Convincing the others

Cube's Ghost

*None's Pov - "in the dorm"*

'Are you really sure about this idea?'

Eunkwang asked a little axcious, when he heard Minhyuk and Hyunsik asking him about their idea. The idea of staying the whole night in the Cube's building. Searching for the ghost Hyunsik once saw. Just like some other Cube trainees and other people had seen. He wasn't fully liking the idea of it, probable because it might get a bit to close to comfort. 

'Yes, Hyung. Why wouldn't we be?'

Minhyuk had answered right away, with a smile on his face as a sign he meant it. 

'And I've seen her already, and look at me! I am still here and being not scared at all'

Hyunsik added, just to assure his hyung that there was nothing going to happen this night.

'Besides that...'

Peniel now starter, Peniel was the first one who got convinced by Minyhuk and Hyunsik, he had agreed right away.

'It might be also a nice thing to film for our Diary episode, I bet the fans would love to see it.'

Eunkwang glanced to Peniel, even though the fans may like it or even love it. He wasn't still conviced, to he honest, he had a bad feeling about it. Hearing the three asking him to please say yes. As much Eunkwang had this feeling, he didn't wanted to be the scary cat who didn't dared something and didn't wanted to ruin the fun for tonight. then Eunkwang sighed once.

'First, ask the others. If they all agree on it, I will think some more about it'

 Minhyuk and Hyunsik right away nodded, and hurried to find the others. While Peniel slowly took of to Sungjae.


And like that, Minhyuk and Hyunsik headed first to Changsub. Probable one of the easiest to convince. They thought or more hoped. Chansub was sitting on his bed, reading something.


Minhyuk said as soon Minhyuk had spotted Changsub. Changsub looked up and only made a "hmm?" sound. Jus to sign he was listening. While that, Changsub put the book away.

'We're planning to go tonight to the cube's building.. ' Minyuk started

'And film it for a dairy episode' Hyunsik added.

It was quiet for a moment, after some moments Changsub started to talk now.

'and why? .. it's not be.. '

'It would be awesome, the fans would love it!'

Minhyuk cutted Changsub off, not wanting Changsub to doubt and just want him to say yes. Hyunsik and Minhyuk saw Changsub thinking.

'We will give you more screentime'

Hyunsik said fast, hoping it would convince his hyung, who got  a glance of Minhyuk but didn't cared.. at least not for now. Then Minhyuk gave in and nodded then. It may be better telling Changsub to get more screentime if it would get him to say Yes.

'Well.. Actually, it... does sound really nice.. So. Sure'

Changsub said then. Right away. Hyunsik and Minhyuk smiled bright. Now heading to the next person.. Sungjae.


After a little moment of searching, Hyunsik and Minhyuk had found Sungjae, who was sitting in front of the telivision watching a variety show. While eating a fruit salad. Minhyuk wanted to open his mouth to say something, but Sungjae raised up his hand. Looking than to the two hyungs.

'I agree on that idea'

Sungjae said right away. Which made the two hyungs confuced.

'How'd you know what we wanted to ask?' Minhyuk had decided to ask

'Peniel hyung~.. ahh and Ilhoon was here too when Peniel asked it, he agreed on it as well'

Both of them nodded then. Hyunsik smiled as soon he realized they've been by everyone to. Peniel already had agreed in the very beginning. Minhyuk and he had decided to do this,  Ilhoon and Sungjae had said yes when Peniel had asked them. Changsub agreed as well.. So now, telling the leader who had to say if they would do it or not.


Not much later, everyone was packing their stuff for tonight. Minhyuk and Hyunsik had been to Eunkwang and had told him, everyone agreed to go. Luckily The leader finally had give in and now. It was time. Time to pack and go to the Cube's building and stay there.


*Eunkwang's Pov*

While packing my stuff for tonight, the bad feeling had creeped up again in my stomach. The same bad feeling I had when the two had asked me to go to the Cube tonight. I didn't wanted to be the boring leader or the one who did ruin tonight. Maybe, it was because I am hungry. It is almost time to eat dinner. Lets hope it's just being hungry and hoping I am all wrong with tonight. 

'Hyung~, are you coming we're already finished'

I heard Minhyuk yelling to me, I had no choice to say something back.

'I'm coming!

I replied, looking to my phone, the batteries were full and everything was packed. It was now or never. Hurrying then, to the others who were impatienlty waiting.



*none's Pov, 19:00 PM, "Cube's building"*


Finaly the time was there. All seven were in front of the building. The cold wind blew around them as the sky was getting darker. "The final destination" Eunkwang thought. Once again, the bad feeling creeped up in him. Now knowing for sure it wasn't being all hungry. they just had eaten a lovely dinner. He sighed soft as he stared to the Cube's logo. It was for the very first time, he came here, without wanting to be here. He loved the building.. during the day when everyone was there and nothing bad could happen. Now, most people were about to leave or left. While they were getting inside. Fast, he followed the other six members inside who were already making their way inside. He slightly shook his head. He would see if he was right or wrong about his feelings. But one thing is for sure, he didn't liked this at all.





A/N: this is probable a rather bad chapter, Its my very first chapter I've been writting in my life. So I still need to look what is the best way to write and make it more interesting. But I promise. The next chapter would be more interesting than this one. If you've any tips or any comments about this chapter. just write (":


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Chapter 8: omg not my baby Ilhoon~ noooo! omg this is too creepy yet daebak. >o<
aeg118 #2
Chapter 8: Wae Ilhoon?? Omg I love this fanfic >< Please update the next chapter, I'm really curious. OMG I'm thinking that everyone loves Ilhoon even ghosts love him ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

And what happened to other members? Poor Eunkwang

@authornim : yeah HOONSIK baby forever~~

*sorry 4 the caps*
Chapter 7: WOW its so thrilling to read. ;_________; PLEASE UPDATE, this sounds interesting. ^w^ AND WHAT HAPPENED TO MA HUSBAND HYUKKIE OPPA
To Yuya_love_B: I am glad I am able to give you a real goosebump vibe, and you're welcome. HoonSik is like one of my favourite pairings ^^

To HyunAeJjang: I'll try to update soon, but it is possible it could take a while, am working on my testweek which is for my exams this summer and need to study for that. But I will try to work on it every time I have time for it.
Chapter 7: Please update soon! ^^ Can't wait for the next chapters... I am really curious why the other ghost took Minhyuk away??
Chapter 7: three chapter!! i love it..
you give us the real goosebump vibe..

ouh thanks to Chaerin who willing to help them..
and i would like to thank you to make ILHOON N HYUNSIK pairing here~~ my HoonSik feels~~
Chapter 5: nooooooooo~~~
Minhyuk!!! why you follow the voice!!!!
gah, Hyunsik, you should tell them!!!
Chapter 4: yeaay, you update. honestly you give me a goosebump. I really hope the Cube's ghost will not do anything harm to Btob. erm, I just want to give opinion, if you don't mind, can you write the name of the member before they start their own pov. I am getting confused, which pov own by whom. but, greeat update author-nim fighting :)