Love is Undefiled

Destiny of Love




Another boring day is what on Yoochun’s mind since he arrived in school. Everyday…same routines, same faces, same teachers, all of Yoochun’s life of popularity?…all the same.


Yoochun yawned tiredly as he stared blankly outside the window. He wished that his life would start to get much more exciting than all the attention that his admirers and all the girls that go crazy over him.


Why wouldn’t they? I mean, who could change the fact that Yoochun is a perfect guy? He’s the topnotcher of the school after all. He does everything easily without breaking a sweat. Unlike other students in Seoul High, Yoochun is good in sports, great in academics, good looking, and almighty rich, He’s the ladies man. A complete package!


All the girls want him, even guys could go gaga over his charismatic hotness. But he doesn’t care less.


The school bell rang and every one of the students started to move faster, striving with every pace they made in order to get to their class in time.


The class where Yoochun is staying stopped on their tracks, all turned silent and quickly sat on their respective seats as Mrs. Choi entered the room.


“Class, I have an announcement to make, so listen!...We have a transfer student in our school and our class is the one they chose to settle him. So be kind to him okay?” Mrs. Choi explained.


“Yes Mrs.Choi.” The class anticipated,they are going to have a new classmate. They all wondered what their new classmate would be like.


As the whole class was curious about the transferee, one student didn’t care. And that particular student is none other than Park Yoochun. He didn’t even bother to look.


“You can come in now dear.” Mrs. Choi gestured at the waiting boy outside.


With that said, a shy young man entered, his head was hanging low that no one was able to see his face.


“Introduce yourself dear.” Mrs. Choi patted the boy on his shoulder and smiled at him when she saw the boy taking a little glance at her on the side.


“Come on, don’t be shy.” She assured.


The young man bit on his lower lip and slowly lifted his head so that the whole class could see the fine features of his face.


Everyone gasped. Yoochun on the other hand, who's busy looking outside the window seemed to be disturbed to his daydreaming by the sound that his classmates just made.


He glanced on his side and saw some of his girl classmates whispering and giggling while the others seem to be in awe.


‘What’s wrong with them? Did they see a ghost or something?’ Yoochun looked at them weirdly.


As he was about to look outside the window again, he got distracted by the sound of a sweet angelic voice.


“H-Hello…My name is Kim Junsu. Nice to meet you all…” The shy boy introduced shortly.


His features looked so pure and innocent, his pale white skin, his pinkish chubby cheeks, those cherry plump lips, and of course who couldn’t miss his particular round et that the boy only posses?


HOLY! CHUNTASTIC!’ Yoochun widened his eyes, checking out the oblivious boy from head to toe ‘He’s so cute!’ Yoochun thought silently. The boy is perfect! PERFECT FOR HIM!


He smirked, well what do you know, his day is not boring after all. Not when this new kid is around, nor should he say…his soon to be lover.


Mrs. Choi scanned the whole room searching a vacant seat for Junsu. She moved her sight around and spotted a vacant seat at the back, beside her favorite student…Park ‘Micky’ Yoochun.


“Oh, Junsu dear, you could sit there.” She turned to look at the fidgeting Junsu while gesturing at the vacant seat at the back.


Junsu glanced at the place where Mrs. Choi was pointing at, and blinked. Did he just saw the handsome boy sitting beside the seat where Mrs. Choi was gesturing wink at him? The guy was surely good looking he admits, Junsu shrugged. ‘No, probably my imagination’ He thought…Or was it?


Junsu thanked Mrs. Choi and went to his appointed seat.


The whole class had their eyes on him as he walked passed them and went to settle down on his desk.


Including the smirking Yoochun.


Junsu felt the stares, he kind of felt uncomfortable right now.


Mrs. Choi noticed the class’ attention was not on her, but to the new boy sitting uncomfortably at back, while whispering…


Look! Look! He’s sitting beside the prince!’


‘Aww…don’t they look cute sitting side by side like that?’ and…


‘Look Micky is staring at him too!’


‘They match each other!’ and some…


‘I so envy the new kid! I want Micky for myself!’


Mrs. Choi finally got irritated and hissed “If all of you won’t stop staring at Mr. Kim and Mr. Micky Park other than me, then I’m going to give you all a pop quiz!” if they heard a curse word, the whole class silenced in a mere millisecond and automatically put their attention to Mrs. Choi.


Junsu was amazed how the class suddenly turned quiet, he silently giggled at the thought. But little did Junsu know that a certain someone was in cloud nine as he giggled, because that certain someone was Mr. Park who is staring at him like a psycho love maniac on the side.




Junsu enjoyed listening to all the lectures of the teachers on his new school. He didn’t even notice the time until the school bell rang, it was already lunch time.


His stomach growled. Rubbing his flat tummy, Junsu pouted. He is hungry, but he doesn’t know where the cafeteria is located. He sighed scanning around the room. He doesn’t know anyone, and he’s too shy to approach his classmates. So, he just sat there and sighed once again.


As Junsu was sulking on his desk, someone tapped him on the shoulder starling the daylights out of him.


Junsu looked up and was greeted by the handsome young man which he thought that winked at him when he was about to go to his seat earlier.


“Hey there, my name is Yoochun, Mrs. Choi asked me to accompany you for the whole day so that I could show you around campus.” The guy named Yoochun smiled at him sweetly and Junsu thought that he just melted.


Junsu blinked his tadpole eyes, he didn’t say a word as he stood up and nodded.


“Come, let me show you around.” Yoochun stretched his hand out and took a hold of Junsu’s wrist as he pulled him or practically dragged Junsu out of the classroom. Junsu kept silent as he stared at the hand on his wrist following Yoochun obediently.


Yoochun took Junsu around the school, he showed him all the unfamiliar places, so that he won’t be lost when he stroll the campus alone, and he even told Junsu that if he ever get lost he should go and call Yoochun immediately so that he could go and come to the rescue.


Well, That’s just a lame excuse of the sneaky Yoochun so that he could get Junsu’s phone number without being all suspicious, so not thinking that there’s nothing freaky about it, Junsu gave him his contact number. Yoochun felt really proud of himself! And satisfied, now all he has to do is make a move. But slowly, taking it step by step.


Days passed, turned to weeks. They stuck together all the time and people even thought they were dating!


Yoochun realized how gentle and delicate Junsu could be. I mean, of all the others girls and guys that shamelessly threw themselves at him, Junsu is different…in a good way. And that’s what made him think Junsu is really the one for him…he knew, from the first time he saw him enter their classroom. That’s what made him decide that it’s time. It’s time to introduce Junsu to them and show him the lair or should I say his so called sanctuary.




As if they knew each other for a years, both of them started to talk comfortably, they chatted happily and shared some lame jokes making themselves like kinder garden idiots together, both of them got close very fast within the weeks that they’ve been together, I mean really close! They didn’t even notice their intertwined hands right now! Not really, only Junsu. Since Yoochun is the one who initiated it and he’s enjoying every millisecond that his hand is attached to Junsu’s small and soft hands. (a/n: Smooth Mr. Park! Real Smooth~ =.= )


Both Yoochun and Junsu entered the cafeteria with their hands still attached to each other, all the students started to whisper as they headed towards the private table area at the corner where Yoochun and his friends usually stay during lunch break. Well…not these past weeks though, since he’s always sticking to Junsu like glue.


“Hey guys!” Yoochun greeted as he reached the table consisting of four people.


“Yo! Sup man! You’ve been missing lunch with us these past weeks!” A guy with almond eyes gave Yoochun a high five and the pretty man beside him smiled, “Hey Chun.”


“Sshsup Cshyung!” The tall guy greeted, suddenly getting slapped by the shorter cute boy beside him.


“Don’t talk when your mouth is full! You’re spilling rice all over! It’s disgusting!...Anyway, Hi  Yoochun-Hyung! ” The short guy greeted while on the other hand the tall guy wanted to say sorry, but only to receive a pinch at the arm by the same short cute guy once again.


Junsu watched the two at their lame bickering, he just can’t help but giggle. As he did so, the guys that were sitting on the table put all their attention to Junsu who was standing behind Yoochun.


“Oh! Chun, mind if you introduce your new friend here? Is he the one you’re talking about?” The guy with almond eyes asked Yoochun then smirked when he saw Yoochun and Junsu’s linked hands.


Junsu was confused ‘ Yoochun is telling them about me? ’ and he noticed the smirk on the almond eyed guy and took a glance to where the eyes of the man staring. Junsu blushed, he was holding Yoochun’s hand! He didn’t even notice their connected hands…until now.


He tried to pry them off, but Yoochun won’t budge. Junsu shrugged and went on with it. He kind of liked the warmth of Yoochun’s hand with his anyway. They felt like a puzzle piece that fits perfect to each other.


“What? Oh, Sorry about that. Guys, meet Junsu. And Yup! He’s the one! So be nice to him!” Yoochun tugged his and Junsu’s still attached hands and pulled him out from his back making the two of them sit on the vacant seats. Junsu bowed at Yoochun’s friends and greeted them shyly.


“Junsu, this is Yunho, the guy with the almond eyes that looks like a erted hawk---“


“What?” Yunho interrupted.


“—and the one sitting beside him is Jaejoong.” Junsu stared at Jaejoong for quite a long time and Yoochun noticed.


“Oh. In case you’re wondering, Jaejoong may look like a girl but he’s 60% male.” Yoochun grinned.


“Hey Park! Watch your scrawny mouth! What do you mean by 60%? Where did the 40% go?!?” Jaejoong spat.


“Oh please, Jae you’re not really pure male…you know. The 40% goes to your girly habits. And my lips aren’t scrawny! Their kisyble! Right Su?” Yoochun bit back.


“Kisy-what?” Junsu doesn’t seem to catch on.


“It’s a ChunWord my lovely. And by ChunWord means Yoochun’s made-up words, while kisyble means…Kissable mixed with y~.” Yoochun his lips while staring at Junsu.


“O-kay?” Junsu stared at Yoochun’s lips, wondering why he them…seductively?


Kissybutt would be more like it.” Jaejoong mumbled.


“HoneyBoo~ don’t be mad at Chun. Look, you’re scaring his friend.” Yunho tried to calm Jaejoong down.


“Bastard.” Jaejoong mumbled and crossed his arms in defeat.


“HoneyBoo?” Junsu asked confused.


“And one thing…they are together.” Yoochun explained.


“And they are?” Junsu looked at the tall and shorter cute guy.


“Same as Yunjae. They are also together. That tall ugly guy is Changmin and the short cutie one here is Kibum he’s Jaejoong’s younger brother.”


“Yoochun-hyung!...I’m not short~.” Kibum whined whispering and sulked on Changmin who’s on the other hand pulling his lover into a tight hug while patting his back.


“Oh…I didn’t mean it like that, what I mean is that Changmin is tall like an ugly skyscraper prick while the poor you being with him makes you look a bit you know…short-er.” Yoochun tried to sweet talk his way out of Kibum’s unstable state.


“Is that true?” Kibum looked at him with puppy dog eyes. Yoochun just nodded in response.


“Well then, get away from me you freak!” Kibum pushed himself out of Changmin’s hug.


“What? Hyung! Look what you did!! I’m telling mom! And I’m not ugly like you!” Changmin glared at Yoochun.


“He’s your brother?” Junsu asked astonished.


“Junsu dear, it may not seem like it but it’s true, they are brothers.” Jaejoong said teasingly and Junsu giggled.


“Yeah…It doesn’t really look like it because I’m much more handsome than he is and I’m much taller and he is----“


“Don’t even try to say it!” Yoochun interrupted.


“—Short-er.” Yunho finished for Changmin. Yoochun deadpanned, his pride just went downhill and more over, when he saw Junsu laugh along the others he just wanted the earth to crack open and swallow him whole, he was embarrassed, his way of impressing Junsu just…died. All thanks to his friends…and snarky brother.


“Thank you Yunho hyung…my point exactly!! So Bummie-ah, don’t be sad okay? You and Yoochun hyung are even…he called you shorty and WE called him short.” So once again, all of them started the laughing marathon. Not knowing that the whole cafeteria’s attention was on them.


“Hey! Don’t laugh at the most popular guy in school!” Yoochun retorted pouting like a little kid.


“Popular my .” Yunho spat. And Yoochun pouted more.


With that, all the girls and including some guys started to squeal, starling the ty hell out of the laughing boys on the private table area.


“Oh —“ Yunho started.


“.” Jaejoong hissed.


“Uh-oh“ Kibum froze.


“Damn it!” Changmin continued.


Junsu stared at them weirdly and turned his gaze over at Yoochun, he saw him staring intensely at the others, looking all serious that seemed like they are having a conversation through their eyes, Yoochun suddenly nodded.


Junsu didn’t understand, so he opened his mouth to ask, “What’s going---“


But before Junsu could say anything, Yoochun took a hold of him pulling him out of his chair and shouted. “Run!”


All of them quickly sprinted out the cafeteria followed by a mob of girls on their backs. They ran and ran until they entered a secret passage way leading them to the garden of the school.


“Whew…” The five of them laughed. But Junsu on the other hand felt a bit scared of the sudden mob attack.


Yoochun noticed that Junsu is not laughing with them and turned to face the frozen Junsu.


“Junsu? Are you ok?” Yoochun nudged the shorter boy beside him.


“What? Oh. I was just shocked that’s all.” Junsu came back to his senses, scratching his unitchy head.


“That’s a relief…was it fun?” Yoochun smiled and pulled Junsu closer to him.  


Junsu blushed, the way Yoochun pull him made his heart skip a beat.


“Y-Yeah…it was fun. Does this happen all the time?”


“Well…not really. Just sometimes, But were used to it. Right guys?” Yoochun the four panting boys on the ground. All nodding in unison.


Yoochun tugged Junsu’s hand pulling him as they went down the stairs along with the other four towards their secret lair.


As Yoochun turned the knob to the rusty door, there lay behind it a stunning beauty of a garden filled with colorful flowers along with a nice swing in the corner and an expensive looking garden set in the middle. Junsu was lost for words, he felt like he was not in school anymore, he rather felt like he is in a garden of the royalties!


“Come…there’s more!” Yoochun gestured to the corner towards a blue door, Junsu took a glance at the others who already took their respective seats on the garden set in the middle while Jaejoong on the other hand went inside the other secret red door.


This place surely has lots of doors. And what’s with the colors? ’ Junsu thought.


“Hey! Yoochun hyung! Make sure to come back here quickly! Jae hyung is getting tea and snacks out!” Changmin waved at Yoochun and Junsu.


“Yeah! Don’t do any naughty things alright!” Yunho teased.


“Yah! How dare you say that! I’m only showing him around!...well, not if Junsu wants to you know!” Yoochun retorted.


“Suit yourself.” Yunho smirked.


Junsu glanced confusedly at Yoochun who’s smiling innocently at him.


“Shall we?” Yoochun gestured, Junsu hesitated for awhile but nodded in the end.


(At the same time …On the Mysterious Garden)


“So…what do you think? Is it love at first sight?” Changmin inquired.


“Well what do you think genius? Of course it is! It’s not like Yoochun hyung could bring anyone here in our secret lair slash whatsoever garden if it's not, right?” Kibum answered.


Yunho butted in the bickering couple’s conversation “I hope Yoochun knows what he’s doing.” He sighed.


“Oh…Yunnie-poo don’t worry, I know Yoochunie knows what he’s doing…I mean, remember the day when you know…the day she left him, I MEAN they broke up…Remember what he said right after the months of his sulking over his lost love, when he find his, well…how should I say this…What his heart desires and tell him that’s it’s the right person to be with him, he would bring him/her to our secret lair, because it’s practically his home right?”


Jaejoong explained, while he set the tea and the snacks on the round perfectly wide table as he made his way to sit next to his cuddly bear Yunho.


“Well…maybe your right. It’s been two years since then, and the last time I saw him act this happy and sappy if I might add, was since…that day.” Yunho smiled bitterly at the thought of his pained friend.


“Now…Now…Jae doesn’t like sulky Yunho, Jae wants Yunnie kissy face!” Jaejoong held Yunho’s face with both of his hands, pinching Yunho’s perfectly sculpted slim cheeks.


“Oi…Too much PDA! You guys do realize that were still here right?...Geez! Aren’t you two the oldest? Making kissy faces like that! Are you two retarded or something?” Changmin reminded or protested to the oldest of them all.


“Minnie-ah! Why can’t you just shut your mouth?! How many times do I have to tell you that ‘No calling Jae-hyung OLD or you’ll face hell?’ Aish!...I’m not defending you on this one.” Kibum warned the oblivious Changmin while making his way to leave towards the blue door along with his tea. ‘Aish…must avoid my brother’s rage. Jae-hyung might get messy this time.’ Kibum thought.


“What did you say prick?!” Jaejoong glared at the shocked Changmin.


“Oh crap! I-I…Sorry! I forgot!” Changmin gulped and ran to save his dear life.


“Come back here you little toad! How dare you call me old!” Jaejoong ran after the scared maknae.


Yunho just sat there and watched. ‘Aigoo…poor child. But look on the bright side! I mean literally!... Jae looks y while angry! Rawr! >:3 ’ Yunho thought silently, enjoying the y view.




As Yoochun and Junsu entered the blue door, Junsu was once again lost in wonderland.


Holy Blue-Retarted Dolphins! What on earth?!’


Junsu felt like he entered another dimension, once he entered, there he saw a whole entertainment room! There’s a black leather couch on left side of the room, console games in the middle, a billiard table on the side, bending machines. ‘Am I in the same school?!’ Junsu wondered once again.


“So, Su…do you like it?” Yoochun nudged the shocked Junsu, making the poor boy snap out of his trance.


“Huh? Oh…Am…Am I still in school? I mean…” Junsu was still lost for words.


Yoochun laughed and ruffled Junsu’s hair “You’re so cute! Want to check out some video games? You mentioned once that you’re a game addict right?” Yoochun tried to make some conversation. But he didn’t have to because of all the times they spent together. Words could not possibly describe his feelings. Yoochun felt like they somehow…connected.


“Oh…yeah. I do love games! Is it okay?” Junsu’s eyes sparkled, Yoochun laughed once more and nodded.


But before any one of them could head to the game console, Kibum entered the room while sipping his tea. And Changmin screaming ‘Sorry!’ could be heard on the background.


“Woah! What happened out there?” Yoochun asked amused.


“Oh…nothing much. Just Jaejoong-hyung punishing Changmin for calling him old. No need to worry.” Kibum smiled at the two men inside.


“Oh…is that a bad thing?” Junsu asked confused.


“Oh…it is. So, you better stay out of the danger zone.” Kibum explained.


“Huh? But Jaejoong-hyung doesn’t look old. In fact, Yoochun looks much more of a wide foreheaded old fart than him.” Junsu answered innocently. Totally oblivious of what he said.


“What?---“ Yoochun’s jaw dropped.


“Ohh…nice one! Even though I didn’t mention that Jae-hyung looks like an old fart…but nice touch with the wide foreheaded thing! You’re learning ChunWords very fast! On second thought…help Changmin for me! Jae-hyung and the others would be much happier than they are right now when they hear this! Come!” Kibum dragged Junsu out, leaving the shocked Yoochun behind.


“Hey! Jae-hyung! Junsu said something interesting that no one, not even Changmin dared to call Yoochunie-hyung!” Kibum exclaimed excitedly.


Both Changmin and Jaejoong stopped on their tracks and stared at Kibum and Junsu.


Yunho raised a brow at Kibum for making his y!Jae stop on murdering Changmin. This better be good, he grumbled.


“Interesting? What is?” Jaejoong asked.


“Oh! Junsu said that---Mmmph!” Kibum got cut with Yoochun’s swift hand covering his mouth.


The three raised a brow curiously and stared at Yoochun, then at Junsu making faces like ‘Well?...’


Junsu who's being innocently confused, he continued what Kibum was about to say.


“What’s interesting about what I said? I only said that Jaejoong-hyung doesn’t look old that in fact, Yoochun looks much more of a wide foreheaded old fart than him?”


All of them deadpanned or shocked.


“NOOOoo---!!!” Yoochun screamed.


“You did not just say that.” Yunho whispered.


“OH MY---“ Jaejoong gasped.


“HOLY!” Changmin widened his eyes.


All went silent….


And a snort came after….


“PWAHAhahahHAHA!!!... XD ”


Then a raging fits of laughter started to boom the once silent and peaceful garden making the poor Yoochun sulk on the side.


“Oh Gosh! This is worth a million bucks!! AHAhahaha!! XD”


“Oh My! This is too hiliarious!! did he just say WIDE--- Ahahaha! “


“Foreheaded--- PuAhahahA!! “ 


“Old Fart?!?! Ahahaaahha!!


 “Did I say something wrong?” Junsu stared at the laughing retards on the floor, and his eyes widened as he saw the sulking Yoochun on side that seemed to be growing mushrooms on his head in the corner.


“Yoochun!! Are you okay? Eh? Why are there mushrooms?” Junsu rushed to Yoochun leaving the laughing hyenas to die of laughter.


“Oh…Junsu~…haha.” Yoochun twitched.


Phew!’ The four stopped laughing and went back to their normal selves.


“Junsu! I didn’t know that you could be a jokester! OMG! Chun! How come you only introduced him to us today! I totally love this guy already!” Jaejoong squished Junsu into a tight hug.


“Can’t…breathe.’’ Junsu tried to gasp for air.


“Finally! Someone could control Yoochun!” Yunho cheered joining on hugging Junsu.


“Welcome to my family Junsu-hyung!” Changmin and Kibum joined squashing hugging Junsu.


“Yeah…Welcome.” Yoochun continued to sulk on the side, still not over about the forehead thing.


He suddenly started to regret on introducing Junsu to those bastads. But then again, he’s glad that this proves more that Junsu is definitely different and Yoochun fell more in love with Junsu even if he’s a bit oblivious and much more innocent than anyone he knew.




This fic is going to be a chaptetered one, not that long though maybe two? three? four?...hmmm, depends on how my readers respond.


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tsubakisworld #1
Chapter 5: Whaaaaaat thats really sad :'( I really enjoyed this fic. .. Still I'm gonna Check your Other fics as well ^^~
tsubakisworld #2
Chapter 1: OMG this is so hilerious
karinokta #3
Chapter 5: yes mon! all of them are such of drama queens! lol
but i love them surely ♥
Chapter 5: This was such a sweet fanfic! I loved it! It had me laughing hard too! favourite quote: "The YooSu coulple, one of the chun words... Don't ask" And I loved the image of him sulking in the corner with mushrooms growing! and the fact you called it a fanfic in the writing too! I'm a new reader and haven't been using AFF long but I will check out your other work. It's sad that this might be your last fanfic.
Chapter 5: Awww;;; such a sweet ending >_<
they're so cute~!! daebak! >.<
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha
So hilarious,,cool
Chapter 5: hahahaaha awwwww love the ending~ you should make it longer haha nice story^^thank you^^
buffy501 #8
Chapter 3: Wahhhh this is so good, both yoosu so cute
Krsobsessions #9
Chapter 3: Awwwwww cute. More update please!! I like this~
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaah where are you author nim???