SHINee Miracle.

(THE END IS NIGH THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER :O :O!!!! Are you ready for my attempt at ending it LOL!! Okay here we go.)







Hee young and her adolescent brothers and sister followed the stage manager to their designated reserved seats at the top side section near the huge stage. As they got there they found some friends of their parents. Kim Jongin was one, once known as Kai in his KPOP days, he waved at them, a few of his fellow ex band mates beside also waved.

‘You came’ Hee young smiled.

‘Of course we did wouldn’t miss this for the world’. Kai replied.

Minhyun plopped down beside his sister and typed on his phone taking a picture of the stage in front and then typed some more. Kyung Mi sat beside him and shoved her crutch on the floor before waving at the others. Soon enough Onew’s wife and son turned up and a few more friends of the family.  Every row of seats below was getting more and more packed. Most were females who were in their late 20’s maybe even 30’s some sitting down some standing most wearing old SHINee fan shirts and others holding posters.

A large picture came up on the screen, on the large stage and Hee young snorted aloud at the picture of her parents at such a young age. ‘Appa looks like a mushroom with that hair’ she roared as she slapped Jongin on the arm repeatedly ‘HAHAHAHAHA!’

‘Is that Umma?’ Kyung Mi spoke pointing ‘Woah!’

‘Have you seen our Appa –he looks like –IS THAT MOMA?’

Onew’s son behind them was laughing at the picture of his own father and taking pictures on his phone. His wife saying that was how she first ever saw him on TV when she first started to liked him.

Slowly the pictures started to go through a slide show though of the many years of SHINee. Eventually a few pictures changed where Minho was not in place but another male and Jinki pointed it out.

‘Oh yeah –that was the time when your Umma was pregnant with your Noona, Sudan was his replacement at the time’ Kai informed ‘says so in this book’

Hee young snatched the program book from his hands and she and her siblings skim read the section Jinki eyes grew wide. ‘Sun Sudan –the singer?’ he asked. ‘That’s him -He was in their band once?’

‘Once yes and –oh look family pictures’.

Hee young gasped a baby picture came up of her when she was a newborn Taemin was holding her in his arms with a peg on his nose thumb up and if to say he changed her bum for the first time. Her siblings laughed and giggled at the next few photos. One being where Minho was pulling a face as baby sick was all over his shirt.

‘Oh gosh they are so embarrassing’ Hee young called covering her face yet peaking though her fingers. Then another came up that had the twins gape. Jonghyun stood with a large stomach. Ice cream around his mouth, glaring at the picture being taken of him.

Minhyun snorted and slapped his thigh pointing at the next set of embarrassing pictures. Until another picture turned up of a woman’s pregnant belly, face hidden and Taemin and Minho pointing at it with wide smiles. Then the next picture was of him as a new born.

‘THIS IS SHINee! NOT SHINee KIDS!’ he snapped at the stage. Finally after some over the year’s picture were showed, the kids growing up it finally showed them as the just gone, family at Christmas photo with the Lee/Choi’s the Kim’s and the Lee’s. The PowerPoint went back to the start with young SHINee members on their debut and the teens went back to hysterical laughter. Suddenly the stage went dark, the light went down and all but a thin light came on the stage centre. The room went quiet as there were sounds of shuffling and whispering then the light grew bigger and Minho face came into view wearing an outfit that was of bright blue jeans and a white shirt with his name on. The female’s below was eager for more as some screamed while other cheered.



Minho smiled at the crowd and winked at some of the girls. Hee young rolled her eyes. The light went off again and the children squinted to see the stage. Then a speaker clacked and a tingle of music started. Suddenly the stage light up completely revealing 5 men stood in poses backs to the audience. The fans started the mighty chant as the music started off. ‘LEE JINKI –KIM JONGHYUN –KIM KIBUM –CHOI MINHO –LEE TAEMIN’.

Minho turned stood at the centre holding a microphone to his lips and whispering out loud.

‘SHINee’s BACK!’


The many old fans screamed and cheered, as the 5 males bowed to the crowds they glanced up at their children who was jumping and screaming them praises. The five men held hands and bowed down again.

‘Thank you so much for being here to support us on our reunion we are so glad that you came’ Onew spoke to the crowds ‘you’re the best’

‘Yes thank you’ Taemin spoke though his own microphone waving at the screaming females.

‘We’re really happy you came’ Jonghyun spoke also waving.

‘We also like to thank our friends who came to support us’ Key spoke looking up at the EXO guys and other KPOP artist and friends who came as support. They cheered in response.

Minho then lifted his microphone to his lips and smiled. ‘And mostly thanks to our amazing family our-’ Minho glanced at Onew. ‘-Wives-’ he glanced at Taemin gripping his hand. ‘-Husbands-’ he then smiled at his daughter Hee young who blew him a kiss. ‘-and children’.

Hee young, Jinki, Kyung Mi, Minhyun, Jun ho and Su-hwa cheered back in response. ‘WE LOVE YOU UMMA!’ Kyung Mi screamed.

Minho smiled ‘I love you too honey!’

‘Okay so to end this night we have one last song’ Onew shouted.

The old fans cheered and screamed as the music started up again and the five men moved into position. Singing out the last song that they ever brought out as a band.


Minho hugged his daughter as they met backstage after the show. Key was hugging his son tight and Jonghyun wiped his sweaty face into Kyung Mi face playfully. Taemin greeted the EXO boys while Onew kissed his wife and rubbed at her stomach before cooing at it.

Many years ago Choi Minho found out he was pregnant. Months later he had his perfect Min Miracle. 6 years later a second miracle happened, though Kim Jonghyun that turned into a double miracle.

A SHINee Miracle.




:D :) :/ :( :O!!! IT'S OVER -DONE :o!!!


So tell me waht you thought. Good bad yes no -wow -wtfrack!' :D

I really enjoyed doing this story i wasnt sure it was going to work at first but i'm glad i did :D i hope you enjoyed it too. Soo THANKYOU TO ALL MY AWESOME SUBBIES AND COMMENTS :D they was great :D LOVE YOU!!

New story that will be started soon if your intrest. :D

THE BRO CODE :D I'm excited about it keke. LINK! >>




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Chapter 27: i love the SHINee boys too!!
so good ><
rourouminho #2
Chapter 7: Reading this for the 5th time x)
AUTHOR-NIM!! This is amazing. I was so mad at the reporters and urgh! Why won't people leave them alone!!! I love love love love this!!! XD
Chapter 27: wow really wow this is soo amazing thank you or writing such an amazing story
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 27: This was absolutely lovely. I love this one just as much as I loved the first. But I needa say this now before I forget. You DO realize you've been spelling trial wrong this whole time right? XD
MinMiShine94 #8
Chapter 27: lol how come I didn't realize this chap until now sigh oh well haha now *sob* *sob* that was beautiful unnie :'D best comeback and a beautiful way to end the story haha XD love it thumbs up to you unnie hehe :3
Shanamexchingu #9
Chapter 27: Annyeong omo chukkae this awesome fic very miracle C:
love it