A vacuum as a gift for their first date

Sugar, Spice, and a Bet is Nice
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The thing with first dates are they are often awkward, not all the time. But for Seungwan, it's like luck is not clearly on her side.

They are now sitting on a restaurant, its not like those 5 star restaurant but rather, a simple one that serves good food. The ambiance is nice, and so is the service of the staffs. They had dinner here before, but clearly not just the two of them. Seulgi, Joy and Yeri are together with them that time and so everything is not awkward, with them laughing at each of the jokes that they threw, smiles and sometimes are gums showing with how entertained they are with each other's company. But today, Seungwan realized that being on a date and having a dinner night is not really ideal on a first date (well for her case), especially when you are not the one who opens up on a topic to talk about. She wanted to open up a topic but she doesn't know what peaks the interest of Joohyun right at this moment. So she just ended up raising her hand and calling for an attention of a waiter that attented them immediately.

Seungwan was nervous, and the most embarassing about this night is that when she grabbed the tray on the other hand of the waiter instead of the menu on the other hand of the waiter. Joohyun spit out a laugh at that and Seungwan laughed awkwardly as she returned the tray on the hand of the confused waiter and grabbed the menu, then gave it to Joohyun who is still trying to compose herself from laughing. Wendy was honestly embarassed, but she tried to remind herself that at least she made her date laugh. And for her, it's a good thing. Besides, hearing Joohyun's laughter is worth it. Because it's Joohyun.

After eating their dinner, (with not having a single conversation besides 'is the food good?' And getting the answer 'yes. Even better than the last time we went here'), they decided to have a walk first. Yes, Seungwan had brought her car, but it was Irene's turn to make a move so that this date will not be like 'oh we ate dinner and she took me home to my apartment' so yes, she asked for them to walk, and hoped for some talk with any topic they can land to.

They are now walking on a road, with brown leaves scattered on the ground and benches on the side of the road, with the street light and the moonlight shining above them. It was a breezy night and a quiet one. No one was currently speaking, so thejr walk just continued until they saw a crowd on a side. The lights are bright, indicating that some entertainment is happening. They both looked at the people in the crowd and like a telepathy, they looked at each other and giggled. They know what they wabt to do with that eye contact. So they decided to see what is really going on in the crowd. Seungwan extended her hands to signal that Joohyun must walk first, and so she did. Seungwan followed suit.

They manage to get through the crowd and go in front of the crowd to see the event, and they are in awe as they saw a large trampouline and lots of ballons on a side, flashing there was a big light that spotlights the trampouline. There are also helmets and kneee pads and elbow pads.

By seeing those, Seungwan knows what they are for. Games, a physical one. 'It must be fun to watch' Seungwan thought.

"Now, another game. And now, the prize is this" The host who wears his black coat and a hat said to the crowd. Then two ladies wearing a slightly reaveling dress pushed a table that have the latest model of vacuum.

After seeing that the crowd awed in what they see and Seungwan was actually surprise to hear Joohyun squeal. She looked at her and she was really excited.

"Wow, seems like you really want that, huh" Seungwan said as she smile and bumped her shoulder to Irene's.

"Yeah, that's the latest robot vacuum. I am actually saving up for that one," Joohyun said excitedly, still looking at the vacuum.

"Yes, the latest model of vacuum will be the prize. However the game will be played by a couple" the host said and as Joohyun heard it, dissapointment was evident on her face.

"The game is easy. First, someone will be on the trampouline. Then the other one will be throwing these small balloons while wearing a blindfold. They contain water so be really careful, once the thrower had touched the balloon, she can't put it down and must throw to her partner. So if you grabbed the ballon with water and your partner can't catch it, then your partner will suffer. You can win the game if your partner catched a ballon without popping it. Now, has anyone understood the instructions?" The host asked the crowd and the crowed cheered. Seungwan however looked at Joohyun and saw her still pouting. Seungwan actually wanted to give her the vacuum, if only she could do so. But they're not a couple, they are technically just friends. And their date today is not really over so they haven't had any date yet, right? So there is nothing else that Seungwan can do, well besides making herself lose for the cook off so that she can buy this vacuum for Joohyun. She coul--


"Ouch!" Joohyun blurted out when someone beside Joohyun accidentally pushed her which causes Joohyun to lose her balance, but luckily, Seungwan is like a spiderman, has a great reflexes and she immediately caught Joohyun. Her hands in Joohyun's waist, and Joohyun held Wend's shirt. 


The sudden eye contact that they made while they are still in this position is enough to out a blush on Seungwan's cheeks. 


"You there, I would like you to join the game," the host said and all eyes went to Joohyun and Wendy while still in that awkward position. 


"Huh?" Asked the puzzled Irene. They hadn't really hear the what the host said but they are curious about the 'ohhs' from the audience while they are looking at them. They both looked at the host and they saw him pointing at them. 


"Eh?" this time, it was Seungwan who asked the host


"Come, hurry up and join," the host signalled them to take a step forward and play the game.


"But we are not a couple," Seungwan said with her hands still wrapped around Joohyun's waist.


"Well it doesn't look like it by how you touch each other," the hos

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how is everyone doing? I am in the process of rereading the story since I want to updaate. I hope everyone is doing fine. does anyone remember this story exist at all? hahahha


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sswxbjh #1
Chapter 8: tomorrow is wendy!!! and we are waiting for another update 🥹 a well-written story should continue 🥹🫶
sswxbjh #2
Chapter 8: tomorrow is wendy!!! and we are waiting for another update 🥹 a well-written story should continue 🥹🫶
Chapter 8: Yah Son Seungwan is so coward 😭😭
In Bae Joohyun I believe to make more moves 😍😍😍
Chapter 8: Happy for you seungwan. U have lovely date.
It really cute.
Hehehe654 #5
Chapter 8: Lovely date and so so cute!! 🥰🥰
Chapter 8: awe oblivious seungwan:) thanks for the update authornim!
Chapter 8: Glad that they had fun together and Joohyun was all smile. ☺️☺️☺️

What if Seungwan can't cut veggies when she work? Is Joohyun gonna know about it? :3
baejoonism #8
Chapter 8: Theyre so cute!! Love that joohyun is really showing that she's interested hahaha thank you for the update!
aglaonema #9
Chapter 8: So cute
Riscark #10
Chapter 8: Joohyun literally said, fine I'll do it myself, and got them for 2nd date, in Joohyun we trust 🙏
Seungwan need to get her game up, how come she score a date with Joohyun and only expecting one date ???