where do we go from here?

a/n: sorry the update took so long. i've been struggling to write this past month plus things are just really busy here and  i can't promise faster updates with my condition nowadays BUT!! i've been into digital art lately and have been creating aespa and jmj fanarts in my past time (instead of writing?! IKR??) I might post them on twitter soon hehe (IF I ever finish them lmao) 

for now, here's chapter 13! enjoy!





Oh, I can’t get her out of my mind now

She’s so different from the rest

And now I’m falling--I don’t know how

She got me trippin’ every step

And every time that I just lie down

Wish she was by my side instead


Minjeong hummed, grabbing her guitar to try the melody in her mind and immediately scribbling down the lyrics. Sounds good. Tucking her pen behind her ear, she kicked against the floor, swivel chair rolling to the desk where her laptop waited.


She took a swig of her coffee and put on her headphones before feverishly tapping away on the keyboard--both computer and the musical instrument--all the while humming to keep the melody in her mind which she then decided to record.


Three days. Three days have passed since their trip to Busan and since then, Minjeong had locked herself up in her apartment, prohibiting Aeri and Yizhuo from barging in and even put her phone in ‘do not disturb’ mode, letting everyone’s calls go to voicemail and leaving their messages unread.




Well, except for one person.


Hands jerked away from the laptop to grab her phone, quickly unlocking the device to read the text.



“Which one’s better?”


Minjeong squinted at the photo of two curtains side by side. Zoom in. Zoom out.


“Aren’t they the same?”


“They’re not!”

“The one on the right is linen. On the left is cotton.”


She looked at the photo again, feeling like she’s playing one of those spot the difference games the more she stared.




“So? Which one??”


Minjeong narrowed her eyes and widened them but she still couldn’t tell the difference. Shrugging, she picked the one on the right.


“Okay! Thanks babe ;)”


Smiling, Minjeong put the device aside.


While she’s busy making music, Jimin was also occupied with redecorating her recently bought house. She would often send texts like that, asking her opinion on furniture, bed sheets, pillows--everything, really. Sometimes she would ask if Minjeong had already eaten and would have food delivered to her apartment if she hadn't, hearing about her self imposed lockdown from Yizhuo and Aeri. Minjeong didn’t tell her about it, she explained, because she was free to drop by anytime.


So who the hell was punching in the passcode on her front door making it beep annoyingly on this wonderful evening?


There were only two (2) people who knew her passcode. Huffing, she went to meet (and scold) the peace breaker but not without grabbing her baseball bat in case the need to bash heads in arises.


The door opened after a series of beeps, revealing Aeri and Yizhuo who smiled innocently upon seeing Minjeong at the foyer, frowning with arms akimbo.


She swung the bat, resting it on her shoulder. “I told you not to disturb me.”


They chuckled nervously, lifting a paper bag. “We brought chicken.”


She eyed the bag. The aroma wafted over.


“Come in.”


They gathered around in Minjeong’s living room, opening the box of chicken and taking out a six-pack beer. Aeri and Yizhuo moved around comfortably as though they owned the place, as usual, looting her kitchen and surfing through her television.


“What are you doing here?’ Minjeong asked Aeri who was momentarily enamoured by a lion attacking a gazelle in Nat Geo.


“We were getting kinda worried you might’ve dropped dead so we stopped by to check.”


Minjeong snorted at that. “You just wanted an excuse to drink.”


Aeri smiled and shrugged, not denying it. She switched the channel again.


“Minjeong-unnie!” Yizhuo called from the kitchen. “Your phone’s ringing!”


She remembered leaving the device in her room. “Get it for me, please!”




Aeri had started browsing Netflix. Minjeong grabbed a can of beer and popped it open. Yizhuo soon arrived, Minjeong’s phone already on her ear, her wide grin making the latter raise a brow.


“Yes, unnie. We’re about to eat. We brought her dinner. Chi-maek!” she was saying, plopping down on the carpeted floor beside Minjeong who gave her a questioning look of ‘who’s that?’ which she just replied to with a finger heart. “You can come over if you want.”


“Excuse me, Ms. Ning, but this isn’t your house.”


“Oops.” Yizhuo covered . “Sorry, Jimin-unnie, it doesn’t seem like you’re welcome here.”




Minjeong quickly snatched her phone, ignoring Aeri snorting and Yizhuo cracking up. She should’ve known. There was only one (1) number she didn’t block after all.


“Hello? Jimin?”


A giggle. “Hi.”


Yeah she got a voice as sweet as honey

And she’s smooth as ice


A song set off in Minjeong’s head--the one she had been writing, filling in the melody with lyrics.


She got a smile that lights the country

So it ain’t ever dark at night


Minjeong stood, “Don’t touch the thighs. The thighs are mine.” she threatened Aeri and Yizhuo before disappearing into her bedroom.


“So...” Jimin said. Hearing her voice made Minjeong want to see her. “You like thighs, huh?”


Minjeong flushed at her suggestive tone. “No--well, yes. But--I mean. Thighs. Like, chicken thighs.”


“Just chickens’ then?”




“That’s a pity.” Jimin drawled, a hint of a smile in her voice. “If it interests you, I enjoy s a lot.”


Minjeong felt like she just washed her face with lava. “Stop messing with me.” she whined.


Jimin finally burst out laughing. “What? I’m just saying I like chicken .”


And she got a humor, oh she’s funny

And the purest brown eyes


Minjeong clicked her tongue but was unable to stop her growing smile. “So why did you call?”


“I wanted to ask if you’ve had dinner.” Jimin answered almost immediately, as though she got the excuse prepared on her tongue. “Surprisingly, it was Ning who answered.”


“Yeah, well…” Minjeong fiddled with a loose thread on her sheets. “Those two suddenly barged in without warning.” she paused. “Have you had dinner?”


“I ate outside earlier. I bought a lot of stuff today.” Jimin went on gushing about the cute pans and pots she bought and the desk she got from IKEA. She purchased the curtain Minjeong chose as well. The latter listened, smiling at her enthusiasm and humming every now and then.


“What are you even going to do with those kitchen supplies?” Minjeong asked when she finished, worried that Jimin might be impulsively buying things she didn’t actually need. “I don’t think you’ll use them.”


“I won’t but you would.”




“Anyway, I finished painting, like, 70% of the walls today.”


Oh, right. She had been up to that as well. The renovations were done just in time for them to return from their Busan trip and all Jimin had to do was the repainting. Minjeong had offered help but she had refused, saying she didn’t want to bother her and that her friends were willing to help anyway. Aeri and Yizhuo stopped by as well and while that made Minjeong extremely jealous, she couldn’t leave her work unfinished. Jimin documented the entire process of her home makeover, making vlogs to put up on her channel and Minjeong was her one and only beta viewer.


Bestie privileges.


“By next week--or the week after that--I might be able to move in.” Jimin continued.


It was almost surreal, how the I’m-never-going-back-to-Seoul-EVER-again Jimin was going on and on about settling down. Minjeong still found it hard to believe sometimes, how the tide had turned.


You know what would be really lovely

If she were mine tonight


“You’ve come so far.” she said, voice coming softer than she intended it to be. “Who would’ve known?”


A light chuckle. “I know, right?” she paused. “But so far, I’m happy to be here.”


Minjeong smiled. “And that’s all that matters.”


They fall silent for a moment. Minjeong drew invisible patterns on her sheets, content with hearing Jimin’s breath. There’s a thrumming in her blood--something she hasn't felt in a long while. It had been there for quite some time now; a low, steady hum beneath her skin like an ode from her heart, strumming notes from her veins, pushing her chest to the verge of bursting.


She put a hand to her heart.


Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub.


Jimin cleared . “I think you should go back.” She said. “The girls might eat your thighs.”


Minjeong grimaced. “That just sounds weird.”


Jimin laughed and then she fell quiet. There’s hesitation. A breath. Two.


“I miss you.”




Ah. She’s going to die.


Cheeks aching from smiling too wide, she replied with a soft voice coming out a little too shy.


“I miss you too.”












Minjeong found herself parking across Jimin’s new place the next day after waking up and thinking: I want to see her.


And so she went to do just that.


She stepped out of her car, giving the Range Rover parked by the driveway a look. It’s not a vehicle she recognized. Did Jimin get herself a car already?


She couldn’t recall Jimin telling her about it. It brought a frown to her face. She unbuckled her seatbelt but stayed in her car, wringing the steering wheel and trying to sort the ugly feeling that had crept to her chest.


She couldn’t help it. Everything felt so familiar.


With a sigh, her eyes went up to the clear blue sky. The clouds were light, various shapes drifting by.


Just like that day in New York--


Minjeong trusts Jimin. She really does. But a part of her, a tiny bad part couldn’t stop thinking--it’s not impossible. Anything could happen. After all, she trusted her too, didn’t she?


But they’re different! Minjeong argued, defending Jimin from herself.


They are. But you’re still you, a taunting voice in her head whispered back, The same old you, so easy to get tired of, to replace--


“Ugh, shut up.” Minjeong got out of the car, slamming the door with more force than necessary, and stormed to Jimin’s house. She’ll find out for herself and shut that nasty part of her up.


Ding dong


Minjeong closed her eyes as she heard footsteps shuffle closer. Please. Please. Please. Plea--




She opened her eyes and there she was, Yoo Jimin in flesh, hair messily tied up with locks hanging down her face like spider legs. Blue was all over her muscle tee and denim shorts, smeared on her exposed arms and hands and face and hair. Like she just wrestled with blue goop and lost.


God, she’s beautiful.


Minjeong momentarily forgot about her unwanted suspicions until a girl popped up from behind Jimin’s shoulder, arms snaking around her waist.


Minjeong’s heart sank.


“Is it the delivery--” the girl stopped herself, meeting her eyes. “Oh.”


Minjeong’s gut bubbled. She tried to regulate her breathing. Was this the part where she storms off and severs all ties with Jimin aka the part where everything crumbles down? But her feet refused to leave. She will fight this girl for Jimin. And then fight Jimin next.


Jimin must’ve caught something in her expression. Or the rigid way she stood. She quickly removed the arms from her waist.


“Minjeong, I--”


“Oh my god! It’s you!” Minjeong blinked as the girl basically just pushed Jimin aside to have a better look at her. “You’re the Paris Bestie!”




Minjeong felt like she was caught in a whirlwind as the girl--who briefly introduced herself as Lia--clung on to her and dragged her inside. She helplessly sent Jimin a look for SOS but the girl just smiled and closed the gate.


There were more people inside, Lia said in her 500 words per second speech, which made Minjeong want to reschedule her visit but the woman dragged her across the lawn that had been manicured, though the pool snaking around the house was still void of water. She counted at least three other people moving around through the windows.


Minjeong swallowed. She’s never been a socialite.


But she sighed in relief nonetheless. It seemed that she was worried about nothing.


“Look who I found!” Lia announced, basically yanking her inside the house and the smell of fresh paint smacked her in the face.


Everybody turned.


Her count was right. There were three people moving around. It’s just that the others who were sprawled on the big couch, some busy with their phones and watching an afternoon drama on the TV.


“Paris Bestie!”


She’s a celebrity at this point.


They burst into exclamations all at the same time, rushing to meet Minjeong who was rather petrified at the number of gorgeous women mobbing her. It reminded her of those Greek mythological creatures called maenads, and recalled the stories of how they ravished their enemies.


The experience must have felt somewhat like this.


“Okay, girls, let her breathe.” A familiar voice saved her from being dazzled to death. They distanced a bit, looking at Jimin standing just outside the doorway.


Her eyes locked in on Minjeong. Minjeong looked away.


Jimin started to approach but Minjeong was already being dragged, a foreign arm intertwined with hers. The girl smiled at her cheekily.


“Jimin! We found your Paris Bestie!”


“Hey, I found her first!” Lia argued.


“Excuse me, it’s me who found her first.” Hwang Yeji. Minjeong had never met her before but she remembered her face from the photos Jimin had shown her.


The world spun.


What the heck was going on?


“Sorry, ladies, I found her first.” Jimin pushed them aside. “Now please hand her over, Somi.”


Somi’s grin was scandalous. “All yours.” She gently nudged Minjeong to Jimin’s outstretched arm that immediately draped around her, pulling her close.


Having Jimin’s arm around her shoulders felt like an anchor in a stormy sea. She smelled like paint and blueberries and peace of mind. Jimin looked at her with concern. Minjeong replied with a small nod, still unable to meet her eyes.


Introductions went by fast. Minjeong repeated their names over and over in her head to remember them. The three she saw outside the window were Yuqi, Ryujin, and Heejin who had been the only ones who were contributing real help. The rest--Somi, Lia, and Yeji--had been lazing around in the living room, though when Minjeong asked, they defended themselves saying eight people are just too many!


The thing about Jimin’s group of friends was...they were quite a lively bunch.


In blunter terms, they were loud.


Everybody spoke at the same time. Minjeong had no idea where to pay attention and while she was relieved that they were all excited to meet her, it was all just a little too overwhelming and she suddenly missed her spokespersons Aeri and Yizhuo.


Thankfully, Jimin took her away from the chaos.


“You okay?” She asked when they stepped out into the backyard.


Minjeong gave her a reassuring smile. “Yeah.” she chewed on her lip. Should she talk about it? “Um...about earlier…”


Jimin faced her, giving her utmost attention. Her ears turned hot.


“I’m sorry. I...I kind of assumed Lia was...I mean, that there was something going on…”


Jimin reached out for her hands. “I understand.”


Minjeong observed her. Her skin felt warm against hers. “You’re not mad?”


Jimin shook her head. “Like I said, I understand. Considering what you’ve been through.” she grazed her thumb over Minjeong’s knuckles. “It’s okay. I can just prove myself over and over and over again.” she smiled.


“Isn’t that tiring?”


“I won’t get tired. Not ever.”


Minjeong stared at her and her song started playing again.


Sometimes all my thoughts get jumbled

I just don’t know what to say

There’s something special ‘bout you

Oh, it isn’t just one thing

And it’s you that gets me

To feel some type of way


Minjeong wanted to kiss her. Then and there.


“You didn’t tell me you were coming.” Jimin said, breaking her out of her trance.


“Surprise?” Minjeong chuckled at her pout. “You’re just going to tell me not to go if I told you.”


“This is exactly why I don’t want you to go.” Jimin gestured helplessly at the doorway, “And you chose the worst possible time to drop by. They’re all here because it’s the weekend.”


“Hey, it’s okay. I’m sure they’re not that bad.” Minjeong pat her shoulder. “Besides, I’ve always wanted to meet your friends.” she took a peek inside, waving back at Yeji who caught her looking. “You don’t talk about them much.”


“Well, as you can see…” Jimin said, looking at the bunch fighting for the last bag of potato chips in the living room. “There’s not much to say.”


Minjeong laughed. She’s liking them already. And her worries have all melted away. “No way. I think there’s a lot of stories to tell with friends like that.”


Jimin grimaced. “Stories I would rather you not hear, to be honest.”


Minjeong’s grin spread slowly on her lips. “Where’s the fun in that?”


“Get back in here, Paris Besties!” somebody yelled from inside the house, “This wall isn’t going to paint itself!”


Jimin winced. “You heard that. Maybe you can watch a movie with them--”


“No, I want to help.” Minjeong shrugged off her plaid shirt, tying it around her waist. “You got a job for me, boss?” she asked, grinning.


Jimin just stared at her for seconds too long that Minjeong had to snap her out of her daze, poking her cheek. “Oh, um, yeah, sure--I mean, you sure?”


“Is that seriously a question?” Minjeong laughed but Jimin’s just staring, which made her clear awkwardly instead. “I’ll be fine. Let’s go.”












Everyone’s eyes were on them.


Though, of course, they tried to be discreet about it, the furtive glances they sent Jimin and Minjeong’s way didn’t go past Yeji’s watchful gaze. But it seemed like the two were oblivious of the quiet gossip between the friends, too sickeningly engrossed with each other to notice the nonstop buzzing of Jimin’s phone due to the messages flooding in the group chat.


Ugh. Good for them.


Ryujin, before her cute neighbor, now her cute neighbor and girlfriend, passed near the couch and Yeji stretched out a hand, which the girl instantly held, giving her a questioning look.


Yeji shook her head to say that nothing, Jimin and Minjeong was just making her (and possibly everyone in the room) feel horribly single despite already having a significant other and they were just standing there, meters apart, stealing glances at each other like a sappy romcom.


The wall was forgotten as Jimin gave up on her quick looks and decided to just blatantly stare, only averting her gaze and blushing like a high school girl when Minjeong extended her arms to reach a certain spot with her roller paint brush, t-shirt riding up and exposing a sliver of white skin on a toned stomach.


Her friend was definitely head over heels.


Understandably so. Their favorite songwriter was a walking dreamboat. Aside from Jimin endlessly gushing about her in every chance she gets, Yeji finally meeting Minjeong in person backed it all up because honestly, statements from a lovesick person aren’t that credible and everything Jimin had said was starting to sound too good to be true.


Well, Minjeong better be everything Jimin preached. Their friend deserves it after all she’s been through.


“They’re hopeless, aren’t they?” Ryujin commented, noticing where Yeji was looking.


She smiled fondly. “They’re disgusting.”


Yeji let her girlfriend go and averted her focus to the ongoing series playing on Jimin’s new television set. Most of the house was already repainted into different shades of blue of Jimin’s choice. The only spot left was the bedrooms and a portion of the kitchen, which they would probably finish tomorrow. The furniture was mostly set, except for a few others. Jimin’s house was getting together pretty smoothly.


By tomorrow, Yeji would start helping Jimin slowly transfer her things from her apartment to this house so she could move in as soon as the repainting was done.


It was still so jarring. Almost surreal. Gone were those days when they would almost beg for Jimin to return. Just like that--


Well, no. It took them quite a bit of heartache and tears. But still.


Her eyes drifted to Minjeong who was chuckling at something she was talking about with Yuqi who had taken over Jimin’s task and thought: there she is--the one who made the impossible possible.


Jimin walked in from the backyard then, retying her bun, and Minjeong momentarily stopped to stare, smiling when their gazes met.


Yeji and Yuqi exchanged a knowing look.


The sun set soon enough and the drama had long ended. Somi ordered dinner. Those who helped paint had cleaned themselves up. Yuqi and Somi settled on the other couch. Ryujin squeezed in between Yeji and the arm rest. On her other side, Heejin took up the rest of the space, legs stretched out.


Jimin and Minjeong walked, the latter having changed into a familiar oversized t-shirt. Yeji didn’t mean to listen but they were standing just beside them and she couldn’t help but overhear.


“Hey, you still have paint on your face.”


“Oh? Where?”


“Around--wait, hold still. Let me.”


Ryujin snorted. Yeji wrinkled her nose.


“Hey love birds,” Heejin spoke up, making Jimin and Minjeong jump away from each other. “Take the remaining seat before Lia returns. I assure you, Minjeong, you have nothing on your face anymore.”


Blushing, they sat on the remaining loveseat but not without Jimin smacking Heejin’s arm. Lia arrived from her toilet break, giving the occupied seats a look before obnoxiously sitting on Heejin’s outstretched legs. Chaos ensued and Lia ended up reclaiming her original spot beside Yeji, Heejin grumbling and hugging her knees to her chest.


“So…” Lia spoke, raising her voice to be heard over the chatter and the news droning from the TV. “Kim Minjeong.”


The girl perked up. “Yeah?”


Lia sat forward, elbows propped on her knees and hands tucked under her chin. “Tell me about yourself.”


Minjeong scratched her cheek. Yeji barked out a laugh. Heejin snorted. The rest shook their heads.


Heejin sat up, mimicking Lia’s position. “Why should we hire you?”


Ryujin grinned and joined in the clowning. “Do you work well under pressure?”


“Hey!” Lia whined, stomping her feet.


“You at acting cool, Lia.” Somi teased.


Lia frowned. “I’m not acting cool.”


“You’re definitely trying to be intimidating.” Yuqi said.


“Am not!”


aM nOT!” Yuqi mocked.


“I really am not!”


“Are too.” Jimim joined in.


“Well, is it working?” Lia demanded, raising a brow at Minjeong who blinked.




“You’re doing it again.” Jimin jabbed, draping an arm on the backrest behind Minjeong.


“I’m not doing anything!”


“Don’t mind them.” Yuqi told Minjeong as Lia argued with everybody else. “And Lia…don’t take her seriously. Nobody does.”


“I heard that!”


“Good to know your ears work.”


“I’ll just go back to the toilet if I were you.” Heejin suggested.


Somi’s phone rang. “Food’s here.”


Minjeong stood. “I’ll get it.”


Jimin jumped to her feet. “I’ll come with you.”


They watched the two walk out of the house, snickering maliciously when the girls closed the door behind them.


“They’re cute, aren’t they?” Ryujin commented giddily.


“They are. It’s nice to see Jimin smiling like that again.” Somi sighed. “Especially when the last time we saw her…”


“Yeah.” Lia interrupted. “But I’m sorry in advance for the person I’ll become if she gets hurt again.”


“Lia…” Yuqi chided.


“What? Don’t tell me you’re not thinking of the same thing.”


They fell quiet and Yeji could hear their collective agreement loud and clear in the silence. She shook her head. Her friends’ protectiveness of her was understandable. They had witnessed the sorry state Jimin was in when that despicable girl left her after all. If Minjeong ever messes up…


Yeji could only wish her luck.


Though that probably won’t happen.


The Jimin with them now was nothing like they’ve ever seen before. Not even with her ex.


She’s just...glowing.


“But Minjeong is really good for her.” She said, breaking the silence. “Don’t you think?”


The subjects of their discussion walked in then, side by side, struggling with the huge paper bags in their arms as they laughed at what seemed like an inside joke that involved chicken thighs and chicken s.


The group fell quiet. But with the way soft smiles graced their lips echoed their collective agreement in the silence.










Jimin was being a coward and she hated herself for it.


She thought--she believed she was determined enough. But apparently not. Days turned to weeks turning to months and between attending her classes, studying, filming YouTube content, and keeping in touch with her friends, the plan of meeting her parents had slipped away from her mind.


Or so she liked to think to ease herself of guilt.


(She never really forgot. She was just too much of a chicken to go through with it.)


It wasn’t fair to Minjeong but Minjeong--sweet, patient Minjeong never rushed her. She didn’t even try to ask. She’s just there; a constant, comforting presence of reassurance. It only made Jimin feel worse.


Aside from that, there’s also Mrs. Kim who somehow managed to get her number, calling her almost everyday to check on her--a little too much that her actual daughter started complaining about favouritism. On some weekends, Kibum and Mrs. Kim would even visit and bring her containers of side dishes and they would play chess and Jimin would always lose.


(She was right. Mrs. Kim had let her win the first time.)


There’s a pressurizing urge to repay Minjeong and her family’s never ending kindness. However, her schedule was also really really tight right now. She couldn’t even get enough sleep, let alone drive all the way to Seongnam and pull crazy stunts like meeting her parents who she hadn't seen for years or something.


Law school had been expectedly tough. She would wake up at 6am (after snoozing 16 alarms) and Minjeong would be picking her up at 7, usually with a bag of bagels and a cup of coffee ready. If she wanted to get the good study rooms at the library, she would have to be there by 7:30 to read the assignments and materials she didn’t read yet for her first class. At 9, she would battle every other student at the cafe for another cup of coffee (she hated the drink but there’s no way of surviving law school other than one too many shots of espresso) before heading to class and wage another war for an outlet so she could have her laptop to take notes on.


Choi Soobin and Choi Yeonjun, classmates she had gotten close to at some point, would drag her around during lunch. There’s always some event or meeting going on that offers free food, be it the Animal Rights Puppies Kittens Law Society or a 45-minute plea from the school to join the moot court cult--there’s always free pizza and fried chicken somewhere on campus. On better days, Minjeong would be there to save her from sitting through hour long sermons.


After an eventful lunch, she’d be back in the classroom and battle for the outlet, waiting for the professor while listening to the girl in front of her complain that it’s all the curve’s fault she 2.5-ed last semester and now she’ll never find a rich husband in law school. She would try to tune her out as she calculated the chances of her getting cold called, eventually deciding she’ll be fine so she doesn’t skim the next cases.


(Nine times out of ten, she gets cold called.


Quimbee, heavens bless that tool, saves her in con law as she explains an eloquent dissent of Scalia but has no idea what it means.)


All their classes end at three but she would often hang out at the library with Soobin and Yeonjun to do additional readings while trying not to get kicked out by the severe librarian as they engage on a rather heated debate on whether one should dip or pour sauce on tangsuyuk,


Minjeong would usually pick her up at five and they would crash at either her or Jimin’s place, ordering a massive quantity of sushi to munch on while they sat on the couch. At some point they become a tangle of limbs--Minjeong laying on top of her while scrolling through her phone, laughing at funny tweets, and watching cat videos while Jimin would be reading, reading, try not to get distracted when Minjeong randomly laughs and hides her face in the crook of her neck, reading, and reading and when she gets sick of that, she asks Minjeong to put on a Ghibli film and she forgets she’s in law school for an hour and thirty minutes.


Today was just like any other day. She’s in class but the professor was away and left them with their readings. Some of her classmates had already left but Jimin stayed, trying to finish her homework so she could be free tonight. Minjeong was sleeping over and she wouldn’t want to waste time facing blocks of text and papers instead of her...girl friend. With a space.


Her phone buzzed. She was about to ignore it until she read the contact name.


“Finished recording the demo. Tired af.”


“You said your prof’s not around? I’m omw to pick you up”


“What are you smiling at?” Soobin asked. Yeonjun had already left to attend to personal matters. He pointed at her notes. “You spelled that wrong, by the way.”


Jimin rolled her eyes, erasing in feces curiae and replacing it with in facie curiae, “It’s Minjeong. She just sent me a song demo.”


Soobin gave her a look. “Damn, I’m jealous. Should I hook up with a famous songwriter too?”


“We didn’t hook up.”


“But you wish you did.”


Jimin flushed. She hit his arm. Hard. “Shut up.”


She had decided to tell her law school friends about her and Minjeong because they kept asking who the pretty girl who kept on driving her around was. Jimin ignored them until they started commenting on how Minjeong fits their type and please, please could Jimin introduce them?


Fortunately, the boys were cool with it and Minjeong didn’t mind them knowing. She was even amused at her “territorialism”.


“Jimin,” a classmate called from the door, “Someone’s looking for you.”


She frowned. “Who?”


He scratched his cheek. “Paris...bestie?”


She got up at the first word, rushing outside and ignoring Soobin saying “Lord, when?” on his seat.


There she was, leaning against the wall with her head angled down, eyes on her phone. Her hair had grown a little longer that it brushed past her shoulders. She looked up and their eyes met, setting off an unstoppable pull at the corners of Jimin’s lips.


“Hey,” Minjeong greeted, the mere three-lettered word powerful enough for butterflies to wreak havoc in Jimin’s tummy.


Damn, she’s down bad.


“Hey.” Jimin approached her, “Picking me up?”


Minjeong rolled her eyes. “No, I’m here to pick up your friend.” she said, waving at someone behind Jimin.


She turned and glared at Soobin, dragging a laughing Minjeong away. “You know, sometimes I wish you weren’t that pretty.”


Minjeong snorted. “My face is my asset.””


“I mean, I love you for who you are so it would be great if you’re a little less attractive. Would be easier to gatekeep you from everyone.”


Minjeong’s jaw seemed to have malfunctioned along with her head, opening and closing. “You--you what?”


Jimin just grinned. She said what she said. No taking back and no repeating. “I thought you were still on the way.”


“I drove past 120.”


Jimin frowned disapprovingly. “Please tell me you’re joking.”


“I’m joking.”


“Good. Where did you park?”


“Near gate 3. But about what you said--”


“Let’s go.” Jimin walked faster and pulled her along. “I’m cooking dinner.”


Minjeong barked out a laugh. “Jimin, aside from ramen and boiled eggs, what else can you actually cook?”


“Um...microwave popcorn?”


Minjeong shoved her away. “We’re getting takeouts.”


Jimin pulled her back, swinging an arm around her shoulders. “Your mom taught me how to cook kimchi fried rice last weekend.”


Minjeong frowned at her. Jimin wanted to squish her cheeks. “She did?”




“Wow. I think she loves you more than me at this point.”


“You mean she loves me more than you love me or she loves me more than she loves you?”


Minjeong paused. “I-”


Jimin laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m fine either way. Is that your car? Where’s your keys?”


Time had turned Jimin’s house into a home and she loved it so far--the walls painted in her favorite blue, the enormous map on the wall that Minjeong had suggested, the cozy couch that they both loved to crash on--it was probably the best investment she’s made so far.


“Do you even have the ingredients?”


She watched as Minjeong navigated through the living room, going straight to the kitchen and opening the refrigerator and cupboards with much familiarity.


“I’m pretty sure I do.” Jimin replied, leaning against the counter.


Minjeong poked her head out of the fridge to frown at her. God, she loves her frowns.


“You have one bottle of water in here, Ms. Yoo.”




“How have you even been feeding yourself?”


“With my hands? I’m kidding, I’m kidding, don’t glare at me like that. I eat with chopsticks--ouch!” Jimin laughed, picking up the empty bottle of water that had hit her shoulder and tossing it to the bin.


Minjeong closed the door with a huff. “This won’t do. Let’s go to the mart.”


“But...we can just order takeouts?” Jimin tried to reason as Minjeong dragged her away.


“And what will you be eating tomorrow? More fast food? Besides, I have high expectations for your kimchi fried rice.”


Seriously. What would she do without Minjeong?


They had to drive a little further away as the mart near Jimin’s place was closed for the day. She made a mental list of what she needed to buy so she could get them and head home quickly but Minjeong had a different plan in mind.


“But we already got everything we need!” she whined as she pushed the cart along the aisle.


“That’s not enough to sustain you for the entire week, miss.” Minjeong poked her cheek. “Now, please go get milk while I head to the meat section so we can finish faster, yeah?”


Jimin huffed. “Fine.”


She dragged her feet to the dairy section, checking out different brands and internally debating with herself which one to get. Low fat, skim milk, modified, fortified--ooh, buy one take one. She picked it up without hesitation.


She turned, a spring on her step, only to almost bump into someone.


“Oh, I’m sorry--”


Words got stuck in . Her blood turned to ice. She stepped back. The chiller felt a little too cold. Yes. That must be why she had started to tremble.


Jimin was being a coward and she hated herself for it.


“...Yoo Jimin?”


Destiny probably did too and decided that if she wouldn’t make her move, things that’s bound to happen will happen.


Jimin took a deep breath, steeling herself to meet those familiar brown eyes.


She looked exactly like Jimin remembered. Only a little older. A little more frail. But no less beautiful. The eyes that had smiled at her as she grew up did not smile now but they did glisten, quickly filling up with tears that threatened to spill. Her lips curved up regardless. Acting strong had always been a mother’s talent.


She stepped forward, and then back. “I...I didn’t know you were back in Seoul.”


“Yeah, well…”




Jimin kept her eyes on the milk in her hand. Reading nutritional facts had never been so riveting.


“Your father…”


Jimin froze.


“Your father’s waiting for me outside. He’s doing well.” the woman continued, “Have--Have you had dinner? If not then would you want with us?”




Just behind her, Minjeong emerged from an aisle. Their eyes met and the girl tilted her head to the side. Fortunately, she didn’t try to approach them. Jimin wouldn’t have known what she would do if she did. Still, the sight of her in this situation made Jimin feel both weak and empowered.


She averted her gaze back to the woman.


There was hope in those eyes. And longing. And warmth. Yet a cold feeling churned in Jimin’s gut still. Like it’s creating the biggest smoothie of anxiety.


What would it take for those eyes to be as cold and sharp as daggers like it had years ago?


“I’m sorry. I already have plans.”


Still a coward.


Still a coward.


“I see.” the woman attempted to smile and Jimin's heart twisted. “Then I better go and not keep your father waiting.”


We parents love our children no matter who they are or what they do, Mrs. Kim’s voice was resonant in her mind, I’m sure yours feel the same way too.


“This weekend,” Jimin forced out before the woman could leave. She clenched her fists so tight her nails dug into her palms. “I’m available this weekend.”


A look of surprise fell on the woman’s features before morphing into a smile, eyes crinkled with glee. Jimin’s heart had turned into drums, each deafening beat produced from extreme slamming of sticks.


“Then we’ll prepare dinner at home,” she said, “And wait for you.”


Jimin swallowed. “Y-You will?”


Her gaze was soft, her touch warm and light. Like the early morning sun.


“We always have.”








chapter 13 songs for context

Honey - Nathan Benjamin

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Chapter 14: This fic is cute. Thanks for that wonderful ride and informative travels! You know how to write and set the tone well that us readers were able to imagine it very vividly. This one is hell of a cute fic, albeit the slow burn of fluff and kisses and labels 😂 but what a ride! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 11: The slow burn is killing me just kiss already!!!😭
Chapter 5: Omygod. This whole paris trip is a slow burn with a nice conclusion of that kiss. Thought that would never happen 😆 Great build up there author-nim! I'm reading this for the first time and I love it! You're amazing
159 streak #5
Chapter 14: You are missed author-nim, hope you are well and hope we can see your creativity take over but if that’s not possible I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for giving us such beautiful stories
159 streak #6
Chapter 8: Omg why is it so sad omg I’m currently ugly sobbing 😭
159 streak #7
Chapter 5: The ending of this chapter will always have my heart, so sad yet so beautiful at the same time
taenggo09 14 streak #8
Chapter 14: this is so cute
thank you for making this beautiful story author
Chapter 14: Thank you for this beautiful story! 😍
Chapter 14: This is so beautifully written... You we're not kidding when you said jmj travel au. I enjoyed it alot I felt like I went on trips while reading this. And not to mention how you just gave the right place of development in jmj's relationship. They're so adorable and cute together..
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us author-shi! <3