Mission Confession

Eternal Love

When Kris got into the house, Lay was sitting in front of the T.V. while watching some Korean drama. It got Kris' attention as the boy and girl are about to kiss each other."You are little late, where have you been?" asked Lay as he scans the shopping bags on Kris' hand. "We went shopping. What are you watching?" "When a Man Loves. What did buy this time?" Kris' eyes are still glued on the T.V. as move to have a good view "Some clothes for work." "You like watching dramas?" when Lay noticed his full attention was on the drama "Ah~ not really. I'll go get change.

As soon as Kris enter the room, he remembered what Chanyeol told him "All of the other guardians knew what have done, Suho told me that you shouldn't do it too slow or too fast. He told me that you shouldn't scare her or you will fail and Luhan said that you should watch those thing on T.V. that the mortals use during their spare time. He said Love...Love Stories, I can't remember exactly but he said that you will learn alot from them. Oh~ he also told me about dating, if that's the right word. You should invited her to one, it's like where you take her somewhere just the two of you. This mortal world is really complicated, good thing I remember all those things they said. By the way they wish you good luck!" Date? right, Lay took her to one I should I ask him, no, he might think stop me. How I am suppose to do this.

"Kris!" called Lay "Anne is here." When he came out, he saw they talking to each other and he felt something about it that he didn't understand, he just doesn't like it, like it makes him angry. "Oh there you are, I forgot but I was wondering if I could take all those clothes we bought so that I could wash and give it some press. and maybe you could wear something nice for your date, tomorrow." "Date?" Lay curiously ask "Yeah, we'll be meeting his girlfriend." "She's still not my girlfriend." said Kris "Really, I didn't know that but if he's having a date then why do you have to come? It will be awkward or would you like me to come with you?" offered Lay "No!" choired Anne and Kris "Oh okay... okay!" while holding out his palms "He'll be more uncomfortable to confess and I'll probably gonna home after he introduced her to me" "Oh, you will confess." "Yeah, I just gonna get it, wait here." but if only they knew that Kris' only want to finish this conversation.

Lay's eyes are all in Anne's even when she's already getting out of the door, his smile is all streached up from ear to ear and Kris couldn't get more mad at the sight of it. When finally there only two of them, but Lay has still a grin plastered on his face. "So a date, huh? " Kris just nod "Who is she?" he asked once more. "Just someone."answered Kris  "and how do plan to confess?" "I don't know, do you have any idea?" "What? Oh man..." Lay scratches his nape and bit his lips while thinking "well, when you confess just look straight to her eyes, so that she could feel your sincerity,show her how she really mean to you.That's the least I could tell you. But Good Luck to that." said Lay, he is being friendly for the first time.





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I've actually seen this before and I intended to comment something but I totally forgot lol
This is so interesting