Chapter 4

In the Arms of an Angel


The next day after school, Jinri had decided to go shopping with Kris for new clothes and other basic things people need to survive. Also for food of course, can’t keep that out.

The two are now walking in the men’s department in search for a pair of shoes that will match Kris’s style and look. While Jinri was looking at the converses and Kris at the canvas shoes, a few of the girls working there decided it would be all right to start walk up and flirting talking to Kris. ‘The nerve of those….’

 “Hi~ Did you find something you like?” One of the girls said, twisting a piece of her hair, flirtatiously.

“Um…yes, how much are these?” Kris asked holding up a pair of brown canvas shoes.

“Oh, these are just-“, another girl began only to be pushed away by Jinri.

“You like these?” Kris didn’t even have time to reply.  “It’s ok,” Jinri continued, “no need to ask how much it is. Let’s go and pay.” Jinri said, but the last line sounded more like a demand.

She took Kris’ hand and turned around, smiling at the girls. The girls smiled at Kris’ and waved goodbye, but that one girl who Jinri pushed away was glaring daggers at the back of her head and Jinri could feel it.

When they were in line to pay, Jinri let out a relieved sigh. Kris set the canvas shoes on the counter and turned to Jinri with an amused smirk.

“What?” Jinri finally said when she noticed Kris.

“Don’t ‘what’ me. You were jealous…” He answered the smirk never leaving his face. Jinri turned around her back facing Kris.

“I don’t know what you are talking about…” Jinri said smoothly, but Kris was able to distinguish the hint of anxiousness in her voice. Kris rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand and Jinri jumped back in shock.

“It’s ok Jinri, you’re the only one for me anyway.” He kissed her the back of her hand tenderly and looked into her eyes. Jinri’s eyes widened and she stiffened. She tried to pull her hand back, but Kris had a firm grip on her and held on tightly.

“Ahem…” a voice sounded from behind the two. They both turned around and the cashier, which was a middle aged woman wearing small round glasses, with a pair of impatient looking eyes that were glaring at the two. Her lips pursed together in a tight line, Kris and Jinri took that as their cue to start paying.

Jinri and Kris walked up to her. In one of Kris’s hands were Jinri’s hand and in the other, the pair of brown canvas shoes.

“It this all?” The lady looked at them with stern eyes.

“Yes.” Jinri replied and nodded. The lady took the shoes and scanned them.

“That would be $64.95.” She looked up at the two.

“O-oh…ok.” Jinri easily pulled out the cash from her wallet and handed it to the cashier. Kris was shocked at the price and looked albeit guiltily at Jinri.

“Thank you have a good day, with your boyfriend.” She smiled lightly.

“Um…were not-“ Jinri started, but she was already gone. Jinri turned to Kris.

“Why does everyone think I’m dating you?” Jinri started walking out of the store.

“Probably because of this…” Kris smiled sweetly and held up their still interlocked hands.

“O-oh, right...” Jinri blushed, and kept her hand securely in his, also smiling to herself.

Jinri bounced all over the place (literally), showing Kris all the different stores trying one different clothes and accessories with Kris. They really looked like a couple in peoples eyes, and some were even pointing them out.

It was one of those rare times where Kris looked like he was having so much fun, smiling and laughing and all. He looked so friendly and cute. Just like an angel. ‘I wish he could be more like this…’ Jinri pouted at the smiling Kris. ‘He would be so much easier to talk to….but he’d also get a lot of ‘fans.’ Jinri sighed and turned around.

After all the havoc in the stores, Kris decided it would be good to go get something to eat from the cafeteria inside the mall. Jinri ordered a full serving of pasta, while Kris got a noodle dish from the Chinese place in the far corner.

The atmosphere between them was very comfortable, they ate in silence. Until Jinri asked something.

“So, Kris….is there someone you like?” She smiled sneakily, looking at him with hopeful eyes. Kris looked back at her with a slightly astonished expression and smiled warmly at her. He put down his chopsticks and folded his hands together.

“Actually, I do.” The smile never leaving his face.

“You do?” Jinri’s eyes widened, “Who is it? Is it someone I know?” She leaned in closer to him, eyes going now narrowing at him in an ‘I-want-to-know’ kind of way.

“Yeah, you know her. In fact you know her really well.” Kris looked straight at Jinri’s face.

“Oh my gosh… is it one of my friends?” Jinri covered her with a hand, her eyes widened again. Kris shook his head.

“Then who is it?”

“Not telling…” Kris said in a singing mock voice, his delicate index finger was pushed against his lips. Jinri rolled her eyes.

“At least tell me what she’s like…Please?”

“Hmmm…I don’t know…” Kris his chin with his thumb, trying to look like he was thinking.


“Ok. Ok.” Kris straightened up his face again and continued. ”She’s very pretty, elegant and beautiful. Sometimes though she can be very cute and whiny.” Kris laughed, “She has a very bubbly personality, at loves to smile. I love it when she smiles. She treats me well and takes real good care of me.” He looked past Jinri with dreamy eyes, imagining her. “I’ve known her for a long time, but she has only noticed me recently. I honestly don’t know if she will ever like me back, but I promised myself that I would always wait for her to come to me. I love her, a lot.” Kris looked back at Jinri.

‘Weird, I’ve never seen him like this.’ Jinri thought to herself. ‘So totally in love…I wonder who the lucky girl is? Probably not me…’

“Wow, Kris.” Jinri started smiling and clapping in amusement. “You just poured your heart out there. Now I really want to know who this girl is. Care to tell me?”

“Nope.” Kris smiled innocently at her. Jinri, in turn threw her hands up in exasperation and threw – by that, she really had thrown- their garbage away.

Kris again grabbed her hand, laced their fingers together and pulled her out of the shopping mall.

While walking to the bus stop Kris turned to Jinri and curled a piece of hair behind her ear. Smiling at her affectionately he bent down to lightly kiss her on the head.

‘It’s you Jinri. It has always been you and always be. I’m sorry I can’t tell you right now, I promise one day that I will. It’s just that I’m scared you don’t feel the same way for me… I love you.’ 


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Chapter 11: Yep. Definitely needed tissues xD such a good story! I loved it :)
so rare to see a "kind" Kris in some of these fanfics ^~^
thanks for the awesome story~~!
Chapter 11: ...this fanfic really showed a different kris... sooo perfect. I love the ending...
Chapter 11: Omg! This fanfic is perfect. . . orz
Wow, this fanfic is one of those fluffy stories yet its story digs really deep in my heart. There is reality of love in here. I couldnt control a tear from escaping not because they both died but on how genuinely they show what true love is.
exo-snsd #5
Chapter 11: such a great story keep
it up
Chapter 11: Someone changed my autocorrect to french... Lol I meant "I cried a bucket"
Chapter 11: I criée a bu let :'(
Chapter 11: This story is amazing! Why did they both die though!? That bit was soo sad... How could you do that! T_T