Chapter 6

Reaching You

"Done" Micha said wiping sweat from her brow. She received a phone call from Andy telling her that her dorm was ready yesterday. So she spent the last 24 hours packing up her small apartment. Minki found a friend who was able to pick up the lease so she would be able to move out tonight. "I can do this." She muttered to herself before dialing the number to her new manager telling her she was ready to go.


"So my little Mimi is spreading her wings." Minki teased. He volunteered to help her pack up her home and move it into her dorm. But his remark made Micha wonder if he didn't help just to get some last minute teasing in. He made fun of her clothes and almost tricked her into beleiving that things like stuff animals wasn't allowed in the dorms as they took up space and were unimportant. "Oh hush you." Micha said pacing around the room, making sure everything of hers was packed. Minki saw that she was probably getting pre nerves and let her be, she always got herself out of them before they get too bad. "You are going to do amazing you know and you better beleive that I am going to make a drink after you." Minki said, Micha smiled at the idea. The door bell rang and Micha look full look around the place. "That must be her with the van. Lets go." She said to Minki and started to grab boxes as Minki welcomed her manager.


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It was now eleven o'clock and Micha was alone with a pile of boxes in her new dorm. She brought some furnishture with her that she felt might be needed and was glad she did. The dorm was small and gave her a cozy feeling. Standing in the living room she took it all in. It had a small shoe self by the entrance and the kitchen, although didn't look like it could hold four people, was to her taste. Micha jumped over some boxes that laid in front of her bedroom door. She was happy to see a futon, a desk and a closet that could fit all her clothes. Smiling, ready to explore the small area, she went back into the living room and saw what must have been the bathroom door that was right across from her room. Looking inside it she saw it had a shower/tub fix with a small self for personnals next to the sink. Nodding, pleased with this as well, she went to the last area left. Her patio, which had a great veiw for a third floor room.


"This is my new home." Micha said and went to start unpacking. She started to wish she took Minki up on his offer to help her but she didn't want him to overwork himself doing this and running the bakery by himself for the first time in two years. 'I can handle this. I did my old apartment didn't I.' She thought to herself and started to unpack the box labelled 'kitchen ware'. After an hour of working it dawned on her how quiet it was. There was no Minki making dinner and forcing her to play her ukulele for background music. She didn't unpack her tv or radio yet so she could just press a button to get rid of the silence. 'This is part to being independant.' Micha thought to herself as she set up her coffee machine. Ending the unpacking for the kitchen and now onto the bedroom. Once it turned 1 am, Micha decided to call it a night. She was resting her head on the tub walls while she placed the hooks into the shower curtians. "I should just sleep here." Micha muttered to herself and made a small bed in the tub using curtian as a blanket.


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"Ms Song?"

"Ms. Song?"

"There you are. Wake up Ms. Song you have to start training today."


Micha groaned and swatted the hand away. "It's too early." She muttered. Her manager sighed at the sight, knowing she will be a tough one to wake up. "You are an idol in training now. Waking up 5 am is nothing big. Most would be thankful for this time." Her manager scolded her and threatened to turn on the shower. This got Micha up although she was upset. "What are we doing today?" She asked as she walked to her room.


 "Well today's plan is to get your physical and gym -- Oh I see you almost finished unpacking your room -- gym membership started." Her manager said and gave Micha a bright smile. "Only that? Why so early?" Micha asked. She threw clothes around the room until she found a pair of black yoga pants and a white tee shirt. "Where is the jacket to my pants?" She asked and thanked her manager when she found it on the futon behind Micha. "Be right back." Micha said and jogged back to the bathroom to give herself a quick wash. "Ok ready." Micha announced once she put her hair into a bun on the top of her head. Her manager hurried out out as they were likely going to be late if traffic was bad.


"I am sorry. I shouldn't tried to unpack everything in one night." Micha said for the third time since she entered the car. "It is ok. I should have reminded you of me coming early when we dropped you off yesterday." Her manager said. She then went to explain what all they were going to be checking during the physical. Micha liked her manager. She was a slightly plump woman who enjoyed wearing heels, which she told Micha when they met. She had her hair cut into a fashionable bowl style and seemed to be engaged or at least dating since she had a ring on her finger. "Did you get all that?" Her manager said snapping her back into focus. "I- um. Yes, I think I do." Micha said and repeated what she did catch. Her manager corrected her on a few things and they were now in front of a Seoul National University Hospital. "Well lets start the day shall we."

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[14/10] Copy and Pasted in the new chapter and the site won't let me fix it's look. so there is an awkward paragraph layout.


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 56: OMG! Hyesung is finally going to find out the truth? I think it's high time he gets to know it. I'm sitting at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
hyuu_hikari #2
Chapter 56: dumdumdumdumdum...... I also think Hyesung as her boyfriend have to know her condition and it was kind of cruel that only Hyesung doesn't know about this 'hiding' thing (at least other members know she's hiding) *sigh*
xHanax94x #3
Chapter 55: *few minutes later update* it's sinking in, and now I want to cry. ㅠ ㅠ </3
xHanax94x #4
Chapter 55: I just read this story in about 3 days....oh my gosh....this is hitting me really hard..I don't know what I'd do if I were in Mi Cha's heart's already hurting for Hye Sung.. :"( this story is amazing. <3
2026 streak #5
Chapter 55: That was an emotional chapter. /sobs/ wonder how Hyesung would react when he comes to know about it. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 55: tyvm for the update kumumu-nim =DDD
finally logging in again in aff after a long time xD
micha micha micha.... tsk... I kind of understand her worry but it's frustrating me to no end >_<
and also, hyesung still doesn't know? I mean how can... how is their relationship at this point?
2026 streak #7
Chapter 54: OMG! How did I miss this update? Can I expect a new one soon? Please let me know or else my head would burst.
Chapter 23: So happy that you updated
Cindyw_diaz #9
Chapter 53: Love this story!!!!!! TT
omg my heart