"Come here Lulu!" Dasom was calling out to her cat while patting her lap. The orange cat leaped on her lap, purring and rubbing his head against her stomach, "Hey, youu." She giggled scratching the back of his ear.  "You remember how we first met?" Dasom asked placing Lulu on the bed. She laid down on her stomach and peeked over at her cat, hugging her dolphin pillow pet to her chest. 
"Meow~" He replied to seem like he understood his owner.
"Well.." Dasom grinned, "I like how we met!" 
Lulu mewled as his owner's hand rubbed his back.
"We met 2 years ago, am I right? Aaand..." Dasom gasped with a grin that was wider than before. "It's our anniversary today! November 1st! Right here in Seoul, South Korea." She pointed at the calender that hung in her violet colored room.
Lulu purred and closed his eyes, his whiskers rubbing against the back of Dasom's hand. 
"We met when I was just 16.  I was actually just strolling down town and then I saw you! Right when I was about to reach out to you a kid rode his bike and almost hit you!! But luckily I jumped and saved you." Dasom nodded her head confidently, a wide smile growing across her face. "And that's the day I decided to just take you home. Amazing that my mom agreed to letting me keep you!" 
"Meooww," The orange cat pawing at Dasom in a way of saying thanks. 
"It's like you truly understand me.." She said as her smile grew into a gentle one. 
Before she knew it, it was already 9:30 at night. Dasom was too busy with her homework and showing Lulu love. Luckily, it was Friday, she could sleep in tomorrow and have more quality time with her cat. 
"It's your bedtime, Lulu!" Dasom yelled struggling to change into her button up pajama shirt. She fell onto the floor trying to get her pajama shorts on with a thud.
"Meeoooww!" Lulu meowed hopping onto her bed, tucking his head under Dasom's pillow. 
"Ahhh, sorry about that, Lulu!" The petite girl said tucking herself in bed. Lulu made his way to lay beside her, mewling quietly while his owner was his back. 
Dasom tossed in her bed slowly opening her eyes. "4:15AM" she mumbled to herself reading the clock. Slowly removing her covers from her body, she moved her legs over the edge of the bed slipping on her slippers. Taking one step she tumbled over something making a loud THUMP! She quickly scrambled to flip on the light switch, only to be greeted by a young man.
"KYAAA!!!" Dasom's eyes widen, seeing a body on the floor with orange hair. "W-WHAT?! WHO ARE YOU?!" She screamed, backing away from him trying to find a nearby weapon.
"I'm your Lulu..." He said with innocence. The boy rubbed his eyes, getting used to the light dilating his eyesight. His wide doe-like eyes stared into Dasom's, hypnotizing her actually. 
"W-WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!" She coughed violently, "MY Lulu is a CAT! Y-YOU'RE..!" Her eyes scanned his body and turned red, seeing he was full on ...on her floor. "YOU'RE A HUMAN!" She sputtered covering her no longer eyes.
"Well..at night time I am.." Lulu said softly, looking down. 
"I don't believe you. I bet you're a cat stealer! Where'd you put my kitty cat?!" 
The boy reached to slowly lower her hands from her eyes. 
"I am your kitty cat." Lulu's eyes met with hers again. Dasom's back rammed up against the wall, unfortunately not finding a useful weapon but throwing a couple of her tops to cover his lower region.
Ignoring the fact she threw her tops for a purpose, Lulu crawled close to her, practically cornering her. So close, his breath could be felt on her lips. "I know your secrets, problems, full name, age, birthday, your likes, your dislikes, your exes, your story. You." She gasped and turned her face to the side, stubbornly accepting this from the stranger she thought she didn't know of.
"Oh yeah? Test me. Ask anything." Lulu challenged.
"Fine." She her chin facing him once again, "What's my full name?"
"Easy. Dasom Byul Lee." She nodded her head. "Oka--" 
"By the way," Lulu cut her off, "You have a heart shaped birth mark on your left inner thigh." Dasom shot him a glare. "Just saying." He shrugged.
"Fine.. But if you're Lulu.. that means..." Her eyes widened, "YOU MUST'VE SEEN ME ?!" Her face flushed a deep red, covering her chest as a reflex. 
"Yah yah! I'm not erted. YOU ARE! Always talking on the phone with your friends and saying dirty things about that guy who was at the mall or something."
"Were you listening to my private converstations also?!" Dasom was starting to get furious. 
"I..I didn't mean to.." Lulu started to feel hatred from her, his own owner for 2 years. 
"Okay okay.." She cooled down pushing him away from her, giving her space to breath. "One thing I don't get... Why are you a cat during the day and a..human..boy at night..?" 
Sitting at least one meter away from her, pretzel style, he started his story, "I've been a wondering cat since I was 13. My grandma was good with black magic.. My dad's side of the family was great with that dark magic stuff. She had something against my mother for murdering my dad supposedly.. They were both together on a plane heading back from their vacation. My mom was still pregnant with me also.. The plane crashed and.. somehow my mom survived and so did I.." 
Feeling a bit of guilt swirl inside of Dasom, she crept closer to him, setting her hand on top of his that rested on his exposed thigh. 
"I'm sorry.." She said quietly. Looking back at Lulu, his head hung low, holding his tears back.
"My dad must have put a spell on my mother and I to survive the crash. And when we went back home to my grandmother to tell her the news, she grew furious and started throwing tantrums and yelling at my mom. 
Dasom shook her head in disbelief. Who knew how cruel his life must've been. "You're no longer a stray cat.." His owner said trying to relieve him. "Uhmm.. How do you break the spell?" 
Lulu shrugged, leaning against the edge of her bed. "I can't remember.. my mom said something to me about it when I was twelve though.." He sighed in frustration, running his slender fingers through his thick orange hair. 
Dasom slumped against the wall mumbling to herself, "Did I forget to ask anything else..?" She furrowed her brows. "Oh!" The petite girl gasped. "What about your mom? Where is she?"
The boy tilted his head now looking at the ceiling, "I'm not sure..I don't even remember how I transformed into a cat or losing my mom..I just ended up here..with you.." 
Dasom smiled but something didn't feel right. She didn't know what to do anymore. He's not just an ordinary cat. He's a human boy that transforms at night and cat during day light. Lastly, she wanted him to find his mom whether she's alive or not.. She wanted him to know where his mom was at least. To be reunited again.
"How about.. I help you search for her?" 
"What if she's dead?" He asked in a monotone. 
"Dead or alive.. I want the both of you reunited again.. We can go around asking about her or it's a bit risky but..we can go to your grandma.." Dasom said cautiously waiting for his reply.
"No, I don't want to see her face." Lulu said coldly. "She's the one who ruined my life."
"Oh.." Dasom nodded feeling a tug at her heart. She thought to herself, '...Who could blame the poor lost kid.'
"Dasom, can't I just stay here with you..? I'm happy with you." He bit his lower lip, anticipating her to agree with him.
"Let's go find your mom, as of now when you're human..You're no longer a cat." Dasom eyed him evilly. "I'll go sneak some of my dad's clothes to lend to you." She got up, heading to the bathroom but to be abruptly stopped by a tight grip on her wrist.
"If we can't find my mom.. Will you still allow me to live with you? Though you know I turn into this form?" His eyes glowed in despair. 
She swallowed before a quick process of thinking, "Sure.. Yeah yeah, i'll own you to be mine." Dasom grinned, ruffling his hair. "Now let me use the bathroom, i've been holding it in for quite a while now because of you."
Lulu let her hand go and crawled onto her bed as she left. He waited patiently as he covered himself with her blanket, snuggling and inhaling her familiar scent.
Coming back her eyes widened, "MY BED! YOU'RE ! MY BED SHEETS!" She half-whispered trying to keep her voice low. 
Peeking from underneath the bed covers he blinked. "But you let me sleep on your bed all the time."
"Look at yourself! You're ! PLUS A BOY!" 
"I don't think you knew but... I did sleep with you in this form the other nights just that last night you kicked me off the bed so I slept on the floor." 
Dasom's face grew red. "Here." She threw the clothing of her fathers onto the bed. "Change and get a lot of rest. We've got a busy day ahead of us, plus I need my beauty sleep also.." She sighed walking into her closet. "I'll be in here until you're done changing... Or maybe just sleep here for the rest of the night.." The girl shook her head, shutting her self into the closet.


Here's the 1st part. :b Just one more chapter to gooooooooo~ 

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Chapter 4: cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~hahaha :D thanks for sharing~
Chapter 4: Ahh! Welcome and thank you too ! That's great !!! I will wait ! Daebak , authornim ! SARANGHAEYO , SARANGHABNIDA , SARANGHAE , SARANGHANDA , SARANGHANDAGO , SARANGHAETTNEUNDE , NEOL SARANGHAE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ♡♥ XD
Chapter 4: Yay~! Can't wait!!!! I'll be waiting ! <3
Chapter 3: This is so cute! i wish it was longer :/ but still enjoyed it! <3
Chapter 3: Ahh , Luhan . *sigh* he liked to . This is the best shots I ever read ! XD ^^
Chapter 2: Luhan is quite funny in this chapter ! Aww ! Mating !? Update soon ! ^^
Chapter 1: Waa ! Lulu must be hating his grandma that much !