Parenthood Minho and Taemin

SHINee Miracle.

(So i decided to do a first chatper this is what going on in Minho and Taemin life and part of the story so please enjoy and comment i hope it isnt too sloppy)




2 years ago.



‘Sweetie Where are you?’

‘Baby girl?’

‘Where is she?’ Minho said looking worried as he searched the house for his missing 4 year old daughter. Taemin was looking in the kitchen cupboards. ‘Baby girl?’ he called.

A small giggle was heard and both males paused. ‘Hee young?’ the giggled was heard again. ‘Bedroom’ Taemin said and they both ran to the girl’s bedroom.

Stepping inside their daughters room the males looked around, the walls were painted peach, and the floor was covered in girly toys, from dolls, to a princess set, a baby set, a supermarket set, a small purple bike leaning on the side wall, and a mountain of teddies in the corner and finally a princess bed, by the window.

‘Princess is you in here?’ Taemin called and stepped on a toy version of tinned tuna. ‘Agh! for Fuc–Ngh Stupid Toys’ he muttered under his breath. A giggle came from the mountain of stuffed toys. Minho treading carefully walked over, he then knelt down and slowly reached his hand in from the bottom. His hand found a small bare foot and the little girl squealed. She jumped causing the stuffed toys to fall around her as she tried to escape the hand on her foot.

‘GOTCHA!’ Minho said as he pulled her by the foot out and up, lifting her into his arms upside down. The young girl laughed as she was held against him.

‘Hee young you have –wait? Where did her head go?’ Minho said spinning playfully. Hee Young giggled the blood running to her head she clung onto Minho’s hips and tilted her head to look. Taemin bent down and looked up at her. And she smiled ‘Appa’

Taemin then stood lifting her up and pulling her into his arms correctly and hung her from his hip. ‘There’s my princess’ he kissed her cheek and she nestled into in neck. Minho smiled at the two. ‘I’ll take her to the park –you okay clearing up this mess before tonight?’

Minho nodded and Taemin took the girl out of the room.

Present day.




The slightly older young girl stomped her feet, ‘No!’ she then squealed and ran from Minho who was trying to catch her. She managed to hide, then slide past him and ran into the next room. Minho huffed in annoyance. He turned and ran after her again.

‘AAAPPPPPPPPPPAA!’ She screamed running past Minho again. The lungs the girl owned was powerful and if she wanted she could get louder. Minho had to clamp his ears as she screamed. Taemin suddenly came out from the next room.

‘What?’ he said. ‘What’s going on –stop screaming’

‘Umma make me go school’

Minho rolled his eyes ‘You have to go to school sweetie –its part of life’ he held the school dress up for her ‘Come on let me dress you’




Taemin sighed and sat down on the floor ‘Come here?’ Hee Young stayed weary of her parents before slowly sitting on Taemin’s thigh.

‘Why don’t you want to go to school princess?’

‘Cause e hard’ she mumbled playing with the buttons on Taemin’s shirt. ‘Don’t lyk it’

‘Well if you keep practicing and learning you’ll get better’ Taemin said.

The girl pouted ‘But Myunji says dat –he says dat I was stopid’

Minho now joined them on the floor ‘Why did he call you stupid sweetie?’ Both males knew their daughter had some birth defects that accrued a few years after her birth but nothing too serious.

‘Cause, say I come from Umma, and say I stopid, cause I say Umma a boy’ the two males looked at each other. They knew at some point they would have to explain Minho’s condition and how she came into the world, but they didn’t think now and with her age that it was the right time. And in the mean time it was suppose to be a secret.

‘Well princess that’s because Minho is special –you’re Umma is very special and if he wasn’t then you wouldn’t be here’ Taemin kissed her head and smiled at Minho. The elder smiled too and ruffled the girl’s hair. Hee young moved and sat in Minho’s lap clinging onto his t-shirt ‘Umma has me then?’

Minho nodded ‘yup had you right in here’ he pointed to his stomach ‘then you came out of here’ lifting his shirt Minho reviled a scar line on his abdomen. ‘You were so small and cute’ he said with a grin, pinching her cheeks. Hee Young smiled then Minho put his finger to his lips ‘but it’s a secret remember –no-one knows’ Taemin copied placing his finger on his lip that this was a secret. Hee Young copied and nodded sadly.



‘Hee Young –stop –messing –let me put –Hee young stop it!’ The young girl wriggled her foot about playfully as Minho tried to put her shoe’s on. ‘Sweetie please we have 10 Minutes to get to your school and I-’ Minho looked at his watch ‘-1 hour, I have 1 hour to get to the photo shoot’

Finally getting the shoes on Minho took his daughter to the car. Taemin gave both a goodbye kiss as Minho buckled her into the car-seat. Taemin then headed off to the SM building while Minho took Hee Young to school.

‘Umma Look –LOOK!’

Minho glanced in the direction his daughter pointed as he drove; on the left was a large billboard with a SHINee promotion poster. ‘Who’s on that picture Sweetie?’

‘Umma and Appa’ the girl said happily seeing her parents smiling.

‘And the others? Who else is on the picture?’

‘Keeybum, erm Ono, Soodan, and Puppysus’ she said counting on her finger and only holding three fingers up. Minho chucked as he waited at the traffic light.

‘Yeah I guess you right –to some extent’


Minho turned the car into the school car park. Then brought Hee young out and locked the car before taking her to class. Stepping inside the classroom, Minho greeted the teacher. Miss Kyung

‘Morning Miss Kyung’

‘Morning Mr Choi, bringing your friends child again I see?’

Minho hid the hurt feeling of being seen as just an uncle, to his daughter by everyone else, but knew to keep it a secret that it should be kept that way.

‘Yes –because she loved me more –don’t you sweetie’

Hee young pouted ‘Umma le me play’ Minho dropped the young girl to her feet and smiled awkwardly at the teacher ‘she likes to call me Umma’

The teacher hummed in disapproval. ‘She’ll know the truth one day’ Minho nodded in agreement, both thinking different stories. Minho turned to Hee young who was playing with the jigsaw pieces trying hard to add the un-matching pieces together. ‘Bye Sweetie Appa will pick you up at 3 Okay?’ he kissed the top of her head and turned to leave.

‘Bye-bye Umma’

Once Minho left the teacher sat down beside Hee Young. ‘Hey Hee Young let’s talk about Umma’s and Appa’s okay?’


‘Good –Good –yes –good –good’ the photographer called taking pictures of the boys. The males moved posing in different stands as he took photo after photo. Minho and Taemin joked with poses while Jonghyun and Key did y poses. Onew and Sudan just stuck with silly poses.

‘Mr Lee a phone call?’

‘Which one?’

‘Lee Taemin –it’s your daughter’s school’

Taemin moved and ran to the phone Minho following after. The male grabbed the phone ‘Hello?’

Minho watched as Taemin’s eyes grew wide ‘What?’

‘Taemin what is it –is she okay?’

‘Yes –yes I’ll be right their okay’ he passed the phone back to the staff member. ‘Hee Young collapsed –apparently she got so worked up about something, she was upset about it that she collapsed’.

‘Guys are you coming?’ Onew asked from the staged photography set.

‘Sorry –we have to go –Ask Manager to book another day for us two’ the two males ran from the room grabbing their stuff as they went.

Onew sighed as he watched them leave, he knew that to them Hee young was more important than the group and they would drop everything for her, even their fame if needed. Sudan smiled beside him ‘Hey Jinks –are we going out for drinks tonight?’ Onew nodded ‘Yup’

Key sat beside Jonghyun who looking though his wallet ‘I need some cash –how can I earn some that not though SM but for myself? They won’t let me sing –should I do a street dance –or something?’

Key shrugged you could always do one of them test thing, you go they drug you for a trail period of time, and they pay you a tonne of money for it’

Jonghyun looked up at Key ‘really?’


‘Okay –I’ll look into it’


Minho pulled the sobbing girl into his arms her face covered in fat tears and tear stains, her face going from pale to red again. Her choking sob echoed the room. ‘I’m here I got you, what’s the matter sweetie’ he cooed.

‘UMMMMMA’ she wailed.

The head teacher, school nurse and classroom teacher stood watching in the school nurses room. ‘Why was she upset?’ Taemin asked.

‘I didn’t think it would be that bad –I just told her that Minho wasn’t really her Umma because he was a boy and –I’m sorry I didn’t think she would get this upset’ the teacher said with a worried ‘I wanted to explain it logically’

‘I am her Umma let’s leave it at that’ Minho fumed. Rocking the crying child in his arms. ‘There, there I’m here –I got you’

‘But Mr Choi –she need to learn at this young age the truth of male and fema-’

‘I am her Umma –I gave birth to her –don’t give me the male/female crap –okay we are not confusing her we are telling her the truth!’ Minho snapped as Hee young clung onto him tight as he shouted still sobbing her little eyes out.

‘Mr Choi this is a serious matter’

‘Look’ Taemin said ‘What we say here stays in this room understand –if you tell we shall take you to court’ he threatened. The teachers and nurse stayed silent.

‘Minho was born with both male and female parts –we had and she was created –okay’ Taemin looked at the shocked, and horrified looks on their faces. ‘Minho is her biological mother’

‘But –But –prove it’ the teacher said. Minho passed the girl over to Taemin and pulled at his shirt lifting it up to show the scar line. ‘See’

‘That could be any scar?’ the teacher mumbled.

The nursed turned pulling a lollypop from the draw and passed it to the crying girl ‘Here you go darling’ she said the little girl looked up from Taemin’s neck and took the sweet. She fiddled with the wrapper before holding it out at Taemin ‘Appa –stuck’


Minho sat down in the back office with the head and class teacher explaining the details of how Hee Young was born. Taemin was still in the nurse’s room with Hee young in his arms who had cried herself to sleep. The lolly clumped in her hand as she slept.

‘Was she a big surprise then?’ the nurse asked.

Taemin laughed and nodded ‘Yup –I didn’t know for a while about her she was already kicking when I found out’

The nurse smiled ‘She’s a beautiful little girl’ Taemin smiled and kissed the dark raven hairs on her head.

‘Of course she is, she has my good looks’ the nurse chuckled and looked though the computer files ‘Does she have any disabilities, from the birth?’

‘She was fine –though she a bit slow in the understanding things section and I think that she struggles to pronouns certain words’. Hee young mumbled against Taemin’s chest and dropped the lolly the sticky sweet stuck to his shirt. Taemin being a typical parent groaned but knew that by the end of the day he was probably going to be cover in more stuff by his daughter.


Minho exited the classroom with an expression that had Taemin worried Minho sighed ‘we’ll take her home for today –come on’

Taemin put the sleeping girl into the car seat strapping her in and then climbing into the driver’s seat. Minho was sat in the passenger seat hands hiding his face.

‘Minho Hyung?’ Minho looked up with watering eyes ‘Hey Hyung what the matter what did they say?’

‘They said that I should find a female to be her mother for a while so she (Minho did the speech marks quote with his fingers) can experience a real Umma’.

‘But we have Key for that –or the girls, and you are her Umma –we don’t really need a female until she like started puberty or something’ Taemin said. Minho nodded ‘I know’


‘Umma food’ Hee Young called as she sat swinging her leg on the table seat. Minho stirred tipped the noodles into a small bowl.

‘Yes Sweetie it’s here’ her eyes lit up at the food that was brought to her, she ate it down fast almost chocking on a few bits. Taemin then walked into the room. Sitting and taking a ready bowl for himself.

‘Umma’ the young girl called wiping her shirt sleeve onto .

‘Yes sweetie’

‘Umma I want, baby brova!’

Minho’s eyes shot wide dropping his chop sticks staring at his daughter while Taemin chocked and splutted on his noodles coughing and hitting his chest.

‘Umma give brova’



(Okay so i hope that first chapter was okay, i have to go make the dinner now)


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Chapter 27: i love the SHINee boys too!!
so good ><
rourouminho #2
Chapter 7: Reading this for the 5th time x)
AUTHOR-NIM!! This is amazing. I was so mad at the reporters and urgh! Why won't people leave them alone!!! I love love love love this!!! XD
Chapter 27: wow really wow this is soo amazing thank you or writing such an amazing story
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 27: This was absolutely lovely. I love this one just as much as I loved the first. But I needa say this now before I forget. You DO realize you've been spelling trial wrong this whole time right? XD
Shanamexchingu #8
Chapter 27: Annyeong omo chukkae this awesome fic very miracle C:
love it