
where do we go from here?


Minjeong’s itinerary was indeed nothing Jimin had ever experienced before.


She told her to go to her hotel room instead of waiting in the car which Jimin didn’t think much about, except that she did find it surprising that Minjeong would be awake so early. And so drive over to Bel Ami she did, knocking on the blonde’s door.


She didn’t expect the nostalgic and delicious smell wafting from the room as soon as the door opened. Minjeong stood there with her hair tied up in a messy bun with a ladle in hand, wearing a hotel apron that already had a stain like someone threw a soy sauce filled water balloon at her.


“Uhh, what?” Jimin blurted dumbly.


“Hurry. Get in.” Minjeong said before leaving her alone, running off inside. Real hospitable.


Jimin kicked off her shoes at the foyer, closing the door behind her before heading inside. The aroma was coming from the kitchenette. And Minjeong was in the middle of what looked like a science experiment. Jimin didn’t know if she should be worried or confused.


“What is going on?”


Minjeong barely spared her a glance. “Go sit and make yourself comfortable or something.”


That did not answer her question at all.


Papers were strewn all over the bed both along with wires from headphones, earphones and speakers blasting Harry Styles and phone and laptop charger attached on said device. Her guitar was lying on the carpeted floor with a pillow, its case also on the bed tangled with the messy sheets. Clothes were all over the couch along with an open suitcase.


Where exactly was she supposed to sit?


Jimin went to the kitchen instead, peering over Minjeong’s shoulder from behind. “What are you doing?”


“Food. I’m doing food.”


“O-kay?” Jimin frowned, not quite getting it, “Why?”


Minjeong huffed, turning so abruptly Jimin flinched, flustered by their close proximity. “Jimin.”




“Welcome to Minjeong Tours, where we do nothing but eat and stay indoors all day.”


Jimin did not expect that, but then again she should’ve at least guessed.


She tried to help with whatever Minjeong was cooking but as soon as she almost cut herself while chopping onions, Minjeong had strictly banned her from the kitchen. The girl acted like Gordon Ramsay when cooking, for heaven’s sake.


Since she couldn’t go anywhere near the blonde, she tidied up the bed instead, catching a glimpse of scribbled chords and lyrics on the papers (“I will never know if you love me, or my company. But I don't mind”) before making herself comfortable on the queen sized, snapping more stolen photos of Minjeong moving about the kitchenette.


Her eyes strayed to the clothes piled on the couch and realized that it wasn’t a mess. Most were already folded neatly. It was ready to be put inside the waiting suitcase.


Right. Minjeong’s leaving.


Jimin took a deep breath and put down her phone, “Hey, I actually brought breakfast.” she stood, opening the paper bag she put on the nightstand. “Maybe eat first? While it’s still hot?”


“Oh, right. I should’ve told you not to buy breakfast.”


Jimin walked over and held the croissant to Minjeong’s lips. “Ah.”


The blonde gave her a look before taking a big bite. “Today’s cuisine’s supposed to be Korean though. You’re just too early.” she grumbled.


Jimin chuckled, popping the rest of the pastry into . “Korean? That’s what you’re cooking?”


“Yeah. Hand me the plate, will you?”


Minjeong’s a gourmet chef in disguise. That’s what Jimin thought as she basically drooled at the dishes presented before her. They were sitting on the carpet, coffee table as their makeshift dining table. There was a bowl of steaming kimchi jjigae, a plate of bulgogi, kimchi, yachaejeon, and of course, rice. When was the last time she had an actual, warm homemade meal?


“Eat up.” Minjeong urged when Jimin just continued staring.


Jimin swallowed, throat constricting. “I-” her voice broke, overwhelmed.


“Hey, why are you crying?”


She aggressively wiped off the unshed tears with the back of her hand. “No one’s crying.”


“Yet. No one’s crying yet.”


Jimin shot her a glare before finally having a sip of the stew. She froze, the familiar taste filling her with nostalgia. Her mind took a trip in memory lane, bringing her back to Seoul. With her family. And friends. Her vision blurred and she put down her spoon.


“Well, someone’s crying now.” Jimin managed to say between sobs.


Minjeong’s suddenly beside her, an arm around her and a hand squeezing her shoulder. “Is my cooking that bad?”


Jimin laughed and the weight in her chest vanished. “No, not at all.” she sniffed, “It’s’s making me miss home.”


Minjeong’s gaze was a gentle caress. “Sorry.” she cupped Jimin’s cheek, thumb gingerly brushing her tears. “I thought it would make you miss home less. Should we have something else instead?”


Jimin’s already shaking her head, “It’s okay. This is actually great. I really appreciate it. Thank you.”


After a quiet and emotional breakfast (Minjeong never left her side), Jimin insisted to help doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen where they ended up wiping soap suds on each other’s face, resulting in a lot of squeals and the mood was back to light and cheery.


Now, they’re on the bed, all comfy under the covers as they argued on which movie to watch. Jimin fiddled with the drawstring of her hoodie (which she borrowed from Minjeong after the girl “accidentally”, or so she claimed, poured an entire soap water on her during their soap war) while she listened to Minjeong lecture about Why They Should Watch Tenet and pretended to consider.


“Frozen or Tangled.” she firmly said after Minjeong finished her speech. “Take it or leave it.”


And that’s how they ended up watching a magical ice queen and her ginger-sweet sister go on an adventure to save their kingdom.


‘Reindeers are better than people.’” Jimin sang along Kristoff’s little solo piece, snickering at Minjeong’s grimace, “‘Sven, why is love so hard?’


She elbowed Minjeong’s gut and the blonde sighed in resignation, “‘You feel what you feel, and your feelings are real.’


Jimin burst out laughing, hands clapping like a seal. “Oh my god, you sound just like Sven! Do it again!”


Minjeong huffed and rolled her eyes, but complied anyway. Jimin giggled and tried to hide it by burying her face in Minjeong’s neck. Somehow, in the middle of Elsa and Anna playing with tiny snow figurines and Kristoff having a dramatic number in the enchanted forest, she had rested her head on Minjeong’s shoulder, the blonde’s soft hand sandwiched between hers. It was soft and cozy and everything smelled like Minjeong which made her smile each time she inhaled which happened, well, a lot.


“You’re just making a fool out of me.” the blonde complained after repeating it a few more times, as per Jimin’s request.


She wiped tears from her eyes. “I find it cute.” she pinched Minjeong’s cheek, “At least you’re a cute fool.”


Minjeong scoffed, looking all adorable with cheeks puffed up. “Still a fool.”


Jimin intertwined their fingers, “My fool.”


Minjeong chuckled, “Yeah…" she squeezed her hand. “Your fool.”


Jimin has seen the film far too many times that she didn’t have to pay attention to know what was happening. Minjeong though. She might grumble and complain about it but she sure did look more invested than she let on. During the scene where Olaf turned into white confetti, her eyes were all teary and it was obvious she was trying her best not to cry. Watching her was far more entertaining than the movie which was saying a lot with how much Jimin loved Frozen.


“That was mediocre, at best.” Minjeong commented as the credits rolled down the screen with Panic! At The Disco belting out his own version of Into the Unknown.


“Right. As if you totally did not shed a tear at ‘The Next Right Thing’”


‘That’s because I did not.”


“I caught you wiping your eyes.”


“Whatever. I’m choosing the next movie.”


Tenet was...complex but not necessarily unenjoyable. Jimin didn't quite get what was going on but she tried her best to wrap her mind about “inversion” or something like that. While she found it difficult to understand, she was glued with genuine interest.


In the television, an armored man jumped out from the elevator and Jimin flinched in surprise, which Minjeong snickered at.


“Shut up.” Jimin muttered, elbowing the blonde.


“I’m not even saying anything.”


“You’re laugh’s too loud. I can’t focus.”


That only made Minjeong laugh harder, “I didn’t think you’d be this invested.”


“This isn’t my cup of tea,” Jimin admitted, wincing when she heard a gunshot. “But you seem to like it very much. So. Yeah.”


The entire freeport fight scene passed before Minjeong replied, “Because I like it?”


“Huh?” Jimin absently replied.


“You’re watching it so intently because I like it?”




Jimin was too preoccupied with the movie to notice Minjeong regarding her with a soft gaze.


Lunch soon came and Minjeong’s busy in the kitchen again. Jimin joined despite being banned but not without the blonde seriously threatening her that if she ever tried to hold a knife she would cut her hand herself. So she just hovered around, peeking from behind Minjeong’s shoulder.


“What’s that?”


“That’s chilli paste.”


“What’s that?”


“That’s miso soup.”


“What’s that?”


“Jimin...I love you but if you ask a question one more time I will pour this on you and it will burn.”


Jimin laughed, hugging Minjeong from behind in apology, “At least you love me.”


Minjeong stiffened, “You did not hear that from me.”


“I can’t exactly unhear it, baby.”






“Get out of my kitchen, you .”


Jimin just laughed, squeezed Minjeong tighter, and buried her face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. “Okay, sorry, Winter Ramsay. I won’t bother you anymore. Let me stay here?”


“You staying there is already bothering me.”


“Ooh, so you’re bothered?”


“...Yoo Jimin, I’m holding a knife--quit laughing! That tickles! Get off me!”


Miraculously, they managed to finish cooking without burning or spilling anything. Minjeong (with Jimin clinging to her the whole time) prepared miso soup, steamed spinach, and Jimin’s all time favorite: tonkatsu.


“I really, really love this.” Jimin said after finishing her plate clean. Lazing around watching movies, homemade food...these were luxuries Jimin haven’t been able to enjoy for the past few years and Minjeong was making her experience it all in one day. “It’s amazing. You’re amazing. Thank you.”


Minjeong smiled, “I’m glad you’re having fun.” she pushed the leftover cabbages around her plate. “If you don’t mind...can I ask why?”


“Why what?”


“Why don’t you just go back to Seoul if you miss it so much?”


Ah. Jimin leaned back, humming. Her eyes glazed over as she tried to remember why, which was both easy and difficult. Difficult for how it had been something she’s trying to forget for three years, and easy because she never really succeeded in burying it in the back of her mind.


“There’s a reason why I don’t want to go back to Seoul.” she started, twisting the ring on her forefinger as she stared at her empty plate because Minjeong’s gaze was just too much right now. If she looked at those eyes that moment, she might’ve burst into tears. “Shame...guilt...fear. Real cheery, huh?” she let out a hollow chuckle. “I can’t just go back there after what I’ve done. Thing is, I’m queer and as soon as I realized that, I kept it to myself. My family’s catholic so I know they won’t be so...considerate if they found out. And they never did. I did quite a fine job of pretending to be straight.” she paused to laugh, remembering her ridiculous antics. “Until a girl confessed to me and, long story short, I fell in love.”


She glanced at Minjeong to see how she was taking it. The blonde looked quite composed, attentive eyes ever so understanding, sympathy laid thick on her gaze. Jimin looked away, clearing .


“I..I was young. Impressionable. Idealistic. I had all this...romantic ideas in my head. I wasn’t thinking. I was so in love with her that I asked her hand in marriage. Seriously.” her fingers drew imaginary figures on the tabletop. “We were barely even out of college but she said yes so I introduced her to my parents. And, well, that’s how I came out: walking through the doors of our family home hand in hand with the ladyI was planning to marry.”


A warm hand enveloped hers on top of the table and Jimin realized she'd been trembling. It’s the first time in three years that she talked about this after all. “They must’ve been surprised.”


“They were livid. Dad was so furious he…” her voice broke. She could still remember how the man collapsed right before her eyes. “ took a toll on his health. But did that stop me? No, I still fought. I cut off all contact and flew to L.A. for my selfish happily ever after but guess what? Karma really is a . She disappeared on the day of our wedding. She just...she just left. I must’ve been too caught up in my own overenthusiastic dreams that I didn’t realize I was being overbearing. Or maybe she realized she did not want a who would easily turn her back on her family. I don’t know. I’ll never know. I...I must’ve been lacking--”


Minjeong pulled her into her arms. “You’re enough. Don’t ever think otherwise. You’re more than enough.”


Jimin melted into her warmth, inhaling powdery vanilla and her heart quit weighing like lead.


"Why don't you just go back? I'm sure they'll accept you."


Jimin shook her head. "They have been trying to contact me multiple times in the past three years but...I can't. I can't face them just yet."


Minjeong hummed. “I understand. Well, whatever it was with that girl, she should’ve talked to you first.” she continued, “She should’ve told you. She should’ve let you know but she left without saying anything and her for that.”


“Still…” Jimin buried her face into blonde hair and she wished she could disappear forever, “I’m still a terrible person, Minjeong.”


“No, you’re not.” fingers threaded through her hair and she closed her eyes, “You were in love.” Minjeong corrected, as if that justified her actions. But she wasn’t entirely wrong either.


Being in love reduces people into stupid fools. It blinds them, takes away all rationality and logic and silences the voice of reason. Acting without thinking, making selfish decisions, all in the illusion of temporary happiness.


Being in love ruined her. “Which is why I’ll never fall in love again.”


The fingers on her hair paused. “Never?”


Jimin nodded, “Never.”


Minjeong let out a breath, hand resuming its ministrations. “I see.” she said, and Jimin didn’t know why she sounded so relieved.










“Where are we going?”


Jimin was on Minjeong’s bed with the said girl, playing video games and was enjoying her winning streak when Minjeong suddenly told her they had to go out and the next thing she knew, she’s back in her car, sitting behind the steering wheel.


“It’s a surprise.” Minjeong insisted, buckling her seatbelt.


“Minjeong, you have to tell me. I’m literally driving.”


Minjeong pursed her lips, like this just occurred to her, and then huffed, grumbling under her breath as she typed in the address in the navigator.


Jimin glanced at Minjeong’s bag. Minjeong hardly brings a bag. Fishy. She was even filming, so Jimin could have content for her fifth day, she said.


The drive took long, as their destination was quite a distance from downtown Paris. But Minjeong seemed to be in good cheer, humming along to songs and swaying on her seat. Wherever they were going, she seemed to be really excited about it.


When Jimin saw it, her stomach dropped and her heart felt like it’s ready to jump out of its rib cage. “No, no, no.” she chanted, “Kim Minjeong you can’t do this to me.”


“It’s going to be fine.” Minjeong was out of the car now, standing right outside Jimin’s open car door, trying to pry her hands off the steering wheel. “I made special arrangements so it wouldn’t be too much for you.”


“Kim Minjeong, I don’t trust airplanes. And we’re talking about sturdy, metal, engined airplanes with a roof and walls airplanes. How could I possibly trust...that?”


Minjeong hummed, leaning on her knees to look into Jimin’s eyes. “I figured this would happen. But do you trust me?”




“Do you trust me?”


Jimin stared into her brown eyes, sluggishly wondering at the back of her mind if she was being hypnotized. “...yes?”


Minjeong smiled, and all fears vanished. Okay, maybe some of it. But not all. “Come on then.” she straightened up and offered Jimin a hand. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”


Jimin couldn’t believe she put her hand on that waiting palm. Maybe she was being hypnotized.


They watched the crew assemble and inflate the balloon. Jimin had never been on one and never wished to be on one that her mind just conveniently forgot that this unique way of seeing sights in Paris actually existed. While the hot air balloon team did their thing, Minjeong did her best to ease her anxiety: pressing pressure points on her palm, cracking lame jokes, making faces, and just kept talking and talking.


“I asked them to fly low so it won’t be that scary.” Minjeong was saying, basically hugging Jimin and trying to catch her eyes, which Jimin religiously avoided. “Yizhuo, Aeri, and I have always made sure to do this every time we visit Paris. Aeri’s a bit of a chicken like you but she enjoyed it. I’m sure you’ll love it too.”


Jimin couldn’t find her voice to reply. Oh God, she couldn’t believe she went to the catacombs and would ride the hot air balloon for Minjeong. What had she become?


Minjeong untangled herself from her and Jimin had to stop herself from going after her warmth. “Are you mad?”


That voice. Those eyes. That pout and tilt of head. Jimin’s going insane.


“No, no, I’m not.” she quickly reassured her, “I’m just...not very...mentally prepared.”


“I’m sorry.” Minjeong held her hands and played with her fingers, “We can always just cancel it if you want.”


“No, it’s fine. Just…”


“Don’t let go?”


Jimin smiled, “Yeah. Just don’t let go.”


Minjeong squeezed her hands, “I won’t.”


They were ushered into the basket. Jimin was so out of it that the next thing she knew, they were soaring up in the sky. The winds were so strong, Jimin’s hair flew all over the place. Minjeong, ever so brave, was at the side, looking over the edge.


Jimin couldn’t help but pout. What happened to not letting go?


Minjeong then turned, afternoon light forming a halo behind her, and smiled with an outstretched hand.


Sighing, Jimin walked over with shaky knees, holding Minjeong’s hand but still too much of a chicken to stand near the edge. She settled behind the blonde, arms around her waist.


Minjeong elbowed her, “Stop hiding. It’s okay. The view is awesome.”


“I don’t wanna.” Jimin mumbled into Minjeong’s shoulder.


“Come on.” Minjeong nudged her again, “For me?”


Jimin huffed. “Brave of you to assume I would go that far for you.” she grumbled but took a peek anyway.


The sight made her in a breath and hold it there. Clouds drifted as though she could stretch out her hand and touch them right there and then. It’s almost magical, with how the sunrays pierced through the clouds. Beneath them the Fontainebleau forest was thick and lush and if Jimin squinted hard enough, she could see animals moving about in the woods, though she couldn’t be sure what. It was like she had morphed into an eagle, soaring on the sky and looking down upon the land. The winds were pleasant, though frigid, and they were moving in a moderate speed which was probably part of the special arrangements Minjeong prepared to ease her anxiety.


“Whoa.” Jimin breathed out, no longer hiding behind Minjeong’s shoulder.


The blonde chuckled, “I guess it’s my turn to say, I told you so.” she took one of Jimin’s hands on her waist, “Come on. Stand here.”


Carefully, Jimin inched over to the edge, squeezing Minjeong’s hand tight. Maybe it was the distracting view, maybe it was the distracting companion, but it didn’t seem as scary as she thought, though she still had doubts about flying on a giant wicker basket.


“I don’t know no about this place so I can’t tell you any facts or whatever. But! I have these...” Minjeong handed her the camera so she could rummage her bag, struggling to do it without letting go of Jimin’s hand. “Ta-da!” she produced binoculars from her bag and reminded Jimin of Doraemon.


Jimin blinked, “Aren’t those toys?”


“Pff! Of course not!” Minjeong handed her a pair. “You can watch the animals with these, though I probably can’t tell you what breed or whatever they are.”


Jimin bumped Minjeong’s shoulder with hers. “Come on, stop saying that. I don’t need to know. I’m loving Minjeong Tours, as random as it is.”


Minjeong’s smile was brighter than the sun. “Then that’s more than enough for me.”


They watched animals, guessing names with Minjeong blurting random Latin saying it’s their scientific name and bragging that she once learned taxonomy in college to back that up. Jimin’s pretty sure Spongiforma squarepantsii was more of a Harry Potter magic spell than a scientific name though but she let the blonde have her fun.


Minjeong’s silly antics took the fear out of her mind, though she still felt nauseous looking down from such a height. Jimin would never have considered riding a hot air balloon, but indeed, Minjeong was making her experience things she’s never done before.


“Champagne on a hot air balloon.” Jimin said, raising the glass of the said drink. Apparently, it was part of the ballooning experience. “Now that’s one thing off my bucket list.”


Minjeong raised a brow, “Was it even in your bucket list in the first place?”


“No.” Jimin admitted, earning a snort, “But it’s never too late to add it in.”


“Well, sometimes princess,” Minjeong took a sip of her champagne, “Sometimes you just have to take a risk.”


“Might as well cross out ‘go on a magic carpet ride’ on my list too, with how much you’re blurting lines from that movie. A little too much for someone who claims that Disney films aren’t her cup of tea, no?”


Minjeong laughed, “You got me.”


The setting sun set a splash of lilac and orange on the broad expanse of blue. Beneath them, the French countryside drifted by with its valleys, woods, castles, and charming villages awash with a warm pinkish hue, shadows long and black.


‘I can show you the world’,” Minjeong suddenly burst out singing, sweet voice causing flutters erupt in Jimin’s stomach, “‘Shining shimmering splendid,’


Minjeong faced her, leaning back against the basket with blonde hair flying all over the place. It was getting dark but her cheeky smile was radiant, like a star. Jimin stared--shameless, breathless, helpless.


‘Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?’


Her heart skipped a beat. And she was pretty sure that it wasn’t because of the heights this time.










Jimin woke up to baby powder and vanilla, opened her eyes to a nest of blonde hair tickling her nose, a warm body in her embrace, and slender legs entangled with her own.


How..? she groggily wondered and then belatedly remembered through the haze of sleep how she had convinced Minjeong to let her stay the night in her hotel room. She couldn’t remember how they got in this position, however, as she was quite sure they had slept with their backs on each other.


Even when sleeping, Minjeong looked beautiful. It was getting kind of unfair at this point. Tracing the blonde’s features with her gaze, Jimin drifted back to sleep with pink lips burned behind closed eyelids.


The next time she woke up, she was alone. The space beside her was cold and the feeling of empty sheets on her palm made her eyes flutter wide open.


The hotel room was void of clutter. There were no electronics and wires carelessly placed on the carpet, no clothes strewn around the couch. Jimin’s heart beat uneasily. Minjeong’s luggage was nowhere to be found.


She bolted upright, chest tightening, “Minjeong?” she called.




It was quiet. Much too quiet and Jimin vaguely wondered if it was all a wishful dream but the lingering fragrance of powder and vanilla on the pillows told her otherwise.


Did she leave already? Jimin tossed the sheets aside and was about to search every room when the bathroom opened and Minjeong stepped out clad in her usual plaid and jeans, blonde hair visibly damp.


“Oh, you’re awake--ouch! What’s that for?”


“For scaring me.”


“What?” Minjeong picked up the pillow and started towards her.


“Where were you?” Jimin demanded as the girl sat across her, pillow on her lap.


“Um, changing in the bathroom?” she stabbed a thumb at the door, “You saw me walk out.”


Maybe it was because she just woke up but Jimin felt vulnerable that morning. “I thought you left.”


“Without letting you know? I would never do that.” Minjeong’s soft gaze cradled her like hot chocolate on a winter day. “Breakfast? I heated up the leftovers from last night.”


They ate in silence and Minjeong volunteered to do the dishes, telling her to wash up. Jimin obeyed, going through her morning routine without much thought and borrowed another hoodie and a pair of denim shorts from Minjeong. It was quiet all the way to the parking lot and Jimin still couldn’t find her voice as she watched the blonde put her luggage in the trunk of her rental car with the help of a bellhop.


“You still want that autograph for your friend?” Minjeong asked, breaking the ice as Jimin maneuvered through Boulevard Barbès


“Mm.” Jimin hummed,


Only the sound of a sharpie against paper could be heard in the car. Like an ASMR video or something.


“You’re awfully quiet.” Minjeong pointed out after putting the signed paper on the dashboard.


“You told me to save my tears for the airport. Well, I’ve saved a lot.” Jimin said, eyes fixated on the road. “And if I say something I’m afraid I might cry. I don’t want to cry.”


Minjeong chuckled, patting her hand on the gearshift, “Yeah, let’s save the drama for the airport.”


Jimin never thought she’d ever wish for congested roads. But even as she did, the Parisian streets were frustratingly vacant and the traffic lights were all on green. She wanted to be delayed, to spend a little more time on the road with Minjeong’s mindless humming but alas, they arrived at the airport in no time and Jimin’s helping the blonde unload her bags and put them in a baggage cart.


“You have your boarding pass with you?” she asked.




“What about your passport?”


“Right here in my hand.”


“You sure you didn’t forget anything?”


Minjeong patted Jimin’s cheek. “Yeah, I’m sure I didn’t. I appreciate the fuss, mom.”


She waited while Minjeong checked in and dropped her baggage, watching her from afar. So it’s really good-bye now, huh? It wasn’t as bad as she initially thought. Her fear and anxiety was gone and left a gaping emptiness. Was it supposed to feel like this?


“All done.” Minjeong said as she jogged back to her, a subdued smile on her face. “As much as I’d like to laze around in a Parisian coffee shop one last time, I have to be at the boarding gate right now. Thanks to my chauffeur’s sleepy and slow driving.”


She poked Jimin’s cheek who still refused to talk because she was really close to crying right now. Minjeong laughed at her teary face and tugged on her hand.


“Walk me to the gates?”


Minjeong didn’t have to ask.


The walk was excruciatingly slow, yet Jimin still felt it was too fast. She squeezed Minjeong’s hand. “Time flies, doesn’t it?”


“ does.”


“I’m going to miss you.”


“Of course you will.” Minjeong laughed upon receiving Jimin’s glare. “I’ll miss you too.”


“You better subscribe to my channel and watch all my videos.”


Minjeong laughed again, “Oh, you know nothing, do you?”


Jimin frowned, “What do you mean?”


Minjeong shook her head, “Never mind that. I’ll be sure to watch your videos.”






They stopped by the gates. Jimin couldn’t go further at this point.


“So...I guess this is it?” Minjeong said, facing her.


Jimin played with her fingers. “I guess this is it.”


Minjeong tucked a stray lock of hair behind Jimin’s ear. “You take care, alright?”


“You take care too.” Jimin sniffed. Her lower lip was already trembling, eyes filling with tears. “Hug?”


Minjeong chuckled as she stepped inside her outstretched arms. Jimin squeezed her like her life depended on it, inhaling as much as she could because her scent would be one of the things she would miss the most.


An announcement blared from the speakers and Minjeong tapped her shoulder. “Jimin, I have to go.”


“Yeah, okay, just--just give me a moment.” Jimin sniffled, wiping her tears and tried to memorize Minjeong’s warmth and softness before letting go.


Minjeong’s laughing again, maybe because of her red puffy face, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “You look silly.”


Jimin hit her shoulder. “Shut up.” she said, but her tears just wouldn’t stop flowing. Minjeong just chuckled and brushed her tears away, “I’ll see you soon?”


The blonde smiled, taking a step back. “If destiny permits, we’ll definitely meet again.”


Jimin laughed, for the first time that day. There was another announcement. People rushed by in urgency. She gave Minjeong a push. “Go, you dork.”


Flashing her one last smile, Minjeong turned and started to the gates. Jimin watched as her figure got smaller and smaller, getting further away, until suddenly, she stopped. What’s wrong? She didn’t have time, why wasn’t she leaving yet?


And then she’s spinning around, blonde hair bouncing as she jogged back to the dumbfounded Jimin.


“Did you forget someth--”


Jimin could only squeak as lips pressed against hers, sealing the rest of her sentence away. No thoughts. Head empty. Just powder and vanilla, more potent than ever, and sweet lips ever so soft as her fingertips tingled and heat rushed up to her face, like she was about to explode.


“Yeah...almost forgot to do that.” Minjeong muttered as they parted, uneven breaths mingling.




Minjeong chuckled, taking a step back. Her eyes were glistening, smile weak. “Goodbye, Yoo Jimin.”


With that, Jimin was left with the ghost of Minjeong’s warmth and traces of french vanilla on her lips.


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Chapter 14: This fic is cute. Thanks for that wonderful ride and informative travels! You know how to write and set the tone well that us readers were able to imagine it very vividly. This one is hell of a cute fic, albeit the slow burn of fluff and kisses and labels 😂 but what a ride! Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 11: The slow burn is killing me just kiss already!!!😭
Chapter 5: Omygod. This whole paris trip is a slow burn with a nice conclusion of that kiss. Thought that would never happen 😆 Great build up there author-nim! I'm reading this for the first time and I love it! You're amazing
159 streak #5
Chapter 14: You are missed author-nim, hope you are well and hope we can see your creativity take over but if that’s not possible I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for giving us such beautiful stories
159 streak #6
Chapter 8: Omg why is it so sad omg I’m currently ugly sobbing 😭
159 streak #7
Chapter 5: The ending of this chapter will always have my heart, so sad yet so beautiful at the same time
taenggo09 14 streak #8
Chapter 14: this is so cute
thank you for making this beautiful story author
Chapter 14: Thank you for this beautiful story! 😍
Chapter 14: This is so beautifully written... You we're not kidding when you said jmj travel au. I enjoyed it alot I felt like I went on trips while reading this. And not to mention how you just gave the right place of development in jmj's relationship. They're so adorable and cute together..
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us author-shi! <3