Devi's Kind???

Devil vs Angel

Jiyeon's POV

I couldnot control my anger any longer as I walked straight to the Principle office direction. I ignored all the rumors around me and head to the point. "Jiyeon ah! "Devil ah! stop" I heard IU and Suzy calling my name behind but sorry no one could stopped me whenever i'm angry.  Few more stepped to reached the office but unluckly they stopped me on time and dragged me to the toproof that no one visited.

"Let go of me! What are you all doing!" I said while pulled both of my hands away from them. I fixed my uniforms and gives each of them a dead glare.

"Jiyeon ah! if you go there you will be kiched out of school immediate, and we don't want to see you got kicked out." IU said while panting and I could see her eyes a little red.

"Then what? don't threatened me! I don't care if they kicked me out!" I said.

"Yah! don't you want to see us anymore? I don't want you to leave Jiyeon ah!" Suzy said as she hold my arm tight. This I heard she called my name instead of "Devil".

"Jinja! you guys so annoying! I shouted at Suzy and pulled my hand away from her gribs.

"Since I don't have much friends and you are the only one who I made friend with, and now I don't want my best friend go away from me" Suzy said with her eyes of tears. I never thought I'm her best friend and I'd never done anything for people to think i'm good.

"I don't have friends... and Don't want to have friends..." I said with my cold tones as I kept control my tears and never I'll show it in front of anyone.

"Yah, That's enough! do you think you leave here and everything gonna like normal? stop being your own selfishness and opened your heart to think of others!" suddenly Lizzy stood in front of me and shouted out loud. "don't you think that the Principle will forgive us that easily? they might also kicked us out since we're your friends pabo!" "you don't have friends?" "you don't like to have friends or you affraid that they will leave you and make you like a fool?" "think it carefully! that ok if you leave here and don't think us as a friend, but to us.. you are as always.. our member!" she added and dragged iu and suzy with her and leave me alone. "Haghhh" I sighed as I looked up the sky with my right hand on my hip while the other was cover my eyes.

"What should I do? should I leave them and back to where I was or keep moving on to the new me? At that time I lower my head of what I thought and I couldn't got myself an answer.

Writer's POV

Leejoon: yah! where's Dino? he and myungsoo run to where the three was.

Lizzy: don't bothered her! leave her alone for time to think. Leejoon nodded and all of them head to the class.


Eli: Mrs Lee! pls tell us who gave you those picture? they run to where mrs lee jin 'announcer teacher' was walking on the hall way.

Mrs Lee: hey kids! I don't know... that's not your bussiness so you three now better hurried to class instead of getting detention after class.

Alex: Eli ah! we should go now, she's nothing with us so I don't want to stayed after school. he dragged eli's hand but failed.

Eli: ani... Mrs Lee! pls helped us... Jiyeon is our friend so I need to helped her. he pleaded her

Kevin: pls Mrs Lee! we don't want to take any revenged from whose gave them but we only want to know the reason why did they done that and as soon as we can solved those problems.

Mrs lee: ok... I don't know who gave those picture actually, but I got ordered to upload them by the Principle. she said and walked away giving the three dumpfound.

"why does omma have to do that? whose jiyeon with her? why does she have to guined jiyeon? incase... jiyeon is my...dongsaeng?" the thought in his mind but stopped by kevin.

Kevin: yah! it's late now.. let's get back to class. eli nodded and they back to class.

"I should ask her after back home" eli said to himself before leave the hall way.


"Everyone's Attention... Everyone's attention..." a voice from a speaker appeared and everyone in the class all silent to hear the news from Mrs Lee Jin.

Mrs lee: I would like to annouce student IU, Myungsoo, Lizzy, Suzy and Jiyeon from class 0102B to the principle office... make your way to the principle office...

Lizzy: we might died this time...  she pouted while looking at iu.

Leejoon: yah! do you want me to go with you?

Myungsoo: luckily you're save... so better stayed here and take note for us.

Leejoon: oh!

Kevin: Eli ah! what if they got kicked out?

Eli: no... it's not that important. "yes... omma won't kicked them"


 Principle: come in.

All: annyeonghasaeyo songsaengnim! (I don't know if that's right) they bowed to her

Principle: pls grabbed a sit. and both of them bowed to her and sat opposite to her. all of you are here... but where's park Jiyeon? she looked at each of them with a smile.

Suzy: jiyeon..she...

IU: she feel unwell... so... I ordered her to rest in the first aid room.

Principle: 'ok... did you know why I called 4 of you here?' all of them lower their heads and silent." I know the rumors wasn't your fault so I cannot blamed you all and told you to leave the school." 4 of them got surprised with her state.

Myungsoo: so.. why do you want to see us principle ssi?

Principle: Actually I... she haven't finished her words by the door opened and everyone gurped when they saw jiyeon entered the room.

"Jiyeon?" 4 of them said at the same time while looking at her.

Principle: since you're here! pls take a sit. jiyeon stared at her and sat next to suzy

Jiyeon: why do you want to see us! she said shortly

Principle: well... you don't have to asked me because you already know the reason why... (she stared at jiyeon). Because of the rumors and our school image might guined so I cannot gorget about it.

Jiyeon: the school image doesn't have any matter with us... we...

IU: Jiyeon ah! she hold jiyeon's hand hinting her to stop.

Principle: sharped mouth... (she nodded) you're still young but I wonder you to learned the good things for your life instead of arguing back and that won't work. I cannot let you all dropped out but let you stayed where you are means unfaired with the others... so from now on... the 5 of you have to dropped from the A class to the F class...

Myungsoo: which means...

Principle: 0607F...

Lizzy: "pls... we've worked really hard to got rid out of there... and now want us to back again? hell no... she thought in her mind while looking at myungsoo and iu. because the 3 of them had been there before.

Myungsoo: are there's no the other choice for us Mrs Principle ssi? he asked with curious

Principle: there's no other choices... if you're trying hard then no matter which class you're in and finally you'll be in the top class in the end... but if you're not trying hard... then the test of this month you're failed... you have to dropped school...

IU: if we passed? we are able to back to our class right?

Principle: yes... but all of you have to got 100/100. if one of you under that... which means all of you have to dropped school together.

All of them looked at each other in hopeless. excluded jiyeon who was having eyes contacted with the principle.

Jiyeon: I'll dropped out and leave them alone! she finally said that shocked everyone.

Suzy: "Park Jiyeon are you crazy?" she give jiyeon a glare to stop her.

IU: no Principle! we'll do it together.

Jiyeon: yah! she shouted at iu

Myungsoo: there's no one fault Park Jiyeon! so keep quiet and let it be. he raised his voice as he stared at her.

Principle: no matter if you dropped out or not... all of them have to finished their test. I've contacted your guardian and they'll be here in few mins.

Myungsoo: bwo? he looked at lizzy and iu with a hopeless eyes because they know Uee won't let them livelife.


"Excuse me Principle! suzy guardian and Mrs Uee has come" a teacher informed them and they walked in.

the Principle stood up and greet them while uee give the kids a glare and bow to greeted the principle.

(time skipped)... outside the gate...

Uee: how well you all? she smile that make the kids smile back awkwardly. hihihi..... "dare to smile back" she shouted and the three lower their heads.

Suzy: Auntie... pls forgive me... It won't happened again...

Auntie: "that's enough suzy! I let you lived in the house and treat you well but that what you pay me back? even my child not shame me that much! this is the first time of my life has been called up by the school. she raised her voice in front of them.

Suzy: no Auntie! I know i'm wrong but your child is not like what you saw at home. you should checked their result usually and cared for them more.. I..

Auntie: Bae Suzy! how dare you arguing back to me! it's because of your dad if not I kicked you out of the house long time ago! and now you're talking bad about my child? they're better than you... since your dad are not here! you better packed your stuff and leave today.. if not! i'll throw all your stuff out side tomorrow. she said and walked away.

Suzy: Auntie Pls don't... that's my dad house... she run and chased her but failed.

Lizzy: wow.. like in the drama scenes... step-mother.. dangerous... she curled her lips while shook her head.

Myungsoo: that's why our Sweety Uee is the best of the best! he thumb up and smile.

Uee: stop saying the nice words... it won't work on me... I'll wait for you guys at home. she said and walked away... but she stop when suzy back.

IU: suzy ah! are you alright?

Suzy: huhuhuhu.... she... she... out... huhuhu... she cried non stop. iu comes and patted her back to calmed her.

IU: don't cry...

Jiyeon: yah Bae Suzy! stop crying... tears is not that easy to fall! it depends on what situation.. if you cry because of that women so better not! don't cry in front of people. be strong and hold it. she shouted and walked in front of suzy while wipes suzy tears away. suzy nodded and hugged her tight.

lizzy: so where do you live now?

Suzy: I..I.. I don't know...

myungsoo: Uee Auntie... can suzy sta...

Uee: yah! do you think my house is an orphanage? whoever want to lived and just come? she cut myungsoo off before he finished.

IU: you also adopted the three kids already... she pointed herself, lizzy and myungsoo

Uee: that's why I regret it now...v

lizzy: uee... can't you see suzy such a pity... if you don't helped her so where she'll stayed at!

Uee: I don't know.. that's not my bussiness...

Myungsoo: yah! where's the kindness uee that we know? you're the precident of the unit, what will you say if people know that you're heartless women? they might reported you instead you report someone... remember you're a reporter............ I don't want to see you on the news.

Lizzy: Uee.. A heartless Women... she pretented to read the news.

Uee: ok... but our house such a small! where should she stayed at? myungsoo... your room?

Myungsoo: yah! how can a namja share a room with a yeoja?

uee: how about... lizzy?

lizzy: it won't fit if suzy joined.

suzy: that's ok! i'll sleep outside! just thankful if you let me stayed in the house Auntie.

Uee: no! you're a girl! can't sleep outside... myungsoo ah...

Jiyeon: she'll share a room with me. everyone eyes widen with her stated.

Suzy: jiyeon ah! komawo...

Jiyeon: ani... that's just... a helped from... chingu... uhumm.. she clear and looked away.

Suzy: Dino ah! I love you... she come and hugged jiyeon tight.

Jiyeon: yah! let go of me! stop calling that name.. arasso! she shouted at suzy when she released the hug.

Suzy: ani! you look cute with that name.. she then hugged jiyeon again.

Jiyeon: YAh... she can't helped but smile brightly with suzy's cuteness action. they laugh along with the other.

Myungsoo: she look cute more than I thought! omo... myungsoo ah~ what are you thinking! devil always devil! she's not your type... he smacked his head to get away the thought of jiyeon.

Myungsoo: cuteopta... he finally blurted out. uee heard that and looked at him who was eying at jiyeon

Uee: cute? you like her?

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trasua #1
Chapter 32: Your story is so good but I think you also miss something. How abiut Naeun? Although I don´t like her in real life in this story I think poor her. Bc Jiyeon is still misunderstand Naeun about what happen in the past. So ít will be greater when you let Jiyeon and Naeun be friend once more time. Naeun doesn´t have false. Just bc of Joon´s plan. That is really a pity. But I like your story
Chapter 32: owhhhh its pretty cool fanfic that I ever read. thanks to author who write this awesome story :)
Myjiyeon #3
Chapter 22: Enjoy your fanfic. Love Myungyeon
Mahrwwella #4
Chapter 32: this was just so cool and romantic. I had so much fun reading this fanfic that I waited for new updates every time! this was my favorite. Thanks for sharing this fanfic with us hope you come with new myungyeon fanfic thats more addicted than this one <33

Love you authornim!!
linhkju #5
Chapter 32: Myung still pabo like the first time tsk~ lucky for him jiyeonie still love hjm and give him a chance :-D myungyeon fighting, want to see real moment of them
Chapter 32: Hahahhahaah Myungsoo still with his stupidity until the end. Finally they got together! It's tiring to see them bickering in the office room. One with ego, the other one with blankness. Sigh..
aina24 #7
Chapter 32: wow~~ so romantic, i really happy they end up together..,. thank u author-nim for write a great +best fanfic, I really2 love it!!!
i hope u write more myungyeon fanfic ..
I will wait for it
Chapter 31: Huh? This story is already complete? You kidding me right?
Chapter 31: So she does know him....I love this story so much!!!! Please UPDATE authornim ^^ some chapters made me ALMOST cry like in kdramas....
Chapter 31: Bwoya!! Myungsoo and Jiyeon, both of them are pabo. Why it take too much time to solve their problem? Myungsoo, don't be a coward. You don't want to lose her for the second time right? Good job Jiyeon! You made Jaekyung went speechless.