The Talk Of Fight And Someone From Her Past

Patrick's life with the SNSD

Sooyoung's POV

"Kwon Yuri, I think you have some explaining to do."I said crossing my arms over my chest. We are currently in the Kim Family's suite scolding Mr. Kwon and Mrs. Kwon.

"What did I do?"She asked looking at her girlfriend who is currently interested with the carpeted floor not saying anything.

"Apparently her."Taeyeon said smirking while pointing at the ice princess who glared at the Kid Leader making the midget retrieve her finger back and look away.

"Oh that."Yuri said before scratching the back of her hand 

"Yeah that!"I yelled at her.

"I can't believe you guys almost corrupted PJ's mind! How can you be so stupid?!"Sunny yelled at the two culprit sitting on the sofa. 

"We didn't mean to alright! How are we to know that PJ would wake up in the middle of the night?!"Sica yelled back ending her statement with a pout.

"You could have waited for another night when PJ decided to sleep somewhere else."Taeyeon said calmly while shaking her head.

"We were outside anyway."Yul tried to reason.

"Exactly, of course PJ will look for the two of you when she see that you're not on your bed."Hyoyeon said disappointedly.

"And you officialy corrupted Yoong's semi-innocent mind."Nicole said disapprocingly.

"No sense scolding them now. What done is done."Tiffany calmly said walking out from her the bedroom where she went in earlier to answer a call.

"Something the matter?"Taeyeon asked referring to the call.

"Andwe. It's dad saying he's coming here tomorrow to have a meeting with some businessman."She said sitting beside Taeyeon.

"Why here?"I asked curiously.

"The dude has a daughter who wants to have a vacation with her daddy so yeah."She replied shaking her head negatively. Poor kid

"Vacation? But he's doing business? Reminds me of someone."Yul said bitterly. Poor kid

"Hey."Sica cooed caressing Yul's cheek who gave her girlfriend an cheeky grin in response.

"The kids aren't here yet?"Fany asked looking around.

"Yeah. They're probably still walking around."I replied.

"Let's go look for them and grab some dinner"Yuri said and we all agreed and walked out of the suite and out of the hotel to look for the three.!


I walk around aimlessly by the shore feeling the cool water on my feet while Seo unnie and Yoong unnie sit on the sand next to each other. I just kept walking when a summer hat suddenly fell near my feet. I bent down and picked it up then looked around for the owner to see a beautiful girl wearing a pink sun dress probably my age running towards me. 

The girl's hair was being blown back by the wind making her look even more beautiful than she already is and the reflection of the setting sun on her face give her a certain glow that illuminates the perfection that there is- AND WHAT AM I SAYING?! I thought to myself horrified by my own train of thoughts.

"Hey. Um the hat is mine."She said in English rather shyly while pointing at the hat on my hand.

"Oh this? Here."I said using the same language and giving her the hat and looking away.

"T-thanks."She stuttered.

"Don't worry about it."I replied trying to act cool. What on Earth is going on with me?!

"Well, I guess I should go."She said giving me a small smile and a bow before she starts to turn away.

"Wait."I said grabbing her wrist making her turn back around and look at me confusedly. WHAT ARE YOU DOING PATRICK?!

"Uh- I uh it's just that. Nothing."I said releasing her wrist before looking away to avoid her eyes. What is wrong with me?! Why am I suddenly feeling like this?!

"Uh, I guess I should go then Thank you again."She said before running away hat on her hand.

"What was that all about?"I heard a familiar voice asked behind me and I looked back to see Yoong oppa smirking with Seo unnie smiling at me.

"Nothing."I replied before walking past them.

"You like her don't you?!"Yoong oppa asked loudly making me stop on my tracks.

"The heck?! I don't even know her name!"I yelled back sounding rather defensively I guess.

"Then why did you pull her back?"She asked now standing beside me and we started walking again.

"There you guys are!"Someone yelled loudly and we looked towards the sound to see the other girls standing by the line of deck chairs us.

"C'mon kids, let's grab something to eat."Tae daddy said motioning for us to come with her hands.

"Raise you there!"I yelled before running towards them with the two girls tailing behind me.

"Aish! Don't run Patrick Jane!"Umma scolded me when I reached them.

"You know that's not good for you."Sunny unnie said frowning.

"Mianhe."I said giving them my famous smile.

"Aigoo! Staying mad at her if she's always doing that."Mom said chuckling at my antics.

You cheated!"Yoong oppa yelled accusingly.

"I did not!"I defended.

"Did so!"She yelled again and we continued back and forth while we were walking before umma grab both our ears pulling us away from each other making the other girls laugh. While we were walking I saw a familiar figure looking at me from afar. When I looked at her she suddenly averted her gaze and went back to gazing at the sunset.

"Seems like someone's checking you out."I heard Yoong oppa whispered at my ear from behind and I reached my hand and smacked square on the face before walking towards umma and clung on her arm while sticking my tongue out to her.  Merong

Next Day

"Oh there they are!"Mom said pointing at a table where three men is sitting and a girl who has her back facing us sitting next to one of the men. As we were approaching them I suddenly started feeling nervous.

"Oh Miyoung!"A familiar looking man called out and mom ran to him and gave him a big hug while yelling "Daddy!". Ah, grandpapa.


"Hi appa."

"Annyeong appa."

"Long time no see ambassador H!"

Came the various replies from everyone with appa giving an unusual one.

"And this must be PJ that I've been hearing so much about."The man greeted smiling at me.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you."I said before bowing.

"Aigoo. So polite."He said patting my head making me smile.

"He's your grandpapa PJ. The one you talked to on the phone before while you were in the hospital."Mom said and I nodded to indicate that I remember.

"Come on and sit you girls."Grandpapa said and we all sat down with me next to the girl and umma next to me Yoong oppa was in front of me and I saw her looking amused then suddenly smirking at me making me.

"You have a beautiful daughter Jungmo."Said the other man on the table who I noticed actually looked familiar too and the other man beside her also looked familiar and he was staring at me as if trying to know who I am. Have I met them before?

"By the way this is my friend James, James Valiente. And James you already know my daughter..."Grandpapa continued introducing everyone too each other and I couldn't help but felt like I've known them before from somewhere.

"And this is Miyeon his daughter."He said so I looked at the girl beside me just to be shock to see a familiar face looking back at me with a small smile on her face.

"Uh hi."I greeted after I regained my composure.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you."She greeted in Korean. I didn't expect her to be Korean

"Same here."I replied rather nervously.

"You have a really beautiful daughter Mr. Valiente."Mom said smiling at Miyeon.

"Gomawo Tiffany sshi."She said giving mom a small bow.

"Don't be so formal. Just call me unnie, and I'm sure that you and PJ will become good friends."Mom said excitedly. It's not like we'll see them again.

"She's Korean?"Soo unnie asked looking at Mr.Valiente who I find to look even more familiar each second just like the guy beside him. The guy is looking at me so intensely but also very subtle making me feel chills going down my spine and nervous at the same time.

"Ah yes, her mother is Korean you see. She's just having a vacation here, my wife and I are divorce so yeah."Mr. Valiente explains with a smile on his face.

"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that."Soo unnie apologizes with a bow.

"Ah, don't be it's okay."The man replied with the smile still on his face.

"Well it's nice to meet you Miyeon."Sunny unnie said smiling at the girl beside me.

"Same here."She replied smiling. We ate lunch in peace making light conversation with each other when Mr. Valiente suddenly asked me something.

"PJ, I hope you won't mind if I calling you that, but I just can't help myself but notice how familiar you look to me."He said smiling at me. Is it possible that I knew them.

"It's okay sir, that's what they call me anyway."I started off before I continued. "I actually think you look familiar too and him too sir."I replied politely.

"Really sweetie?"Mom asked shocked.

"Dae."I replied.

"Well, PJ grew up here in the Philippines, so maybe you know each other."Appa said before taking a bite of her food.

"May I know your full name PJ?"He asked curiously.

"It's Patrick Jane Gomez sir."I replied but I didn't exactly gave him my real name since 'Gomez' isn't my real family name.

"The Patrick Jane seems to sound familiar but not Gomez."He said while looking like he's pondering about something.

"Do you happen to not tell us your real surname Patrick sshi."The other guy suddenly asked shocking me and the girls since they're the only one who knew about my real surname.

"Well I uh, I was adopted so I had my surname changed before."I explained suddenly fearing the guy sitting on the other side of the table. What's his name again?

"Do you happen to have Paralejas as your real surname?"He asked shocking me even more. How did he?

"Paralejas? Why Paralejas Peter?"Mr.Valiente asked the guy.

"Because she reminds me of a kid that I met before back in the year 2004."He answered and he was looking at me with this certain glint in his eyes.. That was the year that my family was massacred.

"So PJ?"Mr. Valiente asked looking at me for confirmation.

"Y-yeah, that's my re-real name."I answered nervously with my eyes never leaving the other guy.

"Are you okay sweetie?"Umma asked her hand caressing the back of my head.

"Yeah u-umma I-I'm fine."I answered giving her a small smile which she quickly returned with her own.

"Well this is weird."Hyo unnie suddenly said.

"Very well, I guess I know now who you are kid."Mr. Valiente said smiling at me but he's smile seems to differ from the ones that he was showing us earlier and I suddenly felt even more scared than I was before with the guy staring so intently at me.

"Sir, I'm sorry, and I don't want to be rude but I think Peter here is kinda making PJ uncomfortable with the way that he is staring at her."Daddy said probably seeing the fear written in my eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry about Peter, he's just always like this but there's nothing to be scared of, I'm sure Patrick knows that right?"He said and asked as if he has a different meaning on his question making me just nod while Peter took his eyes off of me and looked somewhere else.

"How did you know PJ?"Umma asked Mr. Valiente who grinned in response.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you and you've grown up to be such a beautiful young lady just like your mother. I was one of his father's business partners back when he was still living."He answered smiling at me with that same smile that's giving me the creeps now. Who are you?!

"Business partner? Wait, your father was a businessman?"Sunny unnie asked shock.

"Yeah, he was a businessman before he died."I answered sadly.

"Her father was a great man known for his intelligence and kindness."Mr. Valiente said smiling sadly but something is still bothering me about him.

"So, you actually came from a rich family?"Appa asked shock and I just meekly nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."I replied looking down scared that they might get mad because I hide that little fact about me. I was still looking down when someone suddenly held my hand that was on my lap sending shock waves all over my body.

"It's okay sweetie, we're not mad at you. It's not important anyway."Mom said and I looked up and see them smiling at me then suddenly a ring was heard and Peter fished out his phone from his pocket muttering a small 'excuse me' before fondling with his phone.

"I'm sorry sir but there's an emergency and we need to go."He said looking at Mr. Valiente.

"Ah, I guess we have to. I'm sorry Jungmo but we need to go."He said standing up and Miyeon did the same while letting go of my hand making me shiver as I suddenly feel a certain coldness engulfing my hand. The heck?!

"Let's talk again some other times."Grandpapa said also standing up while shaking his hand and we all said our farewells before they all left.

"Are you okay PJ?"Hyo unnie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."I answered and gave them a small smile. I'm sure they will bombard me with question later but I'm just glad that they let it go for now.

James Valiente? Who are you?



I thought that I should give you guys a little more of PJ's background.

by the way I'm sad to say that I might have to go in a month long hiatus due to some issues but maybe I'll still update here and there but I can't promise anything so please understand.

I'll make it up to you guys once I get back..

Please comment!



Disclaimer:I own nothing but PJ and the story that finally has a plot!

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Patrick's a girl .. but she can be handsome just like her appa, daddy and oppas :DD


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mc1234 #1
Still waiting
Chapter 53: Its 2019 and im still waiting for you to update since oct 2016. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ im too loyal to let go. Miyeon and pj im waiting~! ?
HiroTakahasi #3
Chapter 53: Update pls.
mc1234 #4
Update ):
mc1234 #5
Chapter 53: Hmm
Chapter 8: Mira nada mas
mc1234 #8
mc1234 #9