Part I

19 June 2013

Japan, 1pm

Daesung and Jiyong were getting ready to go back to Korea after his final concert in Yokohama last night. Jiyong was just doing his own thing, like checking his Instagram and Twitter, etc, when suddenly he got a message from Xin.

‘You’ve got to see this, bro!! Our little sister is all grown up~!’

Jiyong clicked on the link and he blinked twice, not quite believing his eyes. Daesung, seeing that Jiyong was staring at his phone blankly, walked up to him, hoping that nothing was wrong.

“Ji hyung, what’s...”

Before Dae could finish his sentence, Jiyong covered his nose and ran to the washroom. Dae walked up to the door of the washroom and knocked on the door.

“Ji hyung, are you ok? Do you need me to get manager hyung?”

“Dae, I’m ok... Just give me a few minutes. If Boss or the managers come for us, tell them I would meet you guys downstairs. And do not remove my luggage. I would bring them down myself.”

“Ok... You sure you are alright?”


Just then, the managers came knocking at their door and Dae left with them, relaying Jiyong’s message to them. The managers just shrugged and helped Dae with his luggage.

Inside the washroom, Jiyong was wiping the nose bleed he got from seeing Chaerin’s GQ photos. Xin had sent him the one with the boxing gloves but Jiyong managed to get his hands on the rest when he messaged their stylist. Each picture just got him a little more excited. He had to calm himself down. He took deep breaths and then finally calm down enough. He tried pulling his leather pants up but they were suddenly really tight and hot. He walked out of the washroom and look for the shorts he wore for Chaerin’s MV. He smiled, thinking of what had happened to cause him to be wearing the shorts instead.

I can’t possibly let Chaerin wear that pair of shorts! The boys were all there!

He removed his leather pants and put on those shorts. He was about to change his shoes when his manager called and told him that they were running out of time. He quickly stuffed the leather pants into his luggage and went to the hotel lobby.

The moment YG saw what Jiyong was wearing, he exclaimed.


“Sorry Boss, my leather pants broke and the rest of my clothes are dirty so I have to wear this.”

Plus it’s cooling and doesn’t restrict movement.

Dae looked at Jiyong strangely and knew that something must have happened for Jiyong to need to change to that pair of unsightly shorts. He looked like he’s running around wearing nothing. The tell-tale sign of the blood trail near his nostrils made Dae squint his eyes.

After they got onto the car, Dae leaned over and whispered in Jiyong’s ears.

“Ji hyung, I didn’t know you are like Seungri. Were you watching in the washroom? Couldn’t you have waited till you are back in Korea? Your shorts are embarrassing.”

“I wasn’t watching !!! And I would change into my leather pants later. I just need some time.”

“So you were watching !”

“I wasn’t!”

“Then what were you sneakily doing in the washroom? And something must have caused the nose bleed. Ah~! Don’t lie, I can see the trail of dried blood still.”

“OK! FINE! I’d show it to you! But it’s NOT !”

“Whatever it is, it got you hot and bothered...”

“Promise me, you will only take a peek and do not think about it in a erted manner.”

“You mean like what you did? Just stared blankly at it?”

“Do you want to see it or not?”


Jiyong went to his photo folder and clicked open the one containing all of Chaerin’s GQ photo shoot and selected the one with the boxing gloves. He stared at it and again felt his shorts becoming tighter. He quickly passed his phone to Daesung.

Dae took over the phone and at first glance, he had to blink and squeezed his eyes shut and open them again. He took a second look and his eyes slid down followed the chain of the boxing gloves and...

Jiyong took his phone back and shut the folder.

No, I cannot think of the mole on her right ...
No, I cannot think of the mole on her right ...
No, I cannot think of the mole on her right ...


He shifted uncomfortably on his seat, taking in deep breaths and trying to clear his head of the image. Instead, he imagine his mum giving him a nagging. That kind of helped.

“Wow... Is that Chaerin? I almost couldn’t recognize her... She has a mol...”


“Ok... But why would Boss let her do that photo shoot? Isn’t she a little too young?”

“Let’s just not talk about it. The moment I hear her name, the letters ‘G’ and ‘Q’ and boxing gloves, I think about that picture. My body just reacts naturally to it...”

“O..k.. But that means that everyone who gets a copy of the magazine...”


The rest of the journey, Jiyong looked out of the window. He wanted to confront Chaerin but at the same time, he didn’t have a right to.

What am I to her?
I’m just one of her many oppas...
But hell...
It doesn’t sit well with me...
That pictorial is overboard...

He should have insisted on bringing her with him to Jakarta but he knew her reasoning was right: he didn’t need a 2nd guest and YGE wasn’t obligated to provide the 2nd guest. Suddenly he perked up. He had found the perfect conversation starter! He clicked on his Kakao app and selected their chat. He browsed through the content. They had stayed awake all night Friday after he saw her Instagram update that she couldn’t sleep. They chatted about everything and anything, like always.

Chaerin ah, where are you? Did you rest well after that night?

Jiyong oppa~ annyeong! ^^ I went to Jeju with Bae oppa!


What were the two of you doing in Jeju?

Bae oppa wanted to get away because Boss passed away and I have a few days off since I didn’t go to Jakarta with you. So I decided to tag along.

Does YG know that you are with Bae?

Yup~ He wanted me to go to Japan with him but I think Bae oppa needed my company more.

You should have come to Japan! I was in Japan with YG and Daesung.

Oh, you were in Japan? I didn’t know that. Plus, you are busy every time you are in Japan.

When are you coming back?

There was no more replies from Chaerin. Jiyong was upset. He should have told her that he was heading to Japan after his concert in Jakarta but that was a last minute change and even then, it’d have been too late.

“Boss, you know that Chaerin was going to Jeju with Youngbae? When did they leave? When will they be back?”

YG turned to look at Jiyong and then closed his eyes. Jiyong thought he was ignoring him.


“They left on Saturday morning, I think. Not too sure when they would be back. But the hologram shoot for 2NE1 should be on today. But not sure if Chaerin is being scheduled for the shoot today, if she’s not, she might still be in Jeju.”

“But Youngbae is leaving for Malaysia with me on Friday, 2NE1 is also leaving for Singapore so they are probably back.”


“Probably. Both Chaerin and Youngbae will know not to skip their schedules. Jeju is only an hour’s flight away though.”

Jiyong went quiet.

But that meant that they spent the weekend together and they are probably still together now.

When was the last time I got to spend any time with Chaerin?

When I was rehearsing for my Seoul concerts and she came to rehearse and to record the hologram.

And even when we went out, there’s always others around.

In fact, we have barely gone out alone for a long time now...

“Boss, who went with Chaerin and Youngbae?”

“Since it’s their private time, no one...”

“WHAT?! You let them go to Jeju alone? What if they were seen?”

“You didn’t let me finish my sentence. No one was officially scheduled to go with them but I think they each brought a manager with them. What is it to you? Chaerin spends a lot of time with Youngbae alone.”

I know, that’s why I feel that my position as her closest oppa is being taken away.

It’s ok, I’d be going to Singapore with her next week.

Wait, I think I’m supposed to attend the opening of the Ambush event.

Maybe I can bring her as my +1!

“Boss, can Chaerin go with me to the Ambush event? Since they are going to be the guest at my concert next week, I could fly to Singapore 1 day earlier with her. Verbal and Yoon have been very helpful towards her for her solo.”

“You would have to check with her. I heard that she might be doing a collaboration with Youngbae for his album. I don’t know what the progress is like on that.”

“What? When did this come about? How come Youngbae didn’t mention it?”

YG shrugged but he was hiding a smile. He looked up and caught Daesung’s eyes then grinned at him. Dae was actually quite confused to the sudden announcement that Chaerin would be collaborating with Youngbae. He just talked to Youngbae a few days ago but he didn’t mention it. Seeing YG’s grin, Dae realized that he was just pushing Jiyong’s buttons to see how he would react.

“Woo~ It would be interesting to see what Chaerin and Bae hyung come up with! Boss, I want a collaboration with Chaerin too!”

“Sure! Talk to her and Teddy. I’m sure we can work something out~ Bring her to Japan with you for your Okinawa concert then! She needs a break before 2NE1’s comeback.”

“Ok, I’d talk to her about it. Should I ask Bae hyung along? Then at least she would have company when I’m busy.”

“Why not?”

“Ok, I’d ask them when we get back.”

“I want...”

“Jiyong ah, once your solo tour ends, you are going to start work on Big Bang’s next album right?”

“Boss, when is 2NE1’s scheduled comeback?”

“July. And they will be promoting till the end of the year.”

“No empty windows?”

“Nope~ Why?”


So, next week is pretty much the only time I have to see Chaerin regularly.

But it would still be for work...

This is depressing...

Chaerin ah, I miss you...

What use is it if you just tell yourself that, Kwon Jiyong?

“You know, if you ask Yoon to ask Chaerin to be the guest for the event, I don’t think she can refuse right? I can’t make her go, she might not want to leave earlier with you but I think if Yoon asked her, she would feel obliged to go. I will keep the other girls in Korea for another day.”

YG couldn’t bear the despondent look on Jiyong’s face. He decided to give him a break. Seeing how alive he looked after hearing his suggestion, YG laughed quietly.

Kwon Jiyong, you are an open book when it comes to Chaerin.

Jiyong didn’t bother with messaging Yoon. Instead, he called her and asked if she would ask Chaerin to be the special guest for the event. Yoon was surprised because Jiyong was supposed to be the special guest but he reasoned that since he was the collaborator, he should already be at the event. So it would be nice to ask Chaerin to be the special guest. He was excited at the thought of being able to be with her for a day. Or a few hours. He would take whatever is given to him at this point.

Then Yoon said something that had his hopes crashing down: Xin was already going to bring Chaerin as his +1. And Soo Hyuk would be there too. He thanked Yoon and said he would see her at the event next week then.

Is it so difficult to even get her alone for a couple of hours?

Is being on the plane the only way to be alone with her?



“Time and timing are both very important right? Are you feeling that right now?”

YG spoke out. Looking at Jiyong’s frustrated face, he knew that his suggestion didn’t work out well. But he wanted Jiyong to see that time waits for no one.

“Chaerin is all grown-up now. She’s like the fresh nectar that everyone wants a sip of. She needs a reminder that she’s a grown up now and can’t always be hanging out with boys and think that they just want to be her friends. Jiyong ah, I think you have to teach her the lesson. Especially if you don’t want the other ‘bees’ to always surround her and leaving you out.”

“Well, you letting her go for that GQ photo shoot didn’t help...”

“Oh, you saw the photos already? It was a nice photo shoot. I think Youngbae...”

“I don’t think I can handle hearing his name being mentioned alongside with Chaerin’s one more time today...”

“Ji hyung, actually I think Bae hyung is the least of your worries. Putting aside the fact that he’s your best friend, I don’t think he sees Chaerin as anything other than a younger sibling.”

“Actually, Dae, I think you are wrong. I think, subconsciously, Youngbae is drawn to Chaerin otherwise he won’t be spending so much time with her. The two of them were pretty much inseparable these few months. But just as your Ji hyung is suddenly coming to the realization that maybe she’s more than a sibling to him, Youngbae might be slowly realizing that too. So Ji, I think if you want to make a move,  you really need to make your move. Fast.”

“ARGH! BOSS! Why did you make me go to Japan? I could have...”

“Could have met Chaerin? Don’t forget she went to Jeju with Youngbae. I only made you go to Japan because I knew you were going to go back to Seoul and find both of them missing. And knowing you, you would have flew off to Jeju to look for them.”

“Ji hyung, why don’t you just call our manager and ask where Bae hyung is? Or just call the office then you’d know. For all we know, they are already back.”

“Oh yes! Silly me!”

Jiyong made quick work of calling their manager but couldn’t get through to him. He tried calling the office but no one’s there either. Is today the day when everything goes against him?


Back in Seoul, Chaerin was getting ready for her hologram shoot. She had seen the message that Jiyong sent to ask when they were going to be back in Seoul. They got back yesterday since the shoot was happening and Youngbae needed to practice for his guest appearance for Jiyong’s concert. But she just wanted him to fret a little. She didn’t like the fact that he didn’t tell her he was going to Japan. She frowned.

Lee Chaerin, when did it begin to matter whether he tells you his whereabouts or not?

Chaerin was a little confused by her feelings as well. She used to be alright when Jiyong would just disappear for a few days then resurfaced again. But since they got closer again last year, she found herself minding that he didn’t tell her everything.

Her notification for Kakao sounded and she saw it was a message from Youngbae.

Chaerin ah, why is Jiyong getting on my case about going to Jeju with you? And he kept asking when we would be back. Didn’t you tell him that we are already back?


Why should he get on your case about us going to Jeju? Silly oppa. He asked me but I didn’t tell him that we are already back.


Why not?


Why do I have to? He didn’t say anything about going to Japan.


Ah... Is this why you were sulky during the last two days of our trip? Because Jiyong didn’t ‘report’ to you? Until I showed you the photo that he took at Dae’s concert, your smile was non-existent.



I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t need to know where he is every minute, every second, just like I don’t have to tell him where I am every minute, every second.



So do you want me to tell him that we are back in Seoul? He sounded like he would kill me if we are still in Jeju.



Up to you. Got to go. It’s my turn for the hologram shoot.


Youngbae grinned at the message. It was quite fun to watch these cute conversations that his best friend and his little sister were having with him. When Jiyong sent another message to demand his whereabouts, Youngbae decided to play along.


Bae, tell me please, WHERE ARE YOU?


We are a little lost right now. So I can’t tell you where we are.


LOST? WE? Are you still with Chaerin?


Speaking of Chaerin, did you see her boxing gloves photo for GQ magazine? I think we should enlarge that and change the Janet Jackson poster we have in the studio to her photo!






Ah... Ok... I guess I would just have to bring it back home and hang it up in my room then! Mmmmm... That should give me sweet dreams every night~~



I’m going to take back that HOMIE jacket I gave you! You are mean!!



And give it to Chaerin? Oh~ Chaerin wearing the jacket I have worn before~ NICE BRO!! I’d bring it to practice tomorrow~!


When Youngbae stopped getting any more messages from Jiyong, he laughed so hard.

OMG! This is going to be my new game!!!

I should tell Chaerin about it!!

Or maybe not.
I think it would be fun to see their reactions!


To Youngbae, the recent months of spending more time with Chaerin had allowed him to get to know her more. Since Jiyong was out of the country a lot, inevitably, when Chaerin was at the company, he would see her and they would get to talking. He had always seen her as a little sister but one day, as she stared him in the eyes, he had to try very hard not to lean forward and plant a kiss on her lips. From that day onwards, he had been very careful when he was with her. But he knew that she only saw him as an oppa, just like she sees any of the guys close to her.


And that’s the problem because she doesn’t see that not all of her oppas looked upon her as a little sister. Slowly but surely, their eyes swept down her body a little slower, taking in every detail. Hell, he found himself doing that a couple of time. It’s good that she comes to the company in loose-fit trainers. Otherwise, no one will get any work done.

At Haneda airport, Daesung was at his wit’s ends. Jiyong had on his dark storm cloud look. But this had got to be the worst that Dae had ever seen in the recent year. No one dared to approach him. It’s like he had put up a barrier within a 1-km radius and he would kill anyone who dared to try. Even YG was a little taken back. Even though he knew that Jiyong has his moods but this was bad. And Jiyong seemed to be in a hurry. Like he couldn’t wait to get on the plane.

Dae guessed that it probably got to do with Youngbae and Chaerin. So being the nice guy that he is, he decided to find out what happened.

Bae hyung, Ji hyung has got his storm cloud face on and it’s a 9 on the horror scale we came up for him. We have not had that in a while. What happened?


I suggested changing Janet’s poster and replacing it with Chaerin’s boxing gloves picture. Have you seen that photo? It’s a piece of art!


-.-” HYUNG! How can you do that? You know how sensitive Ji hyung is when it comes to Chaerin...


Exactly. He needs to know. We all know that he’s sensitive about anything to do with her but he doesn’t seem to know. If he doesn’t do anything about it, she’s going to slip through his fingers. And I’m going to be the one to catch her.


Hyung... Do you think that’s a good way to handle this situation?


Dae, the two of them needs a little push. If I have to be the one to provide it, then I’m doing it. But if you think it’d help, both of us are already back in Seoul. Chaerin is just miffed that Jiyong didn’t tell her about his trip to Japan.


Aigoo~~~ Why don’t the two of them just be honest about their feelings already? Ok, I’d send Ji hyung a message. No one dares to go near him at the moment.


That bad huh... then yea, maybe you should send the message to him.


I will, for all our safety. I think he might go to the cockpit and demand to fly the plane so it would get back to Korea in half the time.



Good luck~ I’m going to go find out where the girls are doing the hologram shoot and pay them a visit.

-.-” hyung...


Don’t worry, I would be sure to post up pictures of Chaerin so at least Jiyong can see her face.


You are playing with fire. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


Don’t worry, I have Chaerin as my shield. :p See you later!

Daesung sent a silent prayer that all would be fine. He sent the message to Jiyong, hoping that the message would get rid of the storm clouds around him.


Hyung, both Youngbae and Chaerin are back in Seoul. Chaerin is doing her hologram shoot right now.

Jiyong read the message from Daesung and for the first time since entering Haneda Airport, he smiled. Dae shook his head at his silly leader and hand-signed asking if he could go to him now. Jiyong laughed at his funny antics and waved him over.

“Ji hyung, that was scary. Don’t do that again. You’ve got everyone worried about their personal safety.”

“Sorry, but thanks for the message. Where did you get the information from?”

“Bae hyung.”

“That ! He refused to tell me anything! I’m so pissed off with him right now.”

“And I think you should know this too. Chaerin is miffed that you didn’t tell her you were going to Japan. Which probably explained why she was not forthcoming about where she was. So if you want her to talk to you, I guess you had better apologize to her.”

“Well, she didn’t tell me she was going to Jeju with Youngbae too.”

“Ji hyung, remember what Boss said in the car. If you do not know when to put away your pride, you will lose her. Look at you. You are all messed up just thinking about her alone with Bae hyung, doesn’t that tell you something already? Do you still want to be stubborn? Do you have time to be stubborn? I don’t know how serious Bae hyung is when he said he’s going to catch Chaerin if you let her slip through your fingers, but at least he’s giving you a warning and a chance. I don’t think Chaerin’s other oppas will give you that.”

Jiyong thought about what Daesung just said. He was right. There’s something more than just brother-sister love there. It’s not like he didn’t know that but the thing that always held him back is whether he wanted to change the status quo. But seeing that if he doesn’t do something, anything, fast, he won’t have the deciding rights anymore.

The announcement that he had been waiting for since he entered Haneda Airport finally came and he shot towards the exit gate, wanting to get on that plane and go back to his Chaerin.

Yes, that’s right.

HIS Chaerin.

“Looks like he finally made a decision.”

Daesung turned to see his boss looking at the far-away figure that’s Kwon Jiyong.

“What are you going to do if they really decide to break the brother-sister relationship and go into a real love relationship?”

“What can I do? You think your Ji hyung will be persuaded by me? Very unlikely. I think she’s good for him too. She calmed him down a lot over the past year or so.”

“That’s true.”

“We take it one step at a time. Chaerin’s not going to go easy on him either. So it would be a while yet.”

“It’s always fun to watch until Ji hyung gets into one of his moods. Bae hyung is not going to make it easy.”

“Well, at least days in the company won’t be boring. Let’s go before your Ji hyung persuades the pilot to leave without us.”

Once Dae and YG settled down in their seats, they could see that Jiyong was messaging someone but the look of frustration was back on his face.


Chaerin ah, sorry for not telling you that I was going to go to Japan to support Dae. I’m on the plane now. Tell me where you are so I can go look for you when I arrive.


No answer.

Up till the plane was about to take off, Jiyong was still hoping that he would get a reply, an indication of where Chaerin was so he could go look for her and see her. But no luck there. He kept telling himself that she was at work and can’t possibly reply to him.

“Sir, we need you to switch your phone off now. The plane is about to take off.”

Jiyong nodded his agreement and switched his phone to flight mode. After the plane took off and was in the sky, he looked out of the window and saw the beautiful sky. He couldn’t resist. He took a picture of the sky.

I’m thinking of you.
Would you get my hint?

Author's Note: Part III is already up on the blog. Like I said, for every 3 chapters I post on the blog, I would post one here. I'm actually quite amused that there are already 18 subscribers. THANK YOU!!

Since I tagged this story both SkyDragon and SunSky, it's actually going to bounce between the two quite a bit. Don't be too mindful of the couple ships and tag because at the end of the day, the writer (ME) is on Chaerin's ship so as long as she's happy, I'm happy. I can't really decide who she would be more happy with in this story yet but my tendency runs towards Jiyong. But Bae needs more love too. So, we'll see~ :)

Thank you for the comments right after the foreword was posted up! I will work hard on this story too!!


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eka_kartini #1
Chapter 14: the sweet story that i ever read.... need the sequel please...
Chapter 17: reread this again yaay!
blackwonderer #3
It's all started because of her y mole showed up
Guys, if you carving for this story you can go to her blog. She already finish this story on her blog. but i don't want to give you a clue about the story kkkk. just read it guys kkkk
No sunsky? *sigh* it's okay authornim
Chapter 10: I love this! The Nuthang Boys and Chaerin are the cutest. I'm really excited to see what you'll come up with next! I hope you keep writing :)
Chapter 9: This story is just so sweet. Thanks. Eagerly anticipating the next update.
gunseed #8
why have a sunsky tag when it got nothing to do with them dating and stuff :/
nar12345 #9
Chapter 9: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..blessful
purple13 #10
Chapter 9: I feel touched by this chapter :') thanks for the update!