Introduction: The Intelligence Trial

The Chosen Few // Historical AU // Cheatsheet is Up and Applications are Open
Hello, Stranger
The Intelligence Trial
Minah bit her lower lip as she was indicated where to sit. She tucked her skirts beneath her, her ankles crossing and her hands resting lightly in  her lap. It took several long minutes as other girls were ushered into the courtyard and placed at their seats. Minah kept her chin held high and her eyes towards the podium where the council sat watching. Minah looked each one in the eye, not exactly challenging, but clearly not as scared of them as most of the young women here were. Their status meant nothing to her, when her own father held one of the highest ranks in the palace. She looked down as a piece of parchment and a calligraphy brush and ink were placed before her. Other girls had different things placed before them. Two girls seated together had a Go board placed between them. Another girl had a set of jacks and marbles set before her. Two other girls had a Yutnori set placed between them. It seemed the intelligence test would be done in several different ways to make sure no one could be left out if they hadn't had proper schooling. 

Minah was a little impressed with the thought that had gone into this trial. Anyone could be deemed beautiful, but intelligence is much harder to gauge. Finally, after every girl had received her test, the head councilman stood and raised his arms. "Lovely ladies, before you is laid your intelligence trial. Those who complete their trials with the most accuracy will move on to the final trial. Do not rush, but do hasten. Our empress needs to be quick witted and thoughtful." He gave them all a smile, and Minah cringed a bit. Out of all the councilmen, Jung Jiwoo was her least favorite. He had always rubbed her as a power hungry man, and her father had never exactly spoken well of him, either, in the privacy of their home.

"You may begin," Jiwoo continued, and Minah finally looked down. At the top of her page, it was written: Complete the Proverbs and explain your understanding of each. Minah frowned. She'd learned the proverbs - every one had - but how would explaining how you see and expect the proverb to be useful be seen as intelligence? She shook her head and picked up the brush, dipping it in the ink. Quickly, she fell into the rhythm of filling in the proverb and then writing her explanations. Several of the proverbs she knew by heart, but there were a few of the more obscure ones, as well. She had ten to fill in, and in the end it took her just over two hours to finish the intelligence trial. Several of the girls had already finished, but several were still doing their trials.

Minah gathered her skirts as she stood and followed a soldier out of the courtyard. She was lead to a holding courtyard to await the results. It took a few more hours and Minah spent the time in meditation. Finally, the council entered the courtyard and unrolled a decree. Thirty ladies of the fifty had moved on to the communication trial - and Minah was proudly one of them.
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Chapter 5: Yayayayay thank you for the review!!! I didn’t expect it to come so fast. I’m so happy you like Haengbok and that she made you laugh. I can see how this story can probs be pretty serious so I had to give you a comic relief character that no one knows how she got in hehe. I hope you get more apps soon but either way I’ll be waiting patiently for more teasers and the story to get started!!!!
Chapter 6: Them: we’re gonna get the most beautiful girls to compete for you (literally any guys dream)
Daejung: grrrr
hiyabada #3
Chapter 1: I have an idea for the shopkeepers daughter, I’ll get her to you soon!