Party I - II: Amusement Park

Patrick's life with the SNSD


"There they are PJ!"Rong unnie said pointing towards the carousel, where my friends are also with some other classmates along with Eunhee unnie and Jason oppa.

"Rose?!"I called out and they all turned towards us.

"Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah, why?"Jiyeon asked frowning.

"Hey, don't drink that."Rong unnie said pointing at Jason oppa's drink.

"Why not?"

"Guys!"We heard someone called and I saw Hana unnie running towards us.

"Where's Jae hwa oppa?"I asked when I saw that she was alone. "And where's Jieun by the way?"I asked turning to the others.

"That's the thing. I think something's wrong with the drink J."Hana unnie said. "Jieun suddenly felt dizzy after finishing one and now she's throwing up in the toilets and JAe hwa said he's not feeling well either."She explained.

"! Don't drink anything else I need to see my parents."I said before quickly running way.

"PJ wait up."Chorong unnie said.

"Unnie, I need you too check on others for me please."I said and she nodded before we separated ways.

"Umma!"I called out at umma who's talking to one of the guards.


"Umma something's wrong."I said and the guard suddenly bowed before quickly running away mumbling to his earpiece.

"What happened?"Umma asked.

"Some of my friends drunk the spiked drinks and they're not feelign well and one of them's already throwing up."I said warily.

"Where are they?!"She asked.

"My friend said in one of the toilets but I'm not sure which one it is."I answered.

"Look for the others and I'll try to look for your friends okay."She instructed and I nodded before she walked away.

I kept walking around checking at others while looking for the girls when I saw a guard wrestling with one of the waiters.

"PJ!"Someone called when I was about to walk over.

"Daddy! Look!"I said pointing towards the scuffle.

"Soo!"She yelled and Soo unnie came running and they both headed towards the two.

The guard got the waiter handcuffed before we got near them.

"He's one with the cameras Miss Kim."The guard said motioning towards the struggling waiter.

"What cameras?"I asked confused.

"Some of the servers snuck in cameras in their clothes."Soo unnie explained.

"Wait check everything immediately daddy. I don't want my friends to get in trouble."I said then I realized that someone might have seen me and unnie. !

"We will, just make sure your friends are in proper behavior. Bring them to the hotel of the park if you have to. Let them stay there for the meantime."Daddy said before walking away with Soo unnie and the guard pulling the waiter.

I kept walking around till I saw Mom talking to Miyeon.


"Sweety your friends are at the hotel right now. They needed to get two of your friends in the rooms."She said.

"Is Jieun okay?"I asked Miyeon. 

"Yeah she's fine. We already had her checked. Just some alcohol in her system and the medics said she just needs some rest, same with Jaehwa oppa."She explained.

"What's going on mom?"I asked.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I guess we got a little bit careless. It was supposed to be a great party."She said sadly.

"That's not your fault mom don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine."I said but inside I'm still worried that someone might have caught us.

"Why don't you two go to your friends and we'll deal with everything out here."Mom said and I grabbed Miyeon's hand before making a dash to the Hotel.

"We need to hurry. Someone might get in the hotel and see the others."I said stil power walking towards the hotel.

"Let go of my hand PJ. If there are people taking pictures, we shouldn't be seen doing the closest thing to what couples do."She said and I realized that some might misunderstand.

"If someone got a picture of Jieun looking drunk her father's going to kill her."I said randomly because the sudden thought of being a couple with Miyeon made something inside me flutter somehow.

Yoona's POV

"Bomi, I need to get you in the hotel! Come on!"I said while dragging a drunk Bomi towards the hotel.

"I- I need to see *hic* Eunji, we promised so-me sunbae unni-es so*hic*me times."She said with a giggle.

"Goodness Bbom-ah! How can a girl as small as you be this heavy?!"I complained.

"Unnie let me help."I heard someone from behind.

"Thank goodness Sohyun."I said and she took Bomi's other arm and draped it over her shoulders.

"How's everyone Sohyun?"I asked.

"Some other idols are helping to get the culprits, some are in the hotel especially the wasted ones."

"What about your Unnies?"

"Hyuna unnie's in the hotel she needed to lie down and so is Jiyoon unnie and the other two are helping to assist other idols."

"Yoong!"I heard someone call from behind.


"Is there anyway I can help?! Thank God I haven't drink anything yet."She said before bowing towards Sohyun who did the same.

"I'm sure you already know each other I don't need to introduce you guys."

"Yeah, no worries man."Minzy said.

"Just check on other idols who need tending to."I said and she nodded before walking away.

"Come back to the dorm with us!"I yelled.

"Ara!"She yelled before running away.

"I didn't know you're close."Sohyun said.

"We very much are. Just can't show it to people. If you're idols, and you're friends, especially between our groups, people will think we're fakes."

"Is she alone though?"

"Yeah, her unnies are busy."

"Finally we're here."Sohyun said when we got to the front of the hotel.

"We're here~"Bomi said cutely.

"Aigoo Bbom-ah."I sighed defeatedly.

"Yoong oppa!"Miyeon called out and I saw her walking out of the lift with Jiyeon following behind.

"Miyeon-ah! What's wrong?!"I asked while heading towards the lift they just alighted. Getting closer I noticed Miyeon's eyes looking red-ish and puffy. Did she cry?

"Have you seen PJ?"She asked.

"No, she was with Chorong earlier though."I answered but then again that was way earlier. "Are you okay though?" I asked looking at her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine oppa."She said blinking her eyes while looking away.

"PJ just left, we'll just look for her unnie."Jiyeon said before pulling Miyeon away. I think something's wrong.

"Where did that kid go?"I asked no one.

"Why don't you bring Bom unnie upstairs and I'll go help out there?"Sohyun offer.

"No Sohyun, you should go with Bom and get some rest. I'll head outside."I said with a small smile.

"Are you sure unnie?"

"Yeah, no worries."I answered and I let her drag Bomi inside the elevator to go to a room.

Miyeon's POV

"I'll go check things outside Rose. I really can't stay here knowing things aren't okay out there."PJ said as we're sitting at the living room of the hotel room given to all of her friends.

"But Fany mommy said to stay here."I said frustratedly.

"I know but I have to go. I'll see you later alright."She said before quickly running out of the room.

You'll probably just go look for Chorong unnie.

"Hey, what's with the sour face?"Someone asked as I heard a door open and close right after.

"Huh? Nothing, PJ just won't stay here like what Fany mommy instructed."

"Let her , she's probably worried about everyone out there. And knowing her, she's probably blaming herself for it too."Jiyeon answered with a chuckle while sitting down beside me on the sofa.

"It's not her fault."I said frowning.

"You know that, I know that and she probably does too but PJ's far too nice to agree with that."She said with a shrug.

"Is that why you like her so much?"I asked with a teasing voice.

"You still actually think I like her?"She asked looking at me as if what I just said is the most ridiculous thing.

"Don't you? I mean Jieun said something but I think that was just to make sure that PJ wouldn't suspect a thing."I said shrugging.

"Jieun told me that and she also told me that PJ figured it out quite easily. Well at least she figured out the right thing that you can't seem to figure out."She said with a little laugh.

"Wait, I don't get it? What the hell are you talking about? Who is it that you actually like?"I asked scratching my head.

"Is there any reason why you think I like PJ?"She asked.

"You're always looking at her."I answered honestly.

"You see me looking at her but you never find out the reason why I do?"She asked.

"Isn't it because you like her?"

"I told you Miyeon, no. I don't like PJ like that."

"Then why?"

"I look at her to try and figure out what exactly she has that I don't. I try to figure that out to see why you can't like me the way you do to her."She answerd and I felt like everything just blank out around me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.

Jiyeon likes me.


I snapped out of my thoughts when she pinched my cheek.

"You don't have to worry. I don't expect you to like me back Miyeon."She said with a small smile before reaching out for my hand. "I guess the only reason why I told you is because I don't want you to hate me thinking I'm against the two of them because I don't think Chorong unnie's good enough for PJ." She squeezed my hand before continuing. "Maybe sometimes I think of it that way, but I figure that PJ doesn't deserve you either yet you like her so much so who am I to judge them right?"She said with a small smile on her face.

"You li-, no that's impossible."I said taking my hand away from her and standing up from the couch. "How could I not know if you do?!"I yelled.

"Because you're not supposed to know. You're the only person who's not supposed to know."

"Why didn't you just tell me? Why did you let me yell at you?!"I asked and suddenly I could feel tears of guilt in the corners of my eyes and I slumped down on the single sofa .

"Because I know you can never feel the same way. You like PJ too much, and that's the only reason why I don't like the idea of PJ being with somebody else because I know you're the one who will get hurt the most when that time comes."She said and then she walked towards me and knelt down in front of me. "Hey come on."She said taking my hands in hers.

"You should have said something."I said trying to conceal my tears.

"I would have complicated things. To be honest, I expected you and PJ to get together after the trials and I thought maybe it'll be all okay if I just keep quiet but Chorong unnie came in the picture and things turned to a completely different route."She said wiping away a tear that fell from my eye.

"I'm sorry Jiyeon-ah."I said both for yelling at her and for not being able to return her feelings.

"Hey, I did nothing wrong in confessing to you but I'll be wrong if I expect you to feel the same and get mad if you don't. And there's nothing wrong if you don't feel the same way that I do so you shouldn't say sorry. Don't cry Miyeon-ah."She said before reaching up to wipe my suddenly freely flowing tears.

I leant down and kissed her cheek letting my lips linger for quite sometimes.

"Thanks Jiyeon-ah."I said with a tearful smile after pulling away.

"That one kiss alone is worth all of it."She said with another smile. "But if PJ takes too long in figuring out her feeling for you, I'm taking you away alright?"She said playfully but I know she's serious.

"I'll expect you to do that okay."I said just as seriously as she meant what she just said.

"Now come on and let's look for that idiot."She said before pulling me up with her and out the room. How could I possibly not notice? Was I far too busy looking after PJ?

Taeyeon's POV

"Unnie!"I turned around and saw Chorong running towards me.

"What's wrong?! Is PJ okay?!"I asked already panicking inside.

"Yeah she's in the hotel. Fany unnie asked me to tell you that the guards said, they already have all the waiters with cameras with them!"She said while trying to catch her breath.

"Have they confiscated the cameras?"

"Yeah they got everything."

"Did you drink anything?"I asked.

"No but Bomi had a little too much and Eunji's just fine."She answered.

"Where's Bomi then?"

"Yoong brought her in the hotel."

"Great, you should rest, You've been running around a lot."I said with a small smile.

"Ah no worries unnie, I'm fine. I still need to help some other idols."

"Are you sure? Why don't you just go to where PJ is? Look after her for me right now."I said and I saw her looking confused.

"A-are you sure unnie?"

"Of course. Now go kid I'll deal with the guards."

"O-okay unnie I'll go look for PJ."She said before running off.

"Don't disappoint me kid!"I called out.

"I won't unnie, I'll take care of her!"She yelled back before completely running away.

"Take care of who?"Someone asked from behind and I was shocked to see Yul's father.

"Appa!"I accidentally yelled.

"What's wrong? Where's PJ?"He asked.

"Ah nothing everything's already under control. PJ's with her friends and Miyeon's with them too."I said nervously.

"But isn't that Miyeon?"He asked pointing somewhere behind me.

"Oh right, PJ's probably in the hotel."I said.

"Well I'll get going your umma's with Yuri and Jessica. I'll go look for PJ."He said before walking away.

"I'm sure Chorong wouldn't do anything stupid."I said to no one before heading to where the guards are in the main office.


"Yookyung unnie!"I called out when I saw her sitting on a nearby bench.


"What are you doing here all alone?"I asked.

"Taking a rest. I swear, idols despite looking like twigs are actually heavy."She said making me giggle.

"Where's Chorong unnie?"I asked direct to the point.

"I knew that's all you wanted from me. Well, I think she's running around here. You'll see her somewhere."She said motioning for me to go just around the place.

"Thanks unnie, I'll see you later. Maybe you should go rest now too."I said before walking away.

I see some idols have already gone back to playing around. I guess everything's alright now then.

"PJ!"I turned around and saw the girl I've been looking for.


"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"She asked hurriedly.

"No of course not. Why?"

"Nothing I just thought that maybe you drank something earlier too."She said before giving me a small smile.

"I did, but it probably wasn't spiked yet, I mean many was already drinking the drink earlier but nothing happened to them."I explained.

"Maybe they did it when we got here."She joked making me giggle.

"Maybe someone's trying to get one of you drunk. Typical American flicks."I joined in making us both chuckle.

"Want to know something cool?"She asked me.


"Your dad asked me to look after you while they handle the waiters."She said and I looked at her as if she just said the most unbelievable thing.

"Are you sure that was my dad? I mean, if it was papa, it wouldn't be so hard to believe."I said as a matter of fact.

"She did, Tae unnie actually told me that."She said grining.

"That's great I guess."I said feeling a little relieve.

"Can we continue playing now?"She asked before draping an arm over my shoulders.

"We can, but if you don't take your arm off of my shoulders, you'll never be able to use it again to play."I said that line oh so innocently.

"Right, of course sorry."She said before taking her arm off.

"Let's go play!"I said cheerfully.

"Do you know how creepy that is?"She asked frowning.

"No, but you can back out now if you want?"I challenged.

"Fine."She said before turning around to walk away. What the hell?!

"Fine!"I said before going the other way.

"But of course I'm kidding."She said before I feel someone backhugging me lightly and quickly letting go.

"You can actually go if you want."I said coldly.

"But I don't want to."She said grinning, although I'm not looking at her I know she is.

"That's not what you said."I said still as coldly.

"But I was kidding~"She whined while poking my shoulder.

"Didn't sound like it."I said this time only to .

"I'm sorry princess. C'mon it was just a joke."She said still poking my shoulder.

"Want to lose that finger?"I threatened.

"No."She said before quickly stopping and properly walking beside me. "Forgive me?"

"In one condition."I said just as I saw one of man's greatest invention.

"Anything."She said confidently.

"You see that tall thing?"I asked pointing at the tower like structure near us.

"G-gyro drop?"She asked with a gulp.

"Exactly. Ride that on your own. and I'll forgive you."I said and I looked at her to see horror written all over her face.

"O-okay."She said and I grabbed her shirt to lead her over the ride.

"Hey guys."Someone greeted and I saw Donghae oppa looking at us.


"Sunbae." We both greeted while bowing.

"Out on a date?"He asked in a whisper while leaning down.

"Ho-How did you know?!"I asked, shocked.

"Oh c'mon J. You don't have to be scared. We're from the same town anyway."He said with a smile.

"Oppa told you didn't she?!"I asked knowing the member closest to him.

"Not naming name but I'm not saying it's not her."He said cheekily.

"Aish! That stupid alligator."I grumbled.

"Hey, it's not like oppa's going to tell. And she's not the only one who told people. All my members know and some other people from SM. But no worries J, we got you."He said before ruffling my hair. "But you,"He started turning towards unnie. "You need to make sure you don't hurt this one."He said sternly.

"I won't sunbae."Unnie said nervously.

"Why Sunbae? Why not hyung?"He asked playfully. "I'm just kidding, but just call me oppa okay. Although the taking care of PJ part, was definitely not a joke."He said with a small smile.

"Don't worry oppa I'll make sure she's safe."Unnie said while patting my head.

"Oh it's almost our turn. They're done."Oppa said and I felt unnie stiffen.

"Come on unnie, I was kidding, you don't need to ride that. Let's go play somewhere else."I said before pulling her while she could only look confusely at me.

"What? You're not riding?"Oppa asked.

"Nah, we're going somewhere else."I said while still falling unnie.

"You two have fun, but not too much fun."Oppa teased lowly. 

I stuck my tongue out before giggling because he made a funny face.

"I don't have to ride that?"She asked.

"Nah, I was kidding. It's good enough that you're willing to do it."I said before giving her a small smile.

"How about Bermuda Triangle?"I asked and she smiled before nodding.

I grabbed her hand as we walk and she looked down at me with another smile. 

"Thanks for the necklace again unnie."I said touching the pendant.

"No problem, it looks great on you anyway."She said squeezing my hand.

"You're not going to get scared on this one right unnie?"I asked teasingly.

"Nah, I only hate heights and speed."She said.

"Guest the lack of driver's license is because of that?"I continued to tease.

"You just can't get enought of teasing me can you?"She asked before lightly pinching my cheek.

"I want to see you mad. I guest it'll be hard to do that. You're always smiling."I said pouting.

"Why do you want to see me mad?"She asked chuckling.

"I don't know, I guest I'm just curious if you'll be scary or something."I said honestly.

"Hey, after we ride this one, can we go in there?"She asked and I looked at where she's pointing to see that she's pointing at some horror house. This is not good.

"Uh, yeah sure. Why not?"I asked trying to play it cool.

"Great, come on it's our turn."She said and the operators gave us rain coats before we boarded one of the round boats and thankfully we were the last ones so we didn't have anybody else riding with us.

We rode on the same side and we had the cover over our bodies till our shoulders. The ride started and the water was bumpy so I kept sliding towards the other end since the seats are a little wet and rain coats are made of plastic materials.

"You alright J?"She asked concernly.

"Yeah, I just keep sliding off because of the seat."I said and she suddenly extended her arm wrapping it around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Is this okay? I just don't want you sliding off."She said and I could only nod while trying to relax. Please God take me now.

"Unnie?"I called out.

"Yeah?"She asked looking down at me.

"Gomawo."I said while smiling up at her.

"It's your day, and your dad leave you under my care."She said before continuing. "But I would have done the same without both reasons."

"You're making it really hard to try to hold things in unnie."I said chuckling.

"Hold what in?"She asked obviously confused.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."I said with a smirk.

"Oh c'mon.~"She whined.

"Ask no more cause I'm not telling."I said and thankfully the end of the ride came so she had to take her arm from my waist while I scoot a little away once again sliding off to the other end.

"Are you wearing some kind of a magnet? I swear that part of the seat has something for you."She joked making me laugh.

"Hmm, now you have something in common."I teased before we both get up.

"Hands off cushy, that girl's off limits."I heard her mumble playfully making me laugh loudly gaining attention from others. I bowed politely as an apology but someone walked over and I recognized him as someone from SM, he's a trainee but I think his group is debuting soon.

"Hey, PJ-ssi."He said bowing and I bowed back to be polite.

"Hi."I greeted back.

"I'm Sehun, your umma invited us. I just want to greet you happy birthday."He said giving me a small smile. Cute.

"Oh thanks Sehun-ssi."I said before bowing and giving him a small smile.

"I guess we're not close enough yet for me to ask you to call me oppa. But I hope we'll be someday."He said before bowing one more time and walking away, but then he turned back. "Happy birthday again."He said once more with a bow before walking away.

"What was that all about?"Unnie asked with a frown.

"Who knows right?"I said with a shrug.

"Well let's go, we're still going to the Horror House right?"She asked and I suddenly feel cold all over. I almost forgot about that!

"Yeah, let's go."I said with a smile.

"Are you okay J?"She asked looking concernly at me. "We don't have to go if you're scared."She said offering a small smile. Suddenly, I feel guiltier for forcing her to ride the roller coaster.

"No, don't worry unnie, it's okay, and besides, I have you with me. You promised daddy to take care of me right?"I said with a small smile and a shrug.

"I guess, come on then. Just make sure to hold tightly to unnie okay? And if you suddenly hug me when you scream, am I allowed to hug you back?"She asked with a cheeky grin. This sneaky woman.

"As long as you keep your hands on appropriate places."I said playfully.

"Will do boss."She said making me laugh before we made our way to the horror house.

Author's POV

"I hate ghosts."PJ said as they walk inside.

"Unnie? Is that you?"Someone asked from behind.

"Hayoungie?"Chorong asked while turning around.

"Hi."She said cheerfully.

"Awesome. Now we have other people with us."A different voice said.

"Hyomin unnie?"PJ asked this time.

"Hi J."She greeted making PJ smile.

"What are you two doing together?"Chorong asked.

"Hyomin unnie asked me to accompany her. She said it's too scary to go alone."Hayoung explained.

"Did you drink anything Hayoungie?"Chorong asked as they all continue walking forward.

"I did, but I was already checked by the paramedics, and they said that I only have cery little amount of alcohol. And I feel just fine so I just continue playing. Namjoo unnie and Naeun unnie are fine too by the way. Although, Naeun unnie had more drinks than we did."Hayoung explained.

"Good, what about Yookyung?"Chorong asked when suddenly a lady wearing a white gown bearing long black with stripes of gray hair fell down from the ceiling with her neck tied by the rope fall in front of the group.



PJ wrapped her arms around Chorong while burying her face on her chest.

"Shh, it's okay, it's fake, just a doll."Chorong whispered with her arms wrapped around PJ's body.

"I'm scared."PJ said with her voice trembling together with her body.

"I got you remember. Now come on, we're still going to ride the Ferris Wheel after this."Chorong whispered while guiding PJ to walk forward.

"Can we leave?"PJ asked.

"We can only leave once we reach the end."Chorong said while caressing PJ's hair.

"We should go faster."PJ said still hugging Chorong tightly.

"We will, so you have to walk okay. Or do you want unnie to carry you?"Chorong offered.

"It's okay unnie, I can walk. Just don't leave me okay?"PJ asked in a small voice.

"I won't, I promise I will never leave you."Chorong said sincerely.

The walk continued with PJ holding tightly to Chorong and screaming now and then whenever something jumps in front of them.

"Shh, we're at the end. Come one Princess."Chorong coaxed and PJ lifted her head up to see the exit door.

"We're here."PJ said to no one exactly before retreating her arms from around Chorong.

Once outside, Chorong noticed PJ's eyes with beads of tears at their corners.

"Hey, how about we play at some gaming booths? Maybe I can win you something?"Chorong offered with her hand on PJ's back.

"A teddy bear?"PJ asked, sounding so much like a child.

"Anything you want."Chorong said, grinning.

"Promise?"PJ asked.

"I'll give you anything you want PJ."Chorong said before taking PJ's hand and leading her towards the closest gaming booth.

It turned about to be a game where you have to knock down bottles using a tennis ball.

"Wish unnie luck J."Chorong said before throwing one, that unfortunately was only able to hit one bottle.

"Well you have 2 more tries young lady."The man said.

"I can do it ahjussi. I want to get something for this beautiful princess beside me."Chorong said determined.

"Good luck kid."The man said with a laugh.

"Fighting unnie!"PJ cheered.

The second ball, just like the first one wasn't able to hit all the bottles down.

"One more try kid, fail? And nothing for your little princess."

"I can do this!"

"It's okay unnie, just do your best!"

The ball flew as if in slow motion and hit the one at furthest right placed at the bottom but somehow only that bottle fell and the rest stayed standing.

"Wha? How come it didn't fall?!"Chorong said frustratedly.

"If you're trying to win this game."Someone said from the side and the girl motioned for the man to give her some balls. "You should do it this way."The girl easily threw the ball that knocked all the bottles down. "Now choose any price you want Miyeon-ah."Jiyeon said smugly.

"Nice throw kid."The man said.

"Can I get the teddy bear ahjussi?"Miyeon politely asked.

"Of course kid."The man said before handing Miyeon the big teddy bear.

"But you couldn't win anything earlier!"PJ protested.

"I don't play guns. But baseball has always been a hobby. You should pay more attention to your friends J-ah. Do you want me to get you anything? It's your birthday anyway."Jiyeon said then asked almost as if mocking Chorong.

"No it's okay. You guys enjoy your time together."PJ said bitterly.

"Very well. We'll be going then."Jiyeon said before walking away with Miyeon who's carrying the teddy bear.

Chorong heaved a sigh sadly, before turning towards PJ, who out of nowhere pulled her away from the booth and lead her back to the back of it.

"PJ?"Chorong asked confusedly.

PJ suddenly wrapped her arms around Chorong while resting her head on the woman's shoulder.

"PJ?"Chorong asked, now even more confused.

"Thanks unnie."PJ said, wihout taking her head off of Chorong's shoulder.

"But I couldn't even get you som-"Chorong shut up when PJ suddenly leaned up to kiss her cheek. Her eyes widen before looking down at PJ.

"I don't want you to feel bad again unnie. You being here is enough, and this necklace is great and the fact that you're doing your best to make my birthday great despite all this chaos is a total bonus. There's no reason for you to feel bad just because you couldn't get me some stuffed animal."PJ said with a smile while still hugging Chorong.

Chorong wrapped her arms around PJ too before pulling the younger girl even closer to her body.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Believe me, this moment alone was worth more than any of that."Chorong said while hugging PJ even tighter if that was possible. 

The two stayed like that a little longer til PJ's phone rang.

"Daddy?"PJ spoke.

"Ah yeah, sure I will."

"I'll take Chorong unnie with me okay?"


"Unnie, daddy wants us to meet them at the hotel."

"Come on then."Chorong said and the two walked together to the hotel in a comfortable silence, both with their thoughts of one another.

Yuri's POV

"They'll be here in a bit."Taeyeon said after putting her phone back in her pocket.

"They?"Papa asked.

"Chorong, someone very special to PJ, so please be nice."I said with a warning tone.

"Chorong, is she a girl?"Mama asked.

"She is mama, but she's very nice."Jessica butted in.

"Well the fact that she's special is already saying a lot so I'm assuming there's more than friendship between the two?"Papa asked with a raised brow.

"You can say that harabeoji, but right now they're still on the getting to know each other part."Yoona explained.

"I see."Papa said while nodding.

"Be nice."I warned once again.

"I will."He said with a shrug.

"Papa already said that he will."Jessica said with a chuckle.

"Unnies."Someone said from behind.

"Rose?"Tiffany said.

"We'll be heading upstairs to our room."Miyeon said with one of their friends that I can recognize from earlier.

"Well, we'll be heading up too. We're just waiting for PJ."Tiffany said.

"Well we'll be going first unnie."The other girl said.

"Well, we'll see you girls tomorrow. You two be careful okay."Sooyoung siad and the two girls bowed before walking towards the lift.

After a few minutes PJ walked in the hotel lobby with Chorong following closely behind.

"Harabeoji?! Halmoeni?!"PJ said with a big smile before running towards the two and giving them big hugs.

"Happy birthday princess."My dad greeted before kissing the top of PJ's head.

"Thanks haraboeji."

"Happy birthday sweetheart."

"Thank you halmoeni."

"We're sorry we're late. But we've been here for quite sometimes now, maybe an hour. But unfortunately we couldn't find you."Papa said with a playful frown.

"Sorry haraboeji, I was out there playing with Chorong unnie. Oh right!"PJ said before reaching for Chorong's hand and leading her closer to my parents. "Haraboeji and halmoeni, this is Chorong unnie, and Chorong unnie, these are my grandparents, from Yuri appa's side."PJ introduced oh so normally.

"Hmm, I've heard about you."Papa said looking sternly at Chorong.

"All good things I hope sir. It's nice to meet you both Mr. and Mrs. Kwon."CHorong said politely with a bow trying to act cool.

"It's nice to meet you too Chorong ah."Mama said with a smile and I noticed her nudging my dad. 

"It's nice to meet you too."He said plainly. I guess it's in every father's blood. I guess I'm one of the cool ones then.

"We have our gift here for you PJ."Mom said before handing a medium sized box to PJ, who looked confused.

"But didn't appa told you?"PJ stopped before raising an eyebrow to me.

"I did but they insisted!"I said defensively.

"You shouldn't have bothered."PJ said with a small smile.

"We want to at least get you something for your birthday."Papa said while ruffling PJ's hair who only giggled in response.

"And if others can get you a gift why can't they?"Yoona asked with a raised eyebrow, and PJ raised one of her own in response. "That's a cute necklace J, quite shiny too. Who gave it to you?"Yoona asked and I noticed Chorong suddenly trying to look away.

"Chorong unnie did."PJ mumbled.

"Nice taste kid."Papa complimented.

"Thank you sir."Chorong said with a bow.

"You can just call us Halmoeni and haraboeji."Mama said with a chuckle.

"You can stick to calling me sir."Papa said sternly.

"I will sir."Chorong said with a gulp and I could hear Yoona snickering from behind me.

"Well it's getting late. Let's all head up."Taeyeon said trying to cut the tension.

"Already?"PJ asked looking disappointed.

"It's already late PJ. Already pass your curfew too."Tiffany said apologetically.

"But it's my birthday, can I at least stay one more hour?"PJ asked hopefully.

"You should go PJ. Your mom's right, it's already late."Chorong said although smiling, obviously disappointed.

"But I promised that we'll ride the ferris wheel."PJ said pouting.

"It's PJ's birthday anyway. Can't we stay another hour out?"Yoona asked.

"It's PJ's birthday, why are you included?"Hyoyeon asked with a small laugh.

"So I can look after her."

"I don't need you to. Daddy asked CHorong unnie to look after me for the time being!"PJ protested.

"That was earlier."Taeyeon said plainly.

"It's okay J, we'll ride one next time."Chorong offered.

"That's not fair, I promised we'll ride one tonight~"PJ grumbled.

"I'll stay out with them if you let us."Seohyun suddenly volunteered.

"Are you sure?"Tiffany asked her daughter.

"Yeah, I was actually having fun outside."Seohyun answered.

"And besides I told Minzy we'll go up together."Yoona butted in.

"What time is it?"Jessica asked.

"It's 10:11 pm."Tiffany answered.

"You girls be Cinderellas. You have till 12 midnight and you have to be up in your rooms by then and that includes you Chorong."Jessica said with authority in her voice.

"Really umma?!"PJ asked with a big smile.

"Yes, till only your birthday."Jessica said.

"Thanks umma!"PJ said before runnign towards Jessica and kissing your cheeks.

"Fine, PJ's in your hands Chorong."Tiffany said sternly.

"Yes unnie, I'll make sure she's in her room before midnight." Chorong said while smiling widely.

"And you two,"Taeyeon said looking at the the two maknaes. "Behave."She repreminded sternly. "Be responsible little Kwon."

"I will daddy." Taeyeon glared. "I meant unnie."Yoona said with a playful salute. And the four of them head out of the hotel to the amusement park.

Nobody's POV

"Be sure to be at the lobby before midnight okay guys."Seohyun said to PJ and Chorong. 

"We'll be there. We'll see you guys later. Enjoy~"Chorong said with a teasing voice making PJ giggle while Yoona rolled her eyes. Before the four of them went separate ways.

"Should we go on the Ferris Wheel now?"Chorong asked PJ.

"Do you want to?"PJ asked back.

"Let's go a little bit later."Chorong said and the two started walking around.

let's cut it here for now sorry for the mistakes.

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Patrick's a girl .. but she can be handsome just like her appa, daddy and oppas :DD


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mc1234 #1
Still waiting
Chapter 53: Its 2019 and im still waiting for you to update since oct 2016. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ im too loyal to let go. Miyeon and pj im waiting~! ?
HiroTakahasi #3
Chapter 53: Update pls.
mc1234 #4
Update ):
mc1234 #5
Chapter 53: Hmm
Chapter 8: Mira nada mas
mc1234 #8
mc1234 #9