A Love That Endures

Bae Joohyun's Green Flag Love
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Seungwan and Joohyun found themselves sitting on a park bench, surrounded by the vibrant colors of autumn. The air was crisp, and the falling leaves danced in the gentle breeze. As they watched the golden hues flutter to the ground, their hearts were filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the love that had endured and grown stronger with each passing day.


Seungwan reached out and took Joohyun's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Joohyun, our love has weathered storms, scaled mountains, and danced in the sunlight. Through it all, we've built a bond that is unbreakable. It's a love that endures, and I am so grateful to have you by my side."


Joohyun leaned in, her voice filled with tenderness. "Seungwan, our journey together has been filled with joy, laughter, and even moments of tears. But through it all, our love has remained steadfast. It's a love that has withstood the tests of time, and I am honored to be a part of this enduring connection."


As they reflected on the chapters of their relationship, Seungwan and Joohyun realized that their love had grown and deepened in the face of challenges. They had faced hardships that had tested their resolve, but they emerged stronger and more resilient, their love fortified by the lessons they had learned along the way.


They had learned the importance of communication, of being each other's confidants and pillars of support. They had discovered the power of compromise, recognizing that

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Riscark #1
Chapter 8: Bruh that first line, before the comma, almost got me, I thought it was gonna turned into angst
Riscark #2
Chapter 3: Communication is the key, in the relationship it's easy to get lost in your insecurity or your past memory, but if you can communicate with your person, it won't be hurdle anymore
Cyrell #3
Chapter 4: I wish I can have their relationship. You make me envy with the story. Good writing. It gives me positivy as well. Your story is something to look forward to.
Riscark #4
Chapter 2: The perfect morning doesn't exi-
*BAMMM this chapter exist
Riscark #5
Chapter 1: For a sec I thought it was gonna end with angst 😅As usual tho, you manage to wrote beautiful story authornim
Nat25nat #6
It's weird, it's stated that the word count 5475 words however after I open the first chapter it's only 633 words
shadowhunter1640 #7
Chapter 1: Foreword made me anticipate the journey of Joohyun as was said. And the 1st paragraph piqued my interest. But i was kind of disappointed with how the story flowed. It was too quick and didn't feel like a journey at all. Quite unrealistic since it's unlikely that someone would take a chance with a stranger though a one night stand would be possible. And their spoken words were too cringey to say the least.

I've contemplated leaving these negative comments here because i thought the author would feel bad. But i've decided to push it instead for i believe it will help develop your writing. Too good comments may make you feel good but i believe negative ones can push you through greatness. So author please don't feel offended by what i've written.

On the note of the positives, i've liked your adjectives and how you constructed your sentences. Please continue writing and thank you for sharing your work with us. Fighting!
Chapter 1: Padahal cerita nya bagus tapi terlalu pendek
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