Junsu's Story

Destiny of Love


A week passed by since that incident happened. All seem back to normal, neither one of Yoochun or Junsu mentioned anything of what happened that day.

But some things can’t just really be avoided.

“So, any progress between you two yet?” Changmin wiggled his brows suggestively.

“Maybe? Right MY DEAR JUNSU?” Yoochun peered at Junsu lifting up his chin by his fingers.

Junsu flinched at the touch, feeling blood rush up to his face Junsu widened his eyes quickly backing away, his palms automatically covered his face from embarrassment.

“See? Told yah.” Yoochun grinned at Changmin, then glanced at Junsu’s small frame. ‘He’s so cute!’ He thought.

“Bastard.” Changmin huffed, mumbling ‘Gosh! Can’t believe I lost to Jae-Hyung! Aish~!’


Changmin came back with a sour look on his face, Indicating Jaejoong’s victory.

“Yasha! New Boots for me!” Jaejoong self-cheered, while Changmin continuously mourned for his loss.

‘Aigoo! My whole month of homemade buffet lunch from Jae-hyung. Gone! Can’t believe I lost from this bet! Aish!’

“Ha! Yoochun is such a sleek man~



Few more months passed by, Junsu would have never thought that he would have such an experience by transferring here to Seoul High. It was the first time that he had the guts to call his real friends, he felt so happy and he was very grateful that he met Yoochun, yet he felt scared at the same time. Scared that he would be left alone once again.


His entire life ever since he was a child wasn’t that much fun. Ever since his father died because of some illness, when Junsu was at the age of five, his mother has to take over their family business which requires them to move to one country to another so that she could take care of the other branches of the company, and of course his mother wouldn’t like to leave her five year old son alone, so she takes Junsu along with her destination.

It may not seem now but Junsu is actually a young master of the household, he has his reasons to hide his true nature. Which were very understandable for his part.

 Whichever country they would move, they would live in a big mansion. And every time he has to transfer to a new school, he’s accompanied with a chauffeur. Which very much irritated him, since he realized that whenever he transfer to new schools his classmates even his schoolmates, they kind of leave a very deep impression on him which leads to quite bad things such as gossip and rumors. But there were also times that it’s good, but that won’t last long since it would eventually drift off somehow.

He was always avoided by the students. And even if some would try to talk to him they would just back out once they acknowledge who he was. But there are those people who hang with him just for the sake of his money or just to get close with his family.

He lived his life like this for years. He lived with no real friends, once he gets home he always coops up in his room reading books or play some video games alone. He never had the chance to go out and play outside. He never knew what kind of fun lifestyle his age lives.  Whenever he thought about that stuff he would sulk around in a corner for the whole day. Even the maids or butlers couldn’t persuade him to go out to eat.

Though whenever his mom arrives home from work, he would always welcome her with the biggest and brightest smile he could ever pull off as if nothing bad happens to him to school or how sad he feels inside. Knowing that the smile he gives to his mother was a lie, Junsu just feels much more miserable to himself.

He couldn’t just burst all his feelings to his mother. He doesn’t want to be a bigger burden to her since she’s the only one working to make their company stay strong as how his father worked hard for it. Even if he wants to help he still doesn’t know how to run a company since he’s still so young and still struggling to cope with his training. He felt useless…

Until one unexpected day…

It was late at midnight, Junsu couldn’t sleep once again. He sighed, and sat outside the balcony from his room staring up to gaze at the stars.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Faint sounds of knocks echoed from his door, causing Junsu to wake him from his trance.

“Su?” Someone knocked on his door.

“Junsu dear, are you asleep?”

‘Mom--? What would she want at this hour?’ Junsu thought, frowning.

He walked over to the door and opened it for his Mom to enter. What shocked him was the look on her face, was she drinking again? He moved aside and let his mom enter his room and led her to the balcony where he was previously seated.

“You can’t sleep?” His mom inquired. Junsu smiled lightly then nodded.

“Come lay here.” She smiled at her son sweetly, patting her legs.

Junsu grinned and complied happily. He quickly rested his head to his mother’s lap.

 Mrs. Kim chuckled at her son’s behavior, she started Junsu’s hair just like when he was a little toddler.

“I’m sorry my baby---“she whispered.

Junsu was taken aback and shot up from his position, he gasped.

“What for Umma--?”

She palmed Junsu’s soft cheeks. “I’m sorry for not noticing earlier, I would have never imagined how terrible you’re already feeling for all of this. It’s all my fault, I should have known better.” She started sobbing.

“W-What do you mean? H-How did you…I mean, it’s not your fault Mom. Don’t cry…” He wiped his mother’s tears dripping down her pale cheeks. When he himself is trying to hold back his tears.

“No, it’s my fault. I’ve been focused too much on work that I forgot to look after you. If—If… your Appa didn’t die and left us none of this would have happened.” She sobbed harder.

“Mom, I told you it’s not your fault. Dad never want this to happen either, none of us could predict our destiny. And you just made some decisions for my own good, that’s what you have thought at first right?” Junsu choked, biting his lips to prevent himself from crying. Since he was a child he promised himself not to cry, at least not in front of anyone, especially his mother.

“You’re a really good child Junsu. I’m so blessed to be your mother, *sniff* my baby grew up to such a cute and strong child.” She chuckled. Feeling a bit better from the support her son is giving her.

“Umma~`” Junsu called, stifling a sob from coming out to his mouth.

She patted Junsu’s head lovingly and smiled sweetly at her son.

“Want to go back to Korea?” Mrs. Kim sensed the tensed feeling of her son, she decided to change the topic to lessen the tension that’s surrounding them.

“What~?...B-But, what about the company? And the---” Junsu’s words were cut by his mother.

“I’ve thought this through Junsu-ah…and it’s my way of returning the lost times that I neglected you for this past few years.” She smiled.


 “I’ve heard everything from Mr. Lee, since you’ve practically stopped going to school here, I presume that you should continue your high school for a while in Korea, you’re already a senior dear…though it would only be for few months. We would come back here to London as soon as you graduate and start your training. You know, I couldn’t just handle the company myself dear, I’m getting old myself.” Mrs. Kim explained, though she joked half way through it.

Junsu couldn’t help but smile at this too. But he was still not sure of the idea. What if they treat him the way they did to him from his previous schools….What if---- Junsu was once a again in a trance, only to be surprised by what his mom continued to say.

 “I know that you long for real friends dear, you might find them there, and it’s your hometown after all. I already know that the friends you’re bringing here aren’t your real friends Junsu-ah. They’re too clingy for my liking. Haha,..Oh and I would buy us a cute house there and live a normal life, we would then just visit our mansion there once in a while,…that’s what you’ve always wanted, am I right?”

Junsu was speechless…did he just hear that correctly? His mother is not just joking is she?

“How…? ”

“I have my sources~~`” She grinned.

“And no chauffeurs?” Junsu asked.

“Huh? I would never want to make my baby to walk! It’s dangerous!” Mrs. Kim gasped.

Junsu gave her his infamous puppy dog eyes, pleading for mercy.

Defeated, his mother agreed sighing. “If that’s what my baby wants. So…what do you think?”

 Junsu’s mouth gapped, he already reached the peak of his limit and burst out crying. He nodded furiously as he hugged his Mom, thanking her non stop.

“Ohh…stop being such a cry baby.” She laughed, when she herself was crying earlier.

“And hey, and who knows you might find your prince charming there too~`” Mrs. Kim continued to tease, nudging her son by the elbow.

Junsu was baffled.

 “W-What?! ...P-Prince? Umma!!” Junsu blushed, his face turned red like a giant tomato.

“Oh come on, I’m your Mom…I gave birth to you, I should know your type.” She giggled at the cute sight of her son.

Mrs. Kim stood up, giving her son a goodnight kiss, and left her poor dumbfounded son to his room.

‘Bwoh~!? She never knew my miserable state, until now. But she knew my ual preference all along??!?!!”

“UMMAAAA~~!!!!” The raging dolphin squeal bombarded the whole mansion making all the peacefully sleeping servants wake up.

“Whose pet dolphin is that? Make it shut up!”  


uhh..its been a while? ^^," sigh..i've been busy with college so i kind of neglected writing stories, now im on break so heres an update and i am surprised that many readers are still waiting for my update, i still have readers! i'm so greatful and sorry at the same time, i left you all with so many questions and Thank you very much for your wait my readers, i'll try to update every now and then for you guys...gomenasai *bows* OTL

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tsubakisworld #1
Chapter 5: Whaaaaaat thats really sad :'( I really enjoyed this fic. .. Still I'm gonna Check your Other fics as well ^^~
tsubakisworld #2
Chapter 1: OMG this is so hilerious
karinokta #3
Chapter 5: yes mon! all of them are such of drama queens! lol
but i love them surely ♥
Chapter 5: This was such a sweet fanfic! I loved it! It had me laughing hard too! favourite quote: "The YooSu coulple, one of the chun words... Don't ask" And I loved the image of him sulking in the corner with mushrooms growing! and the fact you called it a fanfic in the writing too! I'm a new reader and haven't been using AFF long but I will check out your other work. It's sad that this might be your last fanfic.
Chapter 5: Awww;;; such a sweet ending >_<
they're so cute~!! daebak! >.<
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha
So hilarious,,cool
Chapter 5: hahahaaha awwwww love the ending~ you should make it longer haha nice story^^thank you^^
buffy501 #8
Chapter 3: Wahhhh this is so good, both yoosu so cute
Krsobsessions #9
Chapter 3: Awwwwww cute. More update please!! I like this~
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaah where are you author nim???