Chapter 11

In the Arms of an Angel

Its the finale you guys.... I am soooo sorry for not updating for such a long time.. :'(

Also...You might want to get some tissues if I wrote well enough.


Jinri was walking home from school while listening to music. College has been getting harder and harder as the school year reached its peak. Because of this, she has been staying on campus until late at night to study for finals. Normally Kris would be there to study with her then accompany her home safely.
They would always go this exact route through the city. Chatting away about anything that happened throughout their day. They would smile and laugh about the smallest things. Kris would occasionally steal sweet little kisses from Jinri, but it didn’t bother her anyway. She loves him. Their hands would be locked securely between them while swaying slightly, but not today.
Kris left the college earlier than usual because he had to take care of something. So he left half an hour after classes ended, leaving Jinri to study and walk home alone.
Walking along their usual route she passed by one of their favorite clothing stores then turned around the corner. Smiling to herself reminiscing the memories, she took slow amble steps toward the intersection at the end of the road. She stood patiently at the corner of the street waiting for the little green mad to show.
She breathed in a relaxing breath of fresh air. It felt nice to be able to get away from books and papers for a few hours. Looking up at the stars, she recalled that one night when Kris said that he love her. ‘That kiss…’ Jinri exhaled. ‘I love him so much…too much.’
Clutching her bag, her eyes followed the cars passing by, but there was rarely car that zoomed by since it was almost midnight. Midnight meant all the cars were racing at high speeds without a care of where they were going. Anyway, at least it kept her distracted from missing Kris.
When the light turned green, Jinri took her first step on the dark grey pavement towards the other side of the road.
Kris jogged around the college, trying to spot Jinri. She wasn’t at home yet, so he set out to look for her. Running around their usual route home, Kris finally spotted Jinri standing at the corner at one of the big intersections of the city. He sighed.
Then he looked up at the road and his eyes widened. Kris froze. He was never so terrified of something else in his entire life, and he had lived for quite a long time.

There was a car. It was going at ridiculously high speeds. Where? Towards Jinri.
Then he grew flustered and ran frantically towards the love of his life. She was at least 400 meters away from her. The thought of not being able to reach her in time, suffocated his heart. ‘This can’t be happening… Please God, let me wake up now. This is a dream. This is a dream…’ he chanted in his mind. ‘Anyone, take anyone but her. Please. Take me, not her.’ He ran and ran as fast as he could. “No… no… no… no.” he repeatedly muttered.

“Jinri!” he called but she made no move signalling that she heard him.”Jinri!! JINRI!!!” Finally, she turned to him. She mouthed Kris. Kris looked back and forth between Jinri and the speeding car, never stopping his sprint. Jinri made a confused face at him.
‘What’s wrong?...’ She followed his gaze behind her. ‘What is he…Oh my god…’ Jinri froze in her spot, eyes wide, body trembling. She shut her eyes tight when the car was just a few feet away from her. Waiting in dread for it to come. ‘I love you Kris…I hope you know and remember that.’ Then she felt her body being pushed away from the front of the car. She brutally landed on the sidewalk, her eyes still closed. She heard something get hit and fall floppily on the ground.

Jinri turned around and when she opened her eyes, they rounded even more and she gasped in horror. The car was crashed into a lamp post and Kris’ body was lying in the middle of the road.

Running to his limp body, “KRIS!!!” she shrieked at his frozen body. Kneeling down beside him and picking him up. “No. No...Kris wake up. Wake up Kris. Please!” she cried into his chest. Blood was trickling down the side of his head.
“Jinri… Don’t cry.” He held onto her hand, squeezing it comfortingly, but it did not help at all.

“C’mon we need you to get you to a hospital.” Jinri clumsily and desperately dialed the hospitals phone number, tears swelling in her eyes again. Then a hand was placed on top of hers, she looked up and Kris shook his head. Her eyes widened.


“Just leave it… It’s going to be impossible. Everything hurts.” Tears also threatened to spill from his eyes, but tried to be strong.
“No Kris, don’t leave me…” she uttered and held his hand in both of hers. “I love you, you promised you wouldn’t go.” New tears streaming down her face.

“It’s ok love. I’ll always be with you, in here.” He put his other hand on top of her heart. “My heart will still be beating at the same pace as yours, remember that. I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled up at her.

“Kris…I love you.” She kissed him sweetly. He was panting desperately for air now.

“I love you too. Don’t ever forget me Jinri. You can love someone else, but please, never forget me.” Kris whispered hoarsely after they parted. Holding her cheek in his other hand, it tenderly with his eyes lidded tiredly now.

“I will never ever forget you Kris. I will never love anyone but you. It’s just you.” She used the same word that Kris did before, and kissed him again. They kissed for a while then all of a sudden Kris stopped. Jinri froze and lifted her head up and looked at his face. His eyes were closed and he was as still as a rock. His chest wasn’t moving anymore.

“No… Kris….No Kris! Kris wake up! Please wake up!” she shook his body frantically. “THIS ISN’T THE TIME TO BE PLAYING JOKES! WAKE UP KRIS! I LOVE YOU!... I love you…I love you…” Jinri whispered into his chest. Her tears wetting his bloodies shirt. Shoulders shaking, she sobbed into the murky and ominous night.

She looked up at him, the never ending tears streaming down her face. “You still look so handsome…” smiling depressingly at him, she pushed his hair away from his face and kissed his forehead. Then a bright light shone on the two of them.
Jinri looked up to see another car hurling towards the two of them.

It took her a while to think it through but she decided to stay in place. She sat there, Kris wrapped securely in her arms she smiled at him and kissed him again. ‘I’ll be with you now.’ Then she looked back up at the car a confident smile plastered on her face. Then she closed her eyes waiting for the impact to come.

When it did Jinri was thrown several feet from where she was originally sitting. The world was spinning in different directions, she grabbed hold of her head. The sound of sirens and people could be heard in her ears. Someone was trying to shake her awake, but obviously, it did not work.

Then everything went black.

Kris and Jinri were strolling side by side on the beach. The water was soothingly splashing on their feet. The sun was beginning to set on the ocean horizon, painting the sky and clouds orange. Large groups of white seagulls flew around them.

A calm gush of air passed by sending Jinri’s hair delicately flying with the wind. Some strands managed to cover her face. Before she could push them away herself, a hand carefully reaches down in front of her and tucks the soft hair behind her ear and out of her face.

Jinri looked up at Kris, with a slightly shocked but mostly thankful expression. Kris smiled back at her sweetly and affectionately. Jinri then bowed her head and smiled at her feet. She was shocked that such a simple act of affection could get her heart to flutter away.

Their hands were gently touching as they walked. Taping on the other with each step. Jinri didn’t expect Kris to do what he did. He took her hand in his and gradually laced their hands together. Jinri’s face flushed a light shade of pink and she glanced up at Kris. He was looking away at the other direction, a light blush on his cheeks. She put a hand to and giggled jovially at how shy he was acting. 

The sun was already half way down the horizon when the two decided to sit on the sand and enjoy the view of the sunset. Something they haven’t done before. Hand in hand, sitting beside each other, Jinri leaned her head on Kris’ shoulder sighing in content. And Kris gently positioned his on top of hers.
They both sat there in complete bliss. There was no need for words, no need for anymore actions, just silence. Although it was just silence, aside from faint the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, there was just that bit of love and affection carefully enveloped in that silence.

They both knew that.

They both knew that there was someone who loved them to the ends of the world. Even if they would be separated, she knew that in her significant others heart, she was in a huge piece of it. He also knew the same.
Nothing would separate the two now. They were in love, so deeply in love. So lost -trapped- in the big maze we call ‘love’ that nothing can get them out of it. It’s not like they wanted to leave the tranquility of it all anyway.
They wanted to stay, stay in each other’s arms forever. Never letting go.
They would have each other forever, even if the world turns their back against the other.
He wanted to protect her from everything and anything. She wanted to do the same.
He always wanted to gaze deeply into her eyes, constantly thinking about her.
Every day I will only go toward you and trust you with my heart.

“I love you…” Kris whispered, glancing at Jinri. ‘So beautiful…my little angel…’
Jinri pulled away from him and looked deeply into his eyes, smiling her heart fluttering.

“I love you too…my angel.”Jinri replied with just as much loved laced in her words as the other.
Kris then leaned in and caught her lips with his in a faithful chaste kiss.

Because if we just keep walking like this,
Heaven is anytime, anywhere….

There is never a time or place for true love.
It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat,
In a single flashing, throbbing moment.
-Sarah Dessen


I had a lot of fun writing this story. Thank you to all my subscribers and commenters. I love reading ALL the comments. Please read my other stories. :)

but....what have I done?

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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T