Let me be

Eternal Love

"Wait, what?" taken aback as trying to absorb what he just said "your heart.." "My heart?.. You mean?" nods his head. I stepped away for a bit, thinking I was so stupid not to realized. Am I that naive with this.. thing? Or just naturally numb with this feeling? Is this what they called love? I always thought that I don't need another stranger to have any emotional connection with. I always thought I was meant to grow old without another half, that I'm content and happy with my life and that my family and friend is enough. As a matter of fact, I never felt lonely or jealous when my friends are having their own relationships as I grew up or am I just fooling myself? " Did I say something wrong?" he asked bringing me back to reality. "I... no. I don't know." I replied, confusion still stuck on his face and probably both of us has the same expression, though I can't see myself. "I'm not sure." continued. I don't how to handle this kind of situation. It was my first time someone actually confessed to me. Mentally slapping my face for this ignorance while still tracing my words of what to say next. It's not that it was the also the first time someone liked me. There were few boys who had crush on me back then but they never approached me or maybe I never thought of giving them a chance. Now, I felt guilty for it. He moved close, "I probably surprised you. If you don't want to give it..." He pauses. "It's okay." but I felt a hint of saddness to his voice when he said those words. "Look,.." trying to pick up the right words " ... I've never been in this kind of relationship." emphasizing the word relationship "and I'm sure you are too. So maybe.. we should.. get to know each other first?" dummy! what do you mean "get to know each other"? You already let him inside your house, even in your room. Who are you trying to fool? I thought to myself as I now mentally slapping and punching myself at the same time. Slowly his eyes brighten up and smile appears to his face. 

"Sure." he answered.



Knowing that he only have few days left. He will let her have it her way if that's she is comfortable with. He thinks that if ever he runs out of time, then he have to accept his fate and just be happy for what he did. Atleast he had the chance to speak to her and that he was glad that he took this challenge. This life is really is a gamble. They did not talk, while staring the skylines of Seoul in cold night. " Kris.." she began breaking his thoughts "..to be honest I don't know how these thing works. I'm kind of scared. Scared that I might get hurt. I never believe that this feeling.. this love. It never really existed. That it is just a temporary feeling for someone. But when you don't feel the same anymore, you can easy throw it away. I've seen my friends, my mother being broken hearted. I've seen that those people who promised them that they will never leave them before, now left them alone for someone else. I told myself that I won't going to find myself in the same situation. I said, I'm fine I have the people around me who truly loves me. Who always there for me.. until my mother passed away, my father although I know he loves me and we kept in touch to each other, he still has his family of his own, I still have to share it with them and now my friends working abroad, Then I thought, I can't keep them all stay so maybe I'm better off alone, I can take care of myself, I can stand up on my own. I promise myself that I won't do the same when someone asked for my company " quietly said. He did not realized how sad she is, He always thought that she was a simple girl, living her life happily. Struggling but never this lonely. "I don't want to be a "Damsel in distress" forever, right? Am I good or what?" Anne turned looking straight to him, he knows that her smile says something but her eyes says another. " I don't know where to begin and that I'm might be lacking." he said. "I'm afraid that might be unable to express it like other mortals do. But I just remember one angel told me that love suddenly comes without us knowing and that it could happen to anyone. He was right but I think now I know why. You said you won't do the same like they did when some asked for you, now I'm here to ask you."  taking her hands, her tears are about to fall down from her eyes. Her breathing is getting deeper and deeper as he sees the thin air coming out from . " Now, I know why I'm here. God knows everything and that he sees what I saw in you. You were there for others but no one is there for you. So please, let me be that someone for you?"  He softly asked as pulled her closer.


*A/N: Sorry for kept you waiting. Hope I still have that post-Valentine hit on you guys with this chapter. *trying my best* 😅Heard Kris did good job with the NBA Allstars against USA. Congrats to Canada for winning. 😆 

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I've actually seen this before and I intended to comment something but I totally forgot lol
This is so interesting