Part IV

20 June 2013

Seoul, 6.45am


Jiyong arrived at Chaerin’s parents’ driveway and parked his car. He had gotten up at 5.00am, showered, made himself presentable and drove an hour to get to his destination. He was tired but the thought of being able to see Chaerin early made it all worthwhile. Not to mention the 1-hour drive back to YGE would mean that he got an extra hour with her, alone. He smiled and walked up to the house. Just as he was about to press the doorbell, the door opened to reveal Chaerin, all dressed up and ready to go. She was shocked to see Jiyong at the door.


“Jiyong oppa! What are you doing here?”


“You made breakfast, least I could do is come pick you up.”


“Aigoo~~ I wanted you to rest!! Silly oppa! What time did you wake up?”




“Oppa, the whole point of me not wanting to meet you early for breakfast is so that you could rest.”


Jiyong patted Chaerin’s head and smiled at her.


“I know, but I wanted to see you more. Let’s go. Let me help you with your bags?”


“But oppa, if I take your ride, I won’t have my car with me to come back here this evening.”


“You are going to be with me. I will send you back here.”


“But it’s so far for you.”


“Chaerin ah, I want to do this. So you just have to finish recording fast so we can go out early.”


“Alright... Then maybe I’d just go back to my own apartment tonight. Let me tell my parents first. You want to come in and say hello?”


“I should.”


Jiyong and Chaerin went back into the house and made their way to the dining room.


“Appa, omma, Jiyong oppa is here~ I won’t be coming back tonight since I won’t have my car with me. So I’d see you at dinner next Tuesday or Wednesday?”


“Omo! Jiyong ah, it’s been a while. How have you been? Have you been taking care of yourself? Your tour schedule looks so hectic.”


“Omo-nim, I’ve been good. The schedule is a little hectic but next week is the last of it so that’s almost a relief. How have you been?”


Chaerin’s parents and Jiyong exchanged a few more words before Chaerin said they have to go, if not they would be late in meeting Youngbae. They said their goodbyes and left the house. Chaerin’s parents came to the door to send the 2 kids off. Chaerin hugged and kissed her parents while Jiyong hugged Chaerin’s mum and shook hands with her dad.


Chaerin’s parents watched how Jiyong and Chaerin were joking as they got onto Jiyong’s car and smiled.


“They look good together, don’t they?”


“That they do for sure, but other than that they feel good too. They give off a different vibe from when I see her with Youngbae.”


“Actually, Jiyong felt a little different today too. His eyes when he’s looking at Chaerin looked gentler and brighter.”


“He’s in love. No one in their right mind will get up at 5am after a tiring weekend just to see someone. Not to mention, it’s a long drive out from where he lives.”


“Would we see Seungho and Soo Hyuk this coming Wednesday since Chaerin’s going to Singapore with them?”


“Who knows? Chaerin’s got all her oppas swarming around her. I just hope that at some point in time, our girl will know what to do. Because ultimately the deciding right falls on her shoulders.”


“Nothing we can do. She’d know what she has to do when it’s time. Let’s go back and finish breakfast.”


In the car, Chaerin had gotten comfortable and sat sideways so she would be looking at Jiyong. She laughed to herself when she realized that Jiyong’s all shaven and clean himself up nice.


“Oppa, what’s the occasion? You are clean-shaven, you look bright and cheery, something good happened to you in Jakarta, or Japan?”


Chaerin’s hesitant tone when she said ‘Japan’ wasn’t lost on Jiyong. He knew that she didn’t like him going to Japan because of all his previous scandals.


“Japan was good. I went to check on the final products of my collaboration with Ambush. I love the emblem that they designed for me. I brought the snapback back for you. Then the highlight was going for D-Live. I’m happy that Dae is really embracing the stage again.”


“Oh! You did! Thanks! I have to go see Dae oppa’s concert. I feel so bad that I didn’t go support him this time round. Maybe when he does his promotion for his next album. So anything interesting happened in Jakarta then?”


“The fans were very nice and passionate. I think everyone wanted to see TOP hyung more than me though!”


“Well, I haven’t seen Tabi oppa in a while too. I think I would want to see him more than you too!”




Chaerin laughed at Jiyong’s expression but stopped when she saw that he wasn’t smiling and he wasn’t looking at her either.




No answer. Jiyong continued looking forward.


“Jiyong oppa?”


No answer.


“Jingyo oppa~~”


Jiyong tried to keep a straight face but failed because she sounded so cute when she called him that. He bit down on his bottom lips to keep it in. Chaerin, knowing that he wasn’t as calm as he tried to be, decided to play along. She adjusted the way she was sitting so she was facing the front too and when her phone signalled an incoming call, she took out her phone and answered the call.


“Oh, Bae oppa~ Good morning!”


“Chaerin ah, where are you?”


“I’m on my way to YGE. Where are you, oppa?”


“I’m at your parents’.”


“WHAT?! Aigoo~! Did I say not to come and pick me up? My parents didn’t tell you that I’m with Jiyong oppa?”


“Jiyong came and pick you up? No one answered the door when I knocked, which is why I called you. ”


“Yup! Anyway, Jiyong oppa’s not talking to me right now so maybe I should just continue talking to you on the phone.”


“Should I come and intercept his car and save you from his grouchiness?”


Chaerin looked over at Jiyong and saw that he had on his black face. She knew the joke had gone too far.


“Bae oppa, I think I’d better go. We’ll see you at YGE rooftop then! Drive safely.”


“Take care. Judging by your tone, he’s giving you the black face. But I’m sure you know what to do to dissipate the black clouds. See you later!”


Chaerin ended the call then put her phone away. She turned and looked at Jiyong. Black clouds still there.


“Oppa, are you going to ignore me now? You woke up at 5am, drive an hour to come and pick me up and now you are ignoring me because I said I would like to see TOP oppa more than you? Don’t you think you are being childish? Don’t you wish to see TOP oppa more? He’s your member.”


Still no answer. Chaerin’s temper was rising but she took into account that Jiyong had made the effort to come and pick her up. She stretched her hand over and pulled at his sleeves.


“Oppa... Talk to me... I thought you missed me? What’s wrong?”


Jiyong stopped his car at the side and gathered his thoughts. He knew he needed to calm down and if he were to outrightly blurt out that he loves her, he’s going to scare her.


“Chaerin ah.. Sorry...”


“Oppa, you have not done anything wrong, so there’s no need to apologize. But you are upset by something I did. Tell me, so I won’t do it again.”


Jiyong turned to look at her then. She was looking at him earnestly, like a little girl not knowing what she had done wrong. He smiled. He can never stay angry with her for too long. He reached out to pull the two pigtails over her shoulders and pulled her near.


“Oppa! That’s painful!”


“Chaerin ah, I have a selfish request.”


“What is it?”


“When you are with me, can you just focus on me? I don’t want to hear you talking about your other oppas.”


“But oppa, if I don’t talk about the other oppas, who am I supposed to talk about?”


“You can talk about you. I have not had a proper conversation with you for so long that I don’t even know what is going on in your life anymore.”


“There’s nothing much to tell. You know most of what is happening. My solo song, promotions, photo shoot, interviews, the works. You should know too, you go through the same thing.”


In that time, Jiyong had started driving again. Since he had managed to tell her the most important point, which was to focus on him. He didn’t want breakfast to be taken away if he drove too slowly. Even if her members aren’t on time, he knew that she would still go to the dance studio at exactly 9am to start practicing on her own.


“But oppa, it’s nice to be promoting on my own. When the interview is just on me, I can show off more of myself. It’s actually quite funny to see how the reporters are surprised when I told them that CL is my stage persona and when I’m Chaerin, I like to cook, take walks alone and go to Holt center to play with the children.”


“That’s great isn’t it, for people to see another side of you?”


“Yes it is~”


“What else do they ask you?”


“They asked me what is the disadvantage of being seen as only CL. I told them that I can’t get a boyfriend because of that! So I have been asked about relationships and what nots. And you and Bae oppa will always come up since you guys came and cameoed in my MV. I was just telling Bae oppa that I should go out more instead of staying at the company all the time with all you oppas!”


“What do you tell the reporters about me and our relationship then?”


“I just tell them that we are really close so we hang out a lot together, go shopping together since we have very similar tastes and that your fans trust me.”


“Trust you?”


“Yes, trust me not to take you away from them. Since I know that your career is the most important to you.”


“Why would you think so?”


“Oh right... Maybe you have someone special in your life that is more important. After all, we rarely talk about your personal life. Anyway, oppa, did you change your outfit for ‘The Leaders’? If not, then I have to remember to bring the outfit from my home on Wednesday.”


“If it’s too much trouble, we will just go with a new outfit. I couldn’t change the outfit much since I still have to match the hologram.”


“We still have to see if you have time to change. It’s no trouble. I have to go back home anyway. Oh! That reminds me! Oppa, are you free next Tuesday to have dinner with my parents? I know you said you want to have lunch and dinner with me every day next week before I fly off to Singapore again, but I want to spend some time with my parents as well. So, the best way is to have you over.”


“I’d make time. What are you doing next Tuesday? I’d drop by, pick you up and we’ll go together?”


“Hmmm, we’re shooting our MV for the new single next Tuesday. I don’t know what time we would end though. Maybe it’s not a good idea to have dinner with my parents on that day huh?”


“How about I go pick your parents up and we eat out?”


“Aigoo~ Oppa, my parents can make their way to a restaurant if we decide on that option. That’s a good idea. Remind me to ask my parents about that later. Will have to tell Bae oppa the final decision too.”


“Is Youngbae coming as well?”


“My mother was the one who invited him for dinner and I suggested asking you along since you said I have to have lunch and dinner with you everyday. Such a tyrant!! Oppa, don’t you have anyone special who would want some time with you?”


Jiyong turned and look at Chaerin meaningfully, telling her without words that she was the special someone in his life. Chaerin felt strange, like Jiyong was trying to tell her something. Then, as if hit by sudden realization, she opened her eyes wide and stared at Jiyong.


“There IS someone special in your life! WHO WHO WHO?”


“Who’s the person that I requested to have lunch and dinner every day next week, woke up at 5am to pick her up and wants her to only focus on me when she’s with me? That’s the special someone in my life.”


Chaerin frowned and looked away.


Is Jiyong oppa talking about me?

But I’m just his little sister, not anyone special...


“Oppa, are you talking about me? But you just treat me like a little sis...”


Jiyong stopped his car at the side of the road again, leaned over and placed a kiss on Chaerin’s lips. It lasted less than 5 seconds but both of them were shocked by the contact. Jiyong pulled back, looked at Chaerin in the eye and smiled. Seeing that she was still reeling from the shock, he leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead then hugged her close.


“Chaerin ah, I know this might come as a shock to you. But I don’t see you as just my little sister anymore. You are the special someone that I can’t bear to be away from for even a minute. I know you might need time to get used to the idea, I’m still getting used to the idea myself. But do not avoid me. You can’t hide from me. I will seek you out.”




“I don’t know if you feel the same way about me or are you still more comfortable with the ‘oppa only’ label. But I’m telling you it’s not enough for me anymore. This is why I reacted so violently towards your GQ pictorial. I just want to keep you by my side and protect you from all the unnecessary criticism and all. We will work this out slowly ok?”


“Oppa... What if in the end you realize this was just one of the rash thoughts you have? What if this was just brought out by the GQ photo shoot? What if...”


“Silly girl, it’s not. It has been there for a while but I just didn’t want to acknowledge it.”


“Then why now?”


“You might not notice it but guys do not suddenly treat a girl better just because they see the girl as just their precious little sister. If I don’t tell you now, I’m afraid I won’t get the chance to. I’m definitely not going to wait till someone comes along and sweep you off your feet and I’m left with regrets.”


Chaerin was still in shock and taking in what Jiyong just said to her. While she had been asking herself why she was feeling insecure when he didn’t tell her his whereabouts and what he’s doing. She wondered if she should tell him that.


“And please don’t let your other oppas treat you this way.”




“Like what I’m doing. Coming to pick you up, wanting to see you all the time, wanting to be with you. Basically, don’t let them treat you like a princess. Because that’s my job from today onwards.”


“Wow, oppa, you sound so cool saying that. But I don’t know... Like I told Bae oppa last night, it would be difficult to think of all of you like ‘normal guys’. You guys have been my oppas, the boys I hang out with for too long.”


“Chaerin ah, you need to understand that the way boys and girls hang out and play when they are 10 and when they are 20-something is different. What we hope to achieve is different.”


“Then oppa, let me be blunt. Are you treating me this way because you want me to sleep with you?”


“NO! GOSH! Of course not. If it’s just , guys would not put in so much effort. If we break it down, is really just about relieving physical urges. That’s not difficult to achieve.”


“For you, maybe.”


“When your GQ photoshoot is out, trust me, people are going to look at you differently. Oh man, I don’t even want to think about it. Can I just keep you wrapped up in my apartment till the next issue comes out?”


“It can’t be that bad.”


“Has Teddy hyung seen the pictures yet?”


“Nope, at least I didn’t show them to him.”


“He’s going to kick up a ruckus when he sees it. He protects you girls like a mother hen sometimes. And you are his most loved.”


“YG gave permission for the pictures to be published, so there’s nothing any of you can do. And don’t say the ridiculous thing about buying every single copy. It’s not just the pictures that I want people to see. I want people to know more about me through the interview as well.”


“I’m not going to think about the GQ photo shoot for now. I’m more curious about whether you are still shocked from my confession? How do you feel about it?”


“Hmmm... The shock is still there for sure. But I don’t feel bad about it. I have been asking myself why I seemed to be bothered when you do not tell me your whereabouts or what you are doing. I don’t know if that means I look upon you as more than just an oppa yet, but yea, that’s how I feel about it. I don’t see the need to avoid you but I don’t know where this is going either. So, I guess we both just have to carry on as usual but with the knowledge that there might be something more? We can decide if there is anything more later right?”


Jiyong turned into the car park of YGE. But before they got down, he stretched out hand towards Chaerin. Chaerin gave him a puzzled look so Jiyong took her hand in his instead.


“There is something more here. Trust me, trust your heart then you will see.”


Jiyong brought her hand to his lips, looked her in the eye and kissed it before releasing her hand. Immediately, he felt like he had just released the most important thing in his life. Chaerin blushed prettily but got out of the car to get her bag. But before she could get to it, Jiyong had already taken the bags and refused to let her carry anything. He took her hand in his and walked into YGE building like it was something he did every day.


“Oppa, what are you doing? Boss will see this and he would come after us. Let go.”


“He can come after us anytime. I’m not worried about that at all.”


“Oppa, your fans are outside. I still want to leave this building alive and please don’t say stupid things like you don’t care. You do, and you should. They have been with you every step of the way.”


“So have you, baby, so have you.”


“Did you just call me ‘baby’? Kwon Jiyong-ssi, please don’t do that! Look at the goosebumps on my arms!”


Chaerin took the opportunity to take her hand out of his. Not because she didn’t like having her hand held by him but she knew him. He would just do what he wanted without a care. She can’t let him be hit with another scandal or rumor, not because of her. She also took the chance to walk ahead of him.


“Kwon Jiyong-ssi? Lee Chaerin-ssi, do you have a death wish?”


“I added the formal address to your name, so I wasn’t calling you just by your name. What’s wrong with that?”


They had arrived at the lift lobby inside the building so Jiyong walked up to her and put his hand around her waist, bent down and whisper into her ear.


“Did I say to never stop calling me ‘oppa’?”


“O-P-P-A, can you please let go of me? I’m not a doll! And don’t give people the wrong idea about us.”


“What wrong idea would that be?”


“I don’t know, like we are a couple or something. And before you say anything, we are not. So, let go. I’m serious.”


Jiyong didn’t let go and just gave her an amused look when she glared at him.


“Say the magic word~”


“Aish~ Oppa, you are so childish at times. OPPA, will you now please let go of me?”




Jiyong oppa.”


The lift arrived and Jiyong led Chaerin inside, his arms still around her waist.


Jingyo oppa.”


“Remember that, that’s the magic word.”


Jiyong let go of her and pressed the button for the top floor. They would have to climb up 2 more flights of stairs before they arrive at the rooftop.


“Chaerin ah, what did you make for us?”


“Kimbap, salad and fruits. Ah, oppa, I forgot coffee.”


“Do you want coffee? We can drop by the cafeteria to get it.”


“But I really want to have the hazelnut coffee from the convenience store. I’d message Bae oppa and ask him to get it for me.”


Jiyong fought with himself. Should he leave her side and go get the coffee that she wants or should he let Bae be the ‘knight’ in this case? He decided having more time with her was more important.


They arrived at the rooftop and settled down on the outdoor table that was set up. Chaerin took out her phone and called Youngbae. Jiyong wasn’t very pleased about it but he knew it was for the coffee so he let it go.


“Bae oppa, where are you? Can you get me the hazelnut coffee that I like from the convenience store? Oh! You already got it? Thanks oppa! Are you arriving soon?”


“I’d be there is about 10 minutes. You guys can start first.”


“It’s ok, we’ll wait for you. I really want the coffee.”


“Alright, 10 minutes.”


Chaerin ended the call and turned her attention to setting the food on the table.


“Chaerin ah, will I ever have a chance to watch you cook?”


“Oppa, why the sudden thought?”


“I don’t know, I just thought it would be nice to watch you cook.”


“If I’m going to let you watch me cook, it’d mean that I have to invite you to my apartment or my parents’ house. I don’t know, my apartment is my own private space that not even the girls have been there. But my parents’ place is too far away.”


“How about you cook in my apartment then?”


“Isn’t that even more strange? I have never been to your place on my own. We’ll see. If and when the opportunity arises, I would let you know.”


“Then maybe it’s time you do?”


“What? Going to your apartment on my own? What would I do there?”


“You can play with Gaho or Jolie...”


“They are with your parents. You should bring them here! I miss them!! I really won’t have time once the comeback for 2NE1 starts. How are they?”


“They are ok. Jolie is getting bigger but she’s adorable. Gaho is always chasing after her and so protective. And when he tried to chase away another dog that came close to her the other day, she barked at him. He was quite hurt.”


“Oh poor Gaho!!”


“But it’s just like how I’m trying to protect you but you screamed at me yesterday.”


“Oppa, are we really going to bring that up again? I already said it’s a done deal.”


“WHAT? You put that picture on Instagram already?”


“No... But now that you mentioned it, maybe I should do that...”


“Chaerin ah, please...”


“Alright. I won’t do it now.”


“No, promise you won’t do it at all.”


“But oppa, there are 2 shots from that series that are going to be published. This was the side profile picture so it’s considered mild already. No, stop, if we continue talking about this, we will get into a disagreement and that’s not how I want to end this breakfast.”


“Ok, I’d let it go for now. Come and sit beside me.”




“Because I don’t want Bae to sit beside you.”


“Oh really? Too bad.”


Youngbae sat down beside Chaerin before Jiyong or Chaerin could react.


“Chae, here’s your coffee.”


“Bae oppa, you are the best!!”


Chaerin leaned against Youngbae and hugged him round the waist. Youngbae looked at her and patted her head.


“Anytime, Princess~”


Hearing the word ‘princess’, Chaerin released him and glared at him.


“Ya~ Bae oppa, I said not to call me that!”


Youngbae couldn’t help it. He pinched Chaerin’s nose.


“Aigoo~ So cute when you are pissed off. I should do this more often. What did you make for us?”


“Kimbap, salad and fruits~ Let’s get started. I need to run off to practice soon. Jiyong oppa, Bae oppa, eat well!”


“Chaerin ah, thank you~”


Jiyong looked at the interaction between Chaerin and Youngbae and for the first time he realized that what everyone said about Youngbae being his biggest rival was true.


“Omo~ Chaerin, your cooking skills has improved!”


WHAT?! She had cooked for Bae before?!!


“Bae oppa, this is kimbap. The only thing I cooked is the egg and the rice.”


“But it’s still good~ I was actually hoping that you would be making pancakes today instead.”


PANCAKES?!!! Man...


“I would have made that but I was at my parents’ and by the time I got here, it would have been cold. I’d make them for you the next time I’m back at my own apartment.”


“Cool~! Thanks! You should eat. Ji, why are you not eating? This is really tasty!”


“Jiyong oppa, is the food not to your taste? Do you want something else instead? I could go down to the cafeteria and get something for you.”


“No, I’m good...”


Jiyong put a piece of kimbap in his mouth but he couldn’t really taste it. All his senses were focused on Chaerin. Even though he wanted to make Chaerin come sit beside him, or to ask her to focus on him, it was impossible. Though he had made his feelings clear to Chaerin, there was no commitment from her.


This is frustrating.


“Bae oppa, you’ve got rice on your face.”




Youngbae tried to remove the rice grain but was not successful. Chaerin took hold of his hand and guided him instead. When Youngbae finally managed to remove the rice grain from his face, he playfully tried to stick it on Chaerin’s face instead.


“Bae oppa!! STOP IT!”


Yes, Bae, stop it!


“Oppa, if you don’t stop, I’m going to tickle you!!”


What?! She knows he’s ticklish?


“Ok! Ok!! I’d stop!”


“Stop behaving like a child!”


“Aigoo~ The baby calling me a child! That’s very funny~”


“Oppa, cut it out. Eat your breakfast. Jiyong oppa, you ok? You don’t look too good...”


Youngbae looked over at Jiyong and smirked.


Aigoo~ Kwon Jiyong, you are such an open book!


Jiyong was about to say he was alright when he saw Chaerin getting up to move beside him. He kept his silence since it got him what he wanted: Chaerin beside him. Chaerin put her hand on his forehead to see if he was running a fever.


“You seemed alright, oppa. Do you want a drink? Ah! I almost forgot that I have your favorite vitamin drink in my bag. Bae oppa, can you pass me my bag?”


After Youngbae passed Chaerin her bag, she took out 2 bottles of the vitamin water for Jiyong.


“Here, oppa, you will need this since I heard Bae oppa is going to lock you up in the recording studio until you finish his song for him. Now, eat up. So, Bae oppa, we’ll start the recording after I’m done with the fitting. You are coming to lunch with us in the cafeteria later right?”


“Depends on how much your Ji oppa gets done. But yea, come look for me at Ji’s studio when you are done with practice.”


“Speaking of which, I have to go now.”


“But it’s only 8.45am! Your members are going to be late anyway.”


“Which is why I have to be punctual.”


“Aren’t you going to eat anything?”


“I had breakfast with my parents just now. So I’d see you guys later. Jiyong oppa, FIGHTING! Bae oppa, FIGHTING!”


“I’d walk you down.”


“Jiyong oppa, I’m not going to get lost. This is my playground. Sit and finish your breakfast.”




“Oppa, I’d be fine really. See you later.”

With a wave and a smile, Chaerin left the rooftop and went down to the dance studio where they would be practicing. She knew why Jiyong wanted to follow her down but at the moment she still didn’t want to break out of their ‘sibling’ relationship yet.


Author's note: V and VI on blog. 

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eka_kartini #1
Chapter 14: the sweet story that i ever read.... need the sequel please...
Chapter 17: reread this again yaay!
blackwonderer #3
It's all started because of her y mole showed up
Guys, if you carving for this story you can go to her blog. She already finish this story on her blog. but i don't want to give you a clue about the story kkkk. just read it guys kkkk
No sunsky? *sigh* it's okay authornim
Chapter 10: I love this! The Nuthang Boys and Chaerin are the cutest. I'm really excited to see what you'll come up with next! I hope you keep writing :)
Chapter 9: This story is just so sweet. Thanks. Eagerly anticipating the next update.
gunseed #8
why have a sunsky tag when it got nothing to do with them dating and stuff :/
nar12345 #9
Chapter 9: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..blessful
purple13 #10
Chapter 9: I feel touched by this chapter :') thanks for the update!