



He looked down at Min and smirked, “Name’s Kikwang. And you are?”

Now that the lights were on, Min can now see Kikwang’s appearance better. He had black hair with bangs that hid his forehead and small eyes that would close every time he did a gesture similar to smiling. He was handsome indeed, but Min didn’t want to show any sign that she was staring at him.

Unfortunately, she didn’t do a good job because Kikwang noticed this and his smirk became wider. Kikwang was use to girls staring at him and fawning over him, he wasn’t surprised if this girl started to like him either.

“Yah, would you stop staring at me? I asked you a question.” Kikwang spoke.

Min blinked and returned to reality. For a guy that had good looks, his attitude was just ugly. ‘Who does he think he is using informal language towards me? We don’t even know each other!’ Min thought.

She fumed at Kikwang’s comment and narrowed her eyes towards him giving him a side death glare.

Kikwang raised his hands to signal that he was just kidding and backed one step away from Min. “Hey, no need to get murderous. I just wanted to know your name.” Kikwang said.

Min breathed out and said, “Min. My name is Min.”

‘Min? It’s a cute, but short name.’ Kikwang thought. He smiled and approached her.

Min was still sitting on the ground when she noticed that Kikwang started to approach her. He held out his hand and offered it to her. At first, Min was confused to how his personality just changes so suddenly. One moment he’s mean and teasing her, while the other times he’s kind and gentleman-like.

Min really didn’t care to put much thought into it though. She took his hand and he pulled her up.

By the time Min was on her feet she could clearly see that this Kikwang guy was almost similar to her height, though he was probably a few inches taller than her. Min brushed herself and looked towards Kiwang.

He seemed like he was searching for something near the door. Min walked up behind me and tapped his shoulder.

“What are you trying to find?” She asked, trying to peer over his shoulder.

“Something to unlock the door with.” Kikwang said, not turning to look at Min. His eyes traveled the areas where he could’ve last put the coat hanger wire. “It’s somewhere around here…” Kikwang mumbled.

Min bent down some more and now her head was leveled to Kikwang’s head.

Kikwang did not notice Min’s head so close to his, so he absentmindedly continued to search for the coat hanger wire. In Min’s perspective, all she was doing was get a better look to what Kikwang was searching and help him because she also wanted to get out of this closet.

“Where did you put it last time then?” Min asked her head was now opposite to Kikwang’s, but she was still at the same level as his head.

“Well, I put it right by the door, but apparently someone must’ve tripped on it and it skidded somewhere else.” Kikwang answered.

At this comment, Min turned and looked at Kikwang. “Yah, it’s not my fault that I was pushed inside here.”

“Actually, it is.” Kikwang said as he lifted up the Welcome mat, still not noticing Min’s head so close to his.

“Maybe, someone is just too dumb to remember where he put it.” Min said a bit agitated. She saw Kikwang twitch a little and decided to add in gasoline to the fire. “I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like you would forget, seeing that your eyes are probably as big as your brain.” She whispered close to his ear while smirking.

At this comment, Kikwang quickly turned around, but came to a halt when he noticed his face was now only a few centimeters away from Min’s. Min was no longer smirking now, her face turned pink and her eyes widen.

Neither side spoke nor moved, they just stared at each other’s eyes. At this moment, Kikwang took his chance to look at Min’s face closely. He’d seen her angry and annoyed face before, but never saw her face like this.

‘She’s so cute…’ Kikwang thought. His eyes lowered and he gazed at her lush pink lips. Even though they have only met just a few minutes ago, Kikwang had this feeling that he had knew Min was years. The more he looked at her lips, the more he wanted to ravish them, to taste them, to kiss them.

Min, on the other hand, was still shocked at the situation and did not move. She didn’t realize that Kikwang’s head was coming closer to hers.

Kikwang slowly moved his way to Min’s lips and kissed her. His eyes were closed, but Min’s wasn’t. She didn’t dare move, she was frozen. Before when their heads were not this close, her mind was blank, but now that their lips are touching, Min’s mind was even blanker.

Her heart started beating faster, and her face became more flushed, yet she did not move. She wanted to stop him, but her body didn’t. Her body was glued to the ground at that moment.

Only when she felt Kikwang’s hand on her thigh, did she actually move. She broke the kiss, and pushed him away from her.

Kikwang fell backwards on his back and stared at her.

“YAH! What did you do that for!? You-you-you stole my first kiss!!” Min shouted at him while trying to wipe off her lips. Kikwang tried to stand up, but Min started throwing cardboard boxes at him.

“Hey! It’s not my fault!” Kikwang said, fighting off the cardboard boxes flung at him.

“Yes it is!” Min yelled. She picked up another cardboard box near the door and was about to through it when something fell out of the box with a clink.

She stopped and squatted down to see what the object was, and there it was, the coat hanger wire. She grabbed it and tried to pick the lock, ignoring Kikwang.

She tried to turn it this way and that, but it was no use, the lock did not give a satisfying click.

Kikwang was watching her the whole time and finally took the coat hanger wire out of her hands and pushed her aside. With a few swift turns, the lock clicked and the doorknob turned.

Kikwang stood up and was about to open the door when Min yanked the coat hanger wire from his hands and kicked him in his private spot.

Like all men, when guys are hit in that area, they automatically kneel down and try to suppress the pain. Min took this moment to open the door and say one last final word to Kikwang. “Jerk.” Min said staring down at him before she slammed the door.

Kikwang laid there, curled up like a boiled shrimp for a few minutes while cursing at the pain. ‘She’s soooo going to pay for that.’ Kikwang said, while fuming a bit.

He slowly got up and walked to the door, still in some pain. He tried to turn the doorknob, but it didn’t budge. Wide eyed, Kikwang tried again and started jerking on the doorknob for a few times, but the door never opened.

He suddenly remembered that before Min kicked him, she yanked away the wire knowing that that was the only way to unlock the lock from the inside. “Why that…” Kikwang said, but stopped at the sudden memory of kissing Min’s lips.

He touched his lips with his fingers, remembering how her soft lips tasted. But, he shook away that memory with the thought that he had a girlfriend already and began banging on the door, yelling for someone to hear him.


Min stomped through the halls of the college, fuming as she remembered what Kikwang did to her. She was planning on saving her first kiss, for that one guy that she’d find someday, and it was now all ruined by some kind of jerk that she just met 30 minutes ago.

She stopped in her footsteps and a touched her lips with her fingers. ‘It wasn’t that bad of a kiss…’ Min thought. She stood there in the vacant area, touching her lips, not noticing a tall figure watching her from a mildly far distance away.

The figure was about to move towards her, when he heard a voice and footsteps coming near.

“Min!” Lee Joon yelled, walking towards her. Min snapped out of her trance and turned towards Lee Joon. “Min! Where were you! You made me worried!” Lee Joon said, placing his hands on both sides of her shoulders shaking her.

She smiled at Lee Joon’s cuteness and said, “Oppa, I’m fine. I’m here aren’t I?” He still had a worried look on his face.

“Yea, but you could’ve been kidnapped.” Lee Joon said.

“Oppa, I’m fine. I’m not scared.” She said, while balling up her fist like she was getting ready to rumble.

He smiled at her and suddenly remembered that Min and he were supposed to be at JYP before 5. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already 5:10.

“Omo, Min, we were supposed to be at the company 10 minutes ago!” He said, grabbing Min’s arm and ran.

When the two were no longer in sight, the dark figure stepped out in the light and smirked.

“So her name’s Min, huh? She’ll be a good target.” He said, before walking off.


It was a 30 minute drive from the college to the company, but Min and Lee Joon arrived much later than that. They arrived at the company at 5:50 and ran into the office, panting.

“I’m so sorry we’re late, boss.” Lee Joon said while panting. “Traffic jam kind of slowed us down.”

JYP turned around from his desk and walked towards them. “It’s ok.” He said smiling, “Your partner isn’t here yet anyways, Min.”

Min clearly forgot that she was going to meet her partner today. She was about to say something when the office door suddenly opened a panting man came in.

“Sorry, boss. There was a traffic jam, and I met this wrench that…” the voice stopped.

Min felt like she heard that voice before, so she turned around to see who it was. Her eyes met the guy and both widened their eyes at the sight of seeing each other.

"YOU!!" They both shouted and pointed fingers towards each other. 

"Oh. I see you have met," JYP said, "Min this is Kikwang. Kikwang this is Min. You two will be partners from now on.. Fighting!" JYP said with a bright smile directing towards the two. Min and Kikwang exchanged death glares quietly. 


Hello, everyone! I have been busy lately with school work and an upcoming competition ._.; But here I am! With a new chapter! Hope you like it ^^

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xxcindyxx1 #1
Chapter 7: Update please:)
KaistalandChaeki #2
Chapter 7: Update please!!!
update soon please.....
hello there ... please update this story ~~~~~~~~~
xxBesooxx #5
Oh update soon ^_^
min & kikwang, so cute together. kikwang is so cute being jealous of the guys. <3 Update soon, MinKwang shipping.
4everhite #7
Chapter 7: o...o i wonder who the person watching her, i hope she wont get hurt. i cant wait to see the, in a mission together, update soon. this was a amazing update and i enjoyed reading the 2pm members and suzy together.
<3 thanks for updating.
thekeytodestiny #8
Chapter 7: Hey, I was wondering if you could add BTOB's Minhyuk as Min's brother. But Min hasn't met him in very long, Kikwang sees them and gets jealous. Affecting him in his mission.
Chapter 7: yeayyy ... an update !! please update more often author-nim ... dont take too much break time, its killing me :'(
xxBesooxx #10
Chapter 7: Looking forward ^_^