60 Seconds

The Name's Baekhyun... Not Bacon!!!!!!!
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Kim Sunggyu (INFINITE) - 60 Seconds


And just like that, they’re night finished peacefully. Sehun, Luhan and Baekhyun dropped the three girls home while the rest went back to the dorm. Suzy was staying over for the night as the auditions started the next day. Luhan and Nana got out of the car first.

“Thanks for tonight, I really enjoyed it” Nana said blushing but cautious of the four spectators in the car.

“I really did too, I hope we can meet up again” Luhan replied sweetly, before leaning in, and she gasped thinking he was going to kiss her.

“Just the two of us, without the others” he whispered in her ear and kissed her sweetly on the cheek before getting back into the car. She unlocked the door and went inside to wait for the others. Whereas everyone was shocked at Luhan’s bold actions in the car, but Suzy and Sehun got out next.

“I can’t wait to hear you sing tomorrow” Sehun said sweetly.

“Don’t you dare be biased towards me and Mi Young or we’re gonna be really angry and we wont be your friends anymore” Suzy warned.

“I know, but thank you for tonight. Goodnight” he said and kissed her on the forehead.

“Goodnight” she replied blushing and ran into the house. Sehun slipped back into the car with a grin. Luhan patted him on the back and congratulated him as Baekhyun got out with Mi Young.

“Good luck for tomorrow, I’ll be cheering you on!” he said with a grin.

“I know you will be, thank you” she replied shyly.

“I should be thanking you. For everything. Sleep well tonight” he said with a grin and kissed her on the nose.

“You too” she replied with a blush and ran inside. With a grin Baekhyun got back into the car and they left for the dorm.



“Wow! Luhan Oppa is just amazing!” Nana said with a wistful sigh.

“Aww, looks like Eonnie has a crush on Lulu Oppa” Suzy said with a wink.

“That’s soo sweet! He is seriously cute and he’s so nice, go for it Eonni!” Mi Young said with a grin.

“I swear it only took me 60 seconds to fall in love” Nana said with a soppy grin.

“I could say exactly the same for me and Sehun” Suzy said and leaned her head against Nana’s.

“Aigoo~” they both sighed with dreamy eyes.

“It took me 60 seconds to hate that piece of Bacon. But I guess he’s alright” Mi Young said with a grin.

“It’s understandable with a past like yours. I don’t get how you keep on attracting all these celebrities!” Nana said with a chuckle.

Mi Young’s expression turned dark as she got angry and upset.

“I trust Baekhyun Oppa, but be careful Mi Young ah” Suzy said, worried.

“Hey! Who said I liked him in the first place?!” Mi Young replied angrily.

“Sure you don’t, you just blushed when he kissed you!” Nana shot back with a grin.

“Well you blushed too! And how long have you known Luhan? A couple of hours?” Mi Young defended.

“Haha stop it you two. Gosh this always happens. I honestly missed you Eonni” Suzy said with a grin.

“Mianhae Eonni. I honestly missed you and missed this too. I’m glad your back” Mi Young said.

“Aww come here you two. God I missed you! You’re the best sister’s I could ever have. It’s worth working harder to support us!” Nana said with teary eyes and pulled them into a hug.


But in 60 seconds, it all changed. Mi Young’s phone started to ring and she picked it up with a grin.

“Hello?” she said happily.

“Um hi, is this Mi Young?” a guy’s voice asked.

“Yeah it is. And you are?” she asked confused.

“Mi Young ah. It’s me. Don’t you remember?” she could hear the hurt in his voice.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know who you are. I should go. Bye” Mi Young replied genuinely confused.

“Mi Young. Don’t

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Chapter 24: Such a sweet
vvvvvey #2
Chapter 18: please update soon author-nim kkkk~
Chapter 10: new reader here ~
i like ur story so faar ! Author-nim :D
Chapter 10: Aww...
how cute XD
Do what?......
pomiloli #6
Cheer up okay? We can still wait and i hope when you will update,you will be in a better mood =^^=
Cheer up nae? FIGHTING!!!