Chapter 11: Someone's in trouble


Early next morning, Chaerin, Ryo, Minji and JB we're eating their breakfast together with Mr.Lee, Agent Bommie goes to the hospital early that morning together with some of their co-agents to check on Ga-yun's condition while Agent C.M is still sleeping

"I have an idea girls.." Mr.Lee said to them, the 4 look at him while they are eating

"Why don't you 4 together with Agent Bommie and Agent C.M goes to our Rest house in Gyeonggi-do?" he asked them

"For real Dad?!" Chaerin said, Mr. Lee nodded his head

"I think it's just right to give you guys a break and them too.." he said

"Did you talk to Agent C.M and Bommie about this, Uncle?" Minji asked

"Yes, i said it to Agent Bommie before she leaves , you can tell Agent C.M about this.." he answered, as soon as Minji and JB heard what he said, they immediately stand up but Mr. Lee stop them

"Get back to your sits ladies.." he said smiling, the two look at each other and head back to their sits

"Let her rest for a while, you can tell her later when she wakes up.." he said

"Yes Uncle!" JB answered

"I'll be the one telling her not you two.." Chaerin said

"You? As in you?!" Minji asked, Chaerin nod her head

"But you can't talk to her straight, you always stammering when your talking to her.." JB added, Ryo laugh but covered when Chaerin give her a deadly stare

"Uh... ahm.. i.. no.." Minji said mimicking her Unnie, JB, Mr. Lee and Ryo laugh

"Stop it! I'm just shy, you know, i'm choosing my word wisely.." she answered

"Do you like Agent C.M, Chaerin?" her Dad ask her, she look at him and she saw him smiling

"I.. uh.. ahm.." she heard giggles and saw JB and Minji looking at her

"Aisht, i'm done, i'm just gonna check on Agent C.M if she's okay.." she said, she excuse herself so she can go upstairs

"Why don't you prepare her some breakfast.." she heard her father said

"I think she'll like that.." he added, Chaerin smiled from ear to ear, she quickly run to the kitchen to get some plates and glass

"She really likes her huh?" Mr. Lee asked his nieces

"Yes Uncle! I think its' more than 'like'.." Minji answered, then they look at her, she's holding a tray with some plates, utensils and glass with matching roses

"Uh what's with the rose, Unnie?" Ryo ask

"Oh uhm you know ah i just want to say thank you again.." she answered not looking at her, Ryo nodded her head

"Okay done, i'm just going to bring these to her.." she said and walk towards the stairs

"Don't walk to fast and don't get too excited for bringing your soon to be girlfriend some breakfast in bed.." Minji said causing the others to laugh, Chaerin ignore her and continue walking



At the Hospital..

"Her condition is stable now but i won't allow you to talk to her right now, she needs to rest for a while.." Dr. Yoon said to Bom, she's looking at her outside her room thru a glass window

"I understand doctor but please give me a call as soon as you can allow us to talk to her.." she answered

"I will Agent Bommie and these guys will be here 24/7?"

"Yes Dr. Yoon, if someone tried to visit her even her families or friends you can call Mr.Choi as soon as possible.."

"Noted Agent Bommie, excuse me for a minute, i have some other patients waiting.." she answered, Bom bow her head and look at Ga-yun again

*You are our key in finding out who's behind all this. I hope you'll cooperate with us..* she said to herself and walk away to talk to the Agents who will guard Ga-yun for 24/7



Back at the Mansion

Chaerin placed the tray she's holding on the top of the table beside Agent C.M's bed, she carefully sits on the bed not wanting to wake her up, she smiled when she saw how peaceful she is while sleeping

*She's still pretty while she's asleep* she said to herself, she look at Agent C.M's lips

*I bet that lips is soft and... you ert stop that! It's too early in the morning!* she scold herself, she shook her head and sigh, she look at her again

"I wish i have the guts to say that i really like you.." she whispered, she stare at her for a while then Agent C.M move, she quickly stand up hoping she didn't caught her staring at her or heard what she said

"Chaerin?" she called her, Chaerin look at her and smiled

"I.. uhm.. good morning..i.. ah brought you some breakfast.." she said pointing at the tray on the top of the table

"Oh baby your so sweet and good morning too.." Dara said while smiling, she stand up from her bed and head to the bathroom

"I'll be right back.." she said to Chaerin before she enters the door, Chaerin sigh and look herself at the mirror the  comb her hair using her fingers

"Why did you brought me a breakfast?" she suddenly heard Agent C.M's voice, she quickly turn around to face her

"Uhm, nothing, i..  ahm you know i still want to say thank you for what you've done"

"I think you already thanked me a million times last night.." she answered, Dara took the tray and place it on a much bigger table in their room

"Hey sit here, join me.." she said, tapping the chair beside her, Chaerin nod and take a sit, Dara saw a bread, some sausage and eggs on the plates and a glass of orange juice

"Here eat some.." Dara said

"We will share a plate?" Chaerin ask

"Yes, you don't want too?"

"No, i mean yes, uhm aisht i mean it's fine with me if we will share the plate.." Dara smiled at her

"Chaerin-ah, i want you to be comfortable with me, i feel like everytime your with me, i make you feel nervous.."

"No, of course not.. Why would i be nervous?"

"Yeah why would you?" Chaerin don't know how she'll answer her question

*Yeah why are you so nervous Chaerin? I thought your going to make this girl quit her job before this month end?!* her mind said

"Oh shut up mind!" she whispered

"Huh? What did you say?" Dara asked

"Oh nothing, nothing, ahm let's eat.." she said, she took half of the bread Dara gave her then she remembered that she's going to tell her about the vacation

"Uhm Agent C.M.." she said



"Just call me Dara, Agent C.M is too formal.." she answered

"Ahm okay.. D-dara.."

"Yes my love?" Chaerin didn't respond, she just staring at her

"Your spacing out again.." she heard her voice

"You called me 'love'" she said

"Yes why? You don't want too?"

"Ahm it's okay.." she answered before Dara can speak Chaerin immediately say something

"Dad wants us to go on a vacation, we have a rest house in Gyeonggi-do. He already told Agent Bommie about it.."

"Really? Oh that's so cool! What did Unnie said?" Dara asked her

"I don't know but i think she said yes.." Dara gave her a hug

"I can't wit to go on a vacation!" she said to her still hugging her

"Me too Dara.." Chaerin said, she smiled and hug Dara back

"Oh my! So you two are together now?! NOw girlfriend and girlfriend?" they heard JB's voice, Chaerin quickly break the hug which cause Dara to smirk at her

"No.. She's not.. my g-girlfriend.." Chaerin answered and put a sausage in

"I thought that breakfast is for her? Then why are you eating her food?" Minji asked, the 3 already went in, Minji and JB are sitting on Dara's bed while Ryo is still standing

"Well girls i want her to have a breakfast with me, it's kinda lonely when you eat alone.." she answered

"Did Unnie tell you that we're going on a vacation?" Ryo ask her

"Yes she did and i'm very excited!" Dara said, they all smiled at her

"Isn't that cool Unnie!! Wow our own vacation!!" JB said, Dara run towards the two and sit in between them

"That's really cool! I wonder what we can do while we're there?" she asked

"Oh we can go to beach, fishing and we have some jet ski's there too.." Minji said

"Or you can cuddle with Unnie then fishing then cuddle with her again.." JB added, Chaerin throw her a pillow

"Don't tease my baby like that guys.." Dara said

"Baby?!" the 3 exclaimed while Chaerin alomst choke and cough a little, Ryo gave her the glass with orange juice

"Are you okay sweetie?" Chaerin just nod in respond to her, Dara put her arms on JB and Minji's shoulder

"So baby huh?" Minji asked her they all laugh when Chaerin rolled her eyes at her cousin



When Bom arrived the 4 excitedly pulled her and tell her about the vacation, she keeps on laughing and telling the girls that she already knew about it and they decided to leave tomorrow morning, Gyeongggi-do is a 2 hours drive from Seoul, Mr.Lee told them also to buy some stuff they need for their one week vacation. Bom also gave some gadgets and new guns to Dara, Mr.Choi gave it to her when she drop by at their headquarters. Like their routing when they are going out, Bom drive JB's car and Dara's drive Chaerin's


At the Mall..

"Okay where are we gonna go first?" Bom asked the 4, she and Dara doesn't need to buy anything

"We need to buy something from the groceries, Unnie then later at the department store.." Ryo answered

"Okay then let's go.." Agent Bommie is walking ahead of them while Agent C.M is behind the four

"I need your help guys.." Chaerin whispered to them

"Huh?" Ryo asked

"I said i need your help.."

"Help for what Unnie?" Minji asked

"I want to buy something for Agent Bommie and C.M and i don't want them to follow me, Minji and JB, you try to lure them for a while, while me nd Ry will buy some stuffs" she explained

"ARE YOU NUTS?!!" JB yelled

"Are you guys okay?" they heard Agent C.M's voice while Bommie look at them too

"Uhm yes we're fine, JB's overreacting again.." Minji answered, Dara nod her head while Bom continue walking

"Be quiet! Aisht!" Chaerin said

"You want us to lure them? Don't you know that Agent Bommie will kill us if she finds out that we let you two escape without telling them?!" JB said

"She's right! Agent Bommie is scary and we don't want to mess with her.." Minji added

"Oh come on guys, we won't take long, just lure them for 20 minutes.. please.." Chaerin said, they all look at each other

"Okay but hurry.." Minji answered



When they arrived at the store, Minji and JB quickly pulled Bom and Dara's hand away from the two

"Are you sure about this?" Ryo sked her, Chaerin just nod, she took seomt jacket inside her bag

"Wear this.." she said, Ryo did what Chaerin told her to do then when they are ready they leave the store to buy something for them

"What are you planning to buy?" Ryo asked her while they are walking, they keep on looking at their surrounding to find if something is following them

"Ahm i heard that Agent Bommie loves corn, so we'll buy a pillow or stuff toy that look like a corn.." she answered

"And for Agent C.M?"

"Ahm.. I.. uh.. i'm planning to buy a necklace for her.."

"Necklace?" Ryo smiled at wht she heard

"Yes you heard me right a necklace.."

"Oookkaaayyy.." they went silent for a while

"Ahm Ryo, can i ask you something?" Chaerin said

"Sure what is it, Unnie?" Ryo asked

"W-what makes you sure that you like and love my cousin?" Chaerin didn't look at her, she's close with Ryo, she's a nice and smart girl, she's their friend since they were 8 years old, she's 25 while Ryo is 24, Minji is 22 while JB is 21

"Well she's the only one who can make me happy, everytime i'm with her i feel complete, i want to protect her always, be there for her no matter what, eventhough sometimes her joke is corny, i still laugh at it and most importantly she's the reason why i wanted to wake up every morning.." she explained, Chaerin look at her friend, she has this smile on her face

"Why did you ask, Unnie?" Ryo said

"Ahm, nothing.. I just want to know.." she answered

"You like Agent C.M but i think it's more than that, am i right?" Chaerin didn't answer, Ryo put her arm on her shoulder

"Don't fight if you feel something growing inside you, it's normal, besides who can't love Agent C.M, she's pretty, funny and nice.." Ryo said

"Aisht! I-i don't love her okay.."

"Okay if you say so Unnie.." she answered and give Chaerin a wink

*I'll talk to Ryo once we arrive at our rest house, she can help me to figure out what i'm really feeling for Dara though i know that i like her so much* Chaerin said to herself


At the Store

"Are you girls gonna talk or not?!" Bom asked the two, JB nudge Minji's elbow but the latter just glared at her cousin

15 minutes later

"Done! Now let's head back to the store before they found out that we're gone.." Chaerin said to Ryo, she's the one holding the stuff toy while Chaerin but the box of necklace on the pocket of her jacket, Ryo walks ahead of Chaerin and headed to the door but she stop on her tracks when she saw someone, Chaerin who's looking for her phone didn't realize that Ryo had stopped so she bump into her

"Aisht Ryo!! What are you doin' standing there?" she asked but Ryo didn't say anything

"Yah!" Chaerin said again, Ryo look at her point something, Chaerin follow her finger and saw a mad Dara looking at them, her hand on her waist, she walks towards the two girls

"What did i just tell you huh?!" she asked almost screaming, she doesn't care if people will stare at them

"Ahm..i.. uh.." Chaerin said she look at Ryo to ask for her help

"Uhm Unnie we just bo---" Dara cut her off

"I don't care!! I told you not to wander around the mall without us!!" she answered, before Chaerin can say anything, Dara turned her back on them, she walk away passing Minji, JB and Bom who's looking at her sister

"You two, let's go.." Bom said, Chaerin and Ryo walks towards them

"Someone's in trouble.." JB whispered to Minji while Bom slap her shoulder


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 32: Oh I miss it so I re read it again I cant get enough pls hope you will update soon the bodyguard 2...pls
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 32: Well ill be waiting for the update of the body guard 2.0 hope you will finish the story tnx
che21lo15 #3
Chapter 32: Very funny and romantic story...hope the next story will also be more nice and most romantic and ended well....
Aigoo its my bday and this is a recomended one by my master so ill fully enjoy reading this...the beginning was so funny aigoo hahaha thanks in advance authornim :-)
bittersweetlover #5
Chapter 32: Nice story... I hope you'll update bodyguard 2.0 though... It's been ages!!!
This sounds a little insane but this is my 4th time reading bodyguard... but its just sitting there on the list of stories when im checking for updates so i cant help it
Chapter 32: Funny,lots of action. Its like Charlies 'Chaera' Angels. I love it. Thanx 4 sharing. N look forward for your another story. ^_^
Chapter 32: this the second time i'm reading this and it's really great story...
huskylover #9
Chapter 32: my fav fic right now hehe ^^
keep on your good work author-nim.
You worked hard ^^