travels! You know how to write and set the tone well that us readers were able to imagine it very vividly. This one is hell of a cute fic, albeit the slow burn of fluff and kisses and labels 😂 but what a ride! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 11: The slow burn is killing me just kiss already!!!😭
Chapter 5: Omygod. This whole paris trip is a slow burn with a nice conclusion of that kiss. Thought that would never happen 😆 Great build up there author-nim! I'm reading this for the first time and I love it! You're amazing
159 streak #5
Chapter 14: You are missed author-nim, hope you are well and hope we can see your creativity take over but if that’s not possible I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for giving us such beautiful stories
159 streak #6
Chapter 8: Omg why is it so sad omg I’m currently ugly sobbing 😭
159 streak #7
Chapter 5: The ending of this chapter will always have my heart, so sad yet so beautiful at the same time
taenggo09 14 streak #8
Chapter 14: this is so cute
thank you for making this beautiful story author
Chapter 14: Thank you for this beautiful story! 😍
Chapter 14: This is so beautifully written... You we're not kidding when you said jmj travel au. I enjoyed it alot I felt like I went on trips while reading this. And not to mention how you just gave the right place of development in jmj's relationship. They're so adorable and cute together..
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us author-shi! <3