The Not So Good Encounter

Love and Hate (HIATUS)

        The day has finally come for 52D to start their jobs as make up artists and hairstylists. As what they have planned, they wear unique and weird clothes and their hairstyle is also unique and weird. They made their hair wavy and curly (not so good looking curls and waves) and is tied up in a bun that is so messy that people might think that they didn't comb their hair for weeks and as for their clothes, they wear long sleeves and pants. They also ate chewing gum while walking along the halls plus they also wear eyeglasses (like the ones that nerds wear). In short they made themselves look like tomboys. As they are walking along the hallway of the DSP building to meet their manager, they accidentally bumped into somebody.

"Yah!! What the hell?!! Bumping into us, are you blind or something?!" one person shouted. 

52D looked up and saw their idols looking at them disgustingly and weirdly.

"You even dared to bump into us, don't you people even know who we are??!!" another one shouted.

"Mian....mianhe......jeongmal mianhe" 52D said to them while bowing then they immediately run to the office where they would meet their manager.


SS501's POV

"Aish!!! Jinjja irritating and no manners at all! Yah Hyun Joong hyung, are those weird, stupid and ugly looking girls going to apply in our agency?" ask Jung Min.

"Don't know. Yah Jung Minnie, why are you asking me when you clearly know that the 5 of us are always together so how the heck will I know?!" Hyun Joong replied.

"Such weird looking people. I'm sure that our president won't accept them in our agency." said Young Saeng.

"Hyung! I'm hungry, let's eat now and leave them alone. We should not waste our time talking about those ugly looking people." said Hyung Jun to his hyungs.

"Yah ya ya!! Kim Hyung Jun sshi didn't you just ate cookies a while ago and yet you're hungry again?" asked Kyu Jong.

"Ay wae, I only ate 3 cookies. Hyun Joong hyung and Young Saeng hyung are the ones who ate up all of it." Hyung Jun replied.  

Hyun Joong and Young Saeng glared at him and Hyung Jun showed them a peace sign while smiling.

"Fine, I want to eat also." Kyu Jong said.

"Me too!!" Jung Min said.

"See, Hyun Joong hyung, Young Saeng hyung. The 2 of you are bad hyungs. Eating up all the cookies and not giving some to your cute dongsaengs." Hyung Jun said half blaming them while smiling.

"Yah!!!!" Hyun Joong and Young Saeng yelled at the same time.

The other 3 just laugh at them because of their childishness.

"Ok, since the 3 of us didn't get to eat much cookies, the hyungs should treat us!" said Kyu Jong.

"That's right!" Hyung Jun and Jung Min said.

"Yah! Kim Kyu Jong!!! said Hyun Joong.

"Ok ok, let's just treat these annoying brats so that they'll stop bugging us for food" Young Saeng said.

"Asa! We really got nice hyungs! Kaja!" Jung Min replied.

They forgot about the incident earlier and went to get some food before going for their next schedule.


52D's POV

Before going straight to the office where they would meet their manager, they stopped by in a hidden place not so far from SS501 so that they can hear what their reaction would be.

"Holy ! Its SS501! We just bump into them." said Jules.

"Omo! That's right but did you notice that what the president and our manager told us is right?" asked Rose.

"Hmm.....what thing?" asked Zai.

"The attitude of SS501!! Goodness, this kid is so forgetful."Alex said.

"Ahh.....that one. It looks like we really need to exert more energy and effort to accomplish our jobs." answered Zai.

"Yup, that's true. Judging from what we've just encountered, it looks like they are very hard to get along. Also, did you hear what they just said about us? They said that we are weird, stupid and ugly looking girls. Can you believe it, we are living like fools, believing that SS501 is not only good on screen but they are also like that off screen." Hails told them.

"Sigh...moreover we like and love them not because they are our dongsaengs/hoobaes but we really love them." said Rose.

"So the attitude that they showed us back then when we attended their debut was just because we are really like princesses outside even if we didn't reveal our faces?" asked Jules.

"Maybe, they don't even care what other people feel. Ahh, we really need to give them a lesson. Kaja, lets meet our manager already and tell them what we've just encountered." replied Alex.

"Yup, let's go. 52D can do this! I believe in our capacity that we can change them for the better. Also, people love us because of our nature right? We are indeed good people. Ahh, that's why I love you guys" said Rose.

"Yah, so cheesy! Stop that!" said Zai.

"Race you to the office! Last one will treat us food! Booooom!!!!!" said Alex while running away laughing.

"Yah!! Just wait and you'll get it from us!!" said Zai, Rose, Hails and Jules also running to catch up with Alex.


When they reached the office of their manager, they found him talking with SS501's manager. Then they greeted them.


"Hello, hyungs!! We're here already!" said 52D

"Um, excuse girls but who are you?" asked Lee Hyun Jae

"Oh! You don't recognize us?" asked Rose.

"Um...we're very sorry but we don't." Kim Min Jae replied.

"Oh, so we are successful in our transformation girls. Hyung, its us 52D!!" Hails said.

"Oh! Yah! You're good at this huh?!" Kim Min Jae said while laughing at them.

"Yup....hehe" 52D replied to them.

"Wait, I have a question." said Lee Hyun Jae.

"What is it?" asked Kim Min Jae.

"Why do you girls call us hyung? Aren't you girls suppose to call us oppa instead of hyung because the word 'hyung' are for boys to call their guy friends older than them and for girls its oppa?" asked Lee Hyun Jae.

"Ah.....that? These kids promised themselves to only call their boyfriends/husbands oppa and for other people they will call them hyung."

"Ah....ok. So girls are you ready for your job. I actually asked SS501 to have lunch first before moving for their next schedule since we still need to guide you and introduced them to you. Also, you girls will be the one to fix them before they go for their schedule this afternoon." Lee Hyun Jae said to them.

"Oh ok! Actually, hyung, we'll tell you something interesting that happened to us just before we got here." said Hails.

Then 52D told them about the encounter they had with SS501. 

"Mwo?!! Those kids have really such mean attitudes. They are only good to me since they said I'm almost perfect, which is not true." Lee Hyun Jae told them after hearing their story.

"You girls have a really tough job and if you really want to change them then you have to tolerate all their mean criticism to you especially when you are dress beautifully just like what you all are wearing now." said Kim Min Jae while laughing.

"Yah! Hyung! You're such a meanie!!" 52D said while pouting.

"Ok, then good luck to you girls. Have your lunch first then be back by 1 o'clock so that I can introduce you to my brats. Don't worry, I already ask Min Jae for your street names. And their schedule would start by 4 o' clock so maybe you can have bonding sessions first with your bias!" Lee Hyun Jae informed them while laughing.

"You also hyung! You are such a meanie too." 52D said.

Then after that they head for there lunch and prepare themselves for their meeting again with SS501 after lunch. But this time they know that it is now the beginning of their real encounter with them unlike what happened to them a while ago. 





A/N: That's just their first encounter with SS501. Don't worry, there's more to come on the next chapter! Sorry for the wrong grammars and wrong spellings. See you in the next chapters and don't forget to subscribe in my story!!! 

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huiqiloves_ian #1
Chapter 15: hoping to seem them change >< i rly wonder what will 52D and Jungmin do to help them change!
thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: sigh... they haven't change yet... but they will... soon!!!
Chapter 15: Oh boys..they are really...fighting 52d
huiqiloves_ian #4
Chapter 14: Omg author-nim, please update soon, i want to see what happen to the maids and the brothers! KEKE.
Love the story <3
Chapter 14: Oh wow..their mission is in start mode..fighting. .♡:)♥
Chapter 14: hmmm... i wonder what would they say to the maid...
Chapter 13: Update soon pls..
Chapter 13: thanks for the update!!!
anndong #9
Chapter 12: Very interesting! Can't wait for the next chapters :)
huiqiloves_ian #10
Chapter 11: This chapter is interesting! Haha. Yayy, it would be good if Jungmin joins the girls in the mission xD