Chapter 7

In the Arms of an Angel


It was a Saturday. The day of the Senior Prom. Jinri went to the salon in the mall with her friends that after noon to get their hair fixed and makeup done.  That meant Kris was left alone in the apartment.

‘This is how it feels to be alone…’ Kris wandered into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He took out a water bottle and downed half of it in one go. He put the water bottle back and closed the door. Turning around and leaning on the counter. ‘What to do?... The prom doesn’t start until 6:30… Great. 4 and a half hour of nothing.’ Striding over to the house phone in the living room, Kris thought that he should do something with his friends too before the prom started.  

Dialing a familiar number, he held up the phone to his ear and waited patiently. The phone rang three times and on the fourth time, someone picked up.

“Hello?” A cute but manly voice said. His voice was very charming and felt quite happy.

“Hello. Tao this is Kris.”

“Oh hey Kris!” he could without a doubt hear the smile in his voice. “What is it?”

“Well, I was just wondering if you would want to do something before the prom tonight?” Kris proposed. There was a bit of static on the other side of the conversation and the phone seemed to be moving around a lot. Then finally, Tao came back on the line.

“Sure! But is it ok is someone else joins us?”  Tao requested.

“Like who?”

“ Kyungsoo and Chanyeol Chen and Xuimin already went out together and Kai is…I don’t know where he is so I called Yeol (Kevin) and Kyungsoo over.” He explained.

“Oh…well it’s alright if it’s just those two.” Kris said. There were murmurs and whispers on the other end of the line.

“Great! Meet you…where?” Tao stopped mid-sentence.

“At your house is fine.”

“Ok. See you then!”

“Yup, see you.” Kris hung up.

He strode over to his room and started to get ready to leave. Using a combination of clothes that he and Jinri had picked before in case he needed to go out with out Jinri.  Not that he wasn’t good at dressing up. Jinri just insisted to pick some clothes that went together for Kris.

After all that, he went to the door and put the brown canvas shoes that he got with Jinri, smiling at them. When he was about to unlock the door and walk out, he looked back down at his shoes then turned around.

‘I should leave a note…’ Kris walked into the kitchen looking for paper and some sort of pencil or pen to write with. As soon as he was done writing, he neatly places the note and pencil on the counter that led into the kitchen  from the main entrance and walked out the door.


When Jinri came home, she thought it was oddly quiet and felt empty. Closing the door she grabbed the emergency baseball bat by the door and held it up like she was about to hit a baseball, then creeped further into the house.

Her hair was done and make-up fixed prettily. Hence, the weirdness of her carrying a baseball bat in an empty house. But she doesn’t know that.

Keeping her back against the wall Jinri made sure that none of her footsteps were heard on the wood floor. Taking the entrance into the kitchen on the far end of the apartment, Jinri shifted her eyes, looking for anything suspicious.

Then she spotted it. A small piece of folded up paper and a blue pen sitting on the counter on the other side of the room.

Jinri then walked normally this time up to the paper, still holding the bat. She picked it up and it read To: Jinri on the front side. Jinri gingerly unfolded the paper and she scrunched up her face in pure amusement and confusion. Kris’ writing was atrocious. For an angel. It was outlandishly messed up, but still comprehensible. Maybe. It read:

I went out with my friends. Don’t worry I will be home before the prom starts. ;) 

Take care. See you later. <3

Your angel,



 At least that was what she could decipher out of the jumble of letters that was scribbled written on the paper. However, Jinri couldn’t keep her eyes off of the little heart that Kris drew. Her own heart fluttered away at the thought of Kris just drawing a simple 2D heart on paper, for her.

(Though admit it girls, you would love to have a cute guy draw a little heart for you.)

Jinri brought the paper to her room and gently set it on her beside table and sat on her bed. The prom started in 2 hours or so. She decided to go back out into the living room and watch TV for half an hour then start getting ready.

Those 30 minutes went by very slowly. She got so used to Kris being around talking and spending time with her that she couldn’t help but feel a tad lonely.

Almost falling asleep on the cosy back couch, Jinri picked herself up and walked at a snail’s pace to her room. Her eyes half lidded and her legs feeling heavy because of sleepiness, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her make-up definitely needed some touch ups here and there.

She slapped her face lightly to wake herself up a little and went to work.


Kris opened the door to their apartment. There was about an hour left until prom.

Honestly he felt excited about being able to go to a dance with Jinri as his date. He wasn’t that eager that he was bouncing off the walls, just energized and thrilled. A smile was spread on his lips as he walked into the kitchen.

 His note wasn’t there anymore so he took that as a sign that Jinri was home and knocked on the door of her room. Loud music was playing from the inside and Kris could hear the lyrics clearly. When the wasn’t an answer after a few minutes Kris knocked again and spoke,

“Jinri, it’s me Kris.” He could hear a confused ‘what’ and a few things dropping from behind the door then the music stopped. The door opened slightly and Jinri’s head peeked out ever so slightly that Kris couldn’t even see her hair.

“What is it?” Jinri smiled up at Kris.

“Er… I just wanted to tell you that tell me when you’re ready to leave.” Kris rubbed the back of his neck, looking to his left.

“Oh…ok.” Jinri nodded and let a hand out of the room to usher him out. “You have to get ready too. Now, go. Just because you’re an angel doesn’t mean you can’t dress up.” She waved her hand, signaling for him to go. Kris nodded and muttered a quiet ‘Okay.’ With that Jinri’s head disappeared and the door closed. Soon the loud music began playing again.

Kris entered his room and switched on the lights. His room was very neat. Not a mess in sight, but of course there was the occasional dust here and there that couldn’t be avoided.

He walked in front of his full sized mirror and stared himself down, trying to search for flaws. Looking over his graphic t-shirt, down at his skinny-jeaned legs, then finally looked at his canvas shoes. He brought both of his hands up to his hair and pushed it back to get a better look at his face.

Kris leaned closer to the mirror and eyes the skin on his face and dropped his hand. Rubbing both his hands on his cheeks, he noticed there wasn’t anything. Nothing. No flaws. No imperfections.

Frowning he turned around and strutted over to his closet. There wasn’t any point in wasting more time to get ready.


Kris sat quietly and patiently in the living room, drinking some of the tea he made while waiting for Jinri to come out of her room. He lazily positioned his left arm on the back rest of the couch and turned craned his head to look out the window.

The sun was just setting. The once ocean blue sky was now coloured a warm and graceful orange-yellow. Birds were flying about in the air and the clouds drifting around their fluttering wings.

A click of a heel echoed in the cozy apartment. Kris turned his head around to face what made that noise, bringing his arm back down on the seat of the couch.

Saying Jinri looked beautiful was an understatement. Her appearance was absolutely stunning and lovely. The elegance of her dress matched with the natural beauty of her brown hair was dazzling. To Kris’ eyes, she was unconditionally gorgeous. 

Jinri’s dress was a little higher than her knees and was short and strapless and mostly white. It was a formal dress but gave of the impression of a youthful and chic girl. The sweetheart neck-line showed off her pretty collarbones. The short bodice of the dress was beaded with sparkling stones and gems. Around her waist was a light pink ribbon. To finish off the dress, the skirt was a sheer lace overlay with a scalloped hem-line. Jinri’s hair looked naturally waved, the curls starting half way down her head.

“Kris, you’re staring.” Jinri deadpanned. He blinked and finally became aware of what was happening around him. He was basically looking Jinri up and down (or what we call ‘checking out’) a few seconds ago and he didn’t even notice it. ‘What is wrong with me?...’

“Let’s go?” Kris asked her in that deep velvety voice she loved oh so much. And that was when Jinri finally noticed the strikingly handsome way Kris was dressed for this prom. fell and she basically gawked at him. Raising an arm, pointing weakly at Kris, Jinri sputtered useless nonsense.

Kris was in a pearly white tuxedo that seemed to be tailored to fit him. I mean, where do you get pants that are about a meter long? Under that heavenly white blazer, he had on a plain white dress shirt and a silk black tie around his neck. In the pocket sewed into the left side of the tux, there was a small cloth peeking out. His light brown hair stylishly pushed to the side.

Kris put a hand in his pocket and looked at Jinri with a questioning look, but being the sarcastic person he is, there was a bit of amusement in his eyes. “Now you’re the one staring.” Kris put a graceful finger underneath her chin and pushed he mouth closed.

“What?” Jinri blinked her eyes twice and looked up. Kris still had his finger underneath her chin, his eyes staring straight into hers. Their faces were so close to each other that their breaths mingled with the other. Then Kris abruptly pulled back and smiled. Jinri awkwardly smiled back up at him.

“Let’s go.” Kris took hold of her wrist and tugged her out of the apartment.

I sincerely stand in front of you, longing to catch your eye.


Kris adeptly parked the BMW in a parking spot and opened the car door for Jinri. The sun had almost completely set by now there was just a little of it peeking on the horizon painting the sky a deep sky blue.

“Are you ready?” Kris held his hand out for Jinri to take.

“I think.” Jinri delicately put her hand in Kris’ and held on. Kris smiled at her and squeezed her hand comfortingly.

“It’s alright you have me.” Tugging her hand, he escorted her into the school building.

Picture taking was something Jinri did not really enjoy as she txhought she was not photogenic. As for Kris, he also didn’t like taking pictures even though every single picture that had him in it was perfect and flawless. Even thought he did not really smile. So when it was time for the ‘picture taking’, the two were not particularly pleased.

Jinri waved at one of her friends who were in front of them in the line. Then she looked up at Kris face.

“Smile okay? Don’t have an angry bird face for this one.” She nudged his side playfully. He stood still and as stiff as a tree, but inside he felt like breaking down because of what he planned to do later tonight. (not what you think it is)

“I can do what I want.” Kris replied selfishly. Jinri shot him a look and Kris didn’t even flinch.

“Not this time. When you’re with me, you smile.” Jinri ordered, the two still holding hands.

Alas, when it was their turn, Kris did smile. But it was discreet and unnoticeable, either way it was still there.

In the dance, everyone was dressed as much the same way as Kris and Jinri. Suits and prom dresses. The lights in the gymnasium were slightly dim; the only lighting was the strobe lights attached to the ceiling and the DJ Table. Loud music blasted from the inside of the concrete walls as people danced to the beat of the music. There were also small tables at the side of the dance floor where friends could mingle.

For a ‘formal’ prom dance this was definitely something that is nowhere near reserved and ceremonial.

Jinri and Kris walked hand in hand around the tables talking and catching up with their friends. At one particular table, there was a great deal of discussion and conversation. And majority of the talking was about Kris and Jinri.

“So… are you guys dating?” Kai asked them raising and eyebrow suspiciously. Tao nodded blithely in agreement. Through the night Kris had cunningly snuck his arm around Jinri’s waist, but she didn’t seem to mind it at all.

“No. We’re not dating.” Kris said frankly, but still sincere about the topic. Kai nodded back at him slowly but still eyed them sceptically. He felt that something was iffy and yet to be spilled by the two.

“Then why do you have your arm around her?” Kyungsoo probed them, also doubting Kris statement earlier.

“Jinri is my date.” Kris said.  As soon as he had said her name a smile flashed on his lips then it was gone. “So I can do these things, right?” this time Kris earnestly smiled at him. Kyungsoo raised his hands in ‘innocence’.

“Just leave them alone guys. It will come in time. Be patient.” Xiumin rolled his eyes at the ‘immature’ part of their group of friends.

Soon everyone was on the dance floor, dancing (what else would you do?) and just having fun around friends and classmates. Jinri was with her friends and they looked like they were having a great time. The music flowed through all of them, Jinri was swaying her hips and raising her arms. And where was Kris? He was there standing off to the side while his friends and date were celebrating graduation. It was his choice anyway.

When the song ended, Jinri came up to him slightly panting. “Why aren’t you dancing?”

“I dislike doing such vulgar and crude dancing.” Kris said looking at the crowd of people ravishing each other. Jinri leaned against the wall like him, folding her hands in front of her.

“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to find another date.” Jinri began to wander off when a voice called her.

“Wait.” Kris’ voice sounded calm but you could still sense the panic in it. Jinri turned around and crossed her arms, tapping her foot on the ground.

“What?” she said with a teasing irritated voice, giving him a little glare. Kris fluidly pushed himself off of the wall and grabbed her arm then pulled her to the dance floor. A few seconds later he laced their hands together. Now it was Jinri pulling him. She hauled him to the semi-middle of the crowd and started dancing. Kris, being Kris, stood still.

“What are you doing? Dance!” She took his other hand in her left and tried to move him, but still he was an immobile being. ‘And to think I thought angels would be nice and cheerful.’ Jinri rolled her eyes. All of a sudden, the music stopped and turned into a slow song. Jinri looked around in horror and awkwardness.

Then someone pushed her towards Kris. She thought she was going fall, so she covered her face with her arms, but nothing came. Instead she felt warmth and strong arms around her. She felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest and couldn’t help but wonder if Kris heard it over this loud music. Jinri looked up at him and his arms began to loosen and he let go of her.

Jinri muttered a quiet ‘Thanks.’ and looked at her feet timidly. “It’s ok.” Kris looked at her then held out a hand. Jinri looked up at him. Kris’s head was tilted slightly to the side an uneasy expression shown on his face.

“Would you like do dance?” he asked. Jinri beamed at him and nodded. This time, rather than taking his hand, Jinri wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down.

Whispering in his ear, she said “Thank you for taking the initiative this time, Kris.” Then Jinri pulled back. Kris gently wrapped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her closer to him.

“Anything for you, my angel.” Kris responded and smiled angelically down at her. Jinri felt her knees weaken at the small act.


After socializing and talking to her friends for a while, Jinri bid them ‘bye’ and turned to look for Kris. She briskly walked while craning her neck to spot him somewhere in the never ending groups of people. She looked around for a sometime and when she finally spotted him, he was in the far corner of the gym his back facing her. Jinri started walking toward him. ‘What is he doing th-‘ She froze and her body tensed. She saw why he was over there and it hurt.

Kris was dancing with another girl. It wasn’t really a problem for Jinri, the dancing part a least. What bothered her most was how much fun he was having without her with him. He was smiling joyously down at the girl he was dancing with, all the while talking to her. She had never seen him so happy before. ‘Why am I acting like this?...Kris can do whatever he wants.’

Jinri felt her heart clench and tighten in her chest. Water was already pooling at her eyes and her face fell. Her lips were slightly parted in disbelief. Jinri clumsily turned around and ran off toward the gym door, covering her face with a hand. She needed to get away from this. It all hurt too much. ‘So he’s like that…’ was all she thought about and ran out of the gymnasium, ignoring the calls for her to come back.

None of the voices were Kris’ anyway. No point of turning around.


Kris said bye to the girl he had been dancing with just now and she scurried off to her friends.

Kris wandered around the heated and congested room looking for Jinri, but she was nowhere to be found. He looked everywhere, but no luck. At last, Kris decided to just ask her friends.  Walking up to Aaliyah, Elizabeth and Trinity, he stopped at the table they were standing at drinking some punch.

“Do any of you know  where Jinri went?” Kris asked the three, concern evident in his voice. Elizabeth spoke up first,

“We saw her running out of the gym.” She pointed at the door that lead to the outside. “She looked upset about something.”

“We tried calling her back but she never did, so we left her alone to do what she needed to do. But I’m pretty sure she would like someone to talk to now.” Trinity said and smiled at him.

“Thanks.” Kris smiled and nodded at them, then headed towards the door.

‘Jinri, where are you?’ 


OTL Sorry...


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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T