'I LIKE YOU TOO' Trouble


warning: long update. didn't check it so sorry for the errors








YG Ent. & SBS Staff arranged the one studio that YG himself requested for the Press Conference that will be held any minute now... Only high profiled Media people are invited for the live broadcast regarding to one of his artists recent scandal.. He is sitting in the middle and on his right side are the 2NE1 girls - Dara beside him then followed by Bom, CL & Minzy... On his left are the MBLAQ boys - Thunder beside him then Seungho, Joon, G.O & Mir..




Most of YG Artists are in YG Building as per YG order and just watch the  Live Press Conference. All of them are hoping that ALL Dara's fanboys will not appear in this press conference.




"Mr. Yang, will start in 5 minutes.. Please get ready.." The PD said. YG on the other hand just nodded. YG had his final talk about the press conference with 2NE1 and MBLAQ, so everyone knows what to say.. Dara on the other hand is nervous thinking that it may not turn out bad..




"Stop fidgeting on your sit.. Calm down will you! Just think of this Press Conference that we are doing a Korean Drama.. Just think that we are acting!" Bom hissed enough to only hear by Dara while she is smiling at the reporters infront of them..




"But Bommie, I'm scared.... What if...."




"Stop being negative or else I will really murder Tam-tamie if you didn't stop from thinking negatively!" Bom warned her which Dara can only do is puff her cheeks and heave a long sigh..




"OK... Ready in 5....4....3....2....1.........." The PD said and YG Ent. PR started talking.




"Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen. We are here to clear things out regarding to the scandal that involve one of YG Artists which is Park Sandara of 2NE1. Mr. Yang along with 2NE1 and MBLAQ will explain to you the reason behind the scandal." The YG's PRO said..




"Good Afternoon everyone.. I am Yang Hyun Suk and we are here to clear some things about Park Dara's scandal. I think everyone knows the scandal that spreading like wild fire about my artist. Just to summarize it, Ms. Park has said to be having a lot of boys or more like male idols claiming her as their girlfriend which cause trouble during their comeback on Inkigayo. We would like everyone to listen carefully and understand what we are about to say. In advance we would like to apologize for the chaos that my artist caused." YG said..




"Good Afternoon everyone.. I am Park Sandara from 2NE1.. First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone present at the inkigayo especially all those who declare their... aaammm... liking??? to me????......" Dara suddenly stop from talking as she was uncomfortable of just mentioning it and when she saw all the reporters are smiling and others are laughing to what she said, she calm down and have her focus again on the press conference... But Thunder cut her off already..




"Before my Noona can finish what she is saying, we would like to apologize also because we are part of the chaos that had happened back at Inkigayo.. Me and my members including Dara Noona's co-members had played pranks on her... Yes, all this so called 'I LIKE YOU TOO' was because of us... We all said that it's 'I LIKE YOU' day that day and if someone says 'I LIKE YOU' she has to respond 'I LIKE YOU TOO', it was supposed to be only among YG Staff and to us but what we didn't expect is some idols heard it too and one by one they started saying they like my Noona too but we are already gone when it happened... And the chaos started from there.." Thunder said.. Dara could only do is just sigh because she maybe an idol and an actress but she is not used to lying to people..




"Are you sure you are telling the truth? Or is this just some lies to cover up the real story behind it? Some witnesses said that Dara intentionally said I like you too to every idol at inkigayo.." One reporter said which of course didn't sound good to most of the people inside the studio even the people watching they feel that the reporter is pointing out something..




"Are you saying that my brother is lying Mr. Reporter?? I suggest that be professional Mr. Reporter because I can be a different person when it comes to my baby brother.. And for your information i didn't say 'I LIKE YOU TOO' to every SINGLE IDOL present at Inkigayo at that time.. Those who only said 'I LIKE YOU' to me are those who only received my 'I LIKE YOU TOO'.. So get your facts straight.. And to all those witnesses, if you only saw half of what had happened please just don't talk because you are all making it worst as it is already.. To all those who received my 'I LIKE YOU TOO', mianhe.. I am very Sorry for the trouble that I caused... To all my fans and to the fans of the idols who confess to me, i am very sorry also.. To all the HATERS, just to ease your mind....... I AM STILL SINGLE AND NOT DATING ANY OF THE IDOLS..." Dara snapped at the reporter then took the chance to change the topic before she totally lost it. For the first time in her life Dara became a different person right infront of everybody. Though the reporter is right about the lying part she doesn't just like the reporter way of saying things. Then Bom held her hand to let her know that she got them..




"It seems Ms. Park has a quick temper......"




"If you got nothing good to say Mr. Reporter I suggest that you just keep quite before I suggest to kick you out from this conference... We are here to clear things out not to be judge by anyone or to harassed by anyone... If you value your job do it straight before all our fans make a protest infront of your office requesting to kick you out... And our fans knows we have a quick temper especially if its our family involve...." Bom this time snapped as he cut the reporter from whatever he is about to say... The reporter then shut up in an instant because he is also aware how crazy the fans could get when it comes to their idols..




"Mr. Reporter you should be honored that you are part of the press conference in respect to the company you belong too but please do respect my artists as well same goes for all the reporters inside. We only choose few reporters which is from well respected company, I do hope you won't disappoint us from choosing you. Any other question?" YG said and his controlled voice.




"We heard that Dara-ssi & Bom-ssi dating ban has been lifted are you already allowing them to date Mr. Yang?" Another reporter asked breaking the tension inside the studio.




"Yes. I am allowing this two to date already but CL and Minzy has still two more years to go to be able to date. But we have condition before they can totally date the girls. I think everyone is aware that they have to go thru test before they can freely date 2NE1." YG said as everyone started to calm down already.




"But Mr. Yang how about those artists who already confessed to Dara Park? The fans might be disappointed for this especially those whose shipping her to their idols." Another reporter asked.




"I am aware of that. This is why I came up with this Press Conference. This is not only to clear things out about her scandal but also to give Dara's fanboys a chance. To those who wants to date DARA PARK of 2NE1, you have to take the 'FIVE STEPS TO DATING DARA' first. You must come to YG Building and take the test..." Mr. Yang said..




"I thought it's only 4 Steps? And how about for Park Bom's fanboys?" The reporter asked..




"For Park Bom it will be held privately but for Dara Park it will be held publicly since everyone already knew who confessed to her. So to be fair, we will broadcast the dating test live for the fans of their idols so they won't feel cheated. Also about the test, Yes, originally it's only a four test but we have to add another one.." YG said..




"Why Park Bom's dating test to be done privately while Dara's to be done publicly?" One of the reporter asked curious to why both the older girls got different treatment.




"Because I don't want my dating test to be broadcasted live. If Dara didn't get herself involve in this mess then the dating test could have been done privately as well but since a lot claimed Dara as their girlfriend publicly so it is right to do it publicly as well for everyone peace of mind. I hope this won't bring another issue. Please do respect that I prefer my dating test to be done privately.." Bom said just to end the issue...




"Would you like to share the FIVE WAY TEST that the idols will be going thru if they pursue your artists?" Another reporter asked to change the topic again..




"Of course..... To all those who would like to date 2NE1 here are the test you need to go through........




1. My Stylists will check their fashion sense.

I want the best for my artists and I hope they won't look trash beside them. This is for their own good also, I don't want the boys to get intimidated by 2NE1 or YG Families high fashion sense.. They have to remember that if they succeeded in dating 2NE1 they would be a lot of occassions that they have to accompany the girls and join YG Family in some occassions and it would be bad if he will feel out of place of all a sudden that's why this guy should be able to have our stylists approval first before they could be able to get to another test.


2. Health Check.

This is very important also. I don't want the girls dating a very weak guy. The girls should be the one be taken care of not the other way around. And we have Hwangssabu who monitors the health of my artists. If they will be dating one of the girls they have the priviledge to use our gym or join the girls when they do their exercise with Hwangssabu.


For everyone, the last 3 would be the most difficult one..


3. Face to Face with YG Boys...

Like me, the YG Boys are very protected to our girls. We treated each other like we are a family. This would be a panel where you would be able to meet face to face the YG Boys which consists of PSY, JINUSEAN, 1TYM, SE7EN, EPIK HIGH, BIGBANG & some of the producers.. Just to make it clear you will face ALL THE BOYS in one sitting.. Make sure you won't get intimidate by them or else you might fail from here. Prove to my boys you can protect the girls and you are better than them.



I will not be the last one you have to face.. If you able to pass the 3rd step then don't be too confident because me alone won't go soft on you.. But if you would be able to pass to me, I highly doubt about the fifth one..



For Dara's case, you have to go thru Dara's family & her co-members. The last step is you should get an approval from Dara's mother, her sister Durami & especially to Thunder which I would say good luck to each and everyone of you. But you also have to pass also from CL, Minzy & Bom..."



YG finally said as he smirked including Thunder and Bom. Like what Bom said, scare them so that no one will appear for this dating test that would be broadcasted. It would be good to have dating test which is not broadcasted because if it is then the level of the test won't be that hard anymore and they don't want to expose to everyone how test will be done. Now everyone is hoping no one will appear for the dating test.




"It seems it would be hard to get the approval then. Knowing how protective Sanghyun-ssi to his Noona, would someone be able to date Dara-ssi?" The reporters said earning a laugh from everyone even those who are watching..




"That's the bad news.. I'll let Omma & Durami Noona to say something first and also CL and Minzy. Bom Noona and Me would be the last one to say something. Don't worry will try to be nice.. But if you instantly got a NO from any of the girls then you don't have to face me because you will only have to face me if you got a 'YES' from all the people you will go through which is from YG boys until to 2NE1... Prove to me that you are worth to be my Noona's man since until now I feel like no one is worth it to be dating my Noona... Hul! Even by just checking all the fanboys who confessed to my Noona, i can't find any man worthy of my Noona.." Thunder said and earned another round of laughter..




"Just a reminder and to warn the idols who will take the test and also my ARTISTS. IF YOU BRIBE ANY YG ARTISTS JUST TO BE ABLE TO PASS CONSIDER YOURSELF FAILED FROM THIS DATING TEST! We are not selling 2NE1 here, we are looking for the best man that would fit to our girls.. May I remind you again, PLAY FAIR.. To my YG Staff and Artists, if I caught you favoring some idols then you will face my wrath and prepare for the punishment. You don't want to spend the whole day at 7TH Floor right?? Now I hope you understand me." YG said..




"How about your own Artists? What if one of them wants to date the girls? Are they allowed also to join the dating test and how will the test will start?" The reporter asked forgotten the scandal that Dara was into and now more on focusing on Dara's dating test..




"Ahh.. About that, well to my very own Artists who are probably watching right now they will not be allowed to be part of the dating test.. If ever none of the idols pass for this dating test then that's the time they can take the test but there would be a lot of changes of course.. But then again they still have to face me and the girls family." YG Said..




"But don't you think it would be also unfair to your own artists? Fans won't be happy with it.." Another reporter asked which for the first YG has renderred speechless.. But Sanghyun sense the silence of YG which he suddenly take over on responding to the reporter question.




"Being Dara noona's brother and part of this test and since this will be held live, I will allow those YG Artists to join the dating test also along with the other idols.. But on the third test, my co-members and Rain hyung will also be part of it since they are close to my family as well. For the fourth test, I trust Yang Sajangnim that he would be fair. For the fifth test, I trust my Noona's friend that they will tell me what kind of person their own labelmates are.. So for everyones peace of mind and to be fair also, I will allow those from YG Ent. to take the test on the same day the other idols will take.." Thunder said making YG smile from saving him...




"OH just to remind my labelmates who will take the test also... 2NE1 WON'T GO ON EASY ON YOU! We will make sure we will be present in your tests to make sure Oppa's won't be biase on this test! Gummy Unnie, Hye Jung Unnie, In-na Unnie & Hye-sun Unnie will be present when its your turn. To other idols you will only face the YG boys but our labelmates has to face all of us..." CL said for the first time.




"Since Thunder and the girls have said then for Dara's dating test YG Artists can join also but we will follow Thunder and the girls conditions.. And now for the test, this is the first challenge before we start the dating test.. Tomorrow from 9am to 12nn the idols who wants to take the test must be in YG Building in between those time. If you didn't make it on those time then considered yourself not qualified for the dating test. But be sure that once you step inside YG no backing out already. For other idols who might be busy on that day then I am sorry if you have other commitment and can't make it. This is just a one chance to all Dara's fanboys and we can't prolong this anymore because YG Artists are very busy." YG said..




"Dara-ssi are you alright with this arrangment?" The reporter asked seeing Dara has been all silent..




"Of course.. I know my YG family and Dog-poop just wants the best for me.. To all my fanboys, good luck...." Dara simply said as she smile infront of the camera focusing her only making all the fanboys watching determined to go through the test just to be able to date her..




"I guess the press conference will end here.. Again to all who will take the challenge you must be in YG Building in between 9am - 12nn. If idols was able to come later than 12nn we are sorry but you are already disqualified. Thank you everyone for listening and watching the press conference.. Also for tomorrows dating test, SBS, MNET & YOUTUBE will air them live for everyone to see especially the international fans.. To all those who are watching the live broadcast will start at exactly 08:00am KST.. Again, in behalf of YG Entertainment, Thank you very much for your time.. See you all tomorrow.." The PR finally said and then YG, 2NE1 and MBLAQ finally bow down to everyone and said their thanks to them as well.




Once the live press conference ended everyone are still inside the studio talking when Dara take her phone and when she opened it she saw a message and forgotten about her dinner with someone making her panic and catching the peoples attention.




"OMO!! OMO!! OMO!!! What kind of a junior I am for making my senior wait for me.. Aigoo..." Dara said as she started packing her stuff...




"YAH DARA PARK!! Where are you going???" Bom asked as she just eyeing Dara panicking all of a sudden but before she could respond a voice startled everyone..




"SANDARA PARK!!! I KNOW I SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS BUT SCREW YG SAJANGNIM I LOVE YOU!!! AND I AM WILLING TO TAKE THE TEST JUST TO BE ABLE TO DATE YOU!!" Jiyong loud voice resonated inside the studio but since Dara is busy panicking she just caught few of the words he said and thank God the reporters already turned of their cameras and videos...




"OH Jjjoooyyyooonnngggggiiieeeee!!!! I LOVE YOU TOO!!! Now I have to go... see you tomorrow!!" Dara said making everyone in the room their head snap to Dara for being too casual while Jiyong is smiling like an idiot infront of the door but before Dara could go out another man came..




"DARA PARK!! I LIKE YOU!! NO.. I think I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU ALREADY! HOPE YOU WILL GIVE ME CHANCE ALSO.." Dara on the other caught of guard seeing the least person she expected to confess to her.. But then again seeing him made Dara park suddenly turned into one of those fangirling over their bias...




"OMG!!! I SO LIKE YOU TTTTOOOOO!!!!!! O.O" Dara suddenly said making Bom snapped from her current state..




"DARA PPPPAAAARRRRKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bom shouted enough for everyone to feel her temper....




"Neh Bommie-ah????" Dara said innocently which Jiyong and the other man fall more to her but Dara's eyes is on the guy only....








"Bommie-ah......... IT'S KIM JAEJOONG WE ARE TALKING HERE!!! KIM JAEJOONG!!! OMG!!!! I'm gonna die!! Oh wait I can't die yet.... Aaahhhmmm Kim Jaejoong sunbaenim I'll talk to you tomorrow arasso.. I have to go... Bye everyone!" Dara said while talking to Bom then talk to Jaejoong sweetly making him smile also to her but before she could totally go out making everyone mouth hang open after spazzing and fangirling infront of Kim Jaejoong she manage to act calmly,but the voice of YG himself was now heard..




"DARA PARK!! Where do you think you are going??!!! AND ALL THE REPORTERS IN HERE I EXPECT THIS WILL NOT TO BE OUT ON PUBLIC OR ELSE YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO BE PART OF THE DATING TEST!!" YG exploded but Dara ignore him. Then YG look at Dara who's already at the door who's keep on looking at her watch..




"Sajangnim, i'll talk to you tomorrow also.. Junjin Sunbaenim is already waiting for me to our Dinner.. Mianhe.. Goodbye everyone.." Dara said not minding the deadly aura that slowly crawling inside the studio.




"DARA PARK!!! WHO'S JUNJIN???!!!" YG again asked irritated by Dara's attitude at the moment.. The 2NE1 & MBLAQ are speechless..




"JUNJIN of SHINHWA!!! Bye!! Omo Jaejoong Sunbaenim you are really handsome.. kekekeke.. Jiiiyyooongggiiiieeee, see you tomorrow.. Love you... Goodbye boys..." Dara said first to YG then look at Jaejoong who's near the door as well then to Jiyong who's also near the door then hurriedly went to her car leaving the stunned people inside... Then when they all recovered....




"SSSAAANNDDAARRAAA PPPPAAAAARRRRKKKKKK!!!!" YG, Jiyong, Jaejoong, 2NE1 & Thunder voice shook the entire building because of the power of their voices...




And DARA PARK has done it again.....





WOW.. Finally I was able to update..


It so hard to update at the moment because

I really needed to re-read my fics

before updating again..


This is one of the consequences of not updating for so long,

MUST RE-READ the fics again.



Anyway, I hope you like the update..









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Chapter 5: wow really funny story ??i love it
Chapter 5: THIS IS CHAOTIC AF. (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
cathphils #3
Chapter 5: This is hilarious authornim. I love it, I enjoy every chapter. Jjang!!!!!
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 5: how can she be so dense and dumb.. lol funny
elsidenvino #5
Chapter 5: so cute!!! what a fun fun fun story :)
MsUniz #6
Chapter 5: Hahahahahahahhaha
cherie2014 #7
Chapter 5: Hahahaha!!! This is really hilarious!!! Nice one authornim! Please update soon! I really love this fanfic!!! Jjang!!!!
ilabya9 #8
ChanDaraParkxxx #9
Chapter 5: I've gone nuts because of this FANFIC! Indeed, it's one of the best that I've read here! ~~ PLEASE UPDATE soon authornim!