Of Games and Childish Fights

Love and Hate (HIATUS)

The next day

    Jung Min bid goodbye to his noonas and goes home. While walking home, he thinks of possible ways on how to explain to his brothers what 52D told him yesterday without letting them know their mission. He gave a huge sigh before entering their place. He found his brothers having breakfast.

"Oh Jung Min ah, you're back! So what did the noonas talked to you about?" Young Saeng asked.

"Nothing much. They just asked me if I can help them do their book project since it will be in Japanese." lied Jung Min while taking a seat in front of their maknae.

"That's it? And nothing more?" asked Kyu Jong curiously.

"Yep, they ask me to teach them how to write words in Japanese 'coz they said they will use that for their comeback after their hiatus." said Jung Min.

"No wonder it's you who they asked. Among the 5 of us you're the most fluent in Japanese." Hyung Jun snorted.

"Oh yeah, noona asked us if we could join them later for dinner at 8 and have a barbecue party at night." Jung Min said while slicing his pancake and putting it to his mouth.

"Jjinja? Where?" asked Hyun Joong.

"At their place. Hyung, do you know that they really are rich? My gosh, their place is like a mansion." exclaimed Jung Min.

"So what was it like?" asked maknae.

"It's hard to describe. Won't tell you, just see it for yourself later. Mehrong!" Jung Min annoyingly teased their maknae.

"Ahh, just say it!!" yelled maknae annoyingly.

"Can't hear a thing 'coz I'm eating!!" Jung Min added.



"Yah, stop bickering you two we're in front of the food." said Kyu Jong.

"Well, he started it!" said maknae.

"I just said that their place is like a mansion and then after that you keep on bombarding me with stupid questions when you are about to see it later. I'm done, I'll go now to my room to have a rest." retorted Jung Min while standing up after finishing the food on his plate.

"I'm done too, I'll go to my room also." Hyung Jun excused himself and goes to his own room too.

"And one more thing, don't try to pester me in my room. I know you too well Hyung Jun ah and you'll definitely pester me if I don't warn you now." Jung Min said to him while glaring. 

"Fine! Stupid horse!" mumbled Hyung Jun.

"I heard that stupid!" Jung Min exclaimed before entering his own room.

"Whatever!" Hyung Jun before entering his own also.


Their hyungs are just watching the two bicker from the table. When their maknaes both entered their room, the 3 of them started talking.


"Goodness, those two really don't change even after several years." exclaimed Kyu Jong.

"They will be forever the Tom and Jerry of our group." Hyun Joong said while chuckling.

"Great, until now, I still wonder how on earth were we able to handle those two." said Young Saeng while getting another piece of hotdog.

"They are worse than kids! Fighting over small details." said Kyu Jong while getting another bread and spreading butter on top of it

"If looks could kill, they'll be dead a long time ago. They're always having these glaring battles." Young Saeng aid.

"When will they ever grow up." Hyun Joong said after drinkng his orange juice.

"I guess never." said Young Saeng.

"Anyways, it's good that 52D noonas invited us to have dinner with us later." said the munching Hyun Joong.

"It would be easier for us to get close to them." said Young Saeng.

"Yep, now that we've finished eating, let's rest for a while but before that, who will wash the dishes?" asked Kyu Jong.

"Of course you! Who else would do it?" said Hyun Joong said as a matter of fact.

"What?! Why me?" whined Kyu Jong.

"'Coz you're the obedient one!" said Young Saeng innocently.

"Andwae!! I won't do it. If no one wants to do it then let's play rock, paper and scissors. The loser/s will have to do the dishes. Just one round, if 2 people lose then the 2 of them will do it but if only one lose then only he will do it. Deal? said Kyu Jong.

"Fine! Rock, paper, scissors" Young Saeng yelled. Kyu Jong did paper, Hyun Joong and Young Saeng did rock.

"YES!! I WIN!! Awkward hyungs will do the dishes!! Tsk tsk tsk, this is gonna be so awkward." said Kyu Jong happily.

"Yah, Kim Kyu Jong!!" Hyun Joong yelled and Young Saeng put his head down on the table.

"What? A deal is a deal." Kyu Jong added innocently while standing up ready to walk towards his room.

"Oh, want me to give you soju before doing the dishes so you won't be awkward with each other?" Kyu Jong teased the two of them.

"Yah Kim Kyu Jong, come back here, YOU!! yelled Young Saeng and Hyun Joong while running after Kyu Jong who is laughing hard and immediately ran directly to his room and locks the door before his 2 hyungs squeeze his life out of hell.


Hyun Joong and Young Saeng did the dishes and the atmosphere was so awkward! They rest for a while and then have their lunch at 11 o'clock and they got bored so they decided to play a game after having their lunch.They all proceed to the game room. 


"Hyung! I'm bored, let's play Tekken!" said Hyung Jun.

"Ok, anyways I'm bored to" said Hyun Joong


         They played Tekken but whenever maknae and Jung Min have a battle together the huyngs will be the audience because they said that it's fun watching Tom and Jerry dueling with each other. Hyung Jun is good at playing games. Whenever he plays Tekken with his hyungs, he rarely lose. But the problem is he never won a single game in Tekken if his enemy is Jung Min and this made Hyung Jun burst into flames. 


"Yah!! Stop beating my character!! You always win whenever the 2 of us are playing a game." Hyung Jun said to Jung Min with his eyes glued to the TV screen as he continue to defend his character.

"Isn't it that you're good at this? You always play it with Hyun Joong hyung, Young Saeng hyung and Kyu Jongie and you rarely lose. How come that you're losing to me then?" said Jung Min as he continue to beat Hyung Jun's character effortlessly.

"I didn't know that you're this good even though you rarely play game. You always say that this game is boring and---- YAH!! YAH! YAAAHHH!!!" Hyung Jun yelled agitatedly as he saw Jung Min's character give a last blow to his character and made it dead. At the left side of the screen is a big lose and at the right side, which is Jung Min's side, there is a big win.

"I WIN!! AHAHAHAHAHA!! MANSAAAAEEEE!!" Jung Min said while laughing at maknae.

"Jung Min wins!!! Hyung Jun ah, have you ever been good at things?" said Hyun Joong who is also laughing hard at Hyung Jun's defeat.

"Tsk tsk tsk.....you lose again!! How come you at this whenever your opponent is Jung Minnie." Kyu Jong said while laughing also.

"Aishhh, I don't wanna play this game with Jung Min ever again. I'll still play this with you hyungs but I'll never play it again with Jung Minnie." Hyung Jun pouted.

"That is if you can still win because we'll ask Jung Min to teach us techniques on how to beat you in this game." said Young Saeng.

"Ahh, creeps!" Hyung Jun said as he throws a peanut at them.

"Yah, you!" Jung Min throws a peanut also and eventually it turned into a peanut fight until Kyu Jong speaks up.

"Guys, I think we need to get ready now 'coz it's almost 5 pm and you know we still need to clean this mess, prepare ourselves and think of what to bring later for our barbecue party."

"Kyu is right, so let's divide the chores now so that we can finish fast." said Young Saeng.

"Let's start cleaning now!" said Hyun Joong and they all started to clean up the mess that they did.



A/N: Another long chapter. I'll post the other chapters sometime after proof reading it. This is for you anndong!! =)) Anyways, so sorry again for wrong grammars and spellings. Happy reading!! And don't forget to subscribe and vote for the story!! Thanks!! =))

Note: Mal = Horse =)



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huiqiloves_ian #1
Chapter 15: hoping to seem them change >< i rly wonder what will 52D and Jungmin do to help them change!
thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: sigh... they haven't change yet... but they will... soon!!!
Chapter 15: Oh boys..they are really...fighting 52d
huiqiloves_ian #4
Chapter 14: Omg author-nim, please update soon, i want to see what happen to the maids and the brothers! KEKE.
Love the story <3
Chapter 14: Oh wow..their mission is in start mode..fighting. .♡:)♥
Chapter 14: hmmm... i wonder what would they say to the maid...
Chapter 13: Update soon pls..
Chapter 13: thanks for the update!!!
anndong #9
Chapter 12: Very interesting! Can't wait for the next chapters :)
huiqiloves_ian #10
Chapter 11: This chapter is interesting! Haha. Yayy, it would be good if Jungmin joins the girls in the mission xD