Ghost or human?

Cube's Ghost

*Chansubs POV*


'Did I scare you that much Hyung?'

I heard, Ilhoon saying that, with a soft amused chuckle. I stopped being frozen and looked at Ilhoon. Rather grumpy especially as soon I saw the camera in the hand of Ilhoon. Though, I sighed relieved. Glad it wasn't something I thought what it was.

'You indeed, scared me'

I confirmed, yet I said it softly. 'Since I hated to say so.

'But do you know HOW cold your hands are! they're freezing!.... And put away the camera'

Ilhoon, once again chuckled soft, nodding since he knew his hands were cold, honestly Ilhoon just felt cold by himself. Ilhoon turned off the camera and looked at sooner or later I felt the cold hand off my shoulder.  I dried my hands with a towel which I grabbed from the wall. Looking at Ilhoon when I heard him talking again.

'That is the reason I searched for you, to get some coffee.. To get some warmer and I thought... we all could use some'

'It's the Cube cafe still open then?'

I asked then, Honestly I did wanted some coffee perhaps it did some great things now. 

'If we hurry, it might still be.. otherwise, we can make our coffee ourselves,right?'


*None's POV, -"A little flashback"-*


It was quiet in the practice room, as Changsub had left the room. Well, it was quiet besides the little whisper chat of Minhyuk, Hyunsik and Peniel. Ilhoon noticed some tired faces and honestly he was a bit of tired as well and was actually feeling some cold. He could get some coffee to warm up and to wake up some better, just like the others. Ilhoon just stood up, he had decided to get some coffee. Without telling everyone, he grabbed his money and camera. He would search for Chansub first and then, they could get all the coffee in once to the other members. which he thought was a great idea. Without making any sound or telling he would leave to get some coffee. He simply left the practice room.


*Eunkwang's POV*


It felt like centuries that Changsub had left to do his needs. Maybe it was because I was to worried about him and a bit to scared, maybe even both.  I looked around, seeing changsub was still not here, but something else was missing as well. Indeed, Ilhoon was gone. I blinked my eyes a few times. this was odd, why would Ilhoon be gone? he was just here a second ago!. I turned my face to the direction of Sungjae and then to the members who were still here

'Did, anyone had seen or heard that Ilhoon left this room?'

I just asked and saw they all looked confused around them. I knew, it was the sign: they hadn't seen or heard Ilhoon leaving. "Great, something like that always has to happen when I am scared" I thought and sighed soft. Looking at Sungjae who shook his head.

'Maybe, he went to Changsub or needed to do something..'

Minhyuk said, yet I heard in his voice, the tune, the way he spoke. That Minhyuk didn't really had liked what happened, maybe even a bit of scared. Since I never heard him talking like that on that tone. Or was it the tone of regret of the idea Minhyuk had thought or....? I actually, don't knew for sure, but knew one thing, this probable could mean there was something going to happen, none would like.


*Meanwhile, Ilhoon's POV*


Finally we've arrived to the cube's cafe. But, no one was there. Which mean, we've to make the coffee ourselves. So it meant, everyone had left the building. Now I know for sure BtoB was alone here, which made me thinking for a moment. Just about the small scary things what already had happened. Perhaps it wasn't that much big of a deal but still. They still were a bit of scary. I placed the camera on the counter desk as I turned it on again. Perhaps we could film something nice.

'We just make the coffee outselves then'

I mumbled soft and went behind the counterdesk to the coffee machine. Looking at it,  blinking a few times.. Having honestly no idea how it worked. Most coffee machines had two buttons. One for 1 cup and one for 2 cups.. this one.. had like millions of buttons.. well, it looked like it. I placed my hand on my chin as I studied the machine.

'How does it...'

I didn't even had finished my sentence, as I heard a voice. A female voice. Which made me turn around.

'Just these few buttons,... you know what.. Let me do it'

The friendly female voice said. I just nodded and I stepped aside to let the female do what she needed to..  while that, I actually didn't thought about somthing. While looking at Changsub who seemed not to like what just had happened. It seemed like Changsub didn't trusted the woman. Which was odd, why wouldn't he. "It is just probable because I told hyung we were alone and suddenly she's here" I thought to myself. Whe the female had finished with making coffee for all 7 of us, I smiled politely towards her.

'Thank you... miss...'

I wanted to thank her by name, But, I don't know what the name was..

'Chaerin... '

Chaerin simply said. I smiled

'Well, thank you Chaerin'

I said while handing some coffee cups to Changsub as I hold some myself and headed then back to the practice room. 


*None's POV*


Eunkwang was walking in circles around the room, while waiting impatiently for the two missing members. Why did it take so long. Just going to the bathroom never took so long when Changsub needed. He looked up when he heard the door, first being startled but a deep yet relieved sigh escaped his mouth as he saw the two missing members were returned. He wasn't the only one who had sighed relieved. All of them had.

'Where've you been?'

eunkwang asked right away to the two. Who didn't even got a chance to say something when they got inside.

'We wanted some coffee...'

Chansub started as he handed some coffee to the members, As ilhoon did the same

'And, got help by a really nice woman who knew how that machine worked to make the coffee'

'Reall? someone, i thought we were alone by now?'

Sungjae said, or actually asked. Since he thought he was for sure they were all alone now. 

'I thought so too, but we guessed wrong.. Chaerin was still there, she probable had to work till late.'

Ilhoon answered. Though everyone looked up, when they heard Minhyuk started to talk.

'Ilhoon~, there's no Chaerin working in this building'

Minhyuk said, he knew almost everyone who worked for the Cube and never ever had heard the name Chaerin even once in the conversations in it. Hyunsik kept quiet after that sentence. Looking at the camera he had in his hands and turned it off slowly.


*Eunkwang's POV*


'Ilhoon~, there's no Chaerin working in this building'

That sentence.. was THE sentence I didn't wanted to hear or even think about it. At all!. As much I wanted to believe Minhyuk was joking. I couldn't firstly because the tone Minhyuk talked with, was a simple honest tone and it was even seen in his eyes he spoke the truth. And secondly, he didn't heard the word joke and as third the reaction of Hyunsik also said enough. It made the hair in my neck going straight up, "WE've to go, now we''ve the chance" He wanted to say that out loud, but for some reason. He couldn't and was only able to think like that. At that moment, I knew what had happened. Chaerin was .... the Cube's ghost.


*Hyunsik's POV*


'Ilhoon~, there's no Chaerin working in this building'

That sentence, had made me frozen for a moment. Already thinking that name did sounded familiar to me as I heard ilhoon saying that name. And now, Minhyuk just confirmed my thoughts. Slowly I came back to senses and turned off the camera. Not saying a thing. Just knowing I had seen Chaerin once and knew one thing almost none knew. Especially since Chaerin had warned him, which he first thought was just a simple joke from her or someone who worked here. But now, the shadow which was captured on the Selca of Minyuk. Did said anything.. and if he thought this was all the truth he thought about. This meant....Nothing good at all


*Ilhoon's POV*


'Ilhoon~, there's no Chaerin working in this building'

Hearing that, made me blink a few times. I had seen her myself!. What was this about?. first I chuckeld soft but it fast disappeared. Actually knowing Minhyuk did knew the best who worked here and who didn't. Besides that, it really really looked like Minhyuk meant it for serious. Though, now I did remember something. I had filmed it!. Looking around as I remember now I forgot the camera which was still in the Cube's Cafe. I looked at everyone.

'I've proof about Chaerin.. I've caught her on the camera'

I said, turning around and hurried to the cafe, to get the camera.


*About some minutes later, None's POV*


As soon Ilhoon was back, everyone gathered around him. As he started press the play button. First, nothing special was seen. Ilhoon who tried to get the machine work and then, seeing Chaerin walking in and helped Ilhoon out.  Everything seemed just like normal.


Ilhoon and Changsub had left the cafe. And Chaerin simply looked around and just walked away. For an odd reason the camera follwed her. the way she walked. Firstly that was odd.. Though the most scared thing was, chaerin headed to the wall and just as she was about to bump against it, she faded into the thin air. Then, not muc later, the same kind of shadow was seen. Captured by the camera, but as soon ilhoon came in sight of the camera.. the shadow had disappeared. Ilhoon made some Aegyo in front of it, afterwards: tunring it off. 


*Eunkwang's POV*


As I saw everything, the scene of what the camera had captured. The scene were Chaerin faded away into the thin air. The shadow which they captured once again, which disappeared as Ilhoon left. Made me feel like I stopped breathing, made me feel like my heart had stopped beating. Then as I needed to catch some air. I took a deep breath. Slowly looking up, my eyes went over the fellow members. To the deadly quiet yet scared fellow members.

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Chapter 8: omg not my baby Ilhoon~ noooo! omg this is too creepy yet daebak. >o<
aeg118 #2
Chapter 8: Wae Ilhoon?? Omg I love this fanfic >< Please update the next chapter, I'm really curious. OMG I'm thinking that everyone loves Ilhoon even ghosts love him ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

And what happened to other members? Poor Eunkwang

@authornim : yeah HOONSIK baby forever~~

*sorry 4 the caps*
Chapter 7: WOW its so thrilling to read. ;_________; PLEASE UPDATE, this sounds interesting. ^w^ AND WHAT HAPPENED TO MA HUSBAND HYUKKIE OPPA
To Yuya_love_B: I am glad I am able to give you a real goosebump vibe, and you're welcome. HoonSik is like one of my favourite pairings ^^

To HyunAeJjang: I'll try to update soon, but it is possible it could take a while, am working on my testweek which is for my exams this summer and need to study for that. But I will try to work on it every time I have time for it.
Chapter 7: Please update soon! ^^ Can't wait for the next chapters... I am really curious why the other ghost took Minhyuk away??
Chapter 7: three chapter!! i love it..
you give us the real goosebump vibe..

ouh thanks to Chaerin who willing to help them..
and i would like to thank you to make ILHOON N HYUNSIK pairing here~~ my HoonSik feels~~
Chapter 5: nooooooooo~~~
Minhyuk!!! why you follow the voice!!!!
gah, Hyunsik, you should tell them!!!
Chapter 4: yeaay, you update. honestly you give me a goosebump. I really hope the Cube's ghost will not do anything harm to Btob. erm, I just want to give opinion, if you don't mind, can you write the name of the member before they start their own pov. I am getting confused, which pov own by whom. but, greeat update author-nim fighting :)