A Best Friend: Rescued by Lee Eun Ha!!!

Vampire Butlers for the Pauper Princess

   Suddenly, a stall slammed open, and a girl stormed out.

   She wore the school uniform, but she looked nothing like the other prim, proper, cold, and attractive students. Her dark hair was tied up with cute pink bobbles. She sewed on pink hearts into her black leggings. She had an adorable, heart-shaped face and reminded me strongly of those celebrities who were like teddy bears --- you just wanted to hug them and love them.

   Her incredibly young-looking face was scrunched up in fury.

   "Lee Eun Ha!" Youngha sneered. "Get lost. Can't you see I'm busy?"

   I stared at her, panicked and scared. Eun Ha! I wanted to tell her. Don't go! Help me, please!

   Eun Ha glared at Youngha. "Beat it, Moon Youngha, or I'll kick your !" She turned and ran to the door. I thought for a second that she was going to leave me, but she threw open the door and yelled out,

   "Hey! Get over here and save your princess!"

   There was a sudden commotion, and almost immediatedly my butlers were there before me, gazing at my bound body in shock.

   Youngha stood up, dropping her dagger and my hair. Her face was speechless


   Jinki looked at her, and his glare was so ferocious and frightening I cowered in my spot. "Get out of here." He growled. He practically spat venom at her.

   Her face scrunched up, and she gave me one last death glare before turning around with her two subordinates and running out through another bathroom door. So that's how she knew where I was. She followed me then came through the other side.

   Taemin, Kibum, and Jonghyun untied me and removed my gag. I started sobbing, covering my face with my hands.

   "Forgive me, Mio-sama." I looked up, surprised to find Jinki looked sad and ashamed. "I don't deserve to be your butler. It was twice today you nearly got yourself killed. All because of me. I deserve to throw myself off a cliff."

   Woah, that was a bit heavy. "Relax, Jinki. I'm fine now, so it's okay. Seriously." He wasn't listening to a word I said, and it annoyed me. "ONEW!!!" I roared, and he looked up in surprise.

   "ONew," I said again, quieter. "I'm telling you, it's okay. Who would have that your insane ex-fiancee would stalk me into a bathroom?" He gave me a small, reluctant smile. "You guys helped me in the end, so it's alright."

   I turned to the girl called Lee Eun Ha and smiled at her. "Thank you so much."

   I was shocked to see Taemin stand up and smile at her too. "I'm grateful to you for protecting Mio-sama in our absence, Eun Ha."

   Eun Ha smiled and playfully punched Taemin in the shoulder. "No problem, bro."

   I choked on my own tongue. "B-b-b-bro?" I stammered.

   Taemin smiled ruefully and fluffed Eun Ha's hair. "Mio-sama, this is my nuna, Lee Eun Ha. She's a year above us."

   Eun Ha smiled at me. "Nice to meet you, Tomodachi Mio. Or should I say, Mio-chan?" She also looked like she could speak some Japanese. At least she knew the honorifcs.

   "I have an idea, Mio-sama." Minho said, smiling at me. "How about, if we can't protect you for any reason, we can get Eun Ha nuna to help us out?"

   "No, I don't want to cause any more problems----" I began, but Eun Ha grinned cheerfully. "Yeah, I'll do it."

   "Then it's settled." Kibum said, looking relieved. "That way, we can leave Mio-sama in good hands when we can't do it ourselves."

   "But I don't wanna be watched 24/7 like a baby." I grumbled. They didn't say anything, but I could tell they were all smiling as they ignored me.

   Eun Ha grinned and slapped me on the back, and I nearly swallowed my teeth. What's with all these girls? They were stronger than bears. "Don't worry, Mio. Let's be best friends! I'll keep you away from all these annoying guys, okay?"

   Taemin scowled with embarassment. "Eun Ha nuna....."

   I giggled. Besides Koko, I've never had another friend before. And I'm not counting my butlers as friends.

   "I'll continue the tour of SVA, boys, so go away." Eun Ha said cheerfully, grabbing my arm and half-dragging me out of the bathroom. They all scowled this time, but still followed me closely.

   I smiled at her cheerfullness. She completed the tour just in time for the eerie chimes to start again, then waved and ran down the hall and an inhuman speed. "Wha's with you guys and speed?" I grumbled, but I didn't ask any questions about it. I knew they wouldn't answer or they would lie.

   I'll just find out my own way.

   When the bell rang at the end of the day, Taemin, Kibum, Minho, and Jonghyun all had to go for some weird extra-class. Jinki volunteered to walk me to my dorm. "And stay there." He instructed me.

   I smirked. "Butlers can't order me around."

   He laughed. "That's true."

   After a few minutes, he said, "Mio-sama, about today---"

   I shook my head. "Leave it." I told him firmly. "I'm totally fine with it."

   "But I'm not!"

   I was surprised by how truthfully he said those words, how anxious he looked. This obviously went farther than butler-to-servant relationship.

   Suddenly, he reached over and hugged me close to him.

   My heart started thudding in my chest, and my face heated up. "J-Jinki...ONew....whatever, just---what are you----?"

   He didn't answer, just hugged me tighter to him.

   I was thinking of a way to pull away from him without hurting his feelings before I got a cardiac arrest from hormones when he suddenly stiffened.

   "Jinki? What's wrong?"

   "Mio-sama...." he said stiffly. "....did.....Youngha......make you bleed......?"

   I realized that there was a tiny cut on my neck from when they thew me into the wall.

   I touched it lightly. "Yeah, but it stopped bleeding a while ago. It's just a tiny cut, it's fine."

   That's when I realized something weird was happening. A shudder rippled through Jinki's body. He groaned. He looked like he wanted to get away from me, but something was making him stay.

   "Mio----sama----run away......." He moaned, another larger shudder rippling through him.

   "Ow...." I muttered, realizing his grip on me was tightening. "Jinki....ow, stop.....let go, you're hurting me........"

   I heard something snap. I looked into Jinki's face and was shocked to see his eyes were suddenly bright red, the colour of blood. He snarled at me for some reason, and I realized two of his teeth were sharp, like fangs.

   I remembered the stories Koko and I read to each other before. Vampire stories.

   "Jinki!" I shrieked. "What the hell are you----?"

   That's when he leaned forward and bit my neck. 

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Chapter 15: author-nim ..

please update soon ^^
Plmokn #2
Update soon
sofina11 #3

P.S. plz update soon
Ah koko no! Please don't do this!
Ack! Betrayal!<br />
HinataSnow #6
Cool~! Taeminnie~! Hahax~! Update soon kays?
brainyjs #7
OMGOSH!!<br />
omg... koko!! how could you betray mio!! YOU'RE SO EVIL! URGH! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?? I'M SO DISSAPPOINTED IN YOU!!! ><...<br />
mio! good luck with your trraining!<br />
author unnie! pleaseeee update soon!!
WantSomeBubbleTea #8
I am towa-no-hana, and I'm writing from my other account. I'm really sorry to all my readers, but because of a technical difficulty on my computer I lost all of my information. Sorry about that.
Dreams #9
Update soon! I love this story!<3
Dreams #10
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! This is such an awsome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awsome story banner.