The Revelation

Love and Hate (HIATUS)

        Everyday 52D would style their hair and there was not a day that they would not get criticize by SS501. Then one day, Kim Min Jae called for the girls and told them that their is an emergency and that 2 presidents in Asia wanted to see them perform and they would arrive the day after tomorrow and would stay in Jeju for only just a day. 52D have no choice but to prepare. They practiced dancing secretly without the knowledge of SS501 and the other staffs. On the day itself, Min Jae told them that the presidents would arrive in Jeju by 3 in the afternoon so they still have the time to prepare. 52D decided that its already the time for them to reveal themselves. Since the staff and SS501 knows that 52D would perform, they all gather to the hall to watch their performance but SS501 still don't know that 52D is their make up artist and hairstylist. 52D changed in their idol clothes then they put on their long coats that reaches the ground and put on their wigs because they still have to style and put make up on SS501. While styling their hair SS501 talk about 52D.

"Yah, kids, 52D noonas are going here. Ah, I'm so excited about it." Hyung Jun said.
"Yup, wow, they are the best people that we have ever met in our whole life and they have the best attitude. Young Saeng said.
"That's right, they can never be compared to anybody." Kyu Jong said.
"I really can't wait to see them." Hyun Joong said.
"Yes, me too. Thank god, we can have a breather since its too boring and we're stuck here with these stupid and ugly people." Jung Min said.
"Yah, don't think that you can compare yourselves to 52D noonas because you all can never be like them because they are like goddesses and you all look like stupid people that has just gone out of the mental hospital." Hyung Jun said.
"Yah, stupid, ugly and weird looking people don't deserve to be given time." Young Saeng said.
"Ha, you are not even pleasing to our eyes and who the hell would wear such long coats and such ugly hairstyles?!" Kyu Jong said.
"No one would ever like you because you are useless people!" Hyun Joong said while the others agreed and starts laughing.
52D can't take it anymore because SS501 humiliated them infront all the staffs and the 2 managers are there so they have decided to confront SS501 in the hall.While confronting them, 52D has teary eyes already. 
"Do you think 52D unnies will like the 5 of you knowing that you have that kind of attitude?!" Anj said.
"Why do you have to criticize all the people that surrounds you? Does hurting other people's feeling really make you feel good?" Madj said.
"Even if we are not that popular like you guys, you should learn how to respect and accept others for who they are." Rins said
"Ah, so you, stupid people even have the guts now to answer us back huh?!!" Hyun Joong said.
"Why? We are just damn telling the fact that you are stupid, ugly and weird looking people!" Jung Min said.
"We don't care what your freaking mind tell about us but don't forget that we've had already warned you." Young Saeng said.
"Yeah, right. We've tolerated all the criticisms we have received from the 5 of you and we've had enough of it. You are too much." Ters said.
"This time we are the ones that would warn you. Start changing your attitude now towards other people. And don't worry, we will assure you that after this vacation, we will already resign. Just don't regret it if you will have to learn and know something this day." Madj said.
" Yeah right! We, SS501 would regret that you will have to resign??!! Ha! Regret my face! We will never feel that way." said Kyu Jong.
"Also, you have no right to warn us because you are only our make up artists and hairstylists." said Hyung Jun.
"Ok, suit yourselves." 52D said to them.
After talking to SS501, 52D then proceeds to the stage and SS501 and the other staff members are curious on why they are up the stage. Then Lee Hyun Jae then approached SS501. 
"Kids, this time, you really are too much. It's true that maybe you'll regret saying that to them after this performance." Lee Hyun Jae said to them then walks back to his seat again without hearing SS501's reply. SS501 are about to yell again but then they saw that the presidents have already arrived and decided to just scold them later.
Then SS501 didn't remove their glare the whole time to 52D. Then 52D remove their coats and their wigs and let their long nice hair flow with the wind. SS501 are very amazed and at the same time shocked because of what they saw. Their make up artists are just wearing ugly clothes infront of them when in fact the truth is they are so beautiful and they are like goddesses. The truth has been revealed their make up artists are their 52D noonas!
52D then showed their performance. SS501 and the other staffs are in awe because they dance and looked like 52D. After their performance 52D then introduced themselves.
"Hello everyone! We are 52D! Nice to meet all of you!" 52D said.
After their greeting, SS501 are seating in front and yelled "WHAT??!!!". All the people are looking at them for their sudden yell and they apologized for that and then stayed focused to the things that are happening.
"Hello everyone! I am 52D's Dance Princess, Roselyn Ann Banks. You can call me Rose or by my street name Anj. Thank You!" Rose said while giving a smile.
"Hello everyone! I am 52D's Spice Doll, Elaiza Charmane Nielsen. You can call me Zai or by my street name Czar. Thank You!" Zai said while giving a smile.
"Hello everyone! I am 52D's Dance Diva, Alexandra Mae Duncan. You can call me Alex or Alexa or by my street name Madj. Thank You!" Alex said while giving a smile.
"Hello everyone! I am 52D's Sweet Sensation, Julie Catherine Moreau. You can call me Jules or by my street name Ters. Thank You!" Jules said while giving a smile.
"Hello everyone! I am 52D's Ice Princess, Hailey Marie Adams. You can call me Hails or by my street name Rins. Thank You!" Hails said while giving a smile.
"Thank you everyone for watching our performance today! We would like to thank the 2 presidents for coming all the way here just to watch our performance." Rose said and bowed to them together with the others.
"'s actually the first time that we have revealed our true identity to the audience because we feel that it is now the right time to reveal ourselves. So um...starting today if we will have our comeback we would not hide our faces anymore." Alex said.
"We would also like to recognize the presence of our manager, Mr. Kim Min Jae and our hoobaes SS501 together with their manager, Mr. Lee Hyun Jae and all our staffs and fans that are here today." said Jules while looking at them but they didn't look at SS501 only their managers.
"So again, thank you everyone for watching! Enjoy the rest of the day!" Zai said.
"Again, we are 52D! Thank You!" said 52D.
After leaving the stage their manager and the manager of SS501 approached them and congratulated them for the success of their performance. Some of the staffs approached them also and asks for their autograph. SS501 just stood their frozen while looking at them. 52D looked at them and gave them a smile without having a sign of hurt and anger in their faces. Then all of them decided to celebrate their success in the beach at 5 o'clock that afternoon. 
After their celebration, Lee Hyun Jae decided to tell SS501 the reason why 52D did that. SS501 are shock to learn it and regret can be seen in their faces. Then, everyone went already to their respective rooms to sleep early but 52D decided to stay by the beach until 12 midnight. 52D played games on the sand and other childish games. Just then they also saw SS501 sitting on the sand talking by themselves without noticing them. 
SS501's POV
"So our make up artists and hairstylists are our 52D noonas?" Young Saeng said. 
"Sigh, I still can't believe it. You know we love them right?" Hyun Joong said.
"Now our real attitude is revealed to them. They are right that we will regret it by the end of the day. We told them hurtful words and all but still they smiled at us at the end of their performance pretending like nothing happened." Jung Min said.
"They really are good people maybe that's way many people love them even if they didn't reveal their faces." Hyung Jun said.
"Ah, now I don't have the face anymore to face them. Did you notice that when they warned us a while ago their eyes are becoming teary. Gosh it's the first time that I saw our hairstylists and make up artists like that. We really did hurt them." Kyu Jong said.
"I've realized that is true that we really are too much a while ago to them." Young Saeng said.
"I'm so embarrass right now. I don't think I can still face them after what happened today." Jung Min said.
They didn't notice that 52D are approaching them because they are so busy thinking of all the things that they have done.
"Hi guys! What are you doing here? It's already 8 in the evening and you're still here? The others have already gone back to their rooms." Rose said.
SS501 are so shock seeing that 52D are still talking to them after everything that they had done to them.
"Um.....we just went out have fresh air. back.......may" Kyu Jong said.
"Oh ok, want to join us? We are playing beach vollleyball, its fun!" said Zai.
"No thank you. Maybe, we um....will you play." said Jung Min.
"If its about what happened earlier, don't worry we have already forgotten about that so don't be embarrass to us." Jules said.
"No, really, we'll just watch you play." Young Saeng said.
"Um, ok. But if you guys decided to join us then don't be shy to join us." Alex said.
"Yup, don't be shy to join us. Really its nothing. Don't give too much thought about it. Ok then, we'll play now. Bye!" Hails said and gave them a smile.
SS501 just watch them play and afterwards 52D became tired and wanted to rest already. Then SS501 went back to their rooms already but SS501 and 52D didn't notice that Jung Min was left behind. Jung Min gathered all his courage to apologize to 52D for everything that he has done.
"Oh! Jung Min ah, you're still here? We thought that all of you went back to your rooms already." Hails said while elbowing Rose.
" ssi, Zai ssi, Alex ssi, Jules ssi and Hails ssi for our behavior. I know that I have done many things to all of you and said many hurtful things to all of you but I hope that you'll forgive me for that. Jeongmal mianhe." Jung Min said apologetically and sincerely while bowing his head.
"Don't worry, Jung Min ah, we have already forgiven you a long time ago. Just promise us that you will change your ways already in treating other people and that's all that we'll be wishing for." said Zai.
"There is never a time that we felt angry towards the 5 of you because of how you treated us." Rose said.
"Don't be so formal to us just call us noona since we are also your friends." said Jules.
"Can I really call all of you noona? Can you still be my friends after everything?" Jung Min said having teary eyes already. 
"Yeah, aw, come on, don't cry! That's not the y Charisma Park Jung Min that we've known." Hails said.
"Ok, so that you'll not feel that way we'll give you a hug! Wieeeeeee!!!!" Alex said while laughing.
"Come on Jung Min, cheer up now" "said Zai.
"Thanks noonas! See you tomorrow!" Jung Min said while smiling.
"Sure, you can even bond with us together with your brothers tomorrow so we'll also go ahead. See you tomorrow!" 52D said to him while going to their respective rooms.
Jung Min went back to SS501's room and entered quietly so that his brothers won't notice that he went somewhere. Jung Min then slept with a smile because he knows that tomorrow will be a new day and he decided to change for the better. He can't wait anymore to bond with his noonas/new friends tomorrow.
A/N: A long chapter. Posted 2 chapters in a day! I'm sorry for the wrong grammars and wrong spellings. A brand new start for Jung Min tomorrow. But what about the others will they also be able to gather their courage to apologize to 52D after everything? Stay tuned! Don't forget to subscribe! Comments are very much welcome! See you in the next chapters!!
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huiqiloves_ian #1
Chapter 15: hoping to seem them change >< i rly wonder what will 52D and Jungmin do to help them change!
thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: sigh... they haven't change yet... but they will... soon!!!
Chapter 15: Oh boys..they are really...fighting 52d
huiqiloves_ian #4
Chapter 14: Omg author-nim, please update soon, i want to see what happen to the maids and the brothers! KEKE.
Love the story <3
Chapter 14: Oh wow..their mission is in start mode..fighting. .♡:)♥
Chapter 14: hmmm... i wonder what would they say to the maid...
Chapter 13: Update soon pls..
Chapter 13: thanks for the update!!!
anndong #9
Chapter 12: Very interesting! Can't wait for the next chapters :)
huiqiloves_ian #10
Chapter 11: This chapter is interesting! Haha. Yayy, it would be good if Jungmin joins the girls in the mission xD