Chapter 28 pt.1

Reaching You

The car ride was silent other than the radio. She didn't know where he was taking her, a part of her didn't care. "I screwed up." She whispered, for the fourth time. Groaning at the events that had taken place. "Today isn't my day." Hyesung stayed silent. "Well? No nagging or questions?" She asked him, bored of the sound of her own voice. He raised a brow, "I don't nag. I ask." He stated, "What are you hungry for?" He asked her. Micha asked for chajangmyun, not wanting a big meal anymore, she didn't think she could even eat a bowl of the noodles.

"Aren't you going to ask what happened though?" She asked again. "Are you going to answer me if I do?" He countered. Micha thought for a momoment, playing out scenerios in her mind. "I don't see why not." She answered, she shurgged. Micha knew his personality types, it was better to get it out the way now rather than to hear nagging later. Hyesung nodded. "So what was that back there? Why did you ask 'What do you want me to be' to her?" He asked. Micha complimented on his questions, stating they were right to the point. "Stop joking around. I am serious." He yelled. "So am I." Calmness was apperant in her voice, though she sounded distant.

"I like things that are to the point. No bushes, hiding or sneak attacks. I am able to answer questions like that head on." She answered, pausing to fix her bangs. "Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to always guess other's moves. To be able to avoid bad situations by becoming what they want you to be. To be able to never hear 'I am dissapointed by your actions'? Giving others the chance to get close but still be able to not let anyone close to you. To never feel weak." She asked him. Hyesung knew she didn't want an answer from him so he stayed silent.

"When I was younger my mind always wondered this. My mother planted the idea in my head. But, I realized too late these weren't normal thoughts for a child. When I didn't act like 'myself' around others my age they saw me as odd. I explained this to those close to me. When I did, I didn't prepare for every outcome. I didn't know I would become shunned for having those thoughts. I realized it was because they were enemies." Hyesung stopped her. "Eniemes?" He asked, not understanding this. Micha nodded. "Someone who are unable to become close with. Someone you find yourself unable to trust or rely on. That is the defintion for the word isn't it?" She asked with a raised brow. Hyesung muttered a yes, that was a way to define the word.

"That was and is a fitting term for how I see everyone. I don't remeber ever seeing people in a different light. To keep eneimes at bay, from discovering that I was different I perfected my masks. If I became what made them happy they left me alone. I am able to 'be close' without having to actually be close. A win win." Micha said, a small smile appeared on her face. "It worked perfectly. But I have been screwing up a lot recently. Allowing eniemes to know my thoughts and worries. It is scary how I can't gain my footing anymore. Like skating on cracking ice." She whispered.

"So you want to be able to be calm again. The same way you were before. Not having to worry about bonds but still making other's happy?" He asked her. When Micha said yes he called her stupid. "Don't give me that look. It is a miracle you were able to go on this long. Friendships, family, love, bonds, all of that. Those are things you can't avoid, no matter how well you protect yourself. There are always going to be people who slip past your walls and cause you to break your own code of life." He stated. Micha scowled, letting his thoughts run through her mind.

"So, what then? I change my way of life? Just like that? Let eneimes close to me so they can use me and hurt me as they please?" She asked him finally. Hyesung nodded. "You need to live, allow yourself to be hurt and loved. It's part of being human." He said as the light turned red. "You are a musician, how can you imagine being able to continue your dream without those experiences. Living in the past can only take you so far."


Micha sighed, not liking how it was turning out. She was being questioned on her whole way of life. "So what now?" She asked. "Now, you agree to date me. And allow me to help you." He stated. Micha eyes widened at his, 'Confession.'

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[14/10] Copy and Pasted in the new chapter and the site won't let me fix it's look. so there is an awkward paragraph layout.


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 56: OMG! Hyesung is finally going to find out the truth? I think it's high time he gets to know it. I'm sitting at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
hyuu_hikari #2
Chapter 56: dumdumdumdumdum...... I also think Hyesung as her boyfriend have to know her condition and it was kind of cruel that only Hyesung doesn't know about this 'hiding' thing (at least other members know she's hiding) *sigh*
xHanax94x #3
Chapter 55: *few minutes later update* it's sinking in, and now I want to cry. ㅠ ㅠ </3
xHanax94x #4
Chapter 55: I just read this story in about 3 days....oh my gosh....this is hitting me really hard..I don't know what I'd do if I were in Mi Cha's heart's already hurting for Hye Sung.. :"( this story is amazing. <3
2026 streak #5
Chapter 55: That was an emotional chapter. /sobs/ wonder how Hyesung would react when he comes to know about it. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 55: tyvm for the update kumumu-nim =DDD
finally logging in again in aff after a long time xD
micha micha micha.... tsk... I kind of understand her worry but it's frustrating me to no end >_<
and also, hyesung still doesn't know? I mean how can... how is their relationship at this point?
2026 streak #7
Chapter 54: OMG! How did I miss this update? Can I expect a new one soon? Please let me know or else my head would burst.
Chapter 23: So happy that you updated
Cindyw_diaz #9
Chapter 53: Love this story!!!!!! TT
omg my heart