
SHINee Miracle.

(Next chapter ..Enjoy :) )




‘Jonghyun? You’re having my baby?’


Jonghyun starred at Minho with utter shock before he stuttered his reply. ‘Y-you-your baby?, -But –b-but it wa- was –a I don’t understand?’ he looked to the doctors for and explanation.

‘I think I can explain’ One of the doctors spoke. ‘Please sit’

Minho slowly turned and sat down, Jonghyun walked over and sat down beside Minho on the other chair.

‘I have a bad feeling you two know each other?’ Dr Kyung asked. Both males slowly nodded. ‘Oh –well this is really awkward then’

Minho slowly turned to Jonghyun ‘How –why –he’ Minho looked away ‘Explain this’

‘Cleary –we know about your situation Mr Choi –the result being your lovely daughter –who from the last time we saw her is –doing perfectly well?’

‘I didn’t come to talk about my daughter –why is he having my baby?’

‘It’s Key’s baby’ Jonghyun said quietly.

Minho turned to look at Jonghyun with confusion before his eyes got wide again ‘what?’

‘It’s Key’s baby too’

‘You mean to tell me –that you are having my baby that’s half Key too?’

Jonghyun who looked almost crestfallen nodded and a small tear ran down his cheek. ‘Yes’ he whispered.

Minho groaned into his hands letting out a frustrated whine ‘Taemin is going to end up leaving me because of this –this was –NEVER SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!’ Minho snapped suddenly at the doctor ‘REMOVE IT’ he demanded.

Jonghyun looked at Minho in horror wrapping his arms around himself ‘No –I want it’ Minho turned to him.

‘That is mine Jonghyun –that was to trail to see if me and Taemin could have another child –not for me to have your boyfriends baby –what dose Key think to this huh!–as far as I know Key doesn’t want a baby yet?’ Minho stood up angrily ‘ITS NOT EVEN YOURS JONGHYUN’

Jonghyun suddenly broke down and started to cry. ‘I might die’ he sobbed. ‘I don’t want to die’ 

The doctor behind the desk finally spoke again ‘Mr Choi –this has never happened before –this is a breakthrough –reason being that your special set of eggs has caused that foetus in a un-matched un-female body to grow extra protection around itself so it can grow –but if Mr Kim removes it now –he could die –we need to wait it out until we are sure he is safe from harm –it safer this way’.

‘Die? Minho said suddenly changing from angry to sad ‘I don’t want him to die’

He looked at the crying male who was, like Jonghyun did when he cried sobbing like a child with big fat tears and making noises to show he was scared. Minho slowly got down beside Jonghyun and slowly wrapped his arms around him, he closed his eyes tight knowing that things could only get worse from today, he then moved to look at Jonghyun and with a sad sigh said ‘You can carry my baby –Hyung, I’ll be there for you throughout it all, please don’t die’


Taemin paced around the house waiting on news from Minho, part of him was really angry with this ‘women’ who was having Minho’s child, they had no right –it wasn’t even theirs. The thought of Minho bringing in a child that wasn’t his made his pace harsher. Hee young was sat on the sofa watching him walk back and forwards.

‘Umma –gone to get baby sisa’

Taemin looked at her ‘No –he’s going to stop something bad from happening’. He smiled at the little girl ‘once that’s sorted we can sort getting your little sister or brother’

The was a pounding noise on the door and the little girl jumped in surprise Taemin walked over to the door and opened up to see and frustrated looking Key.

‘Hi Tae –you got any –alcohol I need a drink –I can’t stop worrying’ Key walked straight to the cupboard and started searching for a bottle drink. Taemin walked over and dragged Key back before hugging him.

‘Hyung –hold me before I snap something’

‘Why –what is it’ Key asked as Taemin held him a little too tightly.

‘Well –something has happened –and I don’t want it to happen’ Taemin pouted ‘Minho had gone to sort it out’

Key turned to see Taemin looking as sad as he sounded and hugged him ‘Okay tae –tell me what’s going on?’


‘That !’ Key said angrily they was now sat down on the sofa ‘She has no right you know –she’s probably some fan who found out it Minho’s and wants it –oh gosh if a fan has found out Minho’s secret then –what are you going to do they will know that Hee young is –Oh my days –what a !’ Key glared furiously at the carpet as Taemin clamped his daughter’s ears from the rude words.

‘See what I mean –and you know how I feel about a child that isn’t me and Minho –I guess I just have issues!’ Taemin snuggled Hee young closer ‘we was going to find someone this weekend so we could have another’

Key sighed and ruffled Taemin hair then Hee young’s with a cheeky smile. ‘You’re so lucky to have her’ Taemin smiled nodding as he cuddled the girl closer and kissed her cheeks.

‘I am –so what’s going on with Jonghyun –you said he’s been avoiding you –why did he leave?’

Key scoffed ‘He ignored me the whole trip home from Japan –he either slept, listened to his music –or he kept crying but wouldn’t tell me why and then he took off to his parents the moment we landed and now he won’t even text or call me back’

‘Did you have an argument?’

‘No he was all lovely dopey with me then this doctor came –I think maybe that something bad has happened from the trail –like its infected him or something’. Key sighed and wiped away a stray tear ‘I just wish he would tell me and stop hiding’. 

Taemin patted Key arms while Hee young patted his chest trying to sooth him. ‘Keybum –sad with jungyun’

‘What did you say?’ Key said surprised ‘Jungyun? –so that what you called him –he’s was going on about it for weeks’ Key took Hee young hands and smiled ‘It’s Puppy dinosaur got it, or as you say Puppysus’ he pinched her cheeks ‘I want that name to catch on’ 


Jonghyun sat on a bed table with Minho to the side both was silent and they weren’t sure what to talk about. Then a very young women walked in she smiled at them ‘Hello my name is Su-Hwa I will be your ultra sound nurse for today’

Jonghyun gave a small nod as the young women moved around the room. Sorting things and sorting though papers Minho started to laugh to himself. Jonghyun glanced at him ‘What are you laughing at’

‘I was just thinking of the first time –when I saw Hee young’ he smiled ‘it was quite a moment’ he looked at Jonghyun and he smiled slightly faltered ‘I never thought I would ever be in a room with you like this though’

‘Minho –’

The ultra sound nurse looked at Minho and then she tilted her head ‘Are you –that Minho –the one who had a child –what was it 6-7 years ago –over in England?’ 

Minho gave a small nod ‘Yes that was me –I know I kind of famous here right’ he winked at the women who blushed. ‘Did you name your daughter after my aunt then?

‘Hee young?’

‘Yes –my aunt she works in England she worked with you –said that you was going to call the baby after her, and did you’

Minho laughed and nodded ‘Yes we did –how is your aunt –she was very bubbly and a big fan-girl’

‘Oh yes –she was a huge SHINee fan –loved Minho and Taemin’ The women turned back to her papers and sorted the machine out ‘I’m more a Jinki fan, he’s so handsome –oh that smile’ she hummed happily to herself, ‘but –that’s between you and me’. Jonghyun and Minho grinned at each other she then turned to Jonghyun and looked him over slowly her eyes grew wide ‘Wait –are you?’

‘Yes’ Jonghyun said.


A Knock to the door startled them all and Dr Rung walked in ‘Sorry I came to observe seeing as I haven’t lost my job yet, this is my subject my responsibility and I have to –watch’ He walked into the room and sat in the corner. Su-hwa nodded and then asked Jonghyun to lift his shirt, Minho gave another chuck as he remembered doing the same a sculptured chest and a blushing ultrasound lady.

‘Okay this might be cold’ she said squeezing a small amount of liquid onto his stomach. ‘Are you feeling okay?’

Jonghyun gave a small nod ‘Yes’

‘Okay so here we go’ she moved the small item across his abdomen in search of this ‘baby’ she frowned a few times in search. ‘I can’t seem to find this –Oh wait –wait I found it –wow’ she zoomed into a screen shot and frowned ‘Interesting –I’ve never seen anything like that before’ Dr Dung nodded ‘I said the same thing –it like cocooned itself’ the two conversed as Minho starred at the scene this time knowing what to look for he glanced at Jonghyun who looked so confused.

‘Okay Mr Kim –you see this area here where it slightly shaded and this small outline here’ Jonghyun nodded but didn’t really know what she was pointing at ‘That is the baby’ Jonghyun frowned slightly while Minho smiled looking at the picture with a feeling of happiness. His teeth showing as he starred smiling at the small shape of a growing child. 


Key and Taemin felt like they had waited all day for their partners to return. Finally there was a knock at the door and both ran only to find Onew and Sudan both confused on why they had to come over.

‘Jonghyun said he had some news for us?’ Sudan spoke ‘He text me to get everyone over here’

‘He text you but not me’ Key said angrily ‘What the hell!’

After Sudan got a long speech from Key as to why he was texted and not him. The door opened and Minho walked into with Jonghyun behind. ‘Minho’ Taemin said running and hugging the male ‘Where have you been –you said you would be back earlier?’ Minho gulped and then gestured that Taemin sit down.

‘Umma!’ Hee young came from the bedroom and jumped on Minho ‘Umma you come –you got my sisa?’

Minho chuckled ‘No –not yet –I’ He glanced at Jonghyun ‘Soon’ he said. Jonghyun had his head down as Key gave him a small lecture about who was more important and making him worry and all things that frustrated him.

‘Please –I need you all to sit down’ Minho spoke ‘This is –important’

The four sat down and Minho asked Hee young to go play in her room for a bit while they had a big people talk. Hee young gave him a kiss and ran to her room. Jonghyun then slowly sat on the separate seat head down twiddling his fingers.

‘I have some news –I don’t know how you will take this but please listen carefully’ Minho said standing beside Jonghyun. ‘You all know that Jonghyun did a trail test for some money right?’

Three nodded while Key started to talk ‘Has something happened –Jonghyun are you sick?’

‘Key please –just listen’ Key frowned but kept his lips shut. ‘I –well Taemin knows this –a while ago I had one of my eggs used –trailed out so that –that we could find out if me and Taemin could have another child’

‘Where are you going with this?’ Onew asked starring between the two.

‘Was Jonghyun the person who trailed your egg?’ Sudan suddenly asked Key and Taemin looked at Jonghyun. Then at Minho who nodded.

‘Apparently Yes’ Minho said avoiding the two looking at him and looking at Onew instead ‘Something happened?’

‘What happened?’ Taemin asked sitting up more ‘Did it not work –are you saying we can’t have more kids?’ Minho shook his head and glanced at Jonghyun who was now hiding his face in his hands.

‘It worked –it worked too well’

‘So what’s the problem?’ Key asked ‘had it got something to do with Jonghyun being sick, he finished the trail its over –what’s the problem?’

‘He didn’t exactly finish it’ Minho said ‘He forgot to finish it correctly?’ There was a silence before suddenly Sudan gasped.

‘Wait –are you –you? He starred at the two ‘But he’s a man, that’s impossible?’ Minho sighed placing his hand on Jonghyun’s shoulder.

‘Apparently not’ Minho sighed ‘They said I have special eggs’

‘What?’ Key said looking at Sudan to Minho ‘What I don’t’ understand?’

Taemin frowned as he tried to work it out in his head, then his head snapped up and his eyes gave a small squint as he glared. He slowly stood from his seat and all looked to him as he walked over to Minho. Minho watched as Taemin starred at him his fist clenched as the realisation sunk in ‘He’s pregnant isn’t he –with your baby’ Onew and Key gasped and Jonghyun looked up to see Taemin breathing deeply.

Minho looked down and gave 2 small nods. Taemin let out a shaky breath and he wiped away few stray tears, he his feet and walked quickly away.

‘Taemin wait’ Minho chased after him grabbing his wrist ‘Please let me explain’ Taemin yanked his arm away and pushed Minho.

‘No Minho –you know how I feel about this stuff!’ Taemin snapped as tears filled his eyes.

‘But Tae –it’s not what you –’

‘NO! I don’t want to hear it –leave me alone’ he grabbed his coat and shoes and walked out slamming the door.

Minho shouted out a frustration and turned back to see Key now sat looking just as angry as Taemin had. Jonghyun was watching him.

‘Key –I’

‘Don’t’ Key slowly stood up and walked to the door almost like he was too shocked to react ‘I need to go on walk –I’ll be back’ he said calmly yet rigid. Jonghyun watched as Key left the house.

Minho turned to see Hee young stood in the hallway looking worried as she had just watched Taemin leave after pushing away Minho. She looked at Minho with wide eyes ‘Appa come back?’

Minho bit his lips and looked away ‘Later –go back to your room sweetie’ the small girl starred at the door before slowly turning and with her head hung low turned to her bedroom.





(So what do you think ..was the reactions okay -they cold have gone one day or another ?? i hope this one was good choice :) )



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Chapter 27: i love the SHINee boys too!!
so good ><
rourouminho #2
Chapter 7: Reading this for the 5th time x)
AUTHOR-NIM!! This is amazing. I was so mad at the reporters and urgh! Why won't people leave them alone!!! I love love love love this!!! XD
Chapter 27: wow really wow this is soo amazing thank you or writing such an amazing story
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 27: This was absolutely lovely. I love this one just as much as I loved the first. But I needa say this now before I forget. You DO realize you've been spelling trial wrong this whole time right? XD
Shanamexchingu #8
Chapter 27: Annyeong omo chukkae this awesome fic very miracle C:
love it