20 June 2013


YGE Building

Jiyong and Chaerin walked out of Tablo’s recording studio hand-in-hand. Both of them were in a good mood, Jiyong because he would get his wish of having Chaerin at his apartment, alone. Chaerin was also excited at the thought of spending some time with Jiyong alone. When they entered the elevator, Jiyong pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist, and leaned down to kiss her.

Chaerin smiled against his lips but kissed him back in the next second. When they heard the ‘ding’, signalling the arrival of the elevator at the lobby, Jiyong stepped back after one last peck on her lips. She smiled but looked away shyly. He took her hand in his again and was ready to walk out of the elevator.

However, when the door opened, the last person Jiyong wanted to see appeared right before his face.

Kiko Mizuhara.

Upon seeing Jiyong’s face, Kiko’s face lit up but just as she was about to call him, she saw that he was holding Chaerin’s hand. Jiyong stepped out of the elevator, still holding onto Chaerin’s hand.

“Jiyong oppa!”

“Kiko, what are you doing here?”

Upon seeing Kiko, Chaerin tried to release her hand from Jiyong’s hold. Even though she knew that Kiko was part of Jiyong’s past, she didn’t want to cause any misunderstanding in case there was more going on. Jiyong held her hand tighter.

“Jiyong oppa, I miss you! We spent so little time together the other day in Japan so I thought I would surprise you by flying into Korea and spend some time with you. But why are you holding Chaerin’s hand?”

Chaerin tried to release her hand again. When Jiyong looked at her and wanted to ask her to stop what she was doing, the look of betrayal on her face froze the words that were about to come out from his mouth. She looked down at their joined hands then back up at him. The cold look on her face caught Jiyong off-guard and when he released her hand wanting to hold her shoulders and get her to listen to him, Chaerin took the chance to take her hand back. She slipped her hand into her pocket and pressed ‘2’. That was the quick-dial button she had set for Youngbae.

The next moment, she slapped on a smile on her face and turned to Kiko.

“Kiko unnie, it’s been a while. How have you been?”

“Oh Chaerin, I’ve been good but seeing Jiyong oppa holding your hand shocked me. Tell me it’s nothing right?”

Jiyong was about to speak when Chaerin cut in.

“It’s nothing. I was feeling cold just now and he was just warming my hands.”

She turned to Jiyong and stretched out her hand for her bag. Jiyong shook his head.

“Jiyong oppa, let’s go for dinner! Chaerin, do you want to join us?”

Chaerin turned towards Kiko just as the ‘ding’ signalled the arrival of the other elevator. All three of them turned to see Youngbae stepping out of it.

“No, it’s ok. I’m going to head back to my apartment and rest since I’m flying to Singapore tomorrow. Bae oppa, are you leaving now? Would you mind sending me back to my apartment? Jiyong oppa, have a good time with Kiko unnie~”

Chaerin took her bag from Jiyong and walked towards Youngbae. Jiyong tried to stop her but Kiko pulled him towards her so she could hook her arms through Jiyong’s arm. He wanted to fling her hands away.

“But oppa, don’t stay out too late. We are all heading to the airport together tomorrow morning. We will have to take a raincheck on that meal I promised to cook for you at your apartment. Bae oppa, let’s go. Are you hungry? Let’s go get some ingredients from the supermarket near my apartment then I can cook dinner for you alright? Kiko unnie, enjoy yourself~ Make Jiyong oppa treat you to something expensive. Bye~!”

When Chaerin reached Youngbae’s side, he put his arm around her shoulder and smiled at her. She smiled back at him but he knew that she was putting up a strong front. The hint of jealousy and hurt was in her eyes.

“Kiko, it’s good seeing you again. Ji, like Chaerin said, don’t stay out too late. We have to leave for Malaysia early tomorrow. Let’s go, Princess. What are you going to cook for me?”

“What do you want to eat, Bae oppa?”

Their voices trailed off. Jiyong wanted to run after them but he knew that rather than running after them, he should make it clear to Kiko once and for all. He flung Kiko’s hand off his and when she wanted to protest, turned and looked at her fiercely.

“Look, Kiko, we had our fun in the past but it was just that, fun. I’m not interested in you. I met up with you the other day only because you threatened to come to the hotel and I didn’t want any of the fans hanging out at the hotel to see you and spread untrue rumors about us.”


“No, you don’t. You love yourself too much to love another person. Right now, you think you are in love with me because loving me or being thought to be in love with me is giving you some attention. You are getting attention from the fans, not me, please be clear about that. So, snap out of it. I won’t play this game with you anymore.”

“But you were alright with it all along. What happened?”

“Chaerin happened.”

“Chaerin? But she just walked off with Youngbae. They looked like they are in a relationship.”

“They are not. I’m in love with her.”

Kiko turned and looked at Jiyong. The soft smile and the loving look in his eyes shocked her. She shook her head in denial.

“No...No...NO! It can’t be!! You love me!”

The smile fell and when she looked into his eyes, it was a harsh look, one that said he was disgusted with her.

“I never did. I just didn’t want to make a big fuss about it because to do anything would mean to admit there was something between us when there isn’t. Kiko, leave me alone, leave Chaerin alone. If I find out that you tried to get in touch with her or try to convince her that there’s something between us, I would make your life miserable. If I can give you the attention before by allowing my name to be associated with yours, I can take it away and cause you more harm than you think. So if you still want to have a career, you should know not to do anything stupid. This would be the last time I would talk or see you. Do you understand?”

“Jiyong oppa, you can’t do this to me!”

“Oh I can, and if you know what’s good for you, you would take my words seriously. Now, if you would excuse me, I’ve got to chase after my love.”

Tablo was waiting in the background and had witnessed how Chaerin walked out of the situation with Youngbae’s help. At the end of Jiyong’s speech, he stepped out because he knew that Kiko would probably make a fuss.

“Jiyong ah, everything ok? Miss Kiko, I think you have heard Jiyong. It would be to your best interest to leave this building right now before we call for the security to you out.”

“Tablo hyung, can I trouble you to walk out with me and Kiko? Kiko, I would walk you to the guard post and you would get on a cab, go to Incheon and fly yourself back to Japan. If you throw up a fuss, I’d have the security haul you out and you would be walking out of here in shame. Trust me, I have my PR team to cover me and Tablo hyung as my witness that we met in the lobby and nothing happened between us. Not to mention the whole lobby has got CCTV. If we were to pull out the footage, you will be the one shamed, not me. I don’t have anything to lose if the footage is made public but you do. Remember it well. If you try to create trouble for ANY of us at YGE, be ready to face the wrath that this company can wield.”

“Miss Mizuhara, I would advise you to listen to Jiyong well. I have the power to bury your professional life.”

The three of them turned to see that YG was standing behind them. He walked towards Tablo and Jiyong and the three men looked at Kiko who had gone all pale. She might not have believed that Jiyong would do that to her but YG was a different case altogether.

“And if you try to associate yourself with YGE artistes in any way that’s not authorized by us, we will pull you through slander charges. Already as it is, we believe Jiyong’s association with you has a negative impact on his image. And if you ever dare come anywhere close to Chaerin, I won’t hesitate to act first before asking. Consider yourself warned. Jiyong, Tablo, walk out with me. Someone from the security team would be here to Miss Mizuhara out of the back door. A car is already waiting to take you to Incheon airport. The earliest flight out of Korea has been reserved for you. Your manager had also been told of the situation and your departure. He will meet you at the airport. This would be the last time I want to see you here in YGE Building. The guards had been given instructions not to allow you in.”

“Jiyong oppa, are you really allowing this to happen?”

“Boss, thank you very much.”

“You, young man, have got lots of explaining to do but I’m glad you took a stand with Miss Mizuhara. Let’s go.”

“Jiyong oppa!!”

“Kiko, go quietly with the security guard. It would be for your own good. YG is a man of his word and I’m sure your company does not want to deal with us. Goodbye Kiko. Let’s just politely nod to each other if we ever see each other again but do not ever come anywhere near me anymore.”

With that, Jiyong turned and walked out of the building with YG and Tablo. Behind them, a security personnel came forward to guide Kiko out of YGE’s back entrance. Kiko knew when she was defeated and though she really wanted to fight back, she was also well-aware of the fact that YG was right in saying he has the power to bury her. In truth, no one would have paid her any attention without the association with YGE artistes, Jiyong as her fictional boyfriend and Chaerin as her friend. She looked at the 3 men walking out and said goodbye to Jiyong in her mind.

Jiyong had his phone in his hand and he really wanted to call Chaerin but since his boss was right beside him, he couldn’t do that. But with every second passed, he grew more anxious.

“Kwon Jiyong, what were you doing, kissing Chaerin in the elevator? What if someone else saw you? Have you any consideration for Chaerin? What would people think of her?”

“Boss, I’m in love with her. Whether I have your permission or not, I’m going after her. Even if she’s still under that stupid dating ban you put in place, I’m still going to make her mine. I will try to keep it under wraps in public but within YGE, I won’t hesitate to admit that we are in a relationship when she agrees to it.”

“Where did she go off to with Youngbae?”

“Her apartment. Sorry Boss, I really need to go. I’d come to you after I’m back from Malaysia and I will give you answers to all the questions you have. But right now, I need to find Chaerin and talk to her.”

“Go. But I doubt you would be able to find her.”

“Do you know where her apartment is?”

“I do, but I’m not going to tell you. It’s her right to keep it a secret from you if she wants to.”


“Nope~ My wife told me never to meddle in the love lives of my artistes.”

“Ok fine, I’d be off then. See you when I’m back from Malaysia.”

Tablo and YG watched Jiyong jog to his car and got in hurriedly. He was calling someone on the phone but from the frustration shown on his face, the other party was obviously not picking up.

“He got it bad huh?”

“Yup, almost broke down at the recording studio just now. But Youngbae is hurting too because he can’t let go of Chaerin just as yet. You are not going to intervene or stop him right?”

“Look at him, do you think it’d be in my best interest to deny him this relationship? We all know that the two of them belong to each other, except maybe themselves. He had it easy when it comes to girls and relationships. It’s good that Chaerin is putting him through this before finally deciding on whether to be with him or not. He had better cherish her if and when she agrees.”

“But where is Chaerin’s apartment? No one has ever been to her place.”

YG smiled mysteriously.

“Well, Youngbae is about to find out, right?”

“That’s true. Alright, Boss, I have to head back to my girls. See you tomorrow.”

“I want to listen to the duet that Youngbae and Chaerin worked on tomorrow.”

“Sure, it’s not completed yet but the main parts are done.”

YG nodded and both men got into their cars and then drove off. Jiyong was still in his car, trying to get through to Chaerin. When he couldn’t get her, he called Youngbae but he wasn’t picking up either.


He finally decided to go back to his own apartment first and since Youngbae lives a few blocks away, he would just go and look for him later to get an answer from him.

Meanwhile, Chaerin and Youngbae had arrived at the supermarket near THEIR apartments. Chaerin was calm and in good spirit even though she just met Kiko. Youngbae was wary. He was hoping that she would show some kind of displeasure but she was not.

“Chaerin ah, are you alright?”

“Bae oppa, this is the 13th time you are asking me that question. I’m fine. I’m not bothered by the fact that Kiko turned up at our company, neither am I bothered that they might be having dinner together right now.”

“Might be having?”

“Bae oppa, you forget that our company is rigged with CCTV. If I guessed correctly, Boss would have come downstairs and have Kiko escorted out the back door with an air ticket reserved and her manager informed. I called you because I needed a knight in shining armor and good company for dinner while Jiyong oppa can go sweat it out by wondering where we are and what I’m cooking for you for dinner. Serves him right for not being clear to Kiko about their relationship.”

“You sound almost devious. No, wait, you ARE devious! How long have you been living right under our noses without being detected? HOW?”

“I didn’t want anyone to know and sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest place. Jiyong oppa would never have guessed that I’m just staying 5 floors above him. I had wanted to take the unit next to his but that might be a little too close for comfort.”

Youngbae shook his head but entered the supermarket pushing a trolley. Chaerin walked beside him and greeted the supermarket staff. Occasionally, she would ask the staff what’s the freshest food on offer that day at the supermarket and they would give her the information. Of course a few of the ahjummas were curious why Youngbae was with her that day since she was always alone. She jokingly explained that she needed a strong man to carry all her groceries that day.

But they navigated through the aisles of the supermarket easily, getting the ingredients for the food she was going to cook for him. They were out of the supermarket within 30 minutes.

“Bae oppa, drop me off at my apartment block first then do you mind parking your car at your block before walking back to mine? I don’t want Jiyong oppa to see your car and know that you are here somehow. Tomorrow morning would be soon enough.”

“Tomorrow morning?”

“Can I bribe you with pancakes and ask you to come pick me up tomorrow?”

“You want to let Jiyong see both of us together?”


“You know he’s going to be fuming mad right?”

“Of course, that’s the whole point.”

“You are playing with fire. You know how he is when he’s all mad dragon mode.”

“Exactly. I want him to feel it. I’d be honest. That moment when I saw Kiko outside the elevator, something snapped inside of me. When I heard that they met in Japan, I wanted to pull Kiko’s hair and ram her head against the wall. But do you see me doing any of that? I didn’t, why? Because I’m not in the position, he’s not mine yet. I want him to feel helpless as well. I want him to crave exclusivity with me. Until he can come to me and only wants me, I’m free to hang out with any of my oppas and act all intimate with them.”

“In other words, you want him to be yours exclusively. Are you ready for that step?”

“In truth, I really don’t know. Today has been quite the rollercoaster ride. Which is why I guess it’s a good thing that I didn’t end up going to his place. Somehow, I don’t think I would have been able to leave his apartment tonight.”

“You do know that you are endangering my life right?”

“Don’t worry, as long as I stand before you, you will be fine.”

“You are too smart. However, you seemed to have forgotten that I’m going to Malaysia with him tomorrow. You will not be there.”

“Don’t worry, you will be fine.”

In that time, they have arrived at Chaerin’s apartment block (which was also Jiyong’s block). Youngbae alighted and helped her with bringing the groceries up before driving off to his own apartment.

After a quick shower and changing into comfortable clothes, he made his way back to Chaerin’s apartment. He was careful not to be spotted. He was at the road leading up to Chaerin’s block when he saw Jiyong’s car turning into the building. He slowed down so that Jiyong would not be able to spot him. He waited till he saw the lights in his apartment were switched on before walking quickly to the lift lobby and pressing ‘13’ to go to Chaerin’s apartment.

When Chaerin heard the doorbell, she went to open the door for Youngbae and let him in. She had already started cooking the pasta sauce.

“Bae oppa, would you like a drink? I have got wine chilling in the refrigerator. Or would you like some juices?”

“Can I get some juice? I don’t want to drink and then have a hangover tomorrow.”


Chaerin went to the refrigerator and got out the orange juice, poured out 2 glasses and gave one to Youngbae. She went back to preparing the ingredients she would need for the salad. Youngbae just watched her, cutting and slicing, mumbling to herself what the next step should be. This was quite a different side that Youngbae has rarely seen and he was glad to be able to witness it.

“So, I’m the first one ever to get invited to your apartment?”

Chaerin turned and smiled at Youngbae.


“He’s just 5 floors down. You sure you don’t want to call him? I saw him drive in and I’m very sure he’s at his apartment now.”

Chaerin looked away and went back to the cutting and slicing. She bit her lower lip. She didn’t know if she should be happy hearing that Jiyong was back in his apartment. For all she knows, he might not be alone. The next moment, she let out a yelp of pain, causing Youngbae to jump up from his seat and run to her.


“Chaerin ah!”

Youngbae saw that she had accidentally cut her finger and quickly took her hand and put it under running water.

“Stay there. Where’s the first aid kit?”

“In the bathroom.”

Youngbae walked out of the kitchen and went in search of the bathroom. Since the layout of the apartments didn’t differ much, he managed to find the first aid kit quickly enough. When he got back to the kitchen, he took Chaerin’s hand from under the running water and used the tissue paper that he had gotten as a pressure press. He led her to sit at the dining table.

“You should be more careful. Do you want to talk to Jiyong?”


“He came back alone if that’s what you were wondering when you cut yourself. He’s just 5 floors down. If you want to see him, I’d go down, ring his doorbell and tell him where to find you.”

“But I don’t know what to say...”

“Let him do the talking. Chaerin ah, he’s setting off for his concert tomorrow, you don’t want him to be worried about this. He has to have his focus and worrying about you isn’t going to do him any good.”

“Would seeing me do any good?”

“Even if you guys get into a fight, it’s better than keeping silent and letting it fester. And seeing you always does him good.”

Youngbae looked at her before kissing her hurt finger and pasting a plaster on it. He held onto her hand a little longer than necessary. Chaerin looked at their hands and realized that holding hands with Youngbae didn’t feel bad but it didn’t set her heart racing like when Jiyong held hers.

“Every time I hold your hand, my heart races but I don’t think you feel the same. I never want to let you go but I believe it’s only fair to both of us that we find someone who makes our heart race just by simply holding hands.”

“Bae oppa...”

“Chaerin ah, even if I do hurt seeing you with Jiyong, please know that I am very happy for both of you. I will eventually be alright and will find that girl that makes my heart race. I just want you to be happy.”


Before Chaerin could get in another word, her phone rang. She didn’t need to look at the caller ID to know that it was Jiyong who was calling. She debated with herself about whether to pick up the call or not when Youngbae took the phone and answered it.

“Chaerin?! Where are you?”

“Jiyong ah...”

“Bae, why are you holding on to Chaerin’s phone? Are you still with her at her apartment? Where are you?”

“Calm down, I’m telling you where to find us now.”


“Chaerin ah, you can’t hide from him. Jiyong, go out of your house, take the lift and come up to the 13th floor, second unit from the lift.”

“What? Are you saying that Chaerin’s apartment is 5 floors above mine and I have no idea at all?”

“Yes, that’s what I’m telling you. Be quick, the pasta is almost ready. I’m staying for dinner by the way. Whether she’s going to chase you out after that, I don’t know.”

Jiyong ended the call and rushed out of his apartment. On his way up to the 13th floor, he shook his head at how Chaerin had gotten everyone fooled about where her apartment was.

Chaerin got up from her seat and went to put the salad together before checking on the pasta sauce. She signalled Youngbae over to taste it and was given a thumbs up. She smiled, delighted with herself. Next, she took out the plates and utensils and Youngbae took them from her to set the table. Once that was done, the doorbell sounded. Chaerin took a deep breath and walked to open the door.

“It’d be alright, I’m here.”

“Thanks oppa.”

The moment the door was opened, both Jiyong and Chaerin stared at each other for a minute before Jiyong stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. Chaerin didn’t make a move to hug him back.

“Chaerin ah, I’m sorry. You didn’t need to witness that.”

Chaerin stepped back from Jiyong’s embrace and turned to walk towards the kitchen.

“Dinner is almost ready. Let’s not keep Bae oppa waiting.”

Jiyong caught up with her and stopped her with a back-hug.

“Chaerin ah... talk to me.”

Chaerin turned to face Jiyong and looked him in his eyes. Seeing the worry in his eyes, she gave him a smile and said calmly.

“Oppa, we’ll talk later. Don’t worry, I’m not angry but we do need to talk. However, it’s something between the two of us, so let’s not burden Bae oppa who simply helped me out when I needed it.”

As if knowing that he needed more assurance, she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek then held his hand to bring him to the kitchen. When they got to the kitchen, they saw Youngbae was scoping out the sauce onto the pasta. Chaerin let go of Jiyong’s hand and went to help him.

“Aigoo~ Bae oppa, you are the guest here. Sit, I would serve the food. Jiyong oppa, there’s drinks in the fridge. Please help yourself.”

“It’s ok. It’s not like we are strangers. Is your finger still hurting?”

Jiyong was pouring himself a glass of orange juice when he heard Youngbae’s question. He looked at Chaerin’s hand and saw the one of her finger has a plaster on it.

“What happened to your finger, Chaerin?”

Chaerin turned and glared at Youngbae but was rewarded with his eye smile.

“It was an accident, nothing serious. Bae oppa, go sit down.”

Youngbae went and took a seat. Jiyong went forward to where Chaerin was near the stove and took the plates from her so he could bring them to the table instead. He was about to turn to help her with the last of the dishes but she was already on her way back.

“Jiyong oppa, it’s just a minor cut. Please don’t treat me like a handicapped. Have a seat so we can start eating.”

Jiyong finally sat down but was a little dismayed to see that she was talking to Youngbae instead of looking at him. But since he didn’t want to push his luck, he started eating.

“Chaerin ah, when did you move here?”

At Youngbae’s question, Jiyong looked up too because this was something he wanted to know too. Chaerin thought for a while before answering.

“I think before we started our NE tour? I wanted a place that’s not too far away from the company building and Boss told me that there was an empty unit in this building. I came and view it, liked it and moved in. But I’m rarely here during the tour.”

“It still looks and feel very homey though.”

“I come here when I need time for myself so I still put in some effort to make it comfortable for myself.”

“And although I know you can cook well, this pasta is amazing. Where did you learn to cook like that?”

“Trial and error mostly. If I have a dish I want to try, I will look up the recipe for it and try it out, modify the recipe till it’s to my liking.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were staying in the same building as me?”

Both Chaerin and Youngbae turned to look at Jiyong.

“I didn’t tell anyone that I was staying here. Even the managers do not know I’m staying here. If I have schedules, I usually go back to the dorm. Like I said, this is my personal space and I intend to keep it that way.”

“So Youngbae is the first person to know where you are staying?”

Chaerin nodded.

“Looks that way. But you also got to know on the same day.”

“You didn’t exactly invite me personally.”

“If I didn’t want you here, Bae oppa would have respected my wishes. Since you are here, I think you shouldn’t be thinking that way.”

“But would I get invited in the future?”

“That depends. Oppa, don’t think too much. Enjoy dinner first, we’ll talk later.”

The three of them ate in silence for a while before Chaerin broke the silence. She had been trying to work out a way to finish the song with Youngbae so his album wouldn’t be delayed.

“Bae oppa, when do you have time next week to do the harmonizing for our song?”

“Chaerin ah, it’s really ok. We don’t have to do it next week. I know you are very busy and like 2 weeks away from 2NE1’s comeback. Your schedule next week looks like a killer. We get to it when you have time.”


“I’m going to be angry if you don’t stop. And I won’t be around next week too.”

“Oh? Why? Where are you going?”

“I’m going to Paris for the Mens’ wear runways.”

“Oh! When did that happen?”

“I got a call just now. Boss said I have been invited for a few of the shows, so that’s where I’m headed after coming back from Malaysia this weekend. Ji, are you ready for the concert?”

Youngbae knew Jiyong was feeling left out in the conversation so he had to include him as well. Jiyong looked at Youngbae who gave him an encouraging smile.

“Well, as prepared as I can be for any of the other concerts.”

“But you don’t look very settled or confident.”

Jiyong looked at Chaerin meaningfully. The unease that he was feeling didn’t have anything to do with the concert but everything to do with the girl who’s staring back at him with her beautiful cat eyes.

“That has nothing to do with standing on stage and performing.”

“That would be my cue to leave. Chaerin ah, see you tomorrow morning~ Do you still need me to bring you to the company?”

“I’d let you know but the invitation to pancakes for breakfast still stands.”

“What time should I be here?”

“What time do you guys have to be at the company? I’m leaving at around 10am. Your flight to Malaysia is in the afternoon, a little earlier than our flight to Singapore right? So around 8.30am?”

Youngbae gave her a thumb-up then stood up to leave. Chaerin stood up as well to send him to the door. At the door, Youngbae gave Chaerin a quick hug.

“He’s really very unsettled right now, talk to him nicely ok? He cares about you more than we think possible. But he’s very fragile right now as well. Anything you do or say might affect him.”

“I know. I will talk to him nicely. See you tomorrow then. Thanks, Bae oppa.”

Youngbae grinned at her and waved goodbye. Chaerin turned to go back into the kitchen, only to see Jiyong standing at the sink, washing the dishes. She walked up to him and hugged him from the side.

“Oppa, you don’t have to clean. I’d do this later.”

Jiyong didn’t say a word but continued with washing the dishes. Seeing that he was done, Chaerin gave him a dish cloth to wipe his hands. After he wiped his hands dry, he held Chaerin’s hand and brought her to the living room and sat down on the couch with her. Once they were seated facing each other on the same couch, he held her hands and looked at her sincerely.

“I want to make a few things clear. First, I don’t intend to be a guest in this apartment. I can understand your need for privacy because I feel the same way about my space. But I want you to know that at some point in time, I would want access to your apartment. I would pass you a key to mine when I come back from Malaysia. Second, while I cannot stop you hanging out with the army of oppas you have, I would want to be included if possible. If I can’t be part of it, then can I request that you let me know where you guys are going. Third, I’m inviting myself to breakfast tomorrow morning. And then I’m bringing you with me to the company. Fourth, I want you to cook for me whenever we have time together.”

“Is that all?”

“Chaerin ah, I don’t know how much I can say before I scare you and that’s the last thing I want to do. So, these are the ones that I can think of that I think isn’t too much to ask of you at the moment. Today had been an interesting day to say the least but like Bae said, I’m feeling very unsettled. I don’t know where I stand with you, I don’t know how Kiko’s appearance has affected you, I don’t know if you will accept me. I was going crazy before Youngbae picked up your phone and told me where to find you. I...”

Chaerin moved forward to give Jiyong a hug to stop his tirade and then she whispered in his ear.

“Oppa, can I speak now?”

Jiyong nodded and she released him. He searched for her hand and held onto it.

“First, I don’t want a key to your apartment. Before you argue with me, I don’t see the need. If I’m going to your apartment, it’s definitely with you. Why would I want to be in your apartment when you are not there? If I want to go over to your apartment, I would ask first. I expect the same from you. I don’t care what your previous girlfriends wanted from you but I don’t want your apartment key.”

“I never gave them my apartment key even though they had hinted time and again. I didn’t trust them with my space.”

“Then why are you offering to give me the key? As a kind of exchange?”

“No. If you ask me for an answer, I can’t really explain as well but I just like the thought of coming home to find you in my apartment.”

“Is that where the ‘cooking for you whenever I’m free’ comes in?”

“Even if you don’t cook for me, I think your presence when I come back home from a day at work is something I would look forward to.”

“Ok, I’d think about that again. But I won’t hand over my keys. Second, when I hang out with the oppas, you want to come along or you want to know where we are? Jiyong oppa, I can’t promise that. Sometimes, I just need to be around the oppas because I’m most at ease with them and telling you where we are means that you would turn up at the venue. I told you that I would watch my behaviour with them, that’s the most I can promise.”

“Is there really no room for discussion?”

“Oppa, would you like it if you have to go out with some of your female friends and I want to tag along or know where exactly you are going?”

“I don’t mind. If you want to come along or want to know, I would let you know.”

“But your female companions would. And you know all the oppas I hang out with anyway. We usually meet at YGE or Teddy oppa’s cafe so it’s not like you don’t know where to find me or who I’m with.”

“Then should I stop going out with girls then?”

“I’m not going to stop hanging out with the oppas or my guy friends, why would I stop you from going out with people of the opposite gender? However, I hope when you go out with these girls, they know that it’s purely platonic and that you are not interested in them in anyway. What happened with Kiko unnie today could have been avoided.”

“About that, I really didn’t know she was in Korea. And I only met her in Japan because she was going to come to the hotel and I didn’t want the fans to see her and make up untrue stories.”

“I hope you have explained to her clearly because to lead people on is a very bad thing to do.”

“So what are we? Don’t lead me on. You just said it’s bad thing to lead people on.”

“All I would say at this moment is that I see the potential of a relationship between us. But if you ask me if I’m ready to step into one with you, I don’t think so. When I was singing with Bae oppa this afternoon, I just wanted everything to stay as it is now. I’m worried, I’m worried how it would change our existing friendship, how it would affect your friendship with Bae oppa. I’m worried about how I would be affected if I go into a relationship with you. Would I still be able to focus on my career if I have a relationship with you? It’s a lot to handle all in one day. So, can I call time out till we are back?”

“You could if you promise to think about it seriously.”

“Oppa, is going into a relationship the only way out? Now that we know each other’s feeling, can we just take our friendship a notch higher but not be in a relationship?”

“Like in an open relationship? But I want you for myself, just like I want to be the only one that you think of as a boyfriend.”

“It’s actually quite funny how I was talking about exclusivity with Bae oppa...”


“I mean the idea of exclusivity when it comes to you but hearing the idea now is kind of scary. To me, now that you have mentioned that you want exclusivity is good enough for me. For now. I really don’t know, oppa. I’m terrified that you would decide one day that you don’t want this anymore. Then what would happen to me, to us?”

“Come here.”

Jiyong pulled Chaerin closer to him so that he could wrap his arms around her and rest his head on her shoulders.

“Seungho put me through an interrogation after you left to record with Bae. He asked me where do I see our relationship. If it was just a fling, just another relationship, he told me to leave you alone. I thought about it, I thought about how I would feel if you were to put on a wedding dress and walk down the aisle to another man. It’s not something that I would want. Then I imagined myself to be the man that you are walking down the aisle towards. Chaerin, I could see it. The whole picture, the dress you would wear, how we both had teary eyes when we finally looked at each other as we get ready to exchange our vows. So, keep this in mind when you are thinking about us.”

“I will. Thank you, oppa, for being so honest with me. I know it’s not easy for you and you are feeling uneasy about the whole thing until I can give you a more definite answer. Would knowing that I would think about it seriously be good enough for now?”

“What about the pancakes tomorrow? Am I invited?”

“Of course~ I’m sure I won’t hear the end of it if I said no. Be here at 8.30am. So, oppa, you arrive in Korea only on Monday right?”

“Yup~ Although now I just want to come back as soon as the concert ends so that I can see you. When will you be back from Singapore?”

“Sunday morning. We head straight to the airport after our show. I heard the haze is really bad in Singapore and Malaysia. Oppa, you have to take care of yourself since the concert venue is outdoors.”

“And you head to SBS for Inkigayo immediately after you land?”

“Pretty much. I’m doing 2 pre-recording that day and a mini fan meeting after that. After which, we have the MV meeting for our new song. I just heard from Seungho oppa that Soo Hyuk oppa and Jong Hyun oppa would be the male leads in our MV. That should be fun!”

“When is the MV filming?”

“Monday-Tuesday. Might be pulling an over-nighter.”

“Then you have Wednesday to rest before you leave for Singapore on Thursday?”

“We have to practice for our Singapore performance. Even though we already know the routine, practice won’t hurt. Then, I’d go to Tablo oppa and get him to finish up my part for Bae oppa’s song. I really want to finish that song so I don’t have to worry about it.”

“When will you have time to practice ‘The Leaders’ with me?”

“Oppa, we don’t exactly have to have a separate practice for that right? I mean, the staging is pretty much the same, and we usually improvise as we go along.”

“No, we don’t have to practice it but I want to mix work with pleasure. Knowing you, you would probably put me last on your priority list.”

“When are you doing the run-through for the Singapore concert?”

“If I want to see you, I would probably have to put it on Wednesday right?”

“You don’t have to work it around me. You have to consider the other people in the production as well. That’s my first rule. You cannot inconvenience yourself or people who are working with you just so we can see each other. That’s inconsiderate and I don’t want to be blamed for this. Do what you need to do and we can probably go through ‘The Leaders’ in Singapore.”

“I’d see what I can do. If my schedule allows for it, I’d fly to Singapore on Thursday on the same flight as you, Seungho and Soo Hyuk. Have they told you the flight details?”

“I heard they are getting the tickets only on Monday because they don’t want any crazy fans to track our departure.”

“Then maybe I would just get the tickets with them. I should be able to get everything I need to do done when I get back from Malaysia by Wednesday. Because I want to be with you, I would do what I need to do to achieve that.”

Chaerin turned her face and gave Jiyong a kiss on his cheek. Then she turned in his embrace so she could give him a hug too.

“Oppa, thank you. I really didn’t know that you can be this honest with me about how you feel. l’m a little overwhelmed but knowing I’m so loved feels good. Oh, oppa, I have a confession. Promise you would forgive me first.”

“Like you would actually care whether I do or not. What is it?”

“I uploaded that Cola photo onto Instagram.”

“I knew you were going to do that anyway. But can you not do such photo shoots again?”

“But you have to admit the effect is really great! I assume you have seen the rest of the photos?”

“Yes, I have. It’s a really nice photo shoot but it just doesn’t sit well with me, knowing that you were so exposed.”

“Oppa, I have worn more revealing outfits before. In fact I’m all covered up for the Cola shoot.”

“Baby, it’s not how much you were wearing. It’s the aura around you. You carry the y vibe in everything you do, everything you wear. You do not know the kind of effect you have on the people around you.”

Chaerin shrugged, like she didn’t believe what Jiyong had just said. She looked at the time on the clock and realized that it was already past 10pm.

“Oppa, it’s getting late. Don’t you want to go back and rest?”

“Are you tired?”

“Not really but I still need to pack.”

“Can’t I just stay and watch you pack? I’m enjoying this, not really doing anything, just being with you.”

“I’d be done really fast. Do you want to watch a movie instead?”

“As long as you are beside me watching it together with me, sure.”

“Are you done packing for Malaysia then?”

“Not really, but my luggage is in the half-packed state since the tour started. It just feels silly to unpack everything when I have to re-pack everything again within days.”

“Ok then, the DVDs are in that cabinet. You look through the titles and choose one while I go get us some snacks.”

Chaerin got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to cut up some of the fruits that she had bought from the supermarket just now. She put everything on a plate and brought it out to the living room.

“Oppa, have you picked out a movie?”

“Let’s watch this one, ‘Django: Unchained’.”

“My favorite!! Let’s watch it then!”

Chaerin took the DVD from Jiyong and went about setting up the movie. Jiyong couldn’t help remembering Youngbae and Chaerin’s duet. He smiled when she settled down beside him and he had his arm around her shoulders.

Late night movie: CHECKED.

Even if it’s not at the cinema.


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eka_kartini #1
Chapter 14: the sweet story that i ever read.... need the sequel please...
Chapter 17: reread this again yaay!
blackwonderer #3
It's all started because of her y mole showed up
Guys, if you carving for this story you can go to her blog. She already finish this story on her blog. but i don't want to give you a clue about the story kkkk. just read it guys kkkk
No sunsky? *sigh* it's okay authornim
Chapter 10: I love this! The Nuthang Boys and Chaerin are the cutest. I'm really excited to see what you'll come up with next! I hope you keep writing :)
Chapter 9: This story is just so sweet. Thanks. Eagerly anticipating the next update.
gunseed #8
why have a sunsky tag when it got nothing to do with them dating and stuff :/
nar12345 #9
Chapter 9: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..blessful
purple13 #10
Chapter 9: I feel touched by this chapter :') thanks for the update!