Chapter 22

Reaching You

"Thanks for helping me today." Micha told Hyesung. The two of them were in her dorm trying to set up Peanut's bed. It looked almost like Snoopy's home and since she bought Peanut a yellow bird chew toy she couldn't help buying it. Hyesung grunted, the peices of the dog house was around him and he was muttering while looking at the instrcution manuel. Minwoo and Eric were dropped off at home and promised to visit her later with Roly and Gambo. The two members taught her an amazing skill though before they left. Using agyeo on Hyesung gets one anything. That is how he ended up building Peanut's home.

"Why did you really join me today?" She asked Hyesung. She knew agyeo can only go so far, most would have put their foot down long ago. He looked at her, she was layinging down on the left of him with Peanut laying beside her chewing a toy. Her eyes were staring intp hks and felt as if she was looking right at his thoughts. "I was worried about you." He said, he knew he wouldn't be able to lie to her, not long enough for her to forget the question anyway. One wrong move could end their friendship. "Why?" She asked. Hyesung went back to working, not being able to handle looking in her eyes. He knew though she was examining him in her mind.

"Because Andy told us about your meeting. And I wanted to know if you were ok. You were distant from us at the shelter" Hyesung said. He memorized the manuel a bit and started to put the house together. "Why though? I am your friend's employee. Nothing more." She muttered, not realizing what she said out loud before it was too late. "Don't ever say that again." Hyesung yelled at her, turning to show her how hurt he was by her words.

 She sat up quickly and with a shocked expression. She didn't know what she said was so wrong. Micha felt although it slipped out it was likely the truth. "Why can't I say the truth out loud? I see nothing wrong with that.. Let is just get it out in the open." She questioned back at him in an calm tone. Hyesung his tongue and shook his head. "Do you really think we see you like that? That Andy sees you like that?" He said in a low angry voice, glaring at her. "We all care about you. We wouldn't have helped you in all the ways that we have if we didn't care."

Micha smirked at him, "Do you really think I beleive that? People helping not wanting something in return? Caring for a stranger?" She asked, she pulled Peanut into her arms, "I bet they want you to act a certain way too in order to keep this 'help'. But if you don't you get ignored and left to find for yourself. Just tell me what you want? So I can understand this." She finished. Her voice was starting to sound shaky. "We, all of us, want something only you can make happen." Hyesung admitted and inched closer to Micha until he was right in front of her. "We want to form a friendship and make happy memories with you. We want to enjoy getting to know you." He whispered. Micha looked down at Peanut, she didn't want him to see her tears. 'He doesn't know what he is saying. He will leave me soon. Like all the others, if I change from his ideals I will be left alone.' She thought to herself. But as she continued to try to will herself not to cry the tears came out even more.

"Micha. I wouldn't lie to you about this. Can you trust my words?" Hyesung asked her, lifting a pinky. When she didn't take it he ignored her slight flinch and took Peanut away from her. The puppy walked away from them as if it knew what was going on. He took her hands, grabbing them quickly when she tried to pull them away from him. "We will always be here for you. All you have to do is call and any of us would appear at your side. Even if it is just to be a listening ear or someone to make you laugh." He continued. Micha held his hands harder, "You promise?" She asked him. She looked at him and in his eyes she seemed child-like. Her eyes looked full of hope, ready to beleive in him but also ready to close him out in a second if need be. "I promise." Hyesung told her in a sure voice.

She nodded and leaned into him, surpising him with her sudden skinship. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept her face in his chest. She repeated her question, this time coming out muffled and he repeated his answer. They kept this up for thirty minutes, her asking him what ifs and him promising to never leave her in any way. Peanut walked back and sat down not far from them. Hyesung looked at her and smiled, inviting her to come closer. Peanut his arm and went back to her ealier entertainment. "Was I just approved?" Hyesung asked, he laughed at the idea that Peanut saw Micha as her's. "What?" Micha asked looking up at him.

When he looked back down to her, smiling, she realized just how little space was between them. 'When did I get this close to him?' She thought to herself and blushed when she remembered last time he was this close to her. She quickly loosened herself from his arms and backed up into the wall. She thought she saw a look of disappointment flash on his face but that wouldn't make sense to her. "Food. I should start to cook dinner for the others." She said, too quickly and scrammbled to the kitchen. Hyesung muttered about her tempting him with her cutness and went back to building Peanut's home.

'Who is close to her now?' He asked himself, smirking to himself, happily thinking about how he finally had alone time with Micha.

- - - -

Kim Hyun Joong's Marry You chorus started to play loudly through the dorm. "What the?" Hyesung started to ask when Micha quickly ran to her cell phone. She gave him a shy smile and skipped back into the kichen. "Hello?" She asked in English. "Micha-ah~" Sunny's sing song voice said into the phone. "Hyomin too!" A voice in the background added. "I was about to wonder if you two forgot about me." Micha joked. She rested her phone on her shoulder and tried to get comfortable. She was in the middle of making tonight's dinner but she didn't want to tell her friends now wasn't a good time to talk. The older females laughed at her joke and asked what was she doing.


"I am making kimchi pancakes right now with not-so-spicy dak maeunjjim simmering in a seperate pot. I'll start making egg rolls and japchae once the pancakes are finish. But the glass noodles for the japchae are boiling now." Micha listed, checking on each item as she did. "You should cook for me." Hyomin said in an agyeo voice. "Why are you cooking so much? You are just one person. Unless.." Sunny said, Micha could feel her make a cat like smile. Her thoughts were confirmed when Hyomin asked her what was funny before giggling once she caught on. "What now?" Micha gave in, she wanted to know what was going on. "Is it who I think it is?" Sunny asked. Micha asked what again, not understanding the question. "Are you cooking for your crush?" Hyomin asked her. 


Micha sat three kimchi pancakes on a plate. "I am cooking for all of Shinhwa." Micha corrected her. She rolled her eyes when Sunny mentioned how her 'crush' was one of the members of Shinhwa. "You two are too much." Micha sighed as she pour three more pancake shapes into the pan. "But you were the one who texted us a few weeks back about how you couldn't think correctly when he was around." Sunny countered, "And you were the one who spent a long time thinking over the proper New Years gift for him." Hyomin added. "If these aren't clues for a crush then I don't know what is." A light blush formed on Micha's face at the idea, "I thought deeply on all the gifts I bought." Micha yelled. The two females were like this for the last month. Planting ideas that she, Micha, actually had feelings for a member of Shinhwa. 'Let them think what they want I guess...' She told herself.

"Look you are yelling because you are upset about us teasing you about it. You are so innocent right now. Enjoying your first love

Cooking a meal for him." Sunny cooed. "Yah!" Micha yelled again and had to cover her smile, she actually fell into that one, the idea of cooking for someone special. She felt it was odd though, to hear the idea that she was forming a crush. As far as she could remember she avoided dating and the idea of sharing feelings of 'love' with anyone. One would need a degree of trust and closeness that she felt she couldn't produce.

"I hate when you two gang up on me." She mumbled. "So, where is Mr. Angel Voice?" Hyomin asked. Micha said nothing and replaced the set of kimchi pancakes with new ones. She continued to say silent when Hyomin asked if she was still there. "Wait. Is he there now?" Sunny asked suddenly. Micha started to hum to herself and flipped the pancakes, ignoring them. "He is isn't he? Are you cooking his favorite dishes? In a cute apron?" Hyomin asked. The two ramble more questions like why was he there, did he confess to her and was she wearing something nice.

Micha grabbed the pot of glass noodles and started to drain the hot water. "Do you need help?" Hyesung asked, popping up on her. Micha nodded and jerked when he came from behind and took the pot from her. "Th-thanks." She said and went back to the pancakes. "Omo, was that him just now. You two just had a lovers moment?" Hyomin cheered. "Why is he there though?" Sunny asked getting back on point. "I got a puppy today after doing some volunteer work. He helped put up her house and a child fence to keep her in." Micha explained, she heard the two now ask about Peanut and she was happy to hear the subject change. 'These two are getting to me.' She repeated. 'Making me unable to stay calm.'

"She is cute but a bit shy. I will text you a picture of her before I upload a picture of us on twitt--- Hyesung! That is way too much sesame oil." Micha said. She couldn't beleive he was pouring a 1/2 cup of oil into the noodles. "Aish. I will call you girls back later." Micha told the females and hung up after they about having a married couple's argument. "I have to make more noodles now to balance it out." Micha complained as she scooped out the last of the pancakes. "It will be ok. Trust me I am the best cook in Shinhwa." He claimed and moved the pot away from Micha's grabbing hands. "Start the egg rolls and let me handle the japchae. I swear it will blow your mind." He said. Micha gave him one last wary glance before starting the egg rolls.

"Do you have rice cooking?" Hyesung asked her. Micha hummed a yes and told him to focus on making japchae as good as he promised it would taste. A few minutes in they had another arguement when Hyesung asked if she had any msg. "Let me taste what you are cooking!" Micha said fearing the worst already. She noticed him earlier grabbing the ingredients without measuring them. She had to move the sesame seeds away from him when he reached for it for the thrid time. Hyesung shyly lifted a pinch of japchae out to feed her. As she chewed it he kept metioning that it was just missing one thing and that he knew what it was so don't judge yet. Micha made a face after swollowing it, "What was that?" She asked, she held in her laugh as it was a taste that did blow her mind in a way.

"Don't judge yet. I can do this." Hyesung said and moved a giggling Micha away from his creation.

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[14/10] Copy and Pasted in the new chapter and the site won't let me fix it's look. so there is an awkward paragraph layout.


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 56: OMG! Hyesung is finally going to find out the truth? I think it's high time he gets to know it. I'm sitting at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
hyuu_hikari #2
Chapter 56: dumdumdumdumdum...... I also think Hyesung as her boyfriend have to know her condition and it was kind of cruel that only Hyesung doesn't know about this 'hiding' thing (at least other members know she's hiding) *sigh*
xHanax94x #3
Chapter 55: *few minutes later update* it's sinking in, and now I want to cry. ㅠ ㅠ </3
xHanax94x #4
Chapter 55: I just read this story in about 3 days....oh my gosh....this is hitting me really hard..I don't know what I'd do if I were in Mi Cha's heart's already hurting for Hye Sung.. :"( this story is amazing. <3
2026 streak #5
Chapter 55: That was an emotional chapter. /sobs/ wonder how Hyesung would react when he comes to know about it. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 55: tyvm for the update kumumu-nim =DDD
finally logging in again in aff after a long time xD
micha micha micha.... tsk... I kind of understand her worry but it's frustrating me to no end >_<
and also, hyesung still doesn't know? I mean how can... how is their relationship at this point?
2026 streak #7
Chapter 54: OMG! How did I miss this update? Can I expect a new one soon? Please let me know or else my head would burst.
Chapter 23: So happy that you updated
Cindyw_diaz #9
Chapter 53: Love this story!!!!!! TT
omg my heart